#maybe with a collar and thick bracelets. ugh i need to stop right now...
nyxronomicon · 4 months
Do goth getō have any tattoos? 👀 if so, could you mention some of them?
YES absolutely!! ig he spends all his money on tattoos or has some tattoo artist friends lmao. Some of these would maybe we works in progress or stuff he's planning (i cannot imagine how much it would cost to get this many tattoos lol)
also this au takes place somewhere in the US but Geto is Japanese-American (parents were Japanese immigrants) so he likes to use Japanese style or writing wherever it makes sense
pictures and descriptions under the cut bc it's kinda long lol
I already mentioned the full sleeve w rainbow dragon. his other arm is a half-sleeve with blackout and skulls (kinda like the one below but the blackout part coming down from his shoulder to the skulls just above his elbow.)
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Below that, on his forearm, he has a collection of ink with more meaning to him. Stuff he wants to see more often. He's got an eye (for Gojo obviously lol), flowers symbolizing his dead parents (probably some accident in this au). His neck has some cool blackout design (or possibly fully blackout tbh)
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I think he likes to stick with traditional Japanese motifs but goth lol, so his back has a big oni skull (like on the right)
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I think his chest has a continuation of the rainbow dragon on his arm over half of it, and the empty space has some miscellaneous text or dates that have some meaning to him, BUT it definitely still has space.
His legs are a bit more sparse as he doesn't often show them off but he's got a leg-sleeve in progress on one where it's a collage of albums and musicians he loves. so, album artwork, portraits, lyrics, etc. (please ignore the jesus leg sleeve lol I couldn't find a goth one)
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His other leg is just miscellaneous tattoos, some just bc he liked it, some his tattoo artist friends offered to do bc he's a canvas lmao.
and I almost forgot the hand/knuckle tats! I can't find a good example of this and I don't know enough Japanese to tell you what's written but he's got characters on his knuckles that say something. the is the closest I can get to a style so just imagine this kind of thing on his knuckles lol
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another note, all his tattoos are black and white in the true goth fashion lmao
oh he also has one of those diy ballpoint pen hearts tattooed by some ex he had in high school that looks faded and ratty just above one of his ass cheeks.
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My Gallant Lad - Part I
So I got a wonderful anon today telling me this is their favourite Lily Rescues James fic, it’s part of my canon marauders fic We Can Be Heroes. But, because it works as a stand alone, I’ll be posting it in 4  parts here. I hope you enjoy it (Lily is very BAMF here but tbh so is James). Set during First Wizarding War...
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James slammed the palms of his hands down on Dumbledore’s desk.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he said, his eyes a hot mess of emotions.
“Get your oafish hands off my desk, now!” Lily said, recovering from the initial shock almost immediately with a flash of anger.
“Your desk?” James said, taking his hands off the desk, nevertheless.
“I’m using it now, yes, I need to get these mission forms finished and signed before bringing them for filing in the Room of Requirement,” Lily said, looking back at James angrily. “What the hell is your problem, Potter?”
“My problem?” James was furious. “I’ll tell you what my problem is, Evans. My problem is that my bloody wife thought it sensible to visit Walburga Black, the same woman who thinks nothing of throwing a Crucio at her children, whose husband tried to kill Sirius, who detests muggleborns, who tried to – oh fucking hell, Lily! What the absolute, ever-living fuck possessed you?”
She had never seen him so angry. She folded her arms defensively and glared back, wondering how he had found out.
“I’ll tell you exactly what possessed me, Potter,” she said coldly. “My problem is my dickhead of a husband who nearly got himself thrown into Azkaban by the Blacks, but then thought it sensible to attend a Black family funeral, and to top it all, decided to call over to chat to Orion’s heir, as you do! Do I need to explain it further? What exactly was I meant to do? Let you read the letter and let you waltz back in there so that bitch could finish you off, once and for all?”
She was standing up now, and he couldn’t quite understand how someone so slender and uncommonly kind could look so intimidating and fierce within the space of a few seconds.
“That letter was addressed to me, damn it!” James said, his voice rising with irritation. “You had no right opening my post!”
