#mc's mom is cradling mc's face; she wants her child to continue smiling. she wants her to be happy.
mansions-maiden · 4 years
Helloww, I'm here for 3rd request xD
Don't know you like it or not but hw abt MC is sweet, ladylike, polite, never complained, and lovely girl but someday...when comte hold a banquet and yeps mc has low tolerance alcohol and got drunk so herself became 180° 😂😂😂
She started laughing like maniac, shouting and scold the residents like asian mom 😂.
Etc 😂😂 you can make what kind of screaming+scolding she will throw at them 😂😂😂 The residents ? OH I WANT TO SEE THEIR STUPID SHOCKED FACES AHAHAHA. Take your time writing it xD and thank you so much before my darlingzzz 😘😘😘❤️❤️
This is gonna be a fun one to write! Sorry this took so much time to write! I have been busy with school works. But I’ve been writing it slowly. here you go!  The words in the brackets (..) indicate that she missed saying these words.  I had to write the words in a weird way to show that the words were being slurred by mc. 
I tried writing it to your ask .Hope you like it! 
Everyone was still wearing surprised Pikachu faces as they were staring at sleeping MC. For never had they expected to see the completely hidden side of her.
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Previously, that evening~  
MC is sweet and  perfect lady, as described in the ask. But little did the vampires know what they would be witnessing that night. 
The lord of the mansion decided to throw another banquet that night for the second time in the month being the hedonistic man he is. And all the residents were invited, including MC. 
All of them reached the venue that evening and in the banquet halls, many fancy dishes were there, waiting to be eaten by  people. There were finest of the wines brought from the  far away land and the exotic dishes that were never seen before. 
All of the mansion residents gathered in a room(kinda VIP room). All have helped themselves with a drink or two and were chatting away. MC stood against the walls of the room, swirling her champagne glass as she spoke to Sebastian.
All of them continued talking to each other.
After some more time:
MC was still speaking when she began giggling to herself continuously. 
All the residents:  “???????⁇?”
MC:” if only people knew how crazy these idiots are!! bwahahaha!” 
Napoleon: “Who are you talking about MC?”  
MC: “ Who am I ... talkin bout? I talk about the grreeat ‘men’ in history.." mc continued giggling as her words began to slur.
Arthur: "And why exactly are we 'idiots'? "
MC: "who in the world knew that all of these men would have crazy sides no one ever knows!" She began laughing again.
All of them looked at each other and then at MC. They noticed her flushed cheeks and understood the situation. 
“MC, you are quite drunk. You should stop drinking now..” 
“ N-no no no no.. I’m not drunk at all.. see,I only drank 1,2,... 4 glasses of champagne! I want to talk! “ 
MC: “comte! do you know..? arthot went into the town again yesterday even after you shun himm.. But he didn’t let me tell you...! teach him a lesson comte!” MC told as she pretended  that she was holding a gun against Arthotur’s head. 
“What in the world is mademoiselle doing?” Jean asked with a confused stare as Sebastian replied, “In our time period, we show guns with our hands in that way.. it’s a type of pretend play..”. 
“And..wait  what? From when did my name change to Arthot?? Did she misspell it??” Arthur asked looking at her. 
“ Lemme think.. nope.. You’re ..definitely Art..Thot! yup! That’s it!” 
  “Arthur.. come to my room later. I should ‘gently’ remind you the rules of the mansion. “ Arthur gulped audibly as comte stared at him with ‘nothing-is-wrong’ smile.
“Arthur, Dazai-san!! Can (you) come here once??” She suddenly asked them with  puppy eyes as they came forward. She tried to reach their faces but couldn’t. She pouted a little and climbed onto the couch behind her. 
“OWW!! “ Both of them cried in pain as MC twisted each of Arthur’s and Dazai’s ears.  “ how.. how dare youu...!  How dare you tease.. Is..Isaac?! the only baby of this mansion! Poor boy! He’s traumatized because of you!” 
Isaac having the time of his life: “That’s right mc! How dare they tease a bab- wait! Who do you think you’re calling BABY!??! “ Isaac frowned at his yet another new nick name. 
Her feet began wobbling and she fell from the couch onto Mozart.  “Aww man!! I fell off the couch!!! Bu..but.. this pillow is soo smoooth and silkyy.. yayy! A nice pillow for me..! “ She said as she snuggled her face into her’pillow’, aka Mozart’s chest. 
“What do you think you’re doing?! Get her off me! mmph!! “ Mozart began yelling but felt a hand clamped over his mouth. “Shh.. doon’t shout.. and you should.. smile like this. Say CHEEEESE! “ MC said, forcing his lips into a smile with her hands. 
MC kept giggling even when Napoleon and Leonardo helped Mozart and sat her on the couch.
(I'm sorry I know that her giggling is too much but I don't know how drunk person acts exactly ^^;)
Leonardo: "How much did she even drink? Why didn't you stop her Sebas?"
Sebastian: "I'm sorry master Leonardo.. I didn't expect her to drink these many. I thought she had high alcohol tolerance.."
Leonardo (stretching hand towards mc): "Cara mia, you had enough fun, c'mon you need to rest up in the mansion.
MC shook her head vigorously . "Noooo! I don't want to rest! I want to talk to all of you~! Why don't you go to sleep ...? Da Vinci~. You've got your bed AKA them... (Pointing finger towards floor and wall) . I'll sing a lullaby to youu.. "
She began humming the tone of the lullaby as she dragged Leonardo with her.
" Rock-a-bye, baby, in the tree top
When the wind blows the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall
Down will come baby, cradle and all"
"Go to bed renaissance man! And ! Your cigarillos are confiscated by me! Hmph! " She took the cigarillos from his pockets and threw them into the dustbin.
"MC! You sing so good! It's as if the angel herself has sung the lullaby.. what song is it?" Vincent asked with an excited and curious gaze.
" the lullaby..? T'is from my own time.. god! I miss my old days in college! " Everybody heard small sniffles in the room then. 
They felt helpless seeing her cry. “What’s the matter cherie? Why are you crying? Is something hurting you? “ comte asked approaching her. 
“*sniffle* everything is *hic* alright comte *sniffle, hic*. I just remembered *sniffle* my own time and my friends.. I miss them *sniffle* a lot..” Tears began rolling down her soft cheeks.  Everyone looked at each other.. 
“ A-and.. *sniffle* I also remember the days I used to cry and struggle due to math in college. Especially calculus.. And I’ve heard that Isaac was the one wh- *sniffle* who invented it.. Isn’t it Isaac?”  She asked Isaac through the glassy eyes. 
