#maybe we're just not compatible.... there's probably someone out there who is tho. (-:
do me friends hate me? what are the signs? i feel like they are avoiding me.......
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piggyette · 3 months
i treat ask games like surveys this is make me admit stuff by lost-head-adventure or smth idk its deactiviated
Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
not including messages i consider too private to share on tumblr. yes
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You talked to an ex today, correct?
Have you taken someones virginity?
no i dont think so. all of my partners have been more experienced than me
Is trust a big issue for you?
yes ): im working on it
Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
i like lots of people but as far as "crushes", no not recently. i should though
What are you excited for?
my partner system to get home from work. our next grocery run. autumn. my birthday next month
What happened tonight?
i posted about that today but, other than all that, i ate some pizza... honestly i should write or record or something tonight
Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no? wasted chicks are super funny
Is confidence cute?
confidence is hot yeah
What is the last beverage you had?
a monster. i should get water or something
How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
none but i dont really talk to a lot of people. only the women in my family and i cant trust them. its not about being the opposite sex tho
Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
What are you gonna do Saturday night?
its sunday rn but yesterday i cried so hard i gave myself a headache and listened to a new album
What are you going to spend money on next?
probably a new microphone or sushi
Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yes? of course
Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my partner system, but specifically mar, rich, robin, and trent
The last time you felt broken?
today at like 7pm
Have you had sex today?
yeah lol <3
Are you starting to realize anything?
being 23 aint shit. i dont know fuckin anything.
Are you in a good mood?
its alright. could be better
Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
yeah theyre chill
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
no thank gawd. otherwise id be the type of douchebag to go around calling my shit hazel.
What do you want right this second?
a haircut... jack... a punch to the jaw. (not sft text beyond this point to the end of the answer) to be dressed up in vinyl lingerie to match someone elses military gear and ride his dick while gagging on his fingers
What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
nothing. id end up in jail
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
nah i recently dyed my roots again. its black but im a natural blonde
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
usually people who arent intentionally witty are unintentionally hilarious so thats hard to picture. but if our humor just isnt compatible i mean. maybe. probably not tho that speaks to a lot of other shit
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
@fuckin-pistol-whipped's replies
Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
yeah. sunset eyes, if this somehow gets back to you, im sorry i didnt give you a better warning. ill be back sooner than you know. it wont be months this time. i want to figure something out but i dont want to keep giving you half promises. soon, i dont know when. i love you. it means something, i swear.
Does everyone deserve a second chance?
yeah id say so
Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
sometimes <3
Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
oh yeah for sure. i think we're in a situationship. maybe we're dating? idk i cant rember. god i need to see him again soon. i should watch some videos or smth
Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
nah but i usually drink diet soda. if im buying it out at like a gas station or smth ill go full sugar cuz its just a one time thing but. i think i drink two diet cokes a day. i dont always finish em
Listening to?
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+ shuffle queue
Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
yeah but i prefer pen tbh. i keep like two hand notebooks a pencil and a pen on me at all times
Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
probably at his house with his cats. or with his band
Do you believe in love at first sight?
i believe in instant chemistry but love is kinda something u collaborate on. its like a living thing. ive recently figured out that two people can be in love and still wanna maim each other a little bit from time to time
Who did you last call?
@fadenkreuze but thats like a given. it was @antichristxsuperstar in front
Who was the last person you danced with?
my cat. it counts, in my book
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
we were having sex and i guess my mouth just looked that good hanging open and drooling
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
i dont think its been a year but. it was probably springtime i wanna say-- no, late winter. valentines day cupcakes. mini ones.
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
nah im not a hugger. he knows i like him ok tho
Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
i dont believe in embarassment. but yea sometimes i make a fool of myself. usually it makes em giggle and then its fine <3
Do you tan in the nude?
i do a lot of things in the nude but i dont tan. im goth so
If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
i dont remember it
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
yes actually it was rich. hey rich
Who was the last person to call you?
Do you sing in the shower?
yes sometimes but i sing all the time
Do you dance in the car?
Ever used a bow and arrow?
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
no theyre an art form. i think A musical can be cheesy but not all of em. having said that ive never been a huge theater person but ill watch a bootleg every now and then
Is Christmas stressful?
it doesnt have to be but some people make it stressful. its lonely tbh
Ever eat a pierogi?
yep. theyre p good
Favorite type of fruit pie?
