#mc throwing him off kilter for once is the funniest thing
tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: “Romantic Rail Getaway” Lu Jinghe Route, Day 1
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Translation Masterlist | Event Masterlist
Lu Jinghe Route: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Videos, where applicable, are hyperlinked on the headings in the post.
See under cut!
Part 1: The Rainforest’s Invitation
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Circulating Trip Train Start Station
I’ve heard of something along these lines before – Tambuyani’s trip train is a thread that links together pearls.
Only with the guidance of this thread can you experience this country’s charm.
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Lu Jinghe: I looked at the train route. The first station is located at Xiangya City.
Lu Jinghe: How about we wander around Xiangya City’s resort area in a moment? We shouldn’t tire ourselves out on the first day too much – might as well save some strength and have our fun slowly later.
MC: Mhmm, I saw that on the guide, it said that the resort has a massive local customs experience workshop. Do you want to experience wood carving?
Lu Jinghe: If you want to go, then I’ll accompany you.
We excitedly discussed our upcoming ride plans.
In front of the trip train’s station, other visitors were just like us, looking forward to the fantastical trip that was soon to start.
About this trip – it had started with Lu Jinghe.
Lu Jinghe: Hey, jiejie, you’re taking a long break these days, right? Got any trip plans?
MC: Hmm… I haven’t thought about it for now. Let me sleep in first a few times, then I’ll figure it out!
Lu Jinghe: After you’ve slept enough, want to consider participating with me on the Tambuyani circulating trip train journey?
Lu Jinghe: A premium luxury high-end self-directed travel, and Pax’s CEO will personally design the trip route for you.
MC: Tambuyani? Why’d you suddenly want to go there?
This name, which I’d only seen in geography books, left me filled with surprise.
Tambuyani was a little tropical country located near the equator. Though its sceneries were magnificent, their economy was undeveloped.
No matter how you thought about it, a place as remote as this wouldn’t be Lu Jinghe’s first choice.
Lu Jinghe: For work. Pax invested in a rainforest over there and opened up an event. I’m planning to go there myself to see.
Lu Jinghe: On the way… I can take you to have fun for a few days and relieve boredom.
MC: So that’s how it was – then I’ll think about it…
Lu Jinghe: Stop considering it – might as well hurry and pack your suitcase. I’ll pick you up tomorrow to go to the airport. Hanging up now.
[Flashback end]
Lu Jinghe moved rapidly. On the second day, we boarded the private plain headed towards Tambuyani.
We were sent straight to the start station of the circulating trip train when we got off the plane – he’d arranged for everything neatly and tidily.
Precisely as he said, this was a trip that could let one relax, as well as look forward to greatly.
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MC: Right, you said on the phone with me before… you came here for a rainforest project?
Lu Jinghe: Mhmm, Pax is preparing to build a nature reserve at Imana Rainforest and analyze the “parrot-tail fairy flower” project in the meantime.
MC: Parrot-tail fairy flower?
Lu Jinghe: When our people came to the rainforest to discuss the reserve project, they noticed a kind of rare plant with medicinal value, by chance.
MC: Hmm… it sounds like those legendary medicinal herbs that can cure illnesses and save lives?
Lu Jinghe: It might be, though I’m not too clear on the exact situation.
Lu Jinghe: When we get to Xiangya City in a moment, the person in charge of this project will pick us up. When time comes, you can ask him in detail.
MC: … There are Pax’s people in Xiangya City too?
Lu Jinghe: He came to Xiangya City on business today, so I called him over to chat. It’s perfect for getting an understanding of the project’s development – this is called “preparedness averts peril”.
The corners of Lu Jinghe’s mouth pulled up, his eyes full of smiles.
Lu Jinghe: Alright, let’s talk about this later. Let’s think first about how we’ll enjoy a happy lunchtime on the train.
Lu Jinghe: In the train’s dining room, there are Tambuyani’s characteristic culinary delicacies, and decent-tasting Western meals that you can help yourself to. What do you want to eat?
MC: Hmm…
Since we’re here, logically, we should try the delicacies of this place.
But I remembered, when I was looking up the guides, I saw those “characteristic delicacies”.
Stuff like roasted ants, stuffed cicada pupae, roasted scorpions… what if later, the stuff in the food platter brought over by the server was…
Should I challenge myself?