Isaac: “Y-yeah... it was me..” He lowered his eyes as if he had done a mistake. 
MC grabs Isaac’s lapels weakly and shouted, “Why? Why did you invent calculus?! I remember.. I remember the days I used to stay awakee... until late night, scratching my head and struggling to... to solve them!!    I... hatee.. you !!” She suddenly released him and pushed him back, making him wobble a little. 
Theo: “what the heck hondje?! how much drunk are you!? your mood swings are faster than Arthur’s snarky comments! “ 
MC: “ Hey Theo! Don’t you dare call me Hondje.. You’re the hondje... Who doesn’t allow anyone to come near your darling brother like a guard dog!” 
Theo was very taken back at the sudden backfiring of the nickname. 
MC: “Coming to Vincent and Jean! you both are so adorable.  You’re the epitome of purity. I love you both so much. muah!” She sent a flying kiss to both and both the men’s cheeks flushed a little. 
Napoleon: “Do you have something to say about me MC?” He asked her with curiosity and a little amusement dancing in his eyes. 
MC: “ Well, All I can say ..is.. DON’T GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE! I can’t.. beliieeve that ‘nightmare of Europe’ went around kissing people.. poor soldiers must have been traumatized..! “ 
“ I can’t believe the nerve of you all to send me to Napoleon’s room early in the morningg!  *gasp* Wait !!This means that all of you have been kissed by him.. didn’t you? Hahahaaa!!”   she continued laughing clutching her stomach hard. 
“Do you know?! There’s a stalker in the mansion who stalks you all 24/7. And he notes it down in his ‘oh no! they didn’t ‘ notebook! It’s none other than our Seba- mmph! “ her voice suddenly came out  muffled as Sebas quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. 
“Wait-who is that stalker??” Dazai asked in confusion. 
“It’s no one Dazai san. She’s just blabbering.”  Sebas quickly replied in a stoic expression. 
“Wow.. she speaks truth when she’s drunk Will..” Vincent told Shakespeare. “ She is.. After all, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart..” Shakespeare told him. 
“Cherie, you must really go back to mansion now. Come, I shall escort you back home..” Comte said worriedly as he approached her. 
“ NO! no comte ~ . See, I-I’m perfectly fine~. And you should stop being a mother comte. For the god’s sake, you’re a man! See, look at your reflection! You’re a handsome man! not a beautiful woman! Ditch all these.. motherly duties and enjoy yourself.~! “  She exclaimed as she turned him towards the mirror. 
“And you all~! stop being such a child and stressing out poor comte! Okay?! repeat after mee! from this day forth, I shall look after myself and never stress out  mama comte!” 
“Do you even like us luv?” Arthur asked her with a knowing smile. 
“Well, yes.. of course! Even though you all are handful.. I love you all a lot! I love you all this..much (spreading her hands on both sides)..I want to.. stay here..for..ever..” 
Suddenly, she felt the world spinning and lost consciousness. But Sebastian caught her by the waist in the nick of time. 
The room suddenly fell silent as the blabbering of a drunk resident stopped. 
“Well well- tonight’s play was rather very interesting.. But the curtains have fallen in a very unexpected way..” Shakespeare said laughing and breaking the silence. 
Sebastian gently laid her on the couch as she slept soundly. “never expected to see this side of cara.. not that I dislike it though..” Leonardo said as he laughed breezily. 
“It felt so entertaining to see her talking her like this.. Though it’s not gentlemanly, I would love to invite her to drinks and make her drunk.. I want to hear those words and keep them to myself..” comte said looking at her. 
“Let’s take her home and call it a day.. And let’s keep it a secret among ouselves...” Napoleon added. Everyone nodded in agreement and started towards mansion, still laughing at her words. That’s how they came to know the completely hidden side of mc that eventful night.  
                  -------------------- THE END   --------------------
 i also wanted to ask you guys if my plots up until now were different or if it feels like I’m writing cliché things..how does it feel? 
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storyofmychoices · 3 years
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My World
[Levi Schuler x Laura Day Masterlist] [Forehead Kiss Drabble Masterlist]
Characters: Laura (MC), Lily (daughter), Levi Schuler, Luz Mendez Book: Mother of the Year [Levi x MC] Setting: This takes place after the events of Mother of the Year. Laura and Levi are married.
Synopsis: Laura and Levi’s private conversation is interrupted by their curious daughter Lily and her best friend, Luz. The girls make a discovery that proves their theory was correct. This is part of my forehead kiss series. Word Count: approx 1,150 Prompts: @wackydrabbles​ “I meant every word” ; @choicesmonthlychallenge “discovery”.
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“What are you doing?” Levi’s voice filled with concern as he rushed behind his wife. His hands instinctively reached out to grab her hips, stabilizing her on the wobbly step-stool. 
“I just wanted the casserole dish your mom got us. I know we don’t use it often, but I figured if she was coming, we probably should,” Laura explained. She placed the ceramic dish she had retrieved from the top shelf onto the counter and stepped carefully off the stool.
“I would have gotten it for you.” His strong hands cascaded down her arms as if reassuring her. 
“I’m fine. I’m completely capable of getting a dish.”
“You should be resting! Lily and I can make dinner.” 
Laura chuckled; her fingers grazed her still flat stomach. “How about I take you up on that in another few months.”
The nervous father-to-be rested his hands over hers. “I just want to do everything I can to support you.”
“I know. Thank you.” She stroked his jawline tenderly. Her face glowed as she continued in a low tone, “Our Little Sprout still has a lot of growing to do. After all, they're still just a raspberry.”
Levi leaned into her touch, letting her cradle his face. 
“Plus, we haven’t told Lily yet. You don’t want her to get suspicious,” Laura offered with a raise of her brow.
A chuckle formed in his chest. “I can’t wait to tell her.” 
“Tell me what?” Asked their curious daughter, who entered the kitchen with Luz by her side.
“Uh.. your grandmother is coming,” Levi stumbled to say.
“I already knew that.” Lily stared at them, blinking her big innocent eyes.
Luz smirked, the girl’s gaze shifting between Lily and her parents.
Laura cleared her throat and attempted to busy herself in the kitchen. “Aren’t you two supposed to be studying?” 
“We finished,” Luz quickly affirmed. “Don’t forget, we’re brilliant!”
“That I did know,” Laura smiled. “Do you want a snack?”
“Sure,” the girls agreed in unison. 
“So, this secret,” Lily probed lightly, a smile perched on her lips. 
