#maybe make a promise w one of the castle staff & their family to keep training dogs through generations so there'll always be a rag for her
cinnamonsikwate · 27 days
watching the first 2 episodes of frieren last year shook me so bad i still can't get myself to continue it, but between what i remember of it and the nightmares episode of dungeon meshi i can't stop thinking about the ways laios would prepare marcille for his death. what would he leave behind to remind her that he (and by extension all the people she loved and who loved her) are still with her in spirit, even if not in body?
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ikeservant · 4 years
helleuuu i was hoping to plz request some i-want-a-baby crazy/pregnant MC+lord reactions/hcs with kenshin, mitsuhide, ieyasu, and mitsunari?? though any/all would be fascinating. loooove how you write these hunky lords~~ thank you in advance either way!! (sry for poor english ^^)
Thank you! I lowkey get baby fever with babies and cute lil kids and my mama bear instincts kick in so mc is relatable in this hc in that aspect >w<. I hope you enjoy!
Baby fever mode: Kenshin noticed that every time he’d go out with mc she would be in a state of bliss when she saw a baby or a small child. He would be DRAGGED by her when she saw a baby, asking the mom how old the baby was and cooing over the baby while Kenshin just stared, not seeing the appeal over a weak and slobbery infant. Until he saw the eyes of mc light up as she cradled a friend’s baby did it click how much mc was in full mama attitude mode and how maybe he might want to have a baby of their own. It wasn’t until mc upfront asked him after waving goodbye to another baby on the street “Do you want kids someday?” Although he was hesitant with the idea of having children, especially with the possibility of losing mc during childbirth, mc’s face made it clear that one of her biggest desires is to be a mother. “Our children will be the greatest that ever lived.”
Pregnant mode: Ultimate executor of mc’s desires. Her wish is his command and is so involved in his sense of duty to provide to the love of his life and their baby that he does not get bothered by her crankiness. Will be super worried if she starts crying or winces in pain because anything that hurts his mc in any way is gonna pay the price! Would evaluate mc 24/7and satisfy her food cravings no matter how weird they were. Would be on Sasuke like butter on toast to recall any knowledge and procedures to help with pregnancy/childbirth bc he is so paranoid and worried for the now two things in his life. Their baby hasn’t been born yet but he has already sworn that he would absolutely die/kill for mc and their future baby.
Baby fever mode: When one of the trusted castle staff had nobody to watch her baby as she had to run an errand, Mitsuhide noticed mc almost propelling herself forward and offering to babysit in a split second. He watched as mc took care of the baby, especially when she was amazed with every single thing the baby did. The baby just had to make a noise or clap their lil hands together and she’d be the most amazed person in the world (he actually got a bit jealous of the baby for that). He decided to get an embarrassed reaction out of her by saying “We might have to make some babies of our own to keep you amused like that, little mouse.”he’d suggestively smirk, expecting her to be caught off guard, except her enthusiastic “YES PLEASE” both surprised him and made him extremely happy on the inside. He never thought he deserved to have a family of his own but mc gave that hope and opportunity and he was gonna take it.
Pregnant mode: Probably noticed before mc did. Would have to tone it down on the teasing unless he wants to actually make his pregnant mc cry. Her workload would magically reduce drastically (maybe bc Mitsu convinced Nobunaga to give her time to relax). If her feet started to hurt he’d scoop her up and carry her because he didn’t want her feet to hurt anymore and her reactions are priceless. When taking her food craving order to Masamune, he loves to see his astonished and disgusted reaction to the strange food combos but would comply. Finds himself gazing at the baby bump, amazed how beautiful and fragile life is and how he will protect it no matter what.
Baby fever mode: When mc heard one of the castle staff talking about how her baby was getting sick a lot, she charged right in there and promised an arrangement to be made with THE doctor Ieyasu. Of course mc’s plea for checking on a sick baby is met with a begrudging yes cuz he has a kind heart and he knows mc is soft for babies. When the maid brought her baby in mc suddenly started to fawn over the baby before remembering why the baby was here. She would still tickle the baby’s foot and let the baby hold her finger to calm down. Ieyasu couldn’t help but gaze at her being so awestruck and loving to the baby. “We should have a baby, Ieyasu.” *cue Ieyasu getting a surprised coughing fit and blush*Would brush it off at first but at the end of the day would say yes, even though babies can be annoying and frustrating, he would bear that and love their child.