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>Self-serve Western meal >This place’s characteristic delicacies
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MC: I’ll go with the self-serve Western meal.
Lu Jinghe: Sure, I’ll go book a sumptuous self-serve feast, and we’ll be able to eat it after we get on the train.
Lu Jinghe: Although… you sure you don’t want to try Tambuyani’s characteristic delicacies?
Lu Jinghe: I’ve heard that there’s a kind of black bean orange rice that tastes delicious – it’s one of the visitors’ must-try Top Ten Characteristic Delicacies.
MC: I do want to try… but what if I run into some particularly weird ingredients… that would be tragic…
Lu Jinghe: Makes sense. We can take it slow and check out the tables of the guests who’ve ordered those delicacies.
Lu Jinghe: If there’s anything you want to eat, there’s still time to order them next time.
MC: Okay, so it’s decided!
 >Self-serve Western meal >This place’s characteristic delicacies
MC: Whew, I’ve thought it through! I’m going to eat Tambuyani’s characteristic delicacies!
MC: The guides online say that the black bean orange rice on the train is one of a kind. Those who’ve eaten it all say it’s good.
MC: Want to order one serving with me?
Lu Jinghe: I’ll lowkey let you in on a secret. Actually… I had just wanted to recommend the black bean orange rice to you; didn’t think you’d bring it up first.
Lu Jinghe: Sure enough, the two of us have tacit understanding!
Lu Jinghe smiled, his expression looking “quite proud”.
I was unable to resist teasing him once.
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MC: Have you really decided? If it doesn’t taste good, then you won’t be able to regret it.
Lu Jinghe: Have some trust in yourself – believe that our choice will definitely be right!
Lu Jinghe smiled, his eyebrows curving. Looking at his eyes, it seemed like I could smell the sweet scent of the orange rice.
MC: I already can’t wait to try it.
“Toot…” accompanying the sound the whistle’s long toot, the circulating trip train entered the station gradually.
Lu Jinghe stood up, dragging his and my two large suitcases, and winked at me.
Lu Jinghe: Let’s go – our rainforest trip is about to start.
MC: Mhmm, coming!
 Part 2: Vacation Entertainment Area – “First Time Hearing about the Rainforest Project”
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After the circulating trip train arrived at Xiangya City, I followed Lu Jinghe to tour around Xiangya City’s vacation resort area.
We’d just arrived near the vacation entertainment area when we saw a young person far from us, wearing traditional Tambuyani clothing, waving at us.
???: Hello, CEO Lu and Lawyer MC. You two finally came as expected. Was the trip here smooth?
The young man greeted us very warmly.
???: I’m called Akka, the person in charge of the rainforest project. Welcome to Tambuyani.
MC: Hello.
Lu Jinghe: Akka is the rainforest expert that Pax specially hired. He knows about everything in the rainforest the best.
Lu Jinghe: Weren’t you just talking about how you wanted to know about the rainforest project? You can straight-up ask him.
Akka: CEO Lu, you’re being too courteous. It’s all thanks to the support of Pax that I have the opportunity to take charge over this project that I’ve thought so long over.
Akka: Feel free to ask whatever questions you have. I’ll definitely do my very best to answer them in detail.
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Rainforest Project
MC: Could you tell me what the “Rainforest Project” is?
Akka: It’s like this. The Pax Group and the related departments of Tambuyani’s government reached an agreement to build a rainforest nature reserve.
Akka: The main goal is to develop the rainforest economy, as well as to search for and protect rare rainforest plants.
Akka: The construction plans of the whole reserve was named the “Rainforest Project” by us.
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Parrot-tail Fairy Flower
MC: Hm… what’s the “parrot-tail fairy flower” project? Does it have to do with the “Rainforest Project”?
Akka: The parrot-tail fairy flower was a rare plant we noticed by accident.
Akka: In its rhizome, there is a special sort of alkaloid in it that has significant curative effects to many kinds of severe diseases. It’s got very high medicinal value.
Akka: It was just that, due to ecological damage in the rainforest a few years ago with factors like the exacerbation of resource plundering, we thought before that this species of flower had already gone extinct.
Akka: Everyone is very happy about the discovery of the continued existence of the parrot-tail fairy flower.
Akka: I truly hope that we can get a grasp on its properties early on, so we can advance in science-based planting and protection of these.
