#maybe the other guest would be nori-san?
narashikari · 6 months
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Day 2 of Junya's bday event will have Wataru Hyuga as a guest!
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ouranswer · 3 years
You should ask the the staff maybe they know something
I should, but that’s later down the list. For now…
Yukie was let into the dining hall, where all of the guests were kept, separated largely from each other so they couldn’t interact or plan something. She would individually search all of them, one by one, from the few children to the oldest of them, but at the moment her eyes were set on an elegantly dressed woman, her red kimono of such high quality even she had to stop and admire it for a second, before moving forward.
“Shimabukuro Nori-san, correct?”
The woman’s eyes were puffy, signs of recently crying—that wasn’t a surprise, her calm demeanor could be chalked up to a grieving woman preparing herself to cooperate with the authorities, that tragedy forcing her to colden her heart. Yukie pursed her lips. Making assumptions like this right away only weakened her reasoning.
So she emptied her head of those.
“…yes,” Nori eventually responded, after giving a look at the nearest staff, as if to confirm who Yukie was. “You must be the high-school detective who was on board. How lucky of us.”
The sarcasm in her tone didn’t go unnoticed, though the detective was quick to ignore it.
“I have a few questions for you, okusama. It’s all simply procedure, so relax.”
The older woman simply nodded, resolute.
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cardboardhogs · 7 years
I grew up in Texas and snow is not a normal thing for me.  When i was 9 we had a huge blizzard in San Antonio, 14″ to be exact.  It was absolutely nuts…as a kid though, fantastic!    It was a freakish event that i will never forget.  Rafik and I missed a couple days of school and had the greatest time ever.  We watched Chris Marrou tell us about the school closures and hoped it would never end!  Our days were filled with bags of sugar to fuel the moments in between epic snowball fights and a rudimentary snow man construction site.  It was the greatest of times for every kid in town.
When we were able (forced) to go back to school, our classrooms had so many leaks that we were huddled en masse in the schools gym.  A very large, crowded and noisy gym.  A gym on the edge of child anarchy.  It was one conch away from being a snowy version of Lord of the Flies.  The teachers were on edge trying to keep us all in line for the couple of days.  We were being taught in a prefabricated building not suited for long division or lessons on social studies.  But they did it and they were the real MVP’s that week.
But now…
I’m a tall adult that likes collecting things like cards and books and also likes rap music.  I also like familiarity and something i can depend on…surprises don’t work well for me.  For the last month or so, my part of Portland has had 3 different weekends of snow…g’darn freakin’ snow!!!  Now, don’t get me wrong, snow is cool when you go to it and are able to look at it and touch it.  But when it comes to you as an unwanted guest, it’s a bit of an annoyance.  We haven’t have had a ruler lengths of snow, but enough to shut the city down a couple of days and keep me from work.  It’s also made my snow driving (sliding) skills ratchet up a tick or two.
All the snow that i was surrounded by made me cave and pick up a box of cards with snow flakes on them.  Subliminal marketing.  Well done Topps, you got me.  Now, let’s see what you gave me Topps.
One of the first things i noticed about these cards is the streaking on the card fronts.  Half of the cards in the blaster box contained the streaking.  Maybe the other bloggers have already touched on this and as usual, i’m late to the party, but it seems that the quality of these cards may have been left to be what they are.  Not super upset about it, but a little disappointed with these…especially the Kershaw card.
Another thing that was very noticeable is the large amount of white space, most notably on the landscape cards.  Guess that’s the Topps blizzard parallel…?  Seems like a little gradient or transparency could have been a savior for Nick’s card.
These cards were awesome in their original issue and Ricky Bones seems to be dressed appropriately for this card, while Mike Trout is attempting to catch a tiny little snowflake.  Is snow flake one or two words?  snowflake snow flake…
Dickey Flakes should be a cereal, f’real.
Please let me digress a bit here.  Not sure if you have heard of Krampus, I hadn’t until about two weeks ago.  He’s an incredibly evil Germanic character created to scare the shit out of bad kids…to be honest, i saw a video of him and was a tad scared.  We used the Krampus tactic over the holidays to keep our little snowflake/snow flake in line.  For the most part it worked…but i feel guilty about it in hindsight.  I would point out the window, similar to what Carlos Correa is doing and say “I SEE KRAMPUS!!” and my child of 51 months would run off terrified, similar to what Jed Lowrie is doing.  The things parents to do get done what they want to get done the way they want it to get done.  Not my best parenting story…but sadly, it yielded the result i was looking for.
We now begin the bumpy snowflake portion of the blog post with a couple winners.  Dexter and Kris.  It’s a shame Ernie Banks didn’t get to see these guys win the title.  RIP #14.
If the card on the left was Steve rather than Nori Aoki, the hair on this pair would be most epic.  But it’s just Jacob and Nori.
My game used memorabilia card was Adam Jones which is pretty cool.  I really like Adam and often wonder what his career would have been like if the Mariners kept him..also wonder what would the Mariners could have done with his dependability over the incredibly fragile Erik Bedard…hindsight is 50/50 man..
So that’s my highlights from a Wal-Mart box of snowflake cards.  Rumor has it we may get some more snow in the next few days up here…remember that we are all snowflakes/snow flakes and nobody is like us…even though those Adam Jones cards are pretty much the same thing.
We’re all a snowflake… I grew up in Texas and snow is not a normal thing for me.  When i was 9 we had a huge blizzard in San Antonio, 14" to be exact.  
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