Pregnant mode: TBH would know mc was pregnant before she did. Would be the king of making tea and herbal remedies to combat morning sickness and get plenty of nutrients. Makes some good foot cream as well. He researches everything he can about pregnancy and worries constantly on the inside. Tones down his contrary remarks so mc doesn’t get upset and learns to be cool and hospitable more so than ever. Mc is always on his mind 24/7 and he’s constantly listing things to do to help her and ensure she and their baby will be the healthiest that they possibly can, working himself into a frenzy and feeling like he’s not doing enough, but mc reassures him he’s doing all he can. He never thought he’d ever find love, much less have a family with the love of his life, so he thanks the universe as he puts his hand on mc’s stomach as she’s sleeping.
Baby fever mode: One of the soldiers brought his baby to training, going to Mitsunari to explain that he couldn’t train because his wife was sick and couldn’t care for the baby that day. Mc heard the word baby and RAN to them. “I can watch the baby as you train!” “I do not want to trouble you, prince-“ “I WILL WATCH THE BABY”. Mc enthusiastically received the baby as the soldier went back to the lines. During break Mitsunari walked up to mc still watching the baby and noticed how overjoyed she was.“That was nice of you to watch his baby, mc.” “I kind of have baby fever right now so it works out for the best.” “Baby fever? Is that bad?” “Oh no it’s a saying for people that really love babies and really want a baby.” “Would the cure for baby fever be having a baby? If so, I’d love to do that.” “YES”
Pregnant mode: Definitely read through every single book possible about pregnancy and parenthood to be the best aid and father possible. He’s really good at strategizing and scheduling health plans for mc but execution wise is somewhat terrifying. Mc tactfully suggests for Masamune to make her meals after Mitsunari set the whole kitchen on fire. Mitsunari already has a tough time caring for himself and his health, but he takes mc’s pregnancy as seriously as a battle plan and is always careful around her. He wants to be as dependable as possible to mc and will be of greater focus than he is with himself. He will prevent her from tripping on anything but that doesn’t prevent himself from tripping. As long as mc and their baby will be safe and happy, he’d be willing to take on all the bruises and burns in the world.
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yuuri-nsane · 4 years
Fandom: Yuuri On Ice
Ship: Viktuuri [Viktor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuuri]
T/W: none, but if you read this and feel that there should be a warning for a certain something, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Summary: Crown Prince Viktor Nikiforov has grown into quite the dashing young man. He's charming, good-looking, and surprisingly witty. His highness, although considered quite the social butterfly, likes to spend time alone in the royal gardens at ungodly hours of the night. What happens when someone interrupts his way there, in a partially concerning, yet impressive way?
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]
a/n: hey guys!! this is a viktuuri royalty au, as requested by @confusedgayscreeching! thank you so much for the request, and for motivating me!
anyway, i hope you guys enjoy this! there isn't so much action here, but it was so fun to write! i might even make a part two? ps. please please please let me know if you see any errors or spelling mistakes! and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! thank you!
He shuffled quietly through the halls of the castle, his footsteps only barely above a whisper. His movements were precise, sharp. It was as if he'd done this a million times before, which, of course, he had.
It wasn't his first time sneaking out of his room after dark, but then again, you could never be too careful. Not when you're the crown prince and a handful of guards have sworn loyalty to you and your family - it was basically a subtle promise of imprisonment. Viktor scoffed in exasperation, shaking his head; he had to focus, dammit! Or else he'd get caught again. And God knows how much trouble he'd gotten into last time.
He slipped through a pair of grand wooden doors leading into the kitchen, opting to use the door in the back to leave the castle and go venture into the gardens. He clambered his way past the central island on his left, several utensils hanging above and glistening in the moonlight. Quiet grey light shone through the obscenely large window behind said utensils, forcing glowing streaks to bounce through the shiny metal that hung above, and to rest peacefully on the wall adjacent.
Viktor reached for the door, pushing ever so slightly, a somber creak emitting from the motion - as he perked his head through. A tuft of silver hair spiked into the gap, ruffling slightly from the biting breeze of the night.