“I don’t care!” Lily said, looking more agitated and feeling guilty. “If you think I would have let you just go there, you’re even more stupid than I gave you credit for!”
“You’re a muggleborn, Evans, fucking bloody fucking…” James’ words ran out as he waved his arm about with rage. “You could have been killed, do you understand me? Killed, damn it!”
“Yes, well, so could you, at least I have more sense! Remus and I knew what we were doing!” Lily shot back, feeling angrier by the second.
“You clearly didn’t, Evans! What you did was grossly irresponsible and wilfully sly! I don’t care what you say, you could have been killed, Evans, for fuck’s sake! When I see Moony, I’m going to kill him!”
James made a frustrated noise in the back of his throat and slammed his fist against the wall. Damn it, he was furious and livid and scared out of his wits and fucking sick of this shit.
“Remus didn’t have any choice, I told him I was going, and he decided to come with me, surely a safer bet! Don’t you dare drag Remus into this!” Lily said.
“Don’t you dare, ever, ever go behind my back like that again, ever, do you hear me?” he shouted.
“You can scream all you like, Potter, you don’t get to tell me what to do!” Lily said, her voice rising angrily.
“Don’t you dare act like you’re the innocent one in this Evans, for fuck’s sake!” James said.
“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me, Potter!” Lily said. “Get out!”
Her voice was starting to wobble which made her even madder.
“You know what? Fine!” James said, gripping his wand tightly and watching as furious sparks flew from his wand tip. “If you want to tell yourself that this is my fault, if you want to lie to yourself so you can  – ugh! Lily, don’t you dare defend this!”
“I’m not listening to your ranting any longer!” Lily said, slamming the book shut and flinging her quills and parchment into her well-worn bag.
She marched past him, livid and upset and boiling with rage. They hadn’t spoken since. James had slept at his parents’ house for a while and now, with Sirius and Remus gone, James had taken to sleeping in his friends’ bedroom. He didn’t like leaving her with only Wormy for protection. They avoided each other at mealtimes. Peter had cringed and disappeared into the relative safety of his bedroom. There was simply no way he could win if he took sides. They were both still furious.
“Looks like you swapped into an easy shift,” said Edgar Bones, loosening his collar and placing his cloak over his arm. “Nothing much happening, no handover.”
“Thanks,” said James curtly.
“Lily, James,” Edgar said, tipping his hat at them, sensing something was amiss but too polite to bring it up in conversation.
“Edgar,” said James.
“Bye, Edgar, see you soon,” Lily said, smiling at him half-heartedly.
“If it stays this quiet, I’m going to try going for a kip,” said Frank Longbottom, looking at the fireplace one last time and throwing a blanket over himself.
James nodded absent-mindedly, his left hand restlessly tapping on his thigh, shooting Lily fleeting glances when he knew she wasn’t watching. He hated whenever they fought, and this had been their worst row ever. The night stayed quiet, Lily dozed off on the armchair and James watched her. He was worried about her too, she looked pale and she seemed off her food for weeks now. It added to the leaden feeling of guilt he was carrying. It was his fault. He was right, he was damned well right, and he had nothing to apologise for, but he probably would. Because he knew what he was getting himself into when he married her, didn’t he? And wouldn’t he have done the exact same thing in her place, he told himself for the umpteenth time? He transfigured his jumper into a warm, thick blanket and placed it over her gently, doubling it up and kissing the top of her head tenderly. He watched the magical fairy lights on the tree twinkling merrily. He couldn’t have felt less Christmassy. He fell asleep eventually, having transfigured the rug into a scratchy blanket.
He was woken up by a loud shout emanating from the fireplace.
“You better get your sorry arses down here immediately! I’ve just intercepted intel that a couple of Death Eaters are planning an attack on a muggle school bus in the vicinity of Newcastleton!” Dedalus Diggle’s voice crackled.
“Where’s that?” said James, his voice still croaky from sleep.
“Border between England and Scotland. Dumbledore has left a special portkey in his room that means you should be able to get anywhere, immediately. Hurry! There’s nobody else around.”
