#maybe they won't accept a simple doctor's statement (i still need to ask for that)
tardis--dreams · 11 months
Love to hear to "not worry" about traveling with medication from someone who doesn't depend on medication ♡
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky X Reader and Sam X Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and smut. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter when it includes smut.
Chapter 14
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We were forced to our knees with so many guns pointing at us. We could do nothing but let them arrest us. There was no reason to do anything else. They shoved us all roughly into the back of a van. Nat and Sam on one side then Steve and I on the other. Two guards sat against the back wall to watch us.
"Steve was that-" before I could finish asking my question Steve already had the answer.
"It was him. He looked right at me. He didn't even know me." Steve said in complete disbelief.
"How is that even possible? It was like 70 years ago." Sam said.
He is alive. The man I've forgotten. The man that according to Steve meant so much to me.
"Zola, Bucky's whole unit was captured in 43'. Zola experimented on them. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive that fall. They must have found him." Steve said with a look of pure heart break.
"None of that's your fault Steve." Nat said quietly.
"She's right" I added.
"Even when I had nothing I had Bucky and Will." Steve said softly.
I scooted closer to him then laid my head on his shoulder. He rested his head against mine as well.
"We need to get a doctor here. If we don't put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." Sam said pulling my attention to Nat.
She did look weak and pale. A loud electric sound came from one of the guards. There was a pause then one guard attacked the other knocking them out. The four of us stared at the guard in shock.
"That thing was squeezing my brain." The guard said as she took off the helmet.
It was Agent Hill.
We all looked at her in shock as she took in each of our faces stopping at Sam.
"Who's this guy?" Hill asked.
"Sam Wilson. He's a friend." Steve answered.
Hill nodded then got to her feet. She pulled a small device out of her pocket. She used it to cut off all of our cuffs then she cut a large circle in the floor of the truck.
"Let's go then" she said gesturing to the hole.
One after the other we slipped threw the hole into the road. Once we were each free Hill brought us to a van parked in a deserted alley.
"We have to be quick." She said opening the door.
It was a short drive to where ever we were going. Hill drove like an absolute maniac. Steve held a piece of cloth against Nat's wound trying to slow the bleeding. The van came to a stop in front of some kind of bunker or dam. Hill escorted us inside quickly.
"GSW she's lost at least a pint." Hill said quickly to the man running towards us.
"Maybe two" Sam added.
"Let me take her." The man said as he reached for her.
"She'll want to see him first." Hill said simply.
They led us down the long hall into a small room blocked off with plastic. As soon as Hill moved the plastic back we could all see Fury laying awake in a makeshift hospital bed.
"About damn time" Fury said in a chiding voice.
We all entered the room to stand around Fury's bed. Nat was sitting as she got doctored up.
"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a head ache." Fury explained his condition.
"Don't forget your collapsed lung." The man doctoring up Nat said.
"Oh let's not forget that. Otherwise I'm good." Fury said nonchalantly.
"They cut you open. Your heart stopped." Nat said in disbelief.
"Tetrodotoxin B, slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. It didn't work so great for him but we found a use for it." Fury explained.
"Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Steve asked in his skeptical tone.
"Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful." Hill said simply.
"Can't kill you if you're already dead. Besides I wasn't sure who to trust." Fury added.
After Nat was fixed up we all moved to another room that held a table like it was for a meeting. Sam and I looked at each other feeling slightly out of place. I stood between Sam and Steve and we all watched Fury. He sighed then pulled out a photo. He held it up to look at it.
"This man declined a Nobel peace prize. He said peace wasn't an achievement it was a responsibility." Fury put the photo on the table then shook his head.
"See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues." He added.
"We need to stop the launch." Nat said as she too watched Fury.
"I don't think the counsel is accepting my calls anymore." Fury said sarcastically.
Hill opened the case on the table then turned it around so we could all see the contents. It looked like three small electronic cards.
"What's that?" Sam asked.
"Once the helicarriers reach 3000 feet they'll triangulate with insight satellites becoming fully weaponized." Hill said.
"We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own." Fury added.
"One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work because if even one of those ships remains operational a whole lot of people are going to die." Hill explained.
