#maybe this is not the greatest thing to be doing on cafe wifi but whatever
gingerbreadmonsters · 9 months
reminder: it's not technically cannibalism if they're not the same species 👍
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sidehowriting · 6 years
A/N: Hey guys! I have something else for you to read if you so choose. I had thought about this for awhile and finally decided to write it out. And now I have this fancy blog to post it on. Since this is not for a challenge (though I am doing two more) I’m only tagging @thorsthot since I don’t know anyone else who wants to be tagged. 
Pairings: Thor x plus sized!reader
Summary: You go for a date with Thor to a cafe
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: Insecure!reader, mentions of sex, a few swears, girls being catty bitches, fluff
You were a bundle of nerves as you walked down the block, hand in hand with Thor. You had been on dates with him before, but most of those took place either at night, at your place, or at the Avengers Compound. This was the first time you were going out in broad daylight where anyone and everyone could see you.
You were hyper aware as you made your way with Thor that people were looking at you. He didn’t seemed phased by it; being a God and an Avenger you were sure he got stares a lot. You on the other hand were more troubled by it. Nothing you did could hide your figure. You were pear shaped, having a very thick lower body. Very thick. Legs, butt, hips, the works. It all demanded the attention of anyone around you. Though the rest of your body wasn’t small either. All your clothing was from plus sized stores. While that normally didn’t bother you (though you did get the occasional snide remark about your size), being out and about with someone who looked like Thor, someone who was Thor, changed the ball game. He was small, muscular, handsome beyond all human measures. And you were…not. You were short, squishy, and average looking (at least in your eyes). Two opposites holding hands and walking down a crowded city street.
The smile on Thor’s face never faltered. “I’m excited to go to the café you suggested. I really like coffee.” His easy voice melted away your worries, helping mask the stares you could see out of the corner of your eyes.
“I think you’ll really like it,” you responded, checking the street signs to make sure you were still on the right path. “I would come here almost everyday when I was in my undergrad. It’s a great place the study.”
On your walk a group of giggling girls stopped you and asked for a picture with Thor. You awkwardly stood to the side and your date posed happily with his fans. He didn’t seem to notice you felt out of place during the ordeal. The gaggle of girls didn’t bat an eye towards you and they all hugged Thor before walking away, swarming over the phone that contained the picture.
Thor grabbed your hand again and brought it to his lips to kiss. “Shall we continue on our way?” He asked, smiling down at you.
You nodded and together the two of you made your way down the last couple of blocks to your favorite small café. It wasn’t very crowded, most of the tables were open, including your favorite one. It was both close to the counter and close to the bathroom which you would frequently use while drinking coffee. Your bladder was small, and coffee just ran right through you.
“It smells delicious in here!” Thor was obviously excited to be here. His face lit up immensely when you walked in and the aroma and freshly brewed coffee and baked goods filled your nose. You had missed the deliciousness of this place and was very happy to be back.
A few people were in line and you pulled Thor towards the end of it. “Just wait until you taste it!” You were getting just as excited as Thor and it reminded you why you wanted to take him here. This place made some of the best coffee and their blueberry muffins were to die for.
It was your turn to order and you were pleased when you recognized the barista. His name was Marc and he had served you many times in the past.
“Y/N!” His face lit up when he saw you. “I haven’t seen you in so long! I was beginning to think you would never come back! But you have,” he took in Thor, “and you’ve brought someone.”
You smiled, happy for a friendly face. “Yeah, I haven’t been around as much since I graduated. And I’m on a date.” You smiled up at Thor.
“Well, I am so happy for you, doll.” Marc grabbed a cup and started writing on it. “The usual large iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel? And a blueberry muffin?”
“You know it. Oh, make it two muffins,” You smiled, happy he still remembered your drink of choice.
“And what can I get for you, handsome?” Marc grabbed another cup, pen in hand, ready to write down whatever Thor wanted to drink.
Thor stared at the menu for a few moments, taking it all in. You felt like maybe you should have prepped him with the menu options beforehand. Just when you were about to make some suggestions, Thor announced his decision. “I will take one large coffee.”
You bit your lip to hide your giggle. He had the right idea. “Make it vanilla,” you told Marc, remembering how much Thor liked vanilla ice cream.
“Alright! We just put in a fresh batch of muffins in the oven so that’ll take about ten to twelve minutes. I’ll let you know when they’re ready. Your coffees will be up in just a moment.”
“Thank you, Marc.” You had been wearing a small purse around your body and you reached inside of it to grab some money.