“Great!” grumbled Frank, sitting up reluctantly, but shoving his feet into his shoes without hesitation. “Typical Dumbledore, never around when you need him!”
“Get some water and rations and let’s go,” Lily said, standing up and sitting back down rather suddenly.
“Alright, Evans?” James said, with a concerned frown.
“Fine, just feeling a bit sick, probably need to eat something,” she said.
“Maybe you should stay behind?” James said.
“No!” Lily said, forcing herself to stand. “It’s fine. We can’t risk it. It’s children, James!”
James nodded immediately. He wanted to apologise, but not in front of Frank.
“Dedalus, can you try and contact a few of the others in case anyone is available to join us? We’ll be with you in a jiffy,” he said.
“No can do, I’ve also had word of another attack planned in Wales, I’m trying to get in touch with Moody as we speak!”
“Got it,” said Lily, looking at Frank and James. “Don’t worry, we’re on it!”
“This place gives me the creeps,” said James, peering up at the tall trees.
The air felt thick and heavy, the branches seemed to vie with each other to block out the sunlight, suffocating. Thick moss, grey and faded, clung to everything, dried twigs and branches snapped loudly beneath their feet, disturbing the numerous birds whose harsh cries filled the air, as though spying on them, he thought, watching their acrobatic flight.
“Jackdaws,” he said quietly, moving closer to Lily.
Lily gave him a quizzical look.
“That’s their call - a short, loud, ‘kya’ sound, and they have distinctive, beady white eyes,” he added.
“Is there anything you guys don’t know?” grumbled Frank, shooting James a friendly grin.
“Nope,” James grinned back.
He moved closer to Lily, protectively, feeling a threat in the fabric of the forest, ancient memories, secret and forbidding. He had transfigured the portkey into a muggle leather bracelet, insignificant and worthless to any potential Death-Eaters, which he had placed on Lily’s wrist despite her protestations.
“They must be here somewhere,” Frank whispered, holding his wand aloft. “If we just keep walking, we’ll increase the chances of them seeing us.”
“Let’s split up, I’ll hide in there,” Lily said, pointing to a decrepit, large pine, whose gnarly trunk was rotting and held space for one person. “You two get on higher ground. We can all see the road from here. If you spot anything dangerous, send your signal.”
James’ was an owl hooting, Lily’s was the snort of a frightened deer, Frank’s was the harsh screech of a magpie.
“Alright,” James said, turning to look at Lily, feeling awkward and unsure. “Take care, please.”
“You too,” Lily said, her face unreadable.
“I’m glad Alice isn’t on call today,” Frank whispered after a pause, as they moved on carefully. “We just found out she’s pregnant. Bit of a shock really. Took us ages to figure it out, despite her feeling nauseated for a couple of weeks, being off her food, feeling dizzy and tired, you name it!”
He looked excited and pleased.
“Frank!” said James. “Wow, that’s… that’s brave of you, and rather wonderful news.”
He didn’t know what to say.
He stopped short.
Took us ages to figure it out, despite her feeling nauseated for a couple of weeks, being off her food, feeling dizzy and tired, you name it!
The night of Sirius’ twentieth Birthday. They had both forgotten to cast a contraceptive charm. Could that explain…?
“Frank, I forgot something, I need to run back to Lily, go ahead!” James said.
“You okay?” Frank said, seeing James’ face turn grey.
But he was already gone.
“Lily!” James said, catching his breath.
“What is it?” Lily said, wand ready to shoot.
“Lily, have you done a pregnancy charm?”
“A what?”
“To see if you’re pregnant?”
“No, why?”
They stared at each other for a moment. Understanding dawned on her.
“James,” said Lily, her green eyes searching his anxiously.
“Let me,” James whispered, taking hold of his wife’s slender wrist and turning her palm upwards, he pointed his wand tip at her pulse point. “Gravidam!”
They both watched as James’ wand tip glowed green.
“Fuck,” he said hoarsely, staring at her.
“What does that mean, James?” Lily said.
“It means… it means you’re pregnant,” James said, running a hand through his hair in agitation. “Fucking bloody fucking…”
Lily’s eyes were wide as his words sank in. As his reaction sank in. She turned away from him and swiped hastily at the tears that fell down her cheeks silently.