He scanned the view before him, a quick, calculating observation before he deemed it safe to step outside. He made to open the door entirely, before he was pulled backward, a sudden arm wrapping around his shoulders from behind him, lead by a quick flicking wrist which smacked a hand onto his mouth quite ungracefully.
The crown prince couldn't help the strangled exclamation that gargled in his throat. His eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed, both in confusion and minute panic. He was forced to bend backwards slightly, giving him the impression that his captor was smaller than himself, albeit by quite a bit. It wasn't until he felt a soft thud from behind, suggesting the two had been backed into the opposing wall of the window, that he heard a voice.
And boy, was it a voice.
"Shhh! Don't move, they're coming!"
Viktor jumped in surprise. He certainly wasn't expecting that.
He sounded...young. Or at least he thought he did, from what he could guess given the low, frantic whisper that caressed the shell of his right ear. His age, he pondered. A good twenty years old, if he could make such an educated estimate. He was originally opting for an older man, maybe in his thirties instead - given his strength (which Viktor admitted bitterly, was on a level that he could only barely compete with), and the fact that most ruffians and enemies of the royal family usually fit into that age category.
He could be wrong, maybe this man was in fact thirty, and his voice just, hadn't broken...yet? Viktor grumbled dumbly, or at least he mustered a pathetic sigh from behind the hand clamped tightly around his face. That didn't sound right - no, it sounded ridiculous. The perpetrator didn't have a child-like voice to begin with, it just didn't sound like the gruff growl he'd been anticipating. No, instead, it was the opposite?
He continued to circle hopelessly in his mind, overthinking who exactly was keeping his mouth shut with such an unnecessarily strong grip. It wasn't like Viktor was going to try and escape, anyway. He hadn't even considered it. He was far too perplexed by the situation, and also a little too scared.
The prince only barely registered the footsteps on the other side of the door beside him - the one he'd been meaning to use to leave. He froze completely then.
"-hear that?"
"Yes, I'm sure I didn't hear anything."
"But, it sounded like there was someone-"
"Oh, stop it already! I've told you a million times already, there's no such thing as ghosts!"
"No, I don't mean-"
"C'mon, we came here and look! Nothing! No ghouls, no ghosts, no bogey monsters! What you heard was probably just the wind, okay?"
"...Yeah, you're probably right."
"Heh, obviously! Let's go, already - we left our posts just to check out that spooky noise you heard. We should head back before we get in trouble or whatever."
"...Race ya!"
"Wait, what! Leo! Come back! That's not fair-!"
The hazardous yet uncharacteristically soft clanking of armour could be heard quietening down, before absolute silence made a deafening return. Well, Viktor bemused, he'd have to talk to Yakov about the quality of security around here.
He let out a breath of relief, jolting when he remembered the man behind him who still held roughly held him in place, who also in turn, seemed to ease up at the disappearance of the two castle guards outside.
Viktor looked up, uttering a silent prayer before yanking the hand that had clamped his mouth shut moments earlier away from him, swivelling around and capturing both of his captors wrists in one hand, forcing them above the other's head. His free arm, he used to shove the man impossibly further into wall, his forearm digging deep across sharpened shoulders and pointed collarbones.
He was only barely able to rival the other's strength, but that didn't mean he couldn't at all.
Viktor took a moment to breathe. It was at that exact moment that he took into account the unfair embodiment of beauty that stood powerlessly caged within his arms.
It was a contrast to his own looks - Victor being of pale skin and unusually grey-toned hair. His eyes a calm yet raging blue, resembling that of a stormy ocean: elegant, yet unforgiving. A plethoric sea capable of drowning the most unsuspecting.
The culprit however, had dark hair. Sparkling locks of night that flayed here and there - not too messy, but instead just right. His skin was pale also, yet raging splotched roses had began to bloom on the apple of his cheeks.
His eyes, Viktor noted, were also dark. With a quick glance he would've mistaken them for a measly brown, but it was much more than that. Being face to face with his captor allowed him to take into account the light flecks that swirled in such pools of raven black - reflected from the moonlight that relentlessly twinkled into view. Separating his eyes meekly from Victor's intense gaze were a pair of golden framed spectacles - rectangular shaped and thin.
A small, whimpering choke jarred Viktor from of his train of thought - and he refocused his attention.
He went on to clear his throat, squinting accusingly before he questioned, "Care to explain yourself?"
