#maybe she wears “sexier” skirts or dresses during missions or whenever she finds out she can use her looks to her advantage
iztea · 5 months
do u think that 15! femzai wld wear a skirt or jst dress pants ? :0
anon i've been pondering this ask harder than i've pondered my life decisions
On the whole, I view PM!femzai with a predominantly Makima-esque appearance so my verdict is that she'd wear baggy, innocent, doll-ish dresses and skirts at 15 and and switch to Makima style pants and coat (and presence) in her late teens as a sign of maturity/growing up. This way you'd get the best of both worlds that is the fem/masc femzai fashion spectrum As a side note, i think she'd switch back to skirts at home because that's simply more comfortable. Imo, she likes wearing skirts/dresses not in a fem way but in a lazy i-can't-bother-to-put-pants-on way. She's way more comfortable in the ADA so that's why she wears them at work now (you could turn this whole outfit choice thing into some sort of analogy or metaphor but i'll leave it at that because i think it's pretty obvious)
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