MC: I really want to see a parrot-tail fairy flower myself.
Lu Jinghe: You can. I’ll take you to see them in a few days.
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Reserve Plan
MC: What plan have you prepared for your reserve? Could you let me in on it?
Akka: As of now, there are two large chunks of the plan – the ecological entertainment area and the biological reserve.
Akka: The main hit of the ecological entertainment area is the environmental protection tour, which has attracted more visitors to experience the charm of our Tambuyani rainforest.
Akka: On the biological reserve side, we’re protecting the rare plants in the rainforest. We’ve developed a limited-time sightseeing tour to increase everyone’s protective concern towards the environment.
Akka: Although, these are still in the planning stage. In upcoming days, we might adjust the plan at any given time.
MC: Still, it really does make me excited, listening to it.
MC: After it’s built, I feel like this place will become a trip hotspot.
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 Rainforest Economy
MC: When you’re talking about the rainforest’s economy, you mean…?
Akka: We’re mainly developing the rainforest trip project and investing in the rainforest economy.
Akka: Only when the economy has developed will the local residents have the energy to work with us and finish the upcoming collaborative plan.
MC: (Feels like Pax is doing a big project here in Tambuyani.)
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Lu Jinghe: Alright, let’s end this simple intro here. Shouldn’t we start touring around?
True… I’d gotten too absorbed in the conversation and almost forgot that the trip was the ultimate goal.
MC: Mhmm, let’s go! Let’s sign in at the vacation entertainment area.
Lu Jinghe: Exactly. The trip is what’s important!
 Part 3:  Vacation Relaxation Area
Part 4: Indigenous Arts Area – “Pleasures of the Resort”
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Leisure Recreational Beach
Under Akka’s company, Lu Jinghe and I followed Xiangya City’s commerce main road, idly strolling near the leisure beach.
The warm sunlight paired with the sounds of the waves, making me absentmindedly think that I was vacationing at a seaside city.
MC: I didn’t think that Xiangya City had such a pretty beach.
Akka: This artificial beach is a specifically-built attraction by the trip planning department, to guide visitor flow.
Akka: A little farther down is Xiangya City’s most well-known vacation resort. As it’s your first times coming to Tambuyani, I recommend that you two must go check it out.
Akka gave us a warm introduction to the popular attractions in Xiangya City, looking just like a tour guide.
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Popular Attractions
MC: Akka, how about you recommend some of the popular attractions in the vacation resort for us?
Akka: I personally would recommend the two of you see the rainforest ecology park, and the indigenous art museum.
Akka: I feel like… these two places embody natural style and cultural environment of Tambuyani the best.
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Rainforest Ecology Park
MC: If we go to the rainforest ecology park, we’ll probably experience the charm of the rainforest in advance, right?
Akka: Yes, the entire rainforest ecology park is designed to reproduce Tambuyani’s most famous Imana Rainforest.
Akka: Over two hundred types of rainforest plans are planted in the ecology park, and we also have explanatory guidepeople to expound on the characteristics of the rainforest plants.
Akka: I feel like this is a great opportunity for visitors to learn about the rainforest.
MC: Mhmm, we’ll go see the ecology park in a moment.
MC: I already can’t wait to experience the atmosphere of the rainforest.
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Indigenous Art Museum
MC: The indigenous art museum… is it a place to display the artwork of the indigenous people?
Akka: Yes, this art museum was recently just completed and opened to the public.
Akka: There are lots of modern handmade artworks made by the indigenous people, as well as some ancient art relics dug up by archaeologists.
Akka: Trust me, you’ll definitely feel like it was worth it if you go see!
MC: (Art-related things… Lu Jinghe probably is very interested.)
MC: How about we go check out the art museum in a while?
Lu Jinghe: I was thinking this too. Sure enough, we’ve got tacit understanding.
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 Rainforest Delicacies
MC: I remember that… the online guides say that there’s a rainforest delicacy street in the resort area!
MC: Are there any special delicacies you can recommend?
Akka: Haha, there are lots of delicious delicacies in the resort. As for special ones… hmm…
Akka: I’d recommend the two of you try the palmito salad and black bean coconut milk fried shrimp.
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Palmito Salad
MC: Palmito salad?
Akka: Yes, it uses the tree core of a special palm tree, which gets grouped with olive oil and fresh fish to make a salad.
