#maybe only partly to blame on the fact he’s half insane after having animatronics screaming inside his brain for a week
driftingvoid-155 · 6 months
I like the thought of Michael looking at his organs on the floor and just asking himself ‘what even was the fuckin point of it all’ and then just letting himself become totally unhinged bc fuck it, he died once and at this point, he has zero shame left. Kind of hard to after being paraded around half naked for a week through the neighborhood. Man doesn’t give a fuck anymore.
Night shift were if the animatronics catch you they shove you into a suit? Why not, he’s been in worse situations before.
Haunted attraction that contains the corpse of his father stuck inside a rabbit costume? What else is new at this point. Some arson outta do the trick.
Pizzeria location that’s going to be burned down in a week with him and everyone else inside?? Might as well send that little lawsuit bear leaping into the ball pit a couple dozen times before that.
It’s about the little things. Like not letting the fact your entire family is dead and you yourself got murdered in a horrific way get you down :)
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