“We need to…” James said urgently. “Fucking Merlin… fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“I’m sorry, alright?” Lily’s voice broke as she spoke, her lower lip trembling. “I should have been more careful. I didn’t mean this to happen now, God I really didn’t mean this to… I understand if that’s how you feel, James, but I-“
“What?” James said, turning her around to face him and taking her face in his hands tenderly. “Lily, Merlin, I don’t mean –“
The screech of a magpie rent the air and they both jumped.
“Incarcerous!” numerous voices shouted, as thick ropes coiled themselves swiftly around them, James’ wand dropping to the floor.
“Expelliarmus!” a recognisable voice added, James’ wand flying through the air. “Where’s the other one’s wand?”
“Mulciber,” James said, the blood draining from his face.
“I said, where’s your wand, bitch?” Mulciber said, grabbing Lily by the throat.
“I dropped it earlier on,” Lily rasped, staring back at him defiantly. “I can’t find it.”
“Accio Lily Evans’ wand!” Mulciber ordered, pointing his wand at Lily.
Lily’s wand flew out of the thicket behind them. Mulciber leered at Lily.
“Grab hold of them and set anti-apparition wards around them! And get them to de Soulis Castle, now!” Mulciber said to the other Death-Eaters who surrounded them. “The Dark Lord will be very disappointed to find that it isn’t Sirius Black we have captured, just a useless blood-traitor and a vile mudblood. The information we received must have been incorrect.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mulciber!” James sprang forwards in fury.
“Quiet!” Mulciber said, coming right up in front of Lily and grabbing hold of her Jacket collar. “Or she gets hurt.”
James swallowed.
I tried to laugh about it Cover it all up with lies I tried to laugh about it Hiding the tears in my eyes 'Cause boys don't cry
The weathered remains of the castle loomed, malevolent, as they crossed the bridge over the moat. Fragments of a tower emerged, the holes in its walls reminiscent of a skull. While the forest around it was dry and parched, wilting and unseasonably warm, as they neared the castle gates mist descended on them. The inside of the castle felt damp and cold. Much colder. Mulciber’s breath condensed in front of him as he spoke, frost clung to the corners of the walls, there were no windows in the great hall.
He had seen this room before… where?
The heavy double doors leading into the main banqueting hall swung open, and four men entered, none of their faces were masked.
“Villiers, Wilkes, Rosier, Snape,” said Mulciber, with a cold laugh. “Your very closest allies, I believe? I failed to retrieve the disowned Black heir, but I found these.”
Villiers and Wilkes giggled. Silence descended as another figure entered the room, the five men bowing immediately. Muciber pushed James and Lily forcefully and they fell forwards onto their knees. James watched as Voldemort approached slowly, with a gleeful expression. He zoned in on Snape, Snape who was watching Lily with terror on his face, before carefully schooling it into neutral.
The room.
McGonagall’s grim tones echoed in his mind.
“So, a group of Death Eaters, who appear to have captured Lily Evans, in an unidentified location?”
Divination class. His vision. He had forseen this.
“Lily,” he said quietly, speaking through his teeth. “Do you trust me to get us out?”
He was sure Voldemort could hear his heart pounding.
“If you have an idea, I’m all in,” Lily murmured, watching Voldemort as he drew nearer.
“Leave it to me,” he whispered.
Taking a deep breath, he turned and locked eyes with Severus Snape.
“Fuck you, Severus Snape! You absolute bastard! Stay the fuck away from my wife, do you hear? Don’t you dare go near her, you fucking piece of shit! I despise you, Snivellus! You fucking coward! Bastard cursed Death Eater! Stay the fuck away from her or I’ll kill you with my bare hands!” James screamed.
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mercifuldeaths · 6 years
Millions, Baby.
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Duncan Shepherd x Reader
Summary: Duncan goes away on business, leaving you with his black card. You decide to treat yourself...and he decides to punish you for your reckless spending. 
Warnings: smut, dom!Duncan, choking, cumplay-ish, spanking, etc...filth. just filth.
