Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Reiji Heaven [02]
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ー The scene starts in the school library
Yui: ( Reiji-san’s silently reading up on medical books... )
( I’d love to help out as well, but I don’t know anything about medicine and such. )
Reiji: ...Why have you been aimlessly walking around this whole time? It is highly distracting.
Yui: Ah...I’m sorry!
Reiji: If you have nothing to do, then silently stay on your seat.
Yui: Uhm...Is there anything I can help with?
I want to be able to do something for you... (1)
Reiji: Let’s see...A task even someone as retarted as yourself should be capable of doing...
In that case, please go fetch me the next volume of this.
Yui: Yes! Got it.
ー Yui runs up to the bookshelves
Yui: ( Uhm, the next part of the book Reiji-san’s reading is... )
Ah, there it is!
( But what should I do? It’s all the way up there, I can’t reach that high... )
Reiji: ...How much longer?
Yui: S-Sorry...I can’t reach...
Uhm...I believe I’ll have to ask you to grab it after all...
Reiji: Haah, you really are useless. Not only do you fail to heed my order, but you ask me to do it instead.
ー He walks over
Yui: ( ...? Reiji-san’s standing right behind me...What is he...? )
ー Reiji lifts her into the air
Yui: Kyah!
( He’s lifted me up from behind...! )
Reiji: Come on. Now it’s within your reach, right?
Yui: Y-Yes!
( I think it would have been easier to just grab it himself though... )
ー He puts her down again
Yui: Reiji-san. I got the...book.
Reiji: Good job. Please give it to me.
ー Reiji grabs the book and returns to his seat
Yui: ( He continued reading as if nothing happened at all. )
...Why do you make medicine, Reiji-san?
Reiji: ...You sure are noisy. I cannot concentrate like this.
Yui: S-Sorry! I just got curious...
Reiji: In that case, I shall tell you.
I am making these drugs...In order to revive my Mother.
Yui: Eh...?
Reiji: Ever since I was just a young lad, I grew up always being compared to Shuu.
My Mother would always remind me of the same thing. That one day, I would become Shuu’s right-handed manーー
However, I could not possibly accept that...
And can you blame me? Even though I was superior to that man in absolutely every aspect!
Simply because he was born first, he received the blessings from everyone around him, having said position already set in stone for him!
In that case, I have no need for that wretched family...Ruin should simply fall upon them!
As a first step...I decided I would steal everything away from that guy.
Yui: ( Reiji-san’s eyes look...cold... )
( But am I just imagining this or...does he also look somewhat...sad? )
Reiji: I called upon a Vampire hunter, and assassinated my Mother.
Her face twisted in pain and suffering as she felt regret for always looking down on me...That is exactly what I wanted to see...
Yet, she smiled at me, passing with a peaceful expression on her face.
I could not let that slide.
Giving my Mother a soothing death is simply unthinkable...
Which is exactly why I decided to bring her back to life!
Then next time for sure, I shall kill her in the most cruel, painful wayーー
Yui: Reiji-san...
Reiji: Hmph...Look at me. I ended up rambling about my past even though that is nothing like me.
Well then, you got your answer now, right? I shall get back to reading now.
Yui: Yes...
Reiji: You...
...Why are you crying?
Yui: I don’t know...
( Because Reiji-san just seems...in a lot of pain... )
ー She embraces him
Reiji: What are you playing at, embracing me from behind? I cannot read my book like this, can I?
Yui: ...S-Sorry...
( I just couldn’t help but want to give him a hug... )
( I wonder if he’d get upset if I said that... )
Reiji: Good grief. 
If you are trying to seduce me, I wish you would go about it in a little more attractive manner...
Yui: ...I’m not...!
Reiji: Come on, look my way.
Yui: ( Ah...He grasped my chin... )
Reiji: All you have done is get in the way of my reading...You truly are a troublesome prey.
Let me seal those lips of yours, so you can no longer spout unnecessary nonsense.
Yui: ...!
R-Reiji-san...Wait, uhm...
Reiji: Fufu, why are you getting so flustered? You are the one who embraced me, are you not?
Yui: But, if someone were to come...
Reiji: Simply do not let it bother you. You should just keep your eyes on meーー
Yui: Nn...
( Ah...The lonliness from earlier...has disappeared from his eyes...? )
( I wonder if I was able to...support him even just a little... )
( I’ll be by your side forever, Reiji-san... )
Translation notes
(1) The expression 力になる or ‘chikara ni naru’ which literally means ‘to become (someone’s) strength’ is often used in Japanese when expression your desire to help out.
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