fortune-maiden · 6 years
aphnoregs replied to your photoset: I have to say, Happy & Turn really reminds me of...
Probably a general magical girl reference (more likely Mahou Tsukai Precure than Nanoha), but my AU-obsessed brain says Nanoha AU @fortune-maiden
Oh wow the Precure attacks do look kinda similar (I know absolutely nothing about Precure ahaha) so guess it's not a Nanoha reference lol ^^"
How would a Nanoha AU work? :D
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coe-lilium · 6 years
aphnoregs ha risposto al tuo post : [whispers I just noticed you were (are?) into...
(I do feel like, on a personal level, Force could have been written better without shafting the female leads or the male leads. But that’s just me seeing lost potential didndkodjdkd) Also, ty for answering! I hope it hasn’t been too weird for me to ask these questions out of the blue aaa
That would’ve 100% potentially increased Force’s writing (and also made it not suffer that much -?- of imho deserved fan backslash).
Imho Force also set, more strongly than previous entries, an annoying precedent, which is established characters “jobbing” in front of the new enemy, so the whole conflict can be set up as “underdog good guys vs overwhelming bad guys... until our heroes get a cool shiny upgrade” (from what I remember Strikers didn’t suffer from this -or not as badly-, but the movies do and it’s really frustrating). 
As I said, I love Force weapons designs but loathe what’s behind them, the Hucklesomething-I-can’t-be-bothered family ability/virus negating magic, basically rendering devices useless and reducing fights as shiny gun vs edgy gun or sword, when techno-magic was a staple of the franchise. 
Also, pls don’t apologize, the ask option is there for this precise reason :D
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ioryuu · 6 years
aphnoregs replied to your photoset “Some fem!Ryuu doodle two diffrent version because why not haha[[MOR]...”
The difference is striking and you've evolved quite a bit ^^
Ahhhh thank you!!!
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devouredreaper · 7 years
  The Scorpio Races and Tricks as early Christmas...
AYYYY congrats!
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tsukiyamers · 7 years
aphnoregs replied to your photo: hes my bookmark ( @ynna-anny my package came...
asdkfj;asie this is ad ora b l e!
i love him smmmm
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floweryuu · 7 years
Spring or Summer is your favourite season? (Based on the ask meme thing orz) - Lulas
My favourite season is Summer!!! thank you Lulas!!!
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vampslxsher · 7 years
aphnoregs replied to your post “Not only am I a self shipper I also ship ocs who have no business...”
//petpetpets you from afar
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deuterium51614 · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
@aphnoregs @shirachancosplayer @vagarius
Here are your cards!
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nardavielwrites · 6 years
Title: The Meeting Room Fandom: Boueibu (Harry Potter AU) Pairings: Kinatsuen Rating: G
It's almost time for the Christmas holiday, and as usual, Kinshirou is dreading leaving Hogwarts. It's up to En and Atsushi to cheer him up on their last night at school.
Written for @aphnoregs.
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angelluckovich · 7 years
Tagged by @xyoutubexshipperx Thanks for the tag
Rules: answer 30 some questions and 20 something blogs you would like to get to know better.
I tag @j-ellyfish @aphnoregs @magiccatprincess @mystofthestars @littlefantasy-kimura @kira-7  and well if you wanna go and do it, do it XDD 
1. Nicknames: Angel... at some moment some people called me ChibiChibi and Romano.
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Libra
4. Height: 1,58 cm
5. Time: 11:08 a.m
6. Birthday: September 27th (pretty girl over here LOL)
7. Favourite bands: The Rasmus, 30 Seconds to Mars... may I include SolidS as well XD
8. Favourite solo artist: maybe Chris Daughtry //edit/ HOW COME I FORGOT ADAMA LAMBER! ADAM LAMBERT IS MY FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST!
9. Song stuck in my head: Jinsei Hard Mode
10. Last movie I watched: Justice League
11. Last show I watched: ah... this one is hard... guess it was Two and a Half Men
12. When did i create my blog: April 2013, I’m not sure about the month tho...
13. What do i post: Boueibu, Tsukipro, Charinina (SNB), starting to post more about Juuni Taisen, anime I like, random stuff
14. Last thing I googled: Jinsei Hard Mode LOL... needed to check the name XD I mainly know the song as “ai shitatte” XD
15. Do i have any other blogs: some... like 3... but this is my main one
16. Do i get asks: Nope, but I would like to geet more
17. Why I chose my url: well it’s one of my nick (which is practically a shirt form of my name) plus a last name I once heard that I really like and so it happened... it’s kind of normal tbh
18. Following: people who reblog stuff I like, amazing artists and people with cool ideas... plus some blogs about travelling...
19: Followers: great people, and I take advantage to thank those people who usually reblog whatever I do with such wonderful tags!