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
equestrian, veternarian, rockstar.
Do you believe in ghosts?
"do you believe in barometric pressure" "do you believe in wool fibers" "do you believe in the oxidation of metals"
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
all the time
Take a vitamin daily?
Wear slippers?
yes and i encourage others to do so as well
Wear a bath robe?
nope too warm and humid where i am
What do you wear to bed?
the buff
First concert?
it was a festival for nu metal bands in like 2008 or something. metalfest i think it was? or something close to that name. i dont remember all the acts that played but mudvayne was there i know for sure
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
in my town theres only a walmart but i prefer target
Nike or Adidas?
Cheetos Or Fritos?
fritos are more versatile. remind me of chilis and soups
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Favorite Taylor Swift song?
Ever take dance lessons?
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
yeah. professional cocksucker
Can you curl your tongue?
some people cant do that?
Ever won a spelling bee?
this is a traumatizing memory for me i refuse to elaborate
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
yes often. usually during sex
What is your favorite book?
i hate these questions cuz then i forget every single book ive ever read. idk ill say the most recent book i read. the long hard road out of hell by marilyn manson
Do you study better with or without music?
with but it has to be instrumental or so loud its mind numbing owwww speaking of my ear fuckin hurts fuck you billy corgan
Regularly burn incense?
not anymore
Ever been in love?
Who would you like to see in concert?
obvious answers are like. mm. nin. slipknot (but like in 2002 or smth).
What was the last concert you saw?
in person? i dont even remember. its been over a decade
Hot tea or cold tea?
cold tea always preferable
Tea or coffee?
coffee. also cold
Favorite type of cookie?
sugar cookie or chocolate chip
Can you swim well?
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Are you patient?
DJ or band, at a wedding?
either or. both? both
Ever won a contest?
Ever have plastic surgery?
Which are better black or green olives?
Opinions on sex before marriage?
theres another type of sex?
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Best room for a fireplace?
the den
Do you want to get married?
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If we're talking a loop, it might have to be four-way unless the twins have a way to form a similar sort of soul bond with each other. To your point of most people not going over two familiars at max, having two full-fledged bonds might just be too overwhelming for most people because they are magical power ups, so for most people the only way to have two is to have another person there to make it a stable loop. Which I don't think many people would actually try, because it's not something a person can do lightly, change easily, or even find someone who is compatible with both them and the two pokemon involved. Since it does in a way link two human souls together, I think it would also require a lot of trust. But if Ingo's side was either broken or so faint it might as well not be there, Emmet's magic boosted by two familiars might be legit too dangerous to use for a while, particularly while he's not at his mental best.
A chain link with them both connected to just chandelure in the middle works too, it would just mean Emmet isn't being hit by as much of a blowback as Ingo or chandelure. He'd definitely still be a bit off balance for a while, but it's not to such a dangerous extent. Not sure which way works best for him narratively.
Either way, I think Irida was actually right to be scared that Ingo wouldn't be able to control his magic without his memories. His muscle/magical memory wouldn't account for not having a familiar there, because he's had one for so long. Even if he did have his memory it'd likely be a bit trial and error, it's just that he'd have his schooling to fall back on to do so safely. Without any of that, he could legitimately be a danger to himself and others, because even by himself he is still very powerful. This is probably an instance of Ingo even agreeing that he's safer off sealed, at least until he's bound to Sneasler.
Though speaking of which, Sneasler could pose something of a problem in the long-term, even if she's great for Ingo in the short-term. Because if he ever reunites with Emmet and chandelure, he'd need to either break his bond with her (not sure how great that'd turn out for him, to keep doing that), or loop her into the mix. Since I'm assuming that at least eventually he'd want to recouple with his og familiar and brother. And also assuming that he'd even be able to leave while still bonded to her, since I'm not sure how wardens and their pokemon would work here, if they're soul bound together and breaking that bond is traumatic. Is there something about their species that insulates them from the trauma of bond breaking, meaning they could theoretically have any number of partners should something happen to make their warden unfit for the job, or is this the kind of job where the warden and pokemon have to begin and end at the same time as each other
hmmmm see while i do love the angst of ingo being legit unable to control his magic, i ALSO love the angst of ingo really being a perfectly competent mage but nobody believes or trusts him on that. so i'm torn here, on how unstable he should actually be with or without a familair.
