artpromptcal · 5 months
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May 2024 art prompts
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doodlepony · 3 years
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Jedi Knight - Kohtali
Behold my disaster of a jedi sentinel, who is my main character on the Darth Malgus Server on SWTOR. This is definitely a rare serious picture of her as she’s usually a bit more chaotic and yes the flip flops are a deliberate choice on her behalf!
Pretty proud with how this background turned out on this one.
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shrikeicee · 3 years
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i also have some characters if yall wanna see em! the top one is my sona n the bottom one is an smp character im doin with my friends
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luwha · 6 years
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she can listen to my shoulder pain
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nights-cover · 5 years
Kli and Zras meet.
Kli arrived back home to the imperial intelligence center where he felt the tension in the air. His mission was successful, but what he had uncovered was concerning, though this was now being handed to a more experienced agent to be dealt with which made Kli feel a bit bitter over. Watcher 3 debriefed with him and Kli meet the Keeper for the first time before being told he would have a week before his next mission.
He got to his new room and panicked as he couldn’t find his stolen datapad anywhere. He had hid it before going, but decided to let it be as the package that had been chasing him over the galaxy was brought to him. Kli was careful opening it, but torn into it when he saw what it was.
It was a new outfit that was made of very fine, but expensive material. It was also tailored to his figure and had additional protection, due to intelligence making sure it wasn’t a bomb most likely. He was a very well-known person among the empire, due to his father’s sins and many people still felt burned by it.
He then changed and headed out to a tea shop he had overheard some people talking about on Hutta during his mission. It sounded nice, even if it was in more sith heavy area. He could blend in very well now days as he slipped out of the building and into the streets in his new clothing.
Zras parked the ship as Vette said she was going to stay on with the Jedi padawan as Quinn said he needed to do something here. Zras nodded, not liking Quinn at all. He knew the guy was a spy, but for who...well Zras got a feeling he knew who as he headed to Bara’s officer. The sith boring him to death when his actual master nabbed him away. Baras sputtering in rage as Howl shrugged him off in silence.
Zras had to dig his nails into his hands, not to laugh or smile as Howl glanced to him in almost a smile behind the mask. Howl then gave Zras his following mission from Baras in a simpler and less drama filled form. Zras thanks his master and asks for some sparing which Howl agrees to. His voice sounding glad at the request.
Zras pretty much got his ass handed to him, but it gave him the knowledge on what to improve upon as Howl helped him to his feet again, calling it a day as he had pushed business to the side long enough. Zras bowed and left, seeing the message that Kli was back. He headed out to the Imperial intelligence center only to find the room empty, but and open package on the floor. He smiled, knowing that it made it job finding the chiss easier.
He then noted the slightly opened compartment on the in-table as Zras investigated it. It was a hidden compartment, made for a… Zras pulled out the datapad he had grabbed up and slipped it in with his holo-frequency on a note. He then closed it and left to try to locate the chiss.
Kli found the place, but it was tucked away in pureblood territory which made him slightly uncomfortable as he walked with the flow of people. He could feel the eyes of others on him as he walked along, ducking into tea shop when he found it.
The scent of place nearly knocked Kli over, but he managed to keep himself together while adjusting to the shop's arrumas. He then took the place in and felt more relaxed as it was quiet. Him being to look around as the shop worker appeared near him, asking if he needed help. He politely declined as he slowly looked over the teas and brands.
He found a tin of an old tea he remembered liking as a child. It was a root and fruit tea. He grabbed it up as he continued to browsing for another kind he had grown to like. He then found it as he came to the counter to pay. The worker complimenting his choice of teas and began asking if he often drank it which Kli revealed he mostly drank coffee. The tea was more for company. The worker then laughed and told Kli of the cafe upstairs. Kli thanking them, paying and heading up to hopefully try a tea he saw, but wasn’t sure he would like.
Zras found his way to the tea shop where he saw an old friend working. They chatted for a moment as Zras acted like he was looking at the teas. Him asking if a chiss came in and way happy to hear that the Chiss was still there. Him going upstairs to the cafe, the scent of tea being wonderful as he easily found the chiss in the corner writing with a pot of tea.
Zras decided to get his favorite tea from the counter and walked over to the Chiss. He then glanced at the empty seat from the chiss as he nodded and Zras sat down. Him pouring himself a cup of tea and placing it over on the Chiss’ side before serving his own. The chiss looking a bit unsre own as he put down the datapad that had been turned off.