Notes: Nothing really, just heard 7 Rings and this was the only scenario I could think of for days. I always feel weird posing smut, so. Sorry if it sucks. 
This had been the conversation topic for quite some time. But having a business trip over the weekend of your anniversary really was a buzzkill, especially considering Duncan had already made arrangements for quite the mini vacation. But no. He was going to do some business. Ugh.
“I still don’t understand why you have to go,” you whined knowing full well his response.
“I told you, it’s important.” His bags had already been taken downstairs, he was just saying goodbye to you before his jet left for California. “I know this is a big day for us, but we’ll celebrate another time, babe.” He leaned in, going for a kiss but you pulled back. “What?”
“I am still going to have fun this weekend. With or without you,” you smiled, knowing full well what you were insinuating.
“Ohh, is that right?” Duncan pulled you in, grabbing your ass under your skirt. “Mmmm, my babygirl all by herself. Well, then I’ll just have to make sure she has the best time possible.” You missed the press of him against you when he stepped away but he was pulling his wallet out.
You had a tilt of your head, a little confused, but the meaning was clear when he pulled out the black card, offering it to you with a raised brow.
“Duncan…” you started. It wasn’t like you needed his card as you had one of your own, however, you rarely used it, preferring to splurge occasionally while Duncan was the big spender if you two.
“Have some fun. Get yourself something pretty, sweetheart,” he almost growled as he pulled you in again this time his full lips meeting yours. “Can’t wait for you to show me what you got.” He winked over his shoulder as he turned towards the door.
You felt yourself start to smirk a little, entertaining the idea of maybe some new lingerie or a pair of heels. “Okay,” you sighed. “Get out of here. Sooner you’re gone, the sooner you’ll be back.”
“That’s the spirit. Love you, babygirl,” he turned again and wrinkled his nose in the most adorable way.
“Love you, too,” you whispered, fiddling with the thin piece of black plastic in your nimble fingers.
La Perla- Maison Bodysuit. $994.00
That was what you decided on. A white and black lacy bodysuit you just knew Duncan would kill to have you in. It was a gift for him, really rather than yourself. So maybe he wouldn’t mind if you did get the Louboutins you had been eyeing…
Louboutin- So Kate Booties. $1995.00
An anniversary gift to yourself, from yourself...from Duncan. Kinda.
But Duncan had said to have fun...right? And he was always complaining that you deserved more, that he wanted to spoil you.
A naughty idea had formed-one that he would absolutely punish you for. But then again, was it ever really a punishment? So getting everything you wanted and a rough dick down from your boyfriend...sounded like the perfect plan.
Dom Perignon Rose Champagne $1160.00
Balenciaga Leather Tote $2145.00
Versace Bathrobe $595.00
Gucci Snakeskin and Leather belt $720.00
[Duncan]: What do you think you’re doing?
[Y/N]: Having fun
[Duncan]: Can’t be too much fun if I’m not there. Don’t think I’m not getting the bank alerts.
[Y/N]: :)
[Duncan]: No more.  
You didn’t bother responding. Looking at his bank statements- he had more money to spare. Sure, you didn’t need these things but something about watching those numbers wrack up made you think about just how much trouble you’d be in. You couldn’t stop, already feeling yourself get wet.
Cartier Love Bracelet $6,300.00
Burberry Sandringham Trench $1790.00
Max Mara Labbro Wrap Coat $3,827.00
YSL Collar Jumpsuit $3,990.00
Chanel Small Boy Handbag $6,900.00
[Duncan]: Now you’re gonna get it.
[Y/N]: I can’t help that everything looks good on me :)
[Duncan]: I’ll remember that.
That Friday morning you found yourself preparing for when he would come home. His flight landed at nine, so by ten you expected him home. Money did allow for him to skip TSA, getting a cab and every other issue that typically comes from travel. Maybe Duncan had the right idea about using it for everything...he had enough of it.
You pondered the pros and cons of each while dressed in that new bodysuit you had gotten for Duncan along with the pair of Louboutins, bent over the counter scrolling through Instagram to pass the time while you waited for him. The door clicked, unlocking and you didn’t move, frozen in place from anticipation as well as fear.