Akka: This kind of palmito tastes sweet and refreshing, is rich in nutrition, and it has diet therapy uses.
Akka: I guarantee that you two will praise it to high heavens after eating it.
MC: Sounds pretty good. Lu Jinghe, how about we try it later?
Lu Jinghe: Sure, it’s noted on our delicacy checklist.
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 Black Bean Coconut Milk Fried Shrimp
MC: Black bean coconut milk fried shrimp? Hmm… the sound of it kind of feels like dark cuisine.
Akka: It’s not dark at all! The fragrant black beans, sweet coconut milk, and the fresh, sweet shrimp are a perfect combination!
Akka: It’s covered in breadcrumbs and fried until golden – it’ll definitely shock your tastebuds.
MC: (Why does it sound like he’s reciting it off an advertisement? Could this be a delicacy Akka likes?)
MC: Sure, I’ll try it when I get the chance.
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Akka patiently introduced us to the various vacation events in the resort area. The hype I was feeling was already at its highest level.
MC: It feels like there are lots of places in the resort area.
Lu Jinghe: Mhmm, we’ve got an entire day’s worth of time, and we can check them out slowly.
Just as we were chatting, Akka’s phone suddenly vibrated.
He turned around and picked up a call. A few minutes later, he hung up, looking at an utter loss as he faced us.
Akka: CEO Lu, Lawyer MC, my apologies. I’ve got some things to deal with and I’ve got to return to the research lab…
Lu Jinghe: No worries, go ahead.
MC: Thanks for introducing us to so much stuff. We’ll check everything out ourselves for the next while.
Akka: Right, this is our Tambuyani travel map, and the popular attractions have been indicated on it.
Akka: If the two of you are interested, you might as well reference the travel route on the map.
MC: This map is really useful, thank you.
Akka: No problem. Then, I hope that you have fun at Tambuyani. Goodbye.
 Part 5: Rainforest Delicacies Area
 Part 6: Rainforest Ecology Park
 Part 7: Lively Intent
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Xiangya Resort Area
After bidding farewell to the person in charge of the project, Lu Jinghe and I went to wander at the resort area.
We walked as we viewed the resort area’s rainforest ecology park, experiencing the charm of the rainforest in advance.
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MC: The real forest must be even more beautiful.
Lu Jinghe: Mhmm, Imana Rainforest is known as the Green Pearl of Tambuyani, the most beautiful location in Tambuyani.
Lu Jinghe: In two days, we’ll be able to witness its charm ourselves.
MC: There’s a question I’ve wanted to ask the whole time… is Pax SciTech’s collaboration with Tambuyani for the rainforest reserve very important?
Lu Jinghe: Huh, why do you ask?
MC: You’re pretty busy usually. If it’s not important, you wouldn’t come out to inspect this yourself.
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Lu Jinghe: Projects like this don’t need me to head out personally to begin with, but, well…
MC: (So, you simply just wanted to come out with me and have fun?)
Lu Jinghe: I took you out to have fun to have some more days off.
Guessed right – not even the slightest bit off.
MC: Oh you… watch out, you’ll probably be scolded again by your Board of Directors members again after getting back.
Lu Jinghe: Jiejie, are you worrying about me?
Lu Jinghe’s voice was full of joy, hints of mischief showing through his eyes that were full of smiles.
Based on what I understood of him, he was waiting for me to deny it to seize the opportunity and tease me.
Hmph, I’m not letting him lead me by my nose!
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MC: Yeah, I’m “worried” that that group of old people will give you a good spank when you get back.
MC: When time comes, don’t come jumping into my arms, crying.
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Lu Jinghe: Ah?!
Lu Jinghe widened his eyes and opened his mouth, wanting to speak, yet speechless.
After freezing for two to three seconds, he tactically coughed twice, clearing his throat.
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Lu Jinghe: Uh… tomorrow, we’re going to check in at the Mangrove Forest Park. How about we head back to the train earlier and rest?
It truly was rare to force Lu Jinghe into surrender. If there was time, I really wanted to see this for a few more minutes.
But he was right – it really wasn’t that early anymore.
Thinking about the itinerary tomorrow, I decided to let him go for now.
MC: Sure, I’ll listen to you. Let’s head back.
Hearing me say this, Lu Jinghe released a very conspicuous sigh, displaying the lively smile that was just like in the past.
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