regardless tho... re: last paragraph, i wonder if maybe it's not so much that breaking a soulbond is inherently traumatic, but rather that you just need to do it very carefully and in both of the already-mentioned situations, with ingo and cyllene, uh. nobody was being especially careful. i'm not exactly sure what how those respective situations did play out, but i think cyllene's was sort of a back alley or home job where the main point was "get it done fast before anyone stops you" which is why she in particular has all that residual scarring. it might have fucked her up physically for a while, idk. but breaking the bond and freeing "her" dragon was the first step towards getting out of the draconids, so there wasn't a lot of time to hang around and rest up, which also didn't help.
and then in ingo's case... now we're talking about "wtf happened to ingo" again. which i still do not know. was it intentional? was he a target? or was he collateral, or an accident? i feel like there are possibly reasons for someone to target an accomplished light mage but like, the plot here is still so nebulous man. maybe this has more to do with his and emmet's jobs, this was a measure taken to like, destabilize whatever system they're a part of or something. or maybe, since they specifically didn't kill him and instead did whatever the hell this was, it was actually about taking something from him (something to do with his memories, maybe?) and he just got thrown out somewhere when they were done with him.
and then on emmet's side... yeah regardless of the exact soul link makeup emmet's not having a fun time here lmao. especially if he and ingo were usually working together, since they have these complementary aspects of dexter/sinister light magic, and so now emmet's doing the job of two people with half the capabilities, or less. it's rough going!
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hanjifuck · 3 years
.˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆ stray kids ideal types - series .˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆
lee know version ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
based on their birth charts! s2
✧*:.。. t/n: i’ll be using SIDEREAL astrology on this one. it’s also important to say that when we talk about romance in astrology we have to fully analyse the couple’s birth charts individualy at first and only then apply compatibility analysis so we’re able to check out the synastry overlays.
✧*:.。. t/n: kinda proofread.
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firts of all, i'll be taking a different approach to minho's birth chart as his' way different from chris'. with him we're gonna look at other placements.
let's use Lacan (1985) as a method to examine the relationship he has between the "i" and the "others". when we look at a Möbius strip it's possible to see that if we turn one side of the two surfaces of the band, we find ourselves outside, while the other finds itself inside the circle. which leads us into thinking about how much of "i" is in the "other" and how much of the "other" is in "i". even if we look at houses of the self, it's percepcion will only be seen on others. our notion of individuality is created trough the mirror offered by the other (the mirror stage).
the basics:
someone who has the sun in gemini, libra or aquarius;
moon in cancer, scorpio or pisces. leo and aquarius moons are a NO;
venus in aries, aquarius or sagittarius;
jupiter in gemini.
obviously there’s way more aspects to look into to see if a relationship would work but i’d rather not go too deep into it right now.
a person who above all things is his friend first. he wants to make friends with the person he likes because he's not the most romantic.
someone full of surprises, who excites him in differents ways everyday. boi wants an adventurous and unique love. he loves the drama and the unexpected.
a person who has knowledge about unusal things/likes to read about all types of things. interesting personality is a MUST for him. he loves being around strange people because he doesn't want to be bored. when it's about fun he likes to engage in all sorts of not-usual activities, what seems the strangest is also what’s best.
not-into-fairy-tales-romance type of person. he wants to be around someone who's interesting and makes him curious, so their meetings are most of the time unusual. i don't think you should expect the whole wine and dine type of thing from him, specially because he can give you way more. <3
someone who likes being around groups and is good at socializing. i know this can trigger some people but hear me out, he's happy when collaborating with others and functioning in groups. when he's having fun he wants to be part of the noisiest events, so it’s normal to see him at concerts or big art related events.
a non-judgmental person. it's not that he's scared of you "not accepting" him or whatever, believe me he does not care about this. he has to live to the fullest and to be unusual. he expresses his creativity in his own way. he wants to feel excitement when it comes to a relationships, so if you're too worried about what other people will think it won't work.