The small gasp he let out while he took you in was pretty satisfying, you had to admit. His expensive shoes clicked against the hardwood floors, approaching you, still leaning against the counter.
“Now what do we have here?” His tone was playful and you knew not to trust it. His fingers traced the lace that covered your ass. Giving in, you finally spun around to face him, allowing him to back you against the counter. Duncan leaned in and you smiled, ready to give him a ‘welcome home’ kiss, but he settled for placing his lips next to your ear, his breath tickling. “A fucking greedy little whore, perhaps?”
Your stomach dropped, unsure if you were turned on or scared. Both, probably.
“Duncan, I can expl-” you started but the firm grip on your jaw, forcing him to look at you, interrupted.
“I know what happened, sweetheart. You got a taste and wanted more,” he all too sweetly pulling pack to look at you. His thumb brushed over your full bottom lip and then slowly entered your mouth. On instinct, you started to suck on the digit.
“And look at that...still not satisfied.” He ripped his hand away from you completely, leaving you craving his touch anywhere. He took in your slightly embarrassed but still desperate demeanor, tempted to reach out and grab him but obviously holding yourself back.
Duncan meandered over to the wine chiller, across the kitchen from where you stood, neglected. You could feel yourself starting to get wet just thinking about what he was going to do. It looked like he needed a moment to properly plan how to put you back in your place so he grabbed the bottle of Dom you bought and poured a single glass.
After taking a small sip he spun the bottle to look at the label. “$1200 for this? You have better taste than this, I hope Y/N. Should have gotten the Spades.” You cracked a smile, knowing he was riling you up, making you wait, making you desperate. With a tilt of his head, he had you walking towards him as he offered the crystal flute to you. You went to take it from him by the thin stem but he suddenly pulled it back. Tease.
“On your knees.” An order. He tipped his head back, finishing the glass of champagne and quickly poured another while you obediently kneeled before him. A glance of impatient eyes told you he was waiting and you made quick work of his belt and fly. You wasted no more time, knowing how he could get.
He didn’t react when you licked a strip on the underside of his thick cock-he just took another delicate sip of the Dom you realized his lips would taste like later. You wanted a reaction, however. Unafraid of his game, you batted your eyelids, looking at him-something that usually drove him wild while swirling your tongue over his tip, lapping at the precum that had leaked. You let saliva start to collect in your mouth knowing he’d want it a little sloppy as just another way to say sorry. But you weren’t sorry at all.
“We don’t have time for this,” he murmured and shoved you onto him forcing you to swallow him whole. Even though you started gagging, he held you onto him with one hand, pressing himself into you completely. “Now look at that, that’s my good girl.”
He started moving your mouth over him roughly, setting a relentless pace but you expected nothing less, all the while draining another glass of the champagne he still felt was a bit cheap.
Of course, he was enjoying himself, but he couldn’t let you know that. “Fuck, baby. That desperate for some new heels?” You moaned around his cock, filling out your mouth completely. You couldn’t hold back a few gags when he went just a little too deep. “Fucking filthy, you know that? Willing to suck my fat cock just for a bag or some shit. What was it? Balenciaga?” With that, his thrusts became more uneven, chasing his high, but he pulled out with the most explicit pop sound you’d ever heard, a trail of saliva leading from your lips to his cock.
His thumb briefly ran over your lips again, now covered in your spit and his precum. He started jerking into his hand, leaving you feeling useless but knowing where this was going. “Open up.” He gently tapped the side of your face.
You looked up to him, still perched on your knees, ready, mouth open before he could even finish asking. “Oh, you want my cum, too? God, you really are something. I’m gone for a few days and you become this little slut, ready to take a load to the face. It’s kind of pathetic, really.” He continued to fuck himself into his hand, moving quicker. “I consider myself pretty generous, so I’ll give it to you. Don’t swallow it. Don’t waste it. Consider it just another gift from me to you.” He came into your mouth, and like the little slut he thought you were, you eagerly took it all, even going as far as to licking your lips, going after his tip, desperate to not waste any. It was a gift, after all.