“Can I help you?” The chiss asked kindly as Zras nodded taking a sip of tea
“Yes, I been looking for you. I am Lord Zras Rumarsh. Acolyte to Darth Howl, though I am doing work for Darth Baras at the moment.” Zras said, hoping his blunt openness wouldn’t be taken as a threat.
“Kli’ Agaelu’ Krosiss. I am known as Cipher 12. Currently waiting for a new mission. What can I help you with?” The chiss said, his voice sounding guarded as Zras thought for a moment, before being blunt again.
“I would like your help in becoming your friend as you would hopefully become mine.” Zras said as Kli about spat his tea out. Zras waited as Kli finished and pardoned his reaction as Zras shrugged. Silence sat for a moment as Kli then studied Zras
“You aren’t kidding….” Kli said out loud as his eyes widened before he turned his head away in deeper thought. Glancing back to Zras who simply got himself more tea as he waited. He knew giving his last name was going to to make Kli hesitant towards trusting him, but Zras knew honesty would get him farther with this agent just due to his past.
“What do you gain from this?” Kli then asked, adding in “For all I know this is a sith trick or a very distasteful joke. Why would the second son of Mayrt Rumarsh, my torturer, wish to be friends with the son of one of imperial intelligence’s biggest traitors? Tell me Zras, Why do you really want me by your side? What is your gain?”
Zras kept his face neutral as Kli let out a sliver of frustration surface at him. Others looked over as Zras gave then a signal to ignore them as Kli waited in silence. His anger was a pool that Zras felt drawn too. He had not been able to sense it before.
"Possibly keeping my life in the future." Zras stated, as he pulled back from feeding on Kli's anger as he felt the ghost of the lightsaber piercing his back. Kli noted the sith shifting uncomfortably as he felt his anger lessen at the sith.
Kli then thought to his dream and the events that happened as he accidentally dropped his datapad so he would have a reason to look under the table and peer at Zras' lightsaber. It matching the one in his dream, the one Mayrt ran him through with. 
"And what if the reason you end up dying in that field is that you became friends with me?" Kli inquired as Zras looked up. Kli realizing his mistake as Zras simply remarked, 
"I never said anything about the location where it occurred. How did you know it was a field?" 
Kli shifted, now uncomfortable, as Zras leaned over the table. His manners showing through as his elbows were kept off the table as Kli glanced around, but knew no one was going to help him. He then looked back to Zras who sighed as pulled back. 
"Fine keep your secrets then." Zras said soothing as if to reassure Kli, that he wasn't in trouble as Kli nodded, letting out a breath he had been holding.  Silence set in as Kli tried to ignore how awkward it felt as Zras seemed content with drink more tea. Zras also felt awkward as Kli kept taking every one of his jokes with such seriousness and literal regard, that it was hard to appear non-threatening.
“I’m sorry…”Zras finally said, as Kli looked up unsure as he had silently started to continue his mission report again. He tried to fathom what the sith was sorry about Zras continued. “I’m not good at making friends outside of my normal circle of living...Plus with our families history....” Zras rubbed his temple one handed as he was trying to figure out how to put this when Kli touched his hand.
Kli realized that Zras was actually being genuine and he had gotten in the sith’s face about it. Yes, Zras’ was being selfish, but Kli couldn’t fault the sith for wanting to try and preserve his life. Kli then reached over the table as Zras struggled to find words as Kli felt  the sith look at him in uncertainty.
“It’s okay. I am not use to having friends due to my past. In fact, I think this is the first time someone has ever asked me to be their friend since I was 6...I’m sorry for the trouble.” Kli said calmly as Zras lowered his head a bit as a gentle smile formed as he looked at Kli’s hand over his.
“No problem...Say you want to join me to my piercing appointment. Introduce you to some of my other friends, so they know you aren’t a threat.” Zras said hesitantly, hoping he wasn’t pushing things too fast. Kli gave thought to it as his mind realized the Zras was trying to be friendly and was actually kind of caring.
“Sure” Kli said as Zras soon lead the way. Kli keeping close as they idly chatted about things they passed by or rather when Kli stared at something for a moment or two longer than normal. Kli was surprised to find out some of the interesting history on the Pureblood Siths from Zras. Including some reasons for the markings and piercings as they entered a shop.