“It’s nothing,” her mom shook her off. 
“So, it’s not that you're pregnant?” Luz stated plainly, watching the two adults carefully for any signs that would give them away.
“LUZ!” Lily’s eyes widened, giving her friend a warning look that came too late.
“Oh, or was that our secret?” Luz shrugged. “Oops.”
Lily looked hesitantly toward her parents, who shared the same shocked expression. “Sorry, if we ruined the surprise.”
“How? When?” Laura stuttered, unable to get her questions out. 
“So it’s true?!” Lily’s eyes grew wider.
Levi wrapped an arm around Laura, placing a kiss on her temple.
“It’s true." Laura leaned into her husband, letting the warmth of his arms comfort her. “You’re going to have a baby brother or sister.”
Lily threw her arms around her mom and step-father, pulling them into the tightest embrace. “I’m so excited. I’m going to be a big sister!!!” 
The pair of adults embraced their daughter. This wasn’t how they had planned on letting her know, but as long as she was happy, that was all that mattered to either of them. 
Laura sniffled back her tears as the gesture was released. She stroked her daughter’s hair. “How did you figure it out?”
“Mom!” Lily asserted as if the question needed no answer. Noting the inquiring expression on their faces, she sighed and continued. “For starters, you stopped drinking coffee a few weeks ago, you didn’t order wine when we went to that fancy restaurant last week, you and dad are always whispering and touching your stomach—”
Levi grinned as he listened proudly. The first time she called him "dad" would always be the most memorable, but he would never tire of hearing it. He loved his step-daughter as if she was his own. 
“–you had a mysterious ‘stomach bug’” Lily emphasized this using air quotes.
Her cheeks warmed, under the list of evidence. Laura laughed softly, shaking her head at their perceptive child. She reached out, cradling her daughter’s face, stopping the list of incriminating evidence. “You truly are the most brilliant girl in the world.” She bent over, brushing a kiss on her daughter’s forehead. “This changes nothing. You are still my world, my beautiful, remarkable, Stargirl.”
“I know.” Lily beamed. “But, now you’ll have a little comet, too… or was it, little sprout?” She raised a knowing brow at them.
“Geez, kid.” Levi stood in awe. “Next time, there’s an unsolved crime, the FBI may want to call you! You’re quite the sleuth!”
She shrugged and looked toward Luz. “We’ll have to check our schedule.”
“We’re kind of a package deal." Luz nodded. “I figured out the bit about the nausea not being a stomach bug.” 
“Fair enough,” Levi laughed.
“How about instead of me making a snack, we go get ice cream to celebrate?” The girls were jumping at the idea before Laura finished her question. “Go get your jackets.”
As the girls left, Levi pulled Laura into him. The two shook their heads, still in disbelief. “I guess the secret’s out.”
“I guess so.”  
“Are you okay with that?”
“I should have known better;” she tilted her head in consideration. “Lily is not your average tween.” 
“Neither is her mother.” His gaze searched her face. “You know, there isn’t anything I wouldn't do for you or Lily.”
She nodded. “I know.”
“All you need is ask, and it’s yours.” He stroked her cheek gently.  “You and Lily showed me what love is and helped me find myself when I didn’t think that was possible. You brought me hope and light. I was lost until you found me, wandering in the darkness and not even aware of it.”
“Levi.” His name slipped from her lips as her eyes misted over.
“You are my world, Laura. You, Lily, and our Little Sprout. I would  travel the ends of the earth if it would bring you comfort or joy.” Cradling her face, he brushed a kiss on her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered in reply as their foreheads rested together. “How did I get to be so lucky?” 
“I’m the lucky one.” His lips met hers softly. 
A delicious warmth washed through her under his kiss. His tenderness never ceased to leave her dizzy, even before the pregnancy.
They broke apart as the girls giggled behind them. 
Levi’s thumb ran along her cheek, gathering the tears that slipped out. He brushed one last kiss on her forehead. “I meant every word.” 
Laura found his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as they shared a quiet moment. No words needed to be said; they already had everything they could want. With one final shared smile, she turned back to the girls. "Let's go get that ice cream. I'm thinking extra sprinkles all around."
The girls cheered and ran toward the door. Laura and Levi followed closely, hand in hand. 
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Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms​​ ; @raleighcarrera​ ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby​​ ; @zeniamiii​​ ; @whimsicallywayward15​; ; @xjustin-ethansgirliex​ ; @caseyvalentineramsey​​; @trappedinfanfiction; @anotherbeingsworld​​ ;  @ldy-strfury ; @arnikki-2406​​ ; @princess-geek​​ ;  @katrinegrey​​ ; @lucy-268​​ ; @schnitzelbutterfingers​​ ; @gardeningourmet​​​
MOTY: @oxjenayxo​​​ ; @lorirwritesfanfic​​
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darkkitsuneprincess · 4 years
Sweet Fantasies (Shingen x MC crack)
Pure, unadulterated crack, fresh from the depths of my sleep-deprived brain. I’m sorry not sorry.
This is probably a teaser for a longer something once Mitsuhide finishes torturing me in my mind *g* BECAUSE I WANT SHINGEN KITCHEN SMUT RIGHT NOW. Oooohhhhhh the places my mind goes with this. Why yes, I am an equal-opportunity Ikesen ho.
Title: Sweet Fantasies Pairing: Shingen x MC Rating: T (No smut, all crack. Sexytime insinuated)
Description: While enjoying a sunny day in the garden, Shingen and MC discuss something MC misses from the future. Silliness follows. 
The warmth of spring had finally arrived and the rain ceased, albeit temporarily. It was the first time in nearly two weeks the doors inside our home stood open, letting in the fresh air and allowing us out. I sat in the garden under a shower of cherry blossoms while Shingen worked on his latest project—a cradle for Yukimura and his new wife. The announcement hadn’t been made yet, but we could tell by the way Mariko carried herself that it would come soon. Many times over the last month I’d braved the incessant downpour to care for her during bouts of sickness while Shingen and Yuki were otherwise indisposed. The mental image of Yukimura figuring out how to handle a baby amused me so much that I couldn’t help laughing out loud.
“What, pray tell, brings my goddess such great joy?” Shingen asked. His head was bent against his work and wood shavings covered him from head to toe as he carved and sanded the rocker blades that would hold our gift.
“Just thinking about how much fun it will be to tease Yukimura about being a father,” I answered, still snickering.