“It’s on the house. You’re basically a regular here and Avengers always get free service. Just don’t tell my boss.”
You smiled your thanks and lead Thor to your desired table. You sat down, the chair seemingly smaller than the last time you were here. You pushed the thought from your mind.
Within moments, your drink order was called, and you went to get it. Smiling, you took a sip of your drink, wondering why you had taken so long to come back here.
As you went back to your table, you noticed the same group of girls enter the café that asked for Thor’s picture. You took them in more now. There were four of them, probably in their mid-twenties. All of them were tall and thin. Their combined weight probably didn’t equal that of yours. Not only that, their hair was sleek and shiny, and all their features were sharp. They were the epidemy of American beauty and you instantly felt like you didn’t belong in the same space as them.
With hustle, you went back to your table with your drinks. Thor seemed oblivious to the new editions to the café, his blue eyes homing only on you. This made you smile. “Here you are.” You placed his drink on the table in front of him and took your seat. “I think you’ll like it.”
Eagerly, he took a drink of his coffee. You knew it would be hot but that apparently didn’t phase him. “This is amazing! I love it!” His booming voice echoed, and you stifled a giggle again. “I can see why you come here!”
You blushed, feeling pride swell in your chest. “Thank you. Here,” you pushed your drink closer to him. “Try mine. If you like it you can get it next time.”
Thor took your drink in his big hands, taking a large sip through your straw. You were a little annoyed that he took so much but the delight in his eyes you knew you couldn’t stay mad. “This! I really like this!”
This time you just laughed, not being able to help yourself. Who knew simple Midgardian coffee would delight a literal God so much? In your joyous moment, you noticed the group of girls take a seat a couple tables away from you. You could see them holding their phones and giggling to themselves. They would glance at you and Thor then to their phones. You could feel it in your bones that they were talking, well texting, about you guys.
The melody of Thor’s voice drew you from your insecure thoughts. He praised the coffee more, so happy you introduced him to this. “How will I ever drink coffee from Stark’s machine again?” He whines, taking another big gulp of his own beverage. You in turn took one of your own.
Thor’s love of this coffee lead to a discussion about how you had stumbled upon this place. You were looking for somewhere local where you could come and relax and work on your papers. This café had free wifi and amazing drinks and treats. It quickly became your number once place to go when you needed to study or write research papers. You eventually became friends with most of the baristas, Marc being one of your favorites. After graduation you didn’t have as much of a need to come. But now that you’re back with Thor you have this feeling you’ll be a frequent visitor again.
“Muffins will be ready in about two minutes!” Marc yelled from behind the counter.
“Just wait to you try one of these muffins,” you say, getting excited. But, as you predicted, you had to pee. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom and then grab our muffins, okay?”
“I’ll wait right here for you to return,” he said sweetly and kissed your cheek, making your heart melt. How did you get so lucky to be dating the greatest man (God) ever?
You excused yourself and went to the restroom. You were so happy that the date had been going well. Your relationship with Thor was still fairly new and you didn’t know how things were going to end up. You had a massive crush on Thor the moment you first saw him. How could you not? He’s gorgeous. And the more you talked and got to know him, the more your crush grew. You were thrilled the day he first asked you out. It was so simple. You watched a movie at the compound together. Just the two of you cuddled on the couch, enjoying being in the presence of each other. Dates came pretty easy after that. More movie dates, dinner dates, talking till midnight dates. Thor always being the perfect gentleman, never going farther than you were willing to go. While you did want to be stripped naked and ravished by a God, your insecurities about your body held you back.
You finished doing your business and washed your hands, flattening out your dress. This was one of your favorites. The color was nice against your skin and the material hid a lot of your lumps. You might even say you feel pretty in it.
You started to walk out, hoping the muffins were ready to be eaten, when you heard someone mention Thor’s name. You paused, hiding behind the doorway, out of sight to those in the main part of the café.
“He’s just so dreamy. Like look at that smile. Ugh, we took such a good picture with him.” You took a chance and glanced around, seeing two of the women from earlier. The one that spoke had golden blonde hair like Thor’s. The other clearly wished she had the same hair and tried to recreate it from a box. It didn’t work.
“I know. That’s definitely gonna be my new profile pic,” the fake blonde said.
“Ugh, same. It’s literally perfect.” The first one’s voice lowered. “But that girl he’s with? Oh my god, she’s fucking huge.”
The fake blonde snorted. “Tell me about it. How could someone like him be seen out with someone like her. Gross.”
“Like he’s a fucking God and she’s a fucking mess.” The real blonde laughed at her own joke. “How did that even happen?”