"I-I, uhm..."
"You can start with a name. Who exactly are you?" Viktor goaded. He was curious to say the least: the person he was currently holding down seemed harmless, actually - he was shorter than Viktor, as he'd suspected, and the pure look of fright the other sported was enough to convince Viktor to take just a little bit of pity on him.
"My, my name. It's..."
"I'm sorry, but you need to speak louder, I can't hear you."
"My name is-it's uh, Yuuri Katsuki!"
Viktor loosened his grip on Yuuri's wrists, before letting go completely, leaning away and giving the other some much needed space.
"Why did you do that?" Viktor asked, intrigued, "why did you stop me from going outside?"
Yuuri cowered in the midst of Viktor's questioning, opening and closing his mouth as if he was looking for the answer himself. He looked much like a fish out of water, the prince mused.
"I, uh," Viktor nodded, urging for Yuuri to carry on, as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the quivering male, "I remember the first time you got in trouble for sneaking out of bounds after dark. Um, I just-I just didn't want that to happen a-again."
Yuuri wrung his hands anxiously, suddenly looking at the ground in wonder, as if it were the best thing since sliced bread.
Viktor gave a pointed look, but was betrayed by the tilted smirk beginning to form on his lips.
Before he could say anything, though, Yuuri suddenly bent forward - his arms straightened by his sides and head bowed in supplication.
"It-it won't ever happen again! I'm so, so sorry, your majesty! I, uh, I suppose I acted out of impulse - which is completely inexcusable, and, oh! I didn't hurt you did I?! Your highness, I-"
The crown prince looked on in amusement - doing little to cease Yuuri and his garbled rambling.
Instead, he took the time to evaluate what Yuuri had previously said, and he appointed only two main facts:
1) Yuuri worked in the castle, given the fact that he knew about Viktor's embarrassing failed attempt to sneak out once upon a time (and now that Viktor could actually see him, he noticed the slightly formal attired Yuuri wore - which fit the castle staff's dress code uncannily). Yet, Viktor wondered why he hadn't recognised the man before him, nor his name.
and 2) Yuuri saved him from a certain doom, doom being his advisor, Yakov, and his booming wrath, had he been caught in the gardens late at night again.
This, Viktor concluded, could not be overlooked!
"Yuuri Katsuki."
Yuuri immediately sealed his lips, discontinuing the string of apologetic nonsense that would've escaped had he not done so. He looked Viktor in the eye this time, shaking with what Viktor guessed to be both fear and genuine curiosity.
"What were doing in the kitchens at such a late hour?"
At this, Yuuri turned away - his cheeks gaining a darker hue of red. He stuttered and stumbled before Viktor, until reluctantly settling.
"I was, I was actually heading to the gardens...and going through this way is the quickest route. The flowers bloom quite nicely this time of year and, well, I don't have enough time to see them during the day because of the duties I tend to here at the castle. Not that it's too much work for me! In fact, I think it's just the right amount! I'm very happy with my job here, don't get the wrong idea! Not-not that I assumed you would, your highness! I just, uhm, I just...wanted to..see the, uhm, the flowers..."
With every word, Yuuri got impossibly louder and quieter, faster and slower - all simultaneously. It was comical.
He came to a sudden stop, animatedly looking away from Viktor for the umpteenth time.
Viktor, however, made no sudden movements towards Yuuri, instead grinning smugly.
"I was heading to the the gardens too! Before you, uh, made a move on me."
To Viktor's sick amusement, Yuuri's head whipped around at record speed, his eyes enlarging and lips parting in disbelief and what Viktor assumed to be offence. But before the affronted male could respond to Viktor's slight teasing, the grin sported on the royal's features was replaced by a soft and hopeful smile, when he asked excitedly,
"Why don't we make it to the gardens together! You've captured my interest, Yuuri Katsuki, and I'd like to get to know you. And of course, thank you properly for stopping me before I walked into the guards. In return, I'll tell you a bit about myself, and I might just consider forgiving you for that stunt you pulled...
"...What do you say?"
...to be continued?
04.12.20 edit: just to avoid any confusion, i changed the arrangement of yuuris name from katsuki yuuri to yuuri katsuki for convenience purposes- so just bare that in mind if you're rereading this or likewise!
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