Shingen laughed as well. “Lucky for Mariko, he’s a fast learner,” he said. This was true. Yuki might have been an awkward idiot, but he was sincere in everything he did and if it meant pleasing his wife, he’d go to the ends of the earth to do it. “It’s such a shame,” Shingen continued, still chuckling, “I have this goddess in my presence, yet she’s thinking of another man. I must be losing my touch.”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re so corny.”
“Perhaps.” Shingen placed his tools to the side and opened his arms. “Come here. I suddenly have the need to hold my angel.” His cheesy lines made my face heat, but I slipped into his lap without hesitation and lay my head against his shoulder. Everything this man did, he did with the sole purpose of making me smile.
A purr of satisfaction rumbled out from his chest, coursing through me in the most delicious way. It would be so easy to distract him with a kiss; to drag him back to our bedroom and spent yet another day wrapped up in each other. Though as much as I would’ve enjoyed it, the sunshine was too warm and wonderful to ignore.
“Tell me, my love,” Shingen said, his fingers coursing through my unbound hair, “what is it like to raise children in your time?”
“I don’t really know,” I answered. We’d talked about kids a lot over the last year since returning from the future, but despite Shingen’s best efforts, it hadn’t happened yet. “The birth process is much easier thanks to modern medicine. Painkillers, a couple of days in the hospital, and you’re home. I imagine it’s easier to care for a baby with things like electricity and refrigeration. If a mom can’t produce breast milk, there are easily available alternatives. A modern kitchen definitely helps when preparing a little one’s food.”
“That kitchen of yours certainly was a sight to behold.”
“You know, of all the things I miss from the future, I think I miss my kitchen the most.”
Shingen’s hand stilled in my hair. We often talked of the future, but not of the things I missed. I chose not to dwell on the conveniences I’d given up. When we first returned, Shingen asked me often if I regretted leaving and I always told him no. To mention something I miss meant I had his full attention.
“What makes you miss that kitchen so much?”
“You’ll think it’s silly.” I turned my face into his chest to hide my embarrassment and laughed.
“Nothing you say is silly. Tell me what you miss.”
I hesitated and he pulled me back by the shoulders. Shingen made me look at him despite the burning redness in my face.
“The raised counters,” I admitted, mortified. Shingen’s forehead creased and a small half-smile appeared on his lips.
“The counters? Why ever would that be the thing you miss most?”
“I…I can’t tell you that part.”
“My angel,” he started, his gaze darkening as he stared at me, “you must remember that I am a master of information. I have ways of extracting it from you.”
Ways I’d enjoy, no doubt…
I leaned back against his chest, wrapping my arms around him so I didn’t have to look at him. His arms slid back around me, cradling me against him like I was the most precious treasure in the world.
“So, there’s always this scene in romance novels where the heroine is in the kitchen and the hero comes in to see what she’s doing.” A hysterical giggle escaped my throat. I couldn’t believe I was telling him this.
“If you feel that way about it, it must be a particularly good fantasy.” His lips land on my forehead and his fingers work back into my hair, calming me.
“Well, yeah…it really is.”
“Tell me about it. What happens after he finds her in the kitchen?”
“He interrupts whatever she’s doing by coming up behind her and putting his arms around her. Then…”
“Go on.”
I take a deep breath. “He’ll distract her by kissing her. And then he’ll put her up on the counter and…”
“And then he ravishes her?” Shingen asked, entirely too interested in my little fantasy world. I nodded against his chest and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing again. “That is quite the fantasy, Princess. I understand why you would miss your counters so much.” There was a note of…is that jealousy?…in his voice. His shoulders tensed and though he didn’t say anything, I could tell he wasn’t pleased by the thought of me doing something like that with someone else.
“Shingen…” I inhaled again and leaned back, steeling myself against the surprising coldness in his gaze. When I touched his face with my fingertips, he didn’t lean into it like normal. “I…I’ve never actually done that, you know. I’ve just read about it and…”
And all the hardness in him melted away, replaced with a new, almost predatory determination.
“I see,” he replied. An indulgent smile appeared on his lips. “You miss the idea of raised counters because you think it means you’ll never have the chance to know how it feels for yourself.”
“Then I shall give you your modern kitchen. I can think of nothing more arousing than my beautiful wife in her dream kitchen making sweets for me.”
“You always turn it around, don’t you? You make everything about you.”
“Of course,” he answered with a grin. “Now that my mind’s eye has shown me you in the kitchen, your belly rounded with our first child while you make those wonderful molasses dumplings of yours, I cannot unsee it.”
He pulled me close and kissed me, his skilled lips and talented fingers teasing over me and breaking down every inhibition I had and making me totally forget my witty retort about his various appetites. By the time he let me go, I was a quivering mass of need. He did such wonderful, horrible things to me. The jerk prided himself on it.
“Perhaps, my angel, I can assist in creating some new fantasies until that kitchen is ready.” He rose from the ground, lifting me in his arms like I weighed nothing, and turned for our bedroom, his lips finding mine again.
To be continued in a later story...
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Apologies to the anon :)
Since I utterly fucked up a request that was sent in, I knew that I had to give the anon what they wanted so this is what it is. Again, I’m so sorry for screwing it up and disregarding your request and I hope you can forgive me and my sleep walking self :)
Anon Request: Could I please request Helena and mc while mc is pregnant, maybe Helena helps mc through a sleepless night, mc pushing for more while Helena is a little reluctant to as she’s scared it would hurt the baby
Awww, this is such a cute idea, anon! I’ve never written something like this before (in terms of pregnancy) but it doesn’t hurt to give it a try; I would be so happy to write this for you! Thank you for taking the time to request and I hope you enjoy!
Summary: MC is seven months pregnant with her and Helena’s baby and for what seems like the trillionth time, she’s faced with another restless night. Aggravated and hormonal, MC relies on the support of her loving wife to make it through the night; which transcends into spicing it up in the way MC loves most...
MC was restless.
It wasn’t uncommon nowadays with a baby nestled deep in her belly, constantly moving around and squirming like it was dancing. She silently scolds the baby to stop being so active--to let her get some rest--since she had always heard that a mother and the child growing within her are connected like no other. Maybe that entails a psychic link where all MC had to do was bid her rowdy fetus to do as she says--but to no one’s surprise, it doesn’t work like that. MC nestles against the firm wall of heat at her back, grooved inward to spoon her body and allow her aching back some repose. Helena’s arms are wound around MC’s torso and cradle her baby bump, both a heartwarming position and a reassuring gesture. When wrapped up in Helena like this, she could swear that her heart was a lantern in her chest; glowing and bright following Helena’s warmth. She holds onto that facet and tries to fall asleep--but then her unborn dancer kicks her belly again, hard, and any tendrils of sleep around MC recede. The Chicagoan groans and pouts into the pillow. What does a peaceful, uninterrupted, uneventful sleep even look like? Haven’t seen it in months. Helena stirs then, her pale hands drifting slightly across MC’s stomach. “Something wrong, love...?” Helena’s voice erupts beside her ear low and husky, her words slurred as sleep attempts to drag her back down. MC restrains the shiver that crawls up her spine and shakes her head gently, hands wandering to Helena’s. “No, nothing much,” sarcasm broils within her tone unintentionally, “just Baby Klein keeping me awake. The usual.”