He was strangely welcomed after Zras introduced Kli as his friend, though some chuckled till they looked him over. All eyes locked onto Zras and a swarm of questions began. Zras seemed a bit overwhelmed as Kli cut in right as some asked ‘Why the traitor’
“Because it’s not expected and almost seems unreasonable.” Kli said, his voice slightly wavering as all eyes looked to him. Zras quickly agreed with him and after a few more minutes, everything seemed to calm down and they were escorted to the room as Kli dropped out.
“So your the one who bought me my new uniform?” “Yeah...You didn’t seem to have any untorn or resewn clothing. I figured you might enjoy having something new to wear. Besides, I had to get a crewmate clothing too, so it wasn’t a huge deal”  Zras stated as Kli smiled which lead to him teasing Kli who found himself flipping the sith off. Zras practically died of laughter as Kli began to chuckle, his mind screaming in silent panic over doing that to a sith.
“So, since we are here” Zras breathed as he recovered from his laughter, “You want a spur of the moment piercing?”
The question threw Kli off, as he thought about it looking over Zras’ face. He was interested in them as they seemed to aid in making a more intimidating look, but Ciphers were forbidden to flash of things that could give them away in the field. Kli told Zras this who then stuck out his tongue where a small hole was.
“Tongue piercing, I lost my stud for it a while back and it sort of closed. Not completely yet, but I’m too lazy to change its course.” Zras said as Kli gave it thought as one of the piercers came in. Kli watched in interest and finally caved to the idea of a tongue piercing. After being informed of how to take care of it and given the shops number, they started.
Zras held his hand and  helped him up after it was finished. The stud was silver and was shiny. Kli smiled as he stuck out his tongue to see it and thanked the workers on his way out after Zras paid. His tongue swelling a bit as Zras took him back to Imperial Intelligence. Kli waving goodbye as Zras transport came into view as many other Agents gawked to him on his way in. Kli then entered the room and sort of just collapsed on his bed in joy before peacefully dozing off.
Zras returned to his ship to see Vette and Jaesa playing a game as Quinn grumbled to the side as Vette gave him crap for being a bad sport over it. Zras let himself be known as Vette waved him over as Jaesa formally addressed him as master as Quinn did my lord. He soon retired himself to his room to meditate in darkness as his emotions ran wild with joy. Him soon falling asleep, sitting up as well.
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good-beer-fella · 5 years
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Featured Good Beer Marzen Gordon Biersch Brewing Company Louisville, Kentucky Märzen (Mayrt-zen) was historically brewed in Bavaria from March through the end of October. It was brewed dark and strong, using dark roasted Munich and caramelized Munich malt to help cover up flavor changes from the lack of refrigeration (ice in those days) used to keep the beers cold in the cellars during the warm summer months. It was also the beer served at the Original Oktoberfest celebration, which originated as a wedding reception for the King Ludwig I and Maria Theresa. Bavaria was a very poor country and had little cause for celebration, so the King and Queen invited the entire population of Bavaria to the reception. They showed up that year and every year thereafter, and the event evolved into the modern day Oktoberfest. Gordon Biersch Märzen accentuates the flavors of the dark roasted imported malted barley and exhibits a caramel malt aftertaste, while downplaying the hop level. Yeast Strain: Weihenstephan 34/70 Hops: Hallertau aroma (Source Untappd) I#cheers #beer #beerstagram #drinkstagram #beers #beerselfie #beerporn #drinking #drinks #instabeer #beeradvocate #beerlife #beertime #craftbeer #beergeek #beersnob #beerme #beertography #beernerd #drinkup #untappd #drinklocal #goodbeerfella #gordonbiersch #marzen #louisville #beerpic (at Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Jy7rNl2Ct/?igshid=6adv0wv5vfh4
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Day 1571: Tripp
Employee of Myndi Mayer for Mayrt publicists, Tripp had been appointed to the Wonder Woman foundation on her merits and talents in business.
When forming the Wonder Woman foundation, the biggest challenge initially was deciding upon a name. Tripp suggested the Princess Diana foundation. A plan she shared with Myndi in advance who went ahead and prepared a banner for the meeting to discuss it.
Thus when Tripp revealed her idea for the name, Myndi had some of her employees unfurl it for everyone to see. However Diana was not fond of the name, stating that large banners and things named in the honor of someone as far as shes concerned, should only apply to someone if their dead or if their a god.