a person who wouldn't be a strict parent, if it's a long-term relationship we're talking about. his kids are very likely going to have strong aquarius/uranus energy on their birth charts, meaning his chiquitos would be as accentric as he is. he wants his children to express their individuality and be themselves. he's really good with children as well, having a great way of communicating with his kids, making them mentally strong and independent. yet he may tend to stress his kids with education stuff related cus he feels they should pursue their interests. cool dad™. will be good friends with his kids (the children will be as funny as he is).
someone who's not traditional. a rebel when it comes to love and don’t prefer to date the traditional way. he wants to fall in love with your mind. his dating ways can be unusual, maybe online since he has a kick for technological advancements. he can be strange when it comes to sex as well.
but is still a 100% monogamy. the king needs to rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. he wants to be the center of attention, he can be a bit domineering even. he may be a bit possessive or jealous, but tries to hide it. expects absolute loyalty from you. his kinks? a lot of love, affection, and admiration.
a person who's not scared of experimenting. he wants to try everything at least once.
a "modern" person. minho has always been interested in technology. he gives me big nerdy energy. he's quick to respond to his creativity urges.
someone who has a longing for learning. he enjoys traveling and learning about technology, psychology, philosophy etc. deep and philosophic conversations are a must (but don't get it twisted he enjoys humor more than anything). he's unhappy with what he's being given, he's always looking to improve things and his thoughts.
a person who's comfortable with silence as well. even tho he loves having fun with other people he's still kinda a loner who doesn't need to interact with other humans or to talk very much.
someone passive. would like it better if the person's willing to give him the spotlight. wants to be paided attention to, wants you to worship him. his fantasies probably revolve around devotion. ofc he enjoys giving his effort to you as long as he receive the same back, too. disobeying is a no.
a feminine and elegant person. rude or harsh behavior and crudeness about sex are a no. you must have a sparkling physical appearance as well.
easy conversationalist. def not into monosyllabic communicators. he's prideful, he won’t back off from a conflict that involves his own principles so it's essential for you to be good with words, too. fights can be commom in the relationship.
someone who enjoys praising him. don't forget to show your appreciation for all that he’s doing. wants you to see him as the confident man that he is and the man that will fulfill all your dreams.
a 100% honest person. you deceive him, he will just leave and not turn back. he finds it hard to forgive. again, he wants his partner to worship him. he works hard to make sure you leave idolizing him, so his feelings will get very hurt if he finds out later on that you were “faking” things. he will feel inadequate and insecure.
patiente. he can be easy to offend or to be hurt quite easily. you may need to walk on eggshells sometimes. when you first meet him, he might come off as a bit unattainable but don't be discouraged.
a person who doesn't get scared by his feelings. when he's actually in love, he will fall head over heels. if he thinks you're a match he wants to make sure nobody else will ever get you. he can easily get caught up in the moment and be impulsive. he wants to attract your attention as soon as possible after he realises he loves you, and it will be in an obvious and eccentric way. he wants you to remember him for a lifetime. his placements makes him one of the most emotional individuals, he feels love, anger, disappointment, happiness and so on, at a much greater level.
someone who stands out. he has always attracted a lot of attention since he has a gravitational energy, so it won't be just anyone who's going to catch his eyes. as a child, he felt very different from the people he was surrounded by. he loved and still love anything that is labeled as odd by others and he likes to feel like he's strange.
someone who's interested in humanitarian work.
a person who's flexible. he needs someone who's willing to take risks with him. someone who's in to enjoy the ride.
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doubleddenden · 5 years
You know its absolutely amazing how maybe a week ago Pokemon had done everything right. They had a badass knight raven, they had MOTHAFUCKIN WOOLOO WOOO and they had kaijus, interesting characters, and the wild area.
Now its practically in the gutter lol. I am a fanboy but yikes. They messed up. I wouldn't be shocked if they decide to add the rest of the pokemon they took out as a patch, but game freak is very stubborn and probably won't. They'll include all of them as a selling point in the next one tho, bet on that.
So since it's okay to talk about it now without getting death threats, we need to chat. I've actually had my grievances with Game Freak for a while and did defend them a bit, but no more.