Baby Klein kicks as if hearing that they were acknowledged, which only doubles MC’s frustration. Behind her, Helena relinquishes a brief hum and pulls MC a little closer--if closer was even possible when her groin was pressed quite firmly against MC’s tail bone. Suddenly, once one area of connection is recognized, MC becomes hyperaware of all of the rest. Helena’s breasts, supple warmth that MC had felt time and time again, pressed into her spine and cushioned her temperamentally. Her long, slender legs are woven with MC’s and her lips brush the base of her neck, painting the skin hot each time she breathed. That heat rises up MC’s nape to her cheeks, then as she recollects just how close Helena’s beautifully sculpted body is to hers, descends to the other fleshy facets of her body. Soon, under the moon’s silver gaze, MC’s body was the epitome of a flustered mess. These pregnancy hormones are so strong... how am I going to be able to go to sleep now that I want Helena to touch me so badly? “That’s unfortunate--I wish you could get more sleep, it is crucial when you are with child,” Helena keens into MC’s ear which sends a gust of tremors to wrack her body, “do you believe there’s anything I could do to help you?” The sorceress skims her fingertips up and down MC’s swollen belly. She presses a sweet kiss behind MC’s ear and a moan escapes the pregnant woman, her heartbeats an uptick higher. 
She knew what she wanted--she wanted Helena to touch her, kiss her, nurture her until MC was too pleasantly drained to keep awake. Biting her lip, MC’s hands lock around Helena’s wrists. She turns her head slightly to see her wife’s gentle face, presented beneath the moonlight. “Could you... could you make love to me? Please?” MC whispers. The sentence stumbles as it travels from her mouth and MC burns harder, embarrassment a cracking lash of a whip. There’s a heavy silence that follows, so deep that MC feared Helena had fallen asleep. “MC... but I,” Helena seems frazzled, shocked, so she speaks before the words properly form in her mind, “...what about the baby? You are pregnant, my love, how could I...?” The sorceress trails off, her breath wafting against MC’s skin as she presses her nose into MC’s shoulder blade. It was evident that Helena was reluctant because of the baby, and MC smiled to herself--her wife was so thoughtful and caring, a trait that MC had always loved most about Helena. Lacing their fingers, MC tosses a reassuring smile at Helena from over her shoulder, desire and respect shimmering in her grey eyes. “Helena, it’s okay. Stuff like that doesn’t affect the babies, just the mom. And it’s a good effect, so don’t worry about that either.” MC gives Helena’s fingers a sweet squeeze as her heart flutters in her chest. The way Helena was embracing her made her feel safe, like nothing could ever touch to the happiness that Helena bubbled them in.
Helena considers her wife’s words, blue gaze quizzical as it roves her wife’s tender skin. She stays quiet for a while and MC worries that Helena will still refuse. But if it’s not something Helena if comfortable with, then I won’t push that agenda. She’s got boundaries, after all. The last thing MC wanted was to make her wife uncomfortable--especially with something as sacred as their blossoming child. “I suppose it won’t hurt to try that with you,” Helena hesitantly agrees, her fingers hugging MC’s back, “but please, if you feeling anything is amiss with you or the baby, tell me. You and our baby’s welfare comes first.” MC is a little surprised at Helena’s agreement but she pauses before continuing any farther. Helena sounded reluctant--almost unwilling--which wasn’t something MC wanted to inflict upon her wife. She wanted her to be eager and willing, not feel forced into it. “If you don’t want to do that, it’s fine. I can just go back to sleep. I’ll live.” But Helena interjects quickly, her lips touching MC’s shoulder in a ginger kiss. The feeling both soothes and agitates the hormones infecting MC’s being. “No, I wish to do this with you, my wife. If this is what pleases you and promises a long night of rest, then it is my duty as your lover to cherish you the way you desire to be.” The last section of her reply is bathed in undertones of sensuality and lust, illustrated in gentle, low whispers between kisses that travel up from MC’s shoulder to the shell of her ear. A whole new wave of heat laps her guts and she moans, leaning into Helena as the sorceress’ hands wander lower on her belly.
They scuttle past the swell of MC’s pale stomach down to the rim of her navy panties, the dull scraps of silky midnight pushed aside to grant Helena access. Then her fingers explore MC, both around and within her, and the pregnant Chicagoan shudders. Helena smirks, reigning in her brief sense of power, and presses the pads of her fingers against the part that made MC craziest--massaging gently. MC pants as two fingers dip within her, savoring her hot wetness and the ribbed texture that engulfed them. A sequence of chain reactions seize the lovers in the night; MC would lose herself and react, which encourages Helena further, which causes another reaction, and then another change in the sorceress’ movements. The seconds blur together as MC’s bliss doubles, then triples, then quadruples until-!
She’s falling, winged by Helena’s presence and her fingers’ prowess.
When MC floats back down, she’s quivering in Helena’s arms. The fill of her wife is sucked away as Helena withdraws and adjusts her panties, easily discarding any evidence left over. 
Well, every ounce of evidence besides the gloss that hugged Helena’s fingers.
Thank you for your request and again, I apologize for disregarding your request like that; I hope this will make up for it, lovely 😊
If you want to request something, here’s the Prompt List, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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draconivn · 4 years
C.003 | Daughter of the Takeda
Disclaimer: I don’t own Samurai Love Ballad: PARTY or its characters. Please note that this will not follow all of Saizo’s route, and the MC is an OC of mine.
Summary: You wanted to do more than just be in the kitchen like any woman would’ve known how to do. You want to explore. You want to become so much more. But when you live in a world of war, what you decide to do in your past ends up following you to your future, even though the battlefield is no place for a woman. Will you find love or will you only find blood? Saizo x OC MC
Masterpost: LINK
CHAPTER 3: Child of War
Trigger Warning: Blood, Death, Depression
My father was hesitant as he looked at me, his gaze following between Nagamasa and to myself as I looked at him. It was etched in stone, that my hands now had blood on them, whether I liked it or not, and I couldn’t turn back from it. I did it to save my father, and the Takeda army. I couldn’t tell if he was angry, or upset that I did it. I couldn’t tell if he was scared of me, but with trembling legs, he approached me and took me into his arms. “I-I was scared that I lost you…”
"I'm okay, Papa. It's not my blood, see?" I pulled back to show him my body and make sure there weren’t any wounds. “Now we can go home, Papa.”