I gulped. I had never been on a mission that had this high of stakes before. I was still fairly new to all this. On top of that I just found out the man I've forgotten is still alive and a Hydra brain washed killing machine. What else could possibly go wrong?
"We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is Hydra. To get past them insert these server blades then maybe, just maybe, we can salvage what's left." Fury said matter of factly.
"We're not salvaging anything!" Steve's voice boomed angrily.
"We're not just taking down the carriers Nick. We're taking down Shield." Steve said in a commanding and angry voice.
"Shield had nothing to do with this." Fury stated.
"You gave me this mission. This is how it ends. Shield's been compromised. You said so yourself. Hydra grew right under your nose and nobody noticed." Steve continued.
"Why do you think we are meeting in a cave? I noticed." Fury added just as harshly as Steve.
"How many paid the price before you did?" Steve asked.
That question seemed to hit Fury. He leaned back in his chair and sighed.
"Look, I didn't know about Barnes." Fury said softly.
My heart jumped at the mention of his name. Is that why Steve is so upset? Because Barnes is alive and working for Hydra? I couldn't understand it because I couldn't remember the man. Anything to do with him was wiped from my brain.
"Even if you had would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that too? Shield, Hydra, it all goes." Steve said with a final sounding tone.
"He's right" Hill said softly then nodded.
Fury looked at Nat. She leaned back in her chair but stayed quiet. His eyes moved to Sam.
"Don't look at me. I do what he does just slower." Sam said pointing at Steve.
I couldn't help but smile at his statement. My smile fell quickly as Fury's eyes landed on me.
"I've stood by Steve since we were kids. Nothing is going to change that." I said as confidently as I could.
Fury sighed then leaned back in his chair again.
"Well, looks like you're giving the orders now Captain." Fury said.
"Gather everything and everyone we need. We'll head out soon. I need a breather." Steve ordered then turned and left the room.
I was quick to follow him. I knew he wasn't ok. He must have so many things going threw his head. I followed Steve all the way outside to a bridge. He stopped in the middle of it then turned to look out over the water. I quietly stepped up beside him then leaned on the railing.
"I wish you could remember him." Steve whispered.
"Me too" I said softly.
"I remember the day my mother died. You and Bucky tried to find me when I went off on my own only to end up waiting on me outside my house. Bucky tried to talk me into moving in with him. It was a moment that will stay with me forever. How you two were always there when I needed you most. I must have been so weak and pathetic to you both." Steve looked down at his feet.
"Stevie, no, not even close. I remember going to your place to tell you I'd always be there. That was our thing. Always. I would give anything to remember Bucky simply to help you threw whatever is going on in your mind right now." I said trying to make him feel better.
Steve chuckled.
"Bucky means as much to me as you do. All I ever had in this world was you two. Promise me that even though you don't remember him you'll help me save him." Steve said turning to face me.
"All I can do is try Stevie but I'll give it everything I got." I said with a small smile.
The sound of someone clearing their throat had as turning around to see Sam.
"He's gonna be there ya know?" Sam asked the both of us.
I nodded.
"I know" Steve said softly.
"Who ever he use to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. I think he's the kind you stop." Sam said.
"I don't know if I can do that." Steve said.
"He might not give you a choice. He doesn't know you." Sam tried to explain.
"He will" Steve added confidently.
Then a thought crossed my mind. I grabbed Steve's arm turning him to face me.
"I think he remembers me." I said slightly out of breath.
"What?" Both Steve and Sam questioned.
"Each time we have seen him the way he looks at me isn't a empty cold glare. It's a wide eyed and surprised look. When I fought him or tried to all he did was block my attacks. He didn't try to attack me even once." I explained quickly.
Both men stared at me in silence.
"How could he remember you but not him?" Sam asked pointing to Steve.
I shrugged.
"If Hydra altered his memories then maybe they erased everything but me. Maybe it was hydra who erased him from my memories." I said thinking aloud.
"Why?" Sam asked.
"There's only one way to find out. Gear up its time." Steve said then started back into the mountain.
I went to follow him but Sam stopped me.
"Are you really going to try and save him?" Sam asked with a small amount of pain in his eyes.
I reached up then softly kissed him.
"We have to try." I whispered.
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