Satisfied, you hummed with his warm cum over your tongue, careful to hold it in your mouth. “Up,” Duncan said, voice high and a little playful like he had an idea forming. “Now, let’s see what you got while I was away. I remember a belt...Gucci, was it?”
You couldn’t respond but nodded while giving him a skeptical look. He didn’t hesitate to walk to the bedroom, immediately seeing the stack of boxes and bags that held your new belongings. He headed over to them, immediately going for the bag that had proclaimed Gucci. Unsure of what he had in mind, or really what to do, you headed to the bed and sat cross-legged in the center, Loubitons still on.
“Hmmm, it is nice, isn’t it? A classic.” He held the leather, inspecting it by turning it over and bending it in half. Bending it in half, god no.
Duncan made himself comfortable standing near the edge of the bed and gestured for you to come closer. You knew what came next. “Don’t be so shy, darling. You certainly weren’t when you were busy swiping my black card,” he drawled, waiting for you to settle yourself over the edge of the bed, ass up and exposed thanks to the lacy lingerie. It dawned on you that you couldn't even scream properly, nor bite the comforter-something that usually helped when Duncan was feeling particularly rough. You were holding probably your favorite gift in your mouth, after all. You felt his cum swirl around your mouth as he placed a large hand over the curve of your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
“You’re lucky you’re an actual piece of art, or I’d wreck you in ways you can’t even imagine. But you’d probably like that. That’s what this was, right? A provocation?” With the last word, Duncan lashed at your bottom with the Gucci belt you had loved so much. You couldn’t decide if this made you like it more, or less. Your body jolted and you yelped, but managed to keep your mouth shut. The familiar warmth from the lash resonated and continued to sting while he waited for you to resettle.
Before you could completely relax, however, there was another loud smack echoing in the room. Your yelp was more of a moan and he noticed. You felt his fingers edge at the seam of your panties, then slipping under and into your folds. It was almost embarrassing how wet you were, neglected from his touch. A shudder went through you as he teased your slit.
“Already wet? Are you turned on by this?” he said in mock surprise. “Who knew all I had to do was leave you a credit card and I’d have you at my mercy. Well, more than I usually do.”
His fingers continued to tease and your hips started pushing onto them desperate for more friction. Granting you mercy, he slipped two fingers into you, already curling how you liked it. Unable to hold back, you moaned, accidentally opening your mouth and felt his cum leak out of you. Fuck. Duncan must have noticed because his fingers immediately left your cunt and you felt your head snap back, his hand now knotted and pulling your hair.
“Ahh, Duncan,” you said in warning, feeling him getting more devious by the second. From the corner of your eye, you saw him give you a look that told you how pathetic you were. Unable to handle his punishment already? You knew this wasn’t the end.
“Oh, Y/N. You shouldn’t have done that.” His voice was low, and he shook his head in disapproval.
“I’m sorry,” you managed to whimper out, face now pressed into the mattress.
“You know what I have to do now?”
“No...what do you have to do now?” you whined, starting to move your hips against the edge of the mattress, still seeking the friction he was depriving you of.
“I’m going to have to fill your pretty cunt instead,” he deadpanned close to your ear, pressing himself against your backside. Instinctually, you rubbed your ass against his cock, already hard again. Before much else happened, you felt something loop over your head. Thin. And smelling of new leather. Fuck.
He pulled the belt, now wrapped around your neck, forcing your head up and back. You choked out his name and he kept you in position there, just uncomfortable enough that you were starting to almost gag, but pleasant enough that you could feel yourself completely saturate the delicate lace that covered your aching cunt. Duncan, practically reading your mind, unsnapped the bottom of the bodysuit.
Wasting no more time, he thrust into you, fulling you completely. You couldn’t even let out a whimper, the belt was pulled so tight, very effectively choking you. He was merciless, thrusting into you at a relentless pace, evidently only interested in getting himself off. Right when your vision started to darken, the edges soften, the pressure was suddenly released and you gasped for air, your lungs burning. Your hands flew to your throat and pulled the leather away from your now bruised neck. There would be no way to explain that particular pattern of bruising tomorrow.