"I'm so happy you're alive. I–"
Blood splattered over my smiling lips, but the happiness drained from my body as I watched my father fall sideways into the muddy grass. The sight made everything go silent, knocking out the commotion that followed. I barely noticed that Lord Shingen cradled me in his arms, until I realized I was getting further away from my father's body and I could only scream.
This was never supposed to happen.
This is why I came! So he wouldn't have to die! Not because of me!
I could barely remember what happened after that. The journey home, the burial... Lord Shingen personally met with my mother to deliver the news and myself, even though only one of us made it home. I was like a body without a soul. The words of how I was a remarkable warrior at my age, skilled and the praises he sang for my father felt like nothing to me.
My champion. My family's hero.
...was gone.
I don't think my mother could ever look at me after that. I had taken away her husband before anything else, that I had been the one to come home by myself instead of with him as I had promised myself I would. She had to raise my little brother and I while running the restaurant by herself. I stayed in the kitchen most of the time, where she wouldn't have to look at me in the face and I wouldn't be able to crack under the pressure that my father served these customers with a smile. 
Mom always kicked me out when things got slow as if to say it was for me to take a break, but it happened only once in a while and chances were it was the mistakes I made in cooking that day.
I busied myself with cleaning up and throwing out the garbage, but every time I went out, I could remember my father being here, practicing for the battle.
"Man, was it just me or was the food just terrible today?"
"I don't think you're wrong there. My food was a bit too salty, but I didn't have the heart to tell her!"
"Her husband's death must've hit them really hard. At this rate, they won't be standing much longer."
After they had walked out of sight, I stepped out onto the street and looked at the restaurant. I was ruining it… I ruined what my father worked so hard to build. My heart felt heavy with sadness, and my feet took me away from there without a second thought. Tears streamed down my cheeks as my surroundings became more populated with trees and bushes, ignoring the scratches I was getting from the twigs as I ran. Even as Rai ran in the distance alongside me, I kept running until she cut across to catch me, my arms wrapping around her as she sat to let me cry into her fur until I could cry no more. 
After the funeral, I lost everything that made sense. My mother had to put up with me, and the only thing I could really do is try to make up for what I did to make her lose such an important person in our lives.
With quiet thanks to Rai for being with me as I cried, I returned to the restaurant and approached my mother with a soft voice, “Here, mom, let me do it.”
It was the first time I had spoken to her in a long time, but she eventually allowed me back in the kitchen. That night, no mistakes were made, and eventually, I started serving again. When I had free time, I trained in secret once again like I once did. Sasuke had come a few times to get a rise out of me so that I would learn much of what I hoped to be, so that I could not let my father's death be in vain, but I don’t think I could kill someone after that. 
But when I was 17, I could not kill the man who burglarized our home and instead, allowed him to become captive to the townspeople who passed their own judgment on him.
That was the day that I decided I was done. I was tired of killing and fighting. If I killed again, I would end up losing someone precious to me once again. It was that thought that made me push away all concerns of fighting on the battlefield, and made me fight for the restaurant instead, but the haunting nightmares of my father’s death as a result of my mistakes still haunted me on occasion.
My visits to Rai had diminished, though she had entrusted to me the only cub that survived of her latest litter, Sen. Sen stayed by my side when her mother passed away, looming in the shadows as she watched over me. She followed me everywhere I went, even as I went to a samurai castle when I turned 20, but I had told her to stay away from me. I know Rai told her the story of what happened that day. The day my father died and I lost that part of me. But I couldn’t run with the pack in the woods anymore. It was my mistakes that drove people to the doorsteps of Hell.
Instead, I kept my smile and smiled on as if nothing was wrong.
I smiled even though I had taken my brother’s place as a poison taster, my chest bound and dressed like a man. We had insulted the magistrate of the town after he tried to convince me to marry him, no matter how many times I refused. I could never think of love, or marriage when it meant marrying him.
Somehow, I didn’t end up too far. It was Tsutsujigasaki Castle, where I was appointed to be Lord Shingen’s poison taster. It had been so long that I didn't think he remembered me, even as I revealed to the clan my identity and the reason I had deceived all. Lord Shingen welcomed me with open arms and said he would have liked to accept me as his own daughter, especially since I had previously told him that I didn't have a father since he died in war when I was young.
Lord Yukimura stumbled quite a bit after reality hit him, but I remember a specific shinobi that had been wary of me from the very beginning.
I didn’t see Saizo that often since he was always at Ueda with Lord Yukimura, but in the days that they were there for meetings with Lord Shingen, I found him between breaks and lazy afternoons sleeping with one arm propped up on the veranda, up on the roof or in a tree somewhere. 
He had threatened me in the beginning, as if I was there to get Lord Yukimura, but I assured him I wasn’t.
My only way of gaining his trust was the offer of dango, since I couldn't pay him with any money. The conversations we had seemed one-sided but he seemed to have strong perceiving eyes either way. There were times that I acted like I didn't know how to do anything, like how to climb a tree or how to stay balanced on the rooftop. Probably because I knew that purposely dying wouldn't send me to my father, and I was willing to let fate do its work.
But each time, Saizo was right there to catch me.
"And just what were we trying to do?"
I couldn't help but wonder if he knew, because all shinobis just seemed to just... know. But I still fed him the obvious answer as I had been calling him moments before I found him on the rooftop. "S-Saizo!" Those crimson eyes of his captivated me as he held me up steady on the rooftop. I could hear my heartbeat thudding loudly in my ears, biting my lower lip before I looked away to try to remember the reason I came up on the roof. "L-Lord Yukimura was looking for you!"
That exasperated look was amusing each time, especially as we could hear Lord Yukimura calling out for him and his voice growing louder as he got closer to our location.
"That'll be ten skewers of dango, Little Lady."
My eyes widened. Ten? "F-For what!"
"For saving you."
I pouted and huffed. "Eight."
I tried to reason how far this little game would go on until he had to leave. "Six."
He sighed. "Stubborn, are we?" He didn't respond to my barter, instead letting me go so he could hop down to land in front of Lord Yukimura.