“Maybe he lost a bet with one of the other Avengers?” Suggested the fake blonde.
“God, can you imagine them having sex? She’d probably crush him.” Both girls laughed, and tears prickled at your eyes. You knew you and Thor didn’t look like a traditional couple. You knew people would talk if you were out in public with him. But you didn’t know it would hurt this much.
“Banana nut muffins.” You heard Marc call and the two blondes claim them. Their heels made a clicking noise as they walked away.
Sniffling, you revealed yourself, your eyes cast down. “Y/N!” With heavy lids you looked up at see Thor waving happily at you. “Your friend Marc has delivered us the muffins! They are as delicious as you said!” Two, well one and a half, muffins were on your table. Bits of crumbs were stuck in Thor’s beard, apparently not to his notice. You wanted to smile at that but your feelings were still deeply hurt.
The closer you got to your seat, the more Thor’s face fell. His expression changed from absolute delight to absolute worry. “Y/N, my darling, what’s wrong?” He took your hand and pulled you closer to him. You could feel the heat radiating off his body, comforting you.
You hadn’t planned on it, but you ended up telling him the conversation you overheard. You spoke quietly and quickly, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. He listened intently, his demeaner getting stiffer and stiffer as you spoke.
“Would you like to go home, my darling?” He asked so softly, so sweetly. You were on the verge of a breakdown and couldn’t speak. You only nodded your head. “Okay, stay right here.” You watched as he got up and went to the counter. He exchanged a few words with Marc you couldn’t hear. He came back with a bag and put the remainder of the muffins inside. “We can eat these later.” He kissed your cheek and took your hand as you rose from your seat. You clutched the muffin bag tightly in your free hand.
Unfortunately, you would have to pass the four evil women. You could feel their gazes on you as you walked by. You tightened your grip on Thor’s hand.
“Thank you for the picture, Thor!” The real blonde called from their table. “You look so good in it.”
“Thank you, maiden,” he said politely. A split second later you felt him pull away from you and walk towards them. You were hurt and confused. Why would he engage them like this? “I have heard you have some questions about the relationship I have with Lady Y/N? Allow me to answer any questions you have.”
All four girl’s eyes widen after being called out by Thor. You were both embarrassed that Thor would be so bold like this but also very pleased. He would stand up for you no matter what.
“You see,” he continued after none of them said anything. “I myself was confused that someone like me would be with someone like her. How someone as beautiful, caring, selfless, brilliant, nurturing, elegant, and loving as Y/N would lower her standards to date someone like me. I am truly blessed to be able to court her.” His eyes met yours as he spoke. You felt light headed from his words, like you were going to float away.
“If you have anymore questions,” Thor said, addressed the four girls once more, “I suggest you keep them to yourself. And, for the record, we have amazing sex.” He took your hand and let you out of the café, fire in his every step.
“Thor,” you whispered when you had made it outside. “Did you mean it all?”
“Every word, my darling.” His large hands gently cupped your face. “I truly consider myself lucky that you chose to go out with me. You are a gift, a blessing, in my life. I have eyes for no one but you. I love you.”
He hadn’t spoken those words before. Neither of you had. But you felt it in your heart. You felt the love you had for Thor there. No one else could make you smile like he could. No one else made so much happiness bubble up inside of you that you would explode. No one could never compete with this man (God).
“I love you too,” you whispered, more tears falling. This time there were filled with love instead of sadness.
He leaned down and kissed you, gently taking your lips between his. You could feel the electricity of the kiss in the air around you. You weren’t sure if it was from Thor alone or not, but it was powerful. Something you wanted to experience again and again.
You slowly pulled away, eyes locking with his. Everything about this moment was perfect. Well, almost. “Thor,” you said, “you told them we have amazing sex, but we’ve never actually slept together.”
He gave you a goofy smile, a bit embarrassed. “Ah, yes. I can’t deny that I have thought about it. And it has always been amazing in my mind.”
Now it was your turn to be embarrassed. Sure, you had thought about sex with Thor. Honestly, who hadn’t? But to know that he also thought about having sex with you?
Your insecurities about it started to fade as you spoke. “Maybe…maybe we can change that soon?”
“If you’re comfortable with that.” No matter what, Thor was a gentleman.
“I think I can be, with time. But first, let’s go back home and eat the rest of the muffins.” You held up the muffin bag, wanting nothing more than to eat one.
“That is the best idea I’ve heard all day. Shall we go, my love?” ‘My love’. You liked the sound of that.
You nodded your head, excited to go home and enjoy the rest of your date with Thor.
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