Duncan’s hands gripped your hips hard enough to leave bruises themselves. One traveled to your front and started circling your clit, apparently not entirely interested in getting himself off, or maybe taking pity on you writhing beneath him. Regardless you were happy enough that he was going to let you cum.
“You really just seem to want everything, don’t you? You already got everything you can buy and now you want more of my cum? Beg.” he demanded.
“What?” you gasped out, now working in tandem with him, throwing your ass back to meet his hard thrusts, your skin slapping together. It all sounded so obscene.
“Beg me for my cum. Money can’t buy everything, sweetheart,” he groaned out, words punctuated by his grunts.
“Please. Please cum in me, Duncan,” you cried, knowing he was going to continue to toy with you for as long as he could last. But knowing him and his body, it didn’t seem like he could go for much longer if his irregular movements and twitches were anything to go by.
“You can do better than that, I know you can do better than that.” He was losing control, you could tell, but desperate to hold on if only it made you that much more needy for him.
“God, Duncan. I need you to fill me, I need you to cum in me, please. Please, I want to be so fucking full of you-dripping with you-”
Duncan interrupted you with a sharp bite to your shoulder to muffle his keen while he spilled into you, ready and accepting. His fingers kept rubbing now gentle, circles into your clit as he worked you closer to your edge. He didn’t stop his movements, despite already finishing. You knew he wanted to fuck his cum into you, make sure you took everything he had to offer.
The thought of you being his and his completely in conjunction with his now rapid stroked to your clit had you clenching around his dick, still inside you. You could tell he was overstimulated but being the stubborn man he was, he wanted you to cum on his cock, regardless. “Fuck,” you managed to bite out, hips still chasing the end of your high.
Duncan pulled out and watched you lay there for a moment, absolutely wrecked in the center of the white duvet. A purple collar of bruises forming, red lashes on your pert ass, his cum spilling out of you. He sighed, clearly pleased with himself. He realized that you still had the Louboutins on and chuckled softly. “Come on,” he said and tucked himself into his jeans.
“What? Where?” you asked as he headed over to the wardrobe and took out the new trench you had gotten while he was away.
“Something else to get,” he mumbled offhandedly. “You’ve already got shoes on. And you won’t be needing anything under this, so.” He threw the trench coat over to you, still laying blissed out on the bed. “Oh,” he looked a little surprised. “I almost forgot.”
His hands traveled to the bottom of your bodysuit, still on but unsnapped at the crotch. It had managed to ride up during your ‘punishment’. He grazed over your cunt, wet and dripping with him. Duncan, ever the tease, ran a quick finger through you, admiring the shine left behind as well as how you twitched from the overstimulation. Snapping the garment back over to cover you, he patted your pussy as if reassuring you of something, still so oversensitive, you let out a muffled keen. “I’m going to let you keep me in there all day. Wouldn’t want you wasting any.”
“God, Duncan,” you gasped out, already pulling your trench coat over your lace bodysuit. “I can’t go out like this.” You squirmed, feeling exposed even though the coat covered you. But knowing that you were so wrecked, carrying his cum, underneath it was admittedly pretty hot. You almost felt ready for round two. Maybe you could get him to wear the bathrobe…
“If you’re going to act like my little slut you’re going to get treated as such. Aren’t these the things you wanted? And more…?” he smirked and an eyebrow raised.
You huffed and followed him to the door. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“You forgot something on your little shopping spree,” he mused while you rode the elevator down to the lobby, still feeling so exposed and plain filthy.
“What did I forget?” you asked. Genuinely curious.
“We have an appointment at Tiffany’s….you’ve gotta pick out your engagement ring, sweetheart,” he said with a firm grasp on your ass, his hand slipped under the coat.
You felt yourself smirk, entirely satisfied.
My Expensive Hoes: @ccodyfern @michael-langdon-appreciation @starwlkers @babypinkstyles94 @and-shes-not-even-pretty @missantichrist @langdonsinferno @jim-mason2 @americanhorrorstudies @gremlinkween
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