Soon, I followed in my descent down the ladder to head to the kitchen, apologizing to the maids for being late, all while my heart continued to thud in anticipation of making Saizo’s dango.
What is this feeling…?
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Iowa State Fair
* * * The Art of Loving Thomas Hunt Fan Fiction Masterlist * * *
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Characters: Alex (MC), Thomas Hunt
Setting/Notes: This takes place during MC’s vacation in Red Carpet Diaries 3, Chapter 14. It is basically a rewrite of the Matt exclusive scene with Thomas. I kept some details the same but also changed others so it wasn’t verbatim. Also, it has nods to some of my other fics.  
 Day 6-Vacation:  @choicesseptemberchallenge
Rating: PG
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As they continued their walk through town, Thomas stopped to examine a sign in the shop window. “If I remember correctly, you once told me about your first county fair visit.”
Alex smiled and took his hands in her own. “That was our first date… I know its not your thing...”
“You are my thing, Alex,” Thomas kissed her forehead. “If you want to go, we should go.”
“Really?” Alex exclaimed.
“How could I pass up an opportunity to see the famed butter cow sculpture,” Thomas teased.
Before they could even make it through the gates of the fair, a sign caught Alex’s eye. She pulled Thomas toward the petting zoo. “Oh my goodness, we have to go pet the animals!”
Thomas didn’t have a chance to protest before they were already at the exhibit.
Alex stopped next to an enclosure filled with fluffy, freshly hatched chicks. Her eyes wide as she stared in awe of the new babies.
“Would you like to hold one?” The farmer attending the fence offered. 
“Do you need to ask?” Alex beamed.
The attendant placed a chick in her hand. Alex stroked its downy, yellow fluff, as it peeped quietly in her hand. 
“Aww, don’t you have the softest hair, little man,” Alex cooed, fawning over the chick.
“I expect a woman from Iowa to know they have feathers and not hair,” Thomas stated. 
“Don’t worry about him, little guy. He’s just jealous. He thought he had the softest hair but, look at you!” Alex sang. “Who’s the softest?”
Alex noticed a hen watching her severely. She set the chick down in the enclosure. “Bye, little one.” The chick flapped his wings and ran back to his mom. 
“Don’t worry. You’re still my favorite,” Alex laced her fingers with Thomas’s and guided him toward the horse’s stables. A newborn foal standing beside its mom caught her attention.
“You may be the sweetest, most precious baby in the whole entire world,” Alex gushed over the foal. His mom whinnied in response. “You’re beautiful too, Mommy”. The mare neighed.
“Did you forget to tell me you speak animal?” Thomas questioned.
“I just spent a lot of time around animals as a child. Chazz, his sisters and I would walk around and sneak into some farms to pet the animals. Best. Therapy. EVER!” Alex beamed.
The foal took a step closer to Alex so that she could pet him through the bars in the stall.
“Hi, I’m Alex. It looks like your name is Charming. Now isn’t that the most perfect name for such a charming little prince pony,” Alex raved, as she read the sign next to them. “That makes you Lady and a fine one you are!”
Thomas watched Alex as Charming nuzzled against her hand.
Alex took a step back to move closer to Thomas. She took his hand and walked back to the foal. Alex guided Thomas’s hand toward Charming. 
“What are you doing?” Thomas inquired. 
“You cannot leave the fair without petting at least one animal. It’s the rule,” Alex explained. 
“I’m not sure that’s an actual rule,” Thomas challenged. “I would like to see the legal documentation stating such.”
Alex guided his hand along the foal’s neck. Charming moved closer to them. Alex gently removed her hand as she looked up at Thomas. The country did him well. He hadn’t once mentioned his creative block. And he had been open to trying new things. She couldn’t wait to be his wife.  
“You seemed to be getting along well. Maybe one day if you need a horse for a film you can call your new friend, Charming, for a favor,” Alex teased. 
“You never know,” Thomas smirked.
Thomas and Alex stopped to pet a few more animals before washing their hands and heading on their way.
As they walked down the alleyway, Alex stopped abruptly. “Do you smell that?”
“What?” Thomas asked.
“Fair food!” Alex grinned.
“How are you always hungry?” Thomas marveled.
“It’s a gift.” Alex and Thomas headed to the nearest concession stand. “Funnel cake or Fried Oreos?”
“What in God’s name are Fried Oreos?” Thomas asked; his face wrinkled in disgust. 
“Fried Oreos it is! You will love them,” Alex proclaimed.
“I have my reservations. You already tried to poison my palette with that repugnant Slurpee. I’m not sure I trust your food judgment anymore,” Thomas taunted.
“Just try it,” Alex suggested, moving a cookie toward his mouth. “For me?”
Thomas sighed and obliged. His eyes opened wide. “That is actually not the worst thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Not the worst thing ever? What a compliment,” Alex pushed Thomas playfully. Alex handed Thomas another Oreo and then took one for herself. “Mmmm… delicious!” 
Alex and Thomas continued until they found the butter sculpture exhibit. 
“Here it is,” Alex began. “The butter cow!”
“Huh,” Thomas expressed. “It is a cow sculpted from butter. I’m not really sure what I expected. And they do this every year?” 
“It’s tradition,” Alex acknowledged. 
“Do you ever wonder how these traditions start? Who decided ‘let me just take  this giant slab of butter and sculpt a cow’?” Thomas questioned.
“No idea,” Alex admitted. “But, it’s a lot of fun to look at. I mean sure it started with the cow, but look at how far it has come.” Alex motioned her hand around the exhibit, which showcased Sesame Street butter sculptures this year.
“I won’t deny the talent of the sculptors; however, I cannot pretend to understand the medium,” Thomas explained. 
“I know it is against your way of thinking but, you don’t have to understand absolutely everything to appreciate it,” Alex offered.
Thomas turned to Alex and cradled her face in his hand. “I know that to be true because, I appreciate you more than you know and yet, I will spend the rest of my life trying to understand all that you are and never truly know everything.”
Alex pulled Thomas close and let her lips touch his. She kissed him softly, letting her teeth graze his lower lip as she pulled away.
“Where to next?” Thomas asked.
“How about we go play some games?” Alex answered. “Maybe you can teach me how to beat one of them or at least show off your hard work and practice.”
“As you wish,” Thomas agreed with a smile. He and Alex made their way back out into the fairgrounds. They continued exploring the fair until late into the evening, enjoying every perfect moment together.