Since 2013 they've shilled gen 1 with mostly gen 1 megas until the Hoenn remake where they still made more Kanto megas, and refused to make Alolan forms that weren't Kanto pokemon
They took out battle frontier in oras because Masuda thought mobile games would compete with it
They dumbed down LGPE because he seriously thinks mobile games are more competition and to appeal to fans that dropped after gen 1. Even with the shitty catching controls he calls it his magnum opus. What.
They've consistently refused to design at least 100 new pokemon for gen 6 and 7, probably 8 if we're being realistic. No, megas, variants, and forms do not count or else each unown and Arceus would be a separate pokemon.
While I enjoyed ultra sun, it should've been dlc.
LGPE also limits you to 153 pokemon, 2 of which you need shitty Go for.
Introduced walking with your mons, took it out, then added it back. And probably took it back again
Megas and variants are still cool. Refuse to make more and blame art block for no mega Flygon instead of hiring someone who CAN make one
Took out events where you got actual story and lore and actually got to fight and capture these legendary and mythical pokemon in favor of handing out codes or going to gamestop or just being HANDED these mythical beings because MASUDA thought the Azure Flute was too complicated
And while we're at it, some other grievances
2019, Gyrados and Steelix have to be dynamaxed to be close to their accurate sizes. Hmmm.
2019, these "better, more intricate animations" still has Scorbunny hopping once or twice to use Doublekick when Stadium and Battle Revolution had actual movements for the moves
2019, still no game like the beta footage for Battle Revolution where Groudon hyperbeams a battlefield and HALF OF DEOXYS APART.
2019, (at least as of now) we're still tweens (BW and XY being 16 and 18 if there's any exception) with the same faces and bodies and halfassed customization options for our trainers. Most fans that play are in college or older, or at least late teens. Just saying from my own experience. The character customization should allow us more freedom with that to look older or different.
Yeah, it's time to start calling them out for it. Space ain't an issue when you can use system and SD storage space or patch shit in, and ESPECIALLY an HD system that rivals the PS4 and Xbox One. Maybe instead of prioritizing a gamble that may or may not make it like Town, you should focus on your bread and butter! Just sayin!
I'm actually going to wait this time around to buy used because I can't justify paying $60 and more for games and services that won't even allow my favourites in after beating the elite 4. And I definitely can't justify Home simply because of this:
The only place Home can send pokemon to is SwSh. Everything else is one way to Home.
If SwSh doesn't have your favorite in the pokedex, its stuck in Home until they decide to make a compatible game for it. That's not fair to the consumers.
Bank will eventually stop service. At that point, if this issue isn't fixed, you either leave your pokemon collection in Sun and Moon/Ultra, or you imprison them in Home until they decide to include them. Also not cool.
Balance is bullshit for an excuse. Just ban Landorus, MegaQuaza, The Tapus or anything else you want to get rid of from competitions, but let us have them in the game.
They keep saying "we're working very hard to do X" and using all sorts of buzzwords but if this is too hard for Game Freak, maybe give it to someone who can take it seriously! I'd be down to see Sakurai or Monolithsoft try making a Pokemon game. Or give it to the Dragon Quest guys at Square Enix or the Digimon Story guys at Bandai Namco to let them make phenomenal games.
Listen, before you tell me to off myself for this or call me names, we deserve a better pokemon game. We deserve creators that don't just phone it in or are afraid to try anything new after piracy and ice cream/garbage "ruined" gen 5 apparently (it absolute did not btw and anyone who thinks so are fuckin morons).
This is the minimum requirement every pokemon game needs. The MINIMUM.
ALL POKEMON SHOULD BE AVAILABLE IN THE DAMN GAME. This doesn't mean they have to be caught! Doesn't mean there has to be a national Dex either! Sun and Moon didn't have it but had all 800+ pokemon in the files, and they were 3ds games! $90 billion, make it work.
At least 100 original pokemon that are not alternative forms or variations, none of which are legendary or similar. $90 billion company. Hire more artists.
That's it! If you can't even do that, then give it to someone who can. Simple.
When you get down to it, there's a reason #bringbackthenationaldex trended and the treehouse video plummeted with dislikes.
"We're making this game for long time fans" was a lie I guess.
Rant over.
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