Myndi smirking, would have the banner taken away and suggested an alternative name, the 'Wonder Woman foundation' for everyone knows Diana as Wonder Woman. Plus if they called it that the foundations origin would doubtless be attributed to that lady from Britain.
Diana was hesitant, but Myndi argued that 'Wonder Woman' didn't simply embody her, but everyone who was coming together to make the foundation a reality. And those they would be helping.
With that, Diana agreed and Myndi had her associate unfurl the 'Wonder Woman Foundation' banner she had already created in advance. Correctly predicting that Diana would say no to the Princess Diana Foundation and accept Wonder Woman as an alternative.
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icecry · 6 years
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Trying to get as much inking and cleaning done as I can. I’ve been a bit busy this past week but hoping to start coloring before the end of the month.
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efeitoamor · 12 years
mayrt answered your question: Será que alguem ja olhou meu tumblr e falo: porra esse tumblr é mt foda?
obrigada *-*
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artpromptcal · 2 years
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Yes, I know "Mayrt" is the worst one yet... I'm so sorry 🤦
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nights-cover · 5 years
Kli pt. 2 Dreams
Kli had turned off the datapad and finally tried to get some sleep. Managing to drift off a bit as he began to dream. 
His mind felt like fire, as the needles were in his head. Voices around him...words, orders...mind-control. He was being coded to be loyal...he couldn’t fight it. He was….
Kli was then in a briefing room in the republic, a file downloading as blood covered him and the room. The file finishing as he swiftly  turned with his knife, stabbing his father. The look of shock and bitter anger written over it as they were up on a balcony. His heart crying out in pain as he looked at his father impassioned, before throwing him over the railing. Then pain shot through his lower torso.
Mayrt had ran him through with a lightsaber he vaguely remembered. His mind blocking out who as he heartache with the knowledge. He then looked up at Mayrt and apologizing, stepping closer as pain coursed through him from the lightsaber going deeper. His hand grasping the handle as he slammed it home.
As his body fell he saw a Pureblood sith laying in a field, bleeding out as he reached for him. Kli’s mind-control ordering him to let him die as he fought against it as his heart ached, but he was being dragged away as the codes began shredded his mind for resisting. 
Kli then found himself being swallowed by a pool of darkness as the Pureblood sith appeared above him, still dying. The lightsaber being shoved into his hands which was the one he had seen earlier. Then his mind was on fire again and the voices, his father’s voice the clearest, changing his loyalty coding as he screamed in pain.
Kli awoke hiccuping as he felt his head throb.He got up and dress, deciding to head to the official imperial intelligence center early as he knew he wouldn’t be sleeping again anytime soon for the night. No one seemed to care he was there early and many seemed to be glad he came sooner. Watcher 3 bringing him up to speed over another leak in intelligence which had killed a Darth, which was now his new mission. His code name being Cipher 12, which Kli nodded at. 
Within the hour he was on his way out into the galaxy in his own ship which he explored like a little kid. Him running down the corridors, jumping to hit the higher arcs and laying in the middle of the floor. Him laughing and at ease with feeling alone for the first time in forever. He then got a call from intelligence over a Sith looking for him and that there was a package from said sith which confused the hell out of Kli.
He wasn’t told much more, not even a name, as Kli sighed. The package would be sent to his ship once landed within a day. The transmission ended as Kli thought of slicing for the information, but decided not to risk it as the planet came into view.
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nights-cover · 5 years
Zras pt.2 Coming home
God, dealing with Baras was like watching a poorly adapted version of pureblood sith opera by the humans. It literally made Zras want to smash his head into the nearest column as he was given an order to find some special jedi girl and to kill her or if he so desired, turn her to the dark side. He bowed, taking on the challenge before heading out towards the family homestead for the afternoon.
Once at the house, his older brother, Davilan, shoved his acolyte down and rushed to hug him as he called over that training was done for the day. The acolyte looked confused at Zras and his brother, before just accepting it as Davilan dragged Zras inside shouting. Their mother came rushing from the upper rooms,and just hugged him tightly as if he was a child. She then set him down as Zras’ little brother could be heard yelling “he’s home?!” to a slave before rushing into the room. He paused for a second.
“You’re home!” Rebvo shrieked and tackled Zras to the floor with a hug as a back door was heard and fast-paced footsteps approached. Rebvo got off swiftly, helping Zras to his feet as Davilan dusted him off as their father entered the room.