Thomas Tags:  @hopelessromantic1352  ;  ; @alleksa16  ; @the-soot-sprite  ;  @mfackenthal ; @alj4890  ; @flyawayboo; @twin-skltns ;  @pb-boeboe ; @lilyofchoices  ; @choicesseptemberchallenge
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count on me (Maxwell and MC, Liam x MC)
Part of the @choices-september-challenge
Day Twenty Five: Best Friends
Pairing: MC (Alicia Harper) and Maxwell (platonic), mild Liam x MC and Maxwell x Penelope
Word Count: 1359
Listening Suggestion: Count On Me - Bruno Mars
Fic Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn (thank you for the prompt!) @kennaxval @victoricfontaine
Synopsis: Maxwell comes to Alicia for advice. Feelings and an abundance of platonic love follow.
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“Blossom, can I ask you something?”
Alicia glanced at Maxwell who was twisting his friendship bracelet around his wrist, something he always did when he was nervous. The pair of them had been sat quietly together for a while, watching her and Liam’s daughter Lyra crawl around the rug with her corgi Chance, laughing and enjoying the peaceful hours they got to spend together.
“Of course,” she said.
“When did you know that Liam was the one?” he asked.
Her eyebrows raised slightly, “What?”
“I know you both had a connection right from that first night in New York, but when did you realise that he was ‘The One’?” he added the quotation marks in the air for effect.
She gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in shock, “Oh my god, are you and Penelope…?”
“No,” he said quickly, “Yes. Maybe. I don’t know.” He put his face in his hands.
“You’ve only been dating for three months, there’s no rush,” she reminded him.
“I know, but we’ve known each other for so much longer,” he said, “I just… I think I’m in love with her, and I know I’m prone to rash decisions. I just don’t want to ruin this.”
She slid across the sofa towards him, taking hold of his hand and squeezing it, their matching homemade friendship bracelets side by side on their wrists.
“Mine and Liam’s romance was a complete whirlwind. It wasn’t anything like I’d pictured when I imagined meeting the man I’d spend the rest of my life with; having to prove my worth by sailing and baking, but it was the moments in between that made me fall in love with him. The day I knew that he was the one was the day we went to the ruins after the hunt. He talked about the future and what legacy he would lead; how he would be remembered as king, and something in me that day changed. I knew that I was falling for him, but in that moment, it was all so clear to me; the life we could have together. I wanted to be right at his side when he became the man I always knew he was meant to be.”
“Alicia, that’s beautiful,” he said quietly.
“But that was just me,” she assured him, “Liam told me that he knew I was the one during our first date where you served us pasta and we talked for hours about the most ridiculously mundane things. It was the night he realised that he could always just be Liam with me. It’s different for everyone but trust me when I tell you that when you know; you’ll know.”
He smiled at her, “Thanks, Blossom. You always know the best thing to say.”
“That’s why I’m your best friend,” she nudged his arm playfully, then paused for a second, glancing at him, “Did I ever tell you that I was going to ask you to walk me down the aisle at my wedding?”
He gasped, “No! Why didn’t you?”
She giggled softly at his reaction, “It was something that was never mentioned. I assumed that it was a different tradition in Cordonia, and with everything going on… Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset that Bertrand did it, but I wanted it to be you. That’s why I didn’t ask you to be my maid of honour. I wanted you to give me away.”
He blinked back tears of happiness that were forming, “Oh… I can’t believe you would have trusted me with either of those roles.
“Of course I would have. I owe you so much. You brought me here, you gave me a chance with the love of my life, and you gave me a family and a home when I didn’t have one. You’re my brother in all but blood, Max. Apart from Liam and Lyra, you’re the most important person in my life.”
“You always say how bringing you to Cordonia was the best thing that ever happened to you, but it’s also the best thing that ever happened to me. You helped my house, my friend, my country… And I always wanted a little sister,” he admitted, wiping his tears with the back of his sleeve, a smile crossing his face, “Whatever happens with Penelope, I want you right there with me when I get married. I know it’s a little soon to ask before I’ve ever proposed to anyone, but will you be my best man? Woman? Whatever title you want to put on it.”
Tears formed in her own eyes as she looked at him, “Oh Maxwell,” she cooed, throwing her arms around him in a hug, “Of course I will.”
Chance let out a soft bark at the sight of his mom crying and Lyra crawled up behind him, gurgling at the fuss. Maxwell leaned down and scooped Lyra up into his arms.
“Hey little sapling,” he said, “Your mama’s okay. Just having some emotional talk with your Uncle Maxwell. Your favourite godfather.”
“You fuss over her so much she barely knows who Drake is,” Alicia laughed as she scratched Chance behind the ears.
“That’s because I’m her favourite,” he emphasised again, locking eyes with the one year old, “Uncle Drake might teach you to drink when you’re older, but I’m the one that will pass on my dancing legacy. I’m pinning all of my hopes on you and Bartie. One of you has to be a dance prodigy.”
“Careful,” Alicia teased, “They might grow up to out-dance you.”
He gasped in playful shock, “Never,” he blew a raspberry on Lyra’s cheek, earning a squeal of laughter from the infant princess.
“Or maybe the next baby will be the dancer out of them all,” Alicia said quietly.
“Penelope and I aren’t even engaged yet and you’re already joking about-” he glanced at the queen who had a suggestive hand rested on her stomach. His eyes widened, “Oh my god! Are you…?”
A grin spread across her face as she nodded, “Eight weeks.”
He went to hug her, but quickly realised he still had Lyra in his arms. He wrapped one arm around her, the other safely cradling his goddaughter, “This is amazing. I can’t believe you’re pregnant again already. I didn’t even know you and Liam were trying.”
“We weren’t,” she told him, “But we aren’t exactly not trying. We would have liked Lyra to be a little older before introducing another baby, but we both knew we wanted another one regardless of when it happened.”
“It’s no surprise really,” he laughed, “The amount of times you and Liam sneak out of parties to f-”
She kicked his ankle, “Little ears,” she reminded him.
“F…ind fun things to do,” he finished, glancing down at Lyra who sat happily in his lap.
Alicia rolled her eyes at him, “You can’t tell anyone. Liam doesn’t know yet.”
“Doesn’t know what?” Liam’s voice suddenly came from behind them, the sound of the door opening lost in their chatter.
“That he has the sweetest daughter in the whole world,” Maxwell said quickly. Lyra looked up with a gleeful smile, a string of babble leaving her mouth as she reached for him.
“Well, that I already knew,” Liam smiled and leaned over the back of the couch to scoop her into his arms, “Hey little princess. Have you had a good afternoon with your mommy and Uncle Maxwell?”
Her babbling