21.  Average hours of sleep: 7, but if you let me sleep 8 or more I would be thankful!
22. Lucky number: 27, tho I have never won anything with that number LOL
23. Instruments: none...  
24. What am I wearing: jeans, and an orange top
25. Dream job: teaching English in Japan and the most impossible one mangaka LOL
26. Dream trip: JAPAN! after that I think I can die and I wouldn’t have any complains about my life, and I want to go back to Italy and I also want to go to Russia... I need to sell a kidney LOL
27. Favourite food: chicken... 
28. Nationality: Costa Rican
30. Favourite song right now: all SolidS song.... like being honest I’m so in love with SolidS... but trying to select my top three, it would be Squall, Canaria and Burny!!!
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fortune-maiden · 6 years
aphnoregs replied to your photo: Can’t say I expected Kyotaro to be the nicknamer...
wonder if the case with Nanao is because he’s his senpai? As for Ata and the SC… somewhat suspicious
For Nanao, that does seem likely (and I imagine that would be the case for Taiju as well then)
Maybe for Ata, Kyotaro didn't start nicknaming people until after their falling out? So Ata is still Ata.
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mercysorrows · 7 years
-hugs back- thanks ;w;
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devouredreaper · 7 years
  Guess who’s going to see The Golden Circle in a...
Have fun, Alis/Mint!!
Thaaaank -u-
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mystofthestars · 7 years
I was tagged by @nardaviel :D 
Name: Myst (which isn’t my real name) 
Nicknames: Myst 
Gender: female 
Star sign: cancer, capricorn ascendant 
Height: 1.63  
Sexuality: En Yufuin 
Hogwarts house: hufflepuff I guess 
Favorite animal: I love so many animals!!! Wolfs and crows maybe? 
Average hours of sleep: usually around 7 
Current time: 11.20 
Dog or cat person: both 
Blankets you sleep with: 2 comforters cause I like sleeping warm 
Dream trip: the nordic countries in Europe, Greece, Japan again because because Japan is beautiful 
Dream job: writer (though I write a lot for my current job anyway) 
When I made my blog: 2011 
Followers: some hundreds 
Why I made a tumblr: it was back in the days when a lot of people were migrating from LJ to tumblr, so I followed. The initial idea was to use for sketches and wips but then it became a mess. 
Reason for my URL: misspelled song lyrics. It’s the URL I use on most sites.
Tag 10 some people: I feel this meme has been going around a lot?? anyway just in case @magiccatprincess @mostlikelytofangirl @cupkayke @aphnoregs @angelluckovich @snooddogg @unfortunatelycake (and here I’m kinda curious to know about your url) @thatlittledandere and whoever wants to do it.
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lanliingwang · 7 years
[quiet lowkey changes icon from En to Oikawa]
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arjunaimagines · 6 years
Arjuna interacting with his Master, who just kinda stumbled upon the war and summoned him by accident (a la Shirou and Saber)? If that's alrighty
i uh. i went overboard and accidentally made an entire arjuna route. type-moon hire me.
Well. This is a predicament that Arjuna never expected to find himself in. Could this be another trick of the gods?
Since you’re no incredible Association magus with a long lineage, you’ve got a tough time managing Arjuna’s lofty mana consumption requirements. He’s not nearly as bad as his brother, but for you that’s like comparing a boulder to a slightly bigger boulder.
He tries to accommodate for your handicap. He doesn’t like that he’s not at full power, but Arjuna will take what he can get. And despite your lack of knowledge, he patiently explains to you how to view his status and what the Holy Grail War is in the first place.
Also, you’re on a time limit. If you don’t prove your worth as a Master to him despite your handicaps in time he might just kill you and find someone else to contract with. Just Servants who really want the Grail things. Independent Action is a pretty helpful skill.
You manage, though, against all odds, and the two of you actually manage to take down Rider within the first week of your partnership.
Arjuna maintains his butler-like composure and humility during most of your time together. He smiles politely when you request his help and he answers any questions of yours that don’t pry too much into his heart. And after you prove your worth, he lightens up a little and his respect is a lot less superficial.
Servants and Masters can share dreams. One night, you see his face shortly after he killed Karna. And you let it slip that you saw his smile.
You two have been through a lot. You’ve taken down Rider, Assassin, and even severely wounded Berserker with the help of a temporary alliance with Saber. And he’s gotten to know you well. He starts to see the little things about you and learns to appreciate them. He thinks to himself that, if he could remember his past contracts, then you might be one of the best Masters he’s ever had.
He doesn’t want to obey that dark side of him. Arjuna wants to stay with you until the end, but he can’t stop thinking that he has no choice.
He comes close to killing you, but you stay his hand without even using a Command Spell. You calm him down. You tell him that he’s not as evil as he thinks he is, that everyone has a dark side to them. That you won’t tell anybody about this. If he wants to keep it a secret, then so be it.
After that, you notice he’s pretty dang protective of you. And before your final battle, he tells you he’s glad that he met you. 
Nobody wins this Holy Grail War; the Heaven’s Feel could not be completed due to the loss of the Lesser Grail. Arjuna expends the last of his mana to protect you, making you the only survivor. He disappears with a genuine smile on his face.
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