“I heard a big, bad lord is home” Mayrt joked as he also hugged Zras firmly. Zras forgot how much he had missed being home as his father pulled away. He was then whisked into the family room where everyone seemed to just celebrate the others company. The slaves brought food and drinks which they were encouraged to join in on, as it had been years since all the family had time to sit down together. 
Rebvo had to leave first as he was an advisor to a Darth and was needed. Mayrt ruffled Zras’ hair before leaving to finish up some interrogation reports from the field. Davilan then excused himself as his acolyte was in need of more training which just left Zras and his mother.
“Mom, I know you are aware I had a vision thanks to Davilan telling you. It is nothing to worry about” Zras said knowing that his older brother always knew when he got a vision and always told Junish of it so she could help interrupt it. 
“Well, let’s hear it honey, or is it something you are too unsure about?” Junish inquired, the concern evident in her voice. Zras just nodded, but decided to tell her anyways. Once done, Junish looked troubled. After all, Zras just stated he had died during this vision.
“The agent, how close would you say you two where?” Junish inquired
“Kinda of close. He was desperate to save me. It felt like something was prohibiting him from truly helping me though. Like he was fighting a second battle in his head at the same time. He did his best...” Zras stated, remembering the aura surrounding the agent. The agent seemed to be in agony as his emotional were so raw. It actually made Zras feel a bit sick of how much his death seemed to pain the chiss, he hoped he could change that.
“Well, there’s your first step if you ever find this agent.” Junish replied, knowing that Zras already knew that. “Just be careful, I don’t want to bury my son.”
“I know Mom. Now, I have to go. Business to attend to.” Zras stated, now wanting to leave as the room grew heavy with Junish’s ponderings. She then rose, hugging Zras more tightly this time as he hugged firmly back. He then left the house, glancing back for a moment, then taking his speeder back to the city and towards the academy.
Once at the academy, Zras waltzed in as multiple officers scrambled to get to attention and stop their casual talked to show Zras respect. He nodded at the effort as he walked over to the main desk and slightly leaned against it. A bad habit of his, but no one here would comment on it or at least not in front of him.
“My lord, what… what can I do for you so late tonight?” sputtered out a woman trying to regain her composure as Zras locked eyes with her.
“I am looking for a chiss agent. Name has escaped me for the moment, but he has this small little scar on his cheek that should start in the middle and angles down to his chin. Also he has severe scarring on the back of his neck from a shock collar.” Zras stated as bitterly casual as he could. Best to make it appear as if this had inconvenienced him this late at night as the woman sprung into action to bring forth results.
“I got three results, but the closest to your description would fit the son of our biggest betrayal of chiss imperial intelligence to date, Kli’ Agaelu’ Krosiss.” The woman stated as Zras felt the name click. He gave that kid his cheek scar, and his father tortured him way back when. Well things just got more complicated, as the woman also went on in a small panic, telling him Kli was already gone on his first assignment and had already left.
“Thank you, that's more than enough information. Here is my holo-frequency; call me when he gets back, but do not detain him for me.” Zras ordered firmly as the woman typed everything before asking,
“Did he do something?”  which Zras responded with a firm ‘No’ as he then walked away with a smirk and returned to his ship after visiting Kli’s empty room, swiping up a datapad that Zras could tell the chiss shouldn’t have had.
 Once on board and set course, Zras realized he wasn’t alone as he found small closet turned into a make-shift  room and a twi'lek sitting there in barely any clothing.
“You’re my new master.” She stated sadly as Zras lowered himself down into a kneel and held out his hand, .
“Let’s try new partner. Come on, let’s get you new clothing and a way better room.” He offered as the twi’lek seemed hesitant, before launching herself into his chest. Zras catching her as they toppled back on the floor as he saw the shock collar. Him instantly getting it off her which caused her to jump back.
“It’s gone… IT’S GONE!” She celebrated out loud as she rubbed her neck in relief, as Zras got up and introduced himself. The twi’lek, Vette, returned the favor as Zras lead the way to a large suite which he showed Vettte who looked confused till Zras told her it was her new room.
Vette slowly opened up a bit as Zras let her rush about the ship as he ordered her and the chiss new clothing. Him letting Vette choose what she wanted as she almost sobbed and stated she wanted to be his crew partner forever or a better offer came to her. Zras could only laugh at that as the ship rushed through space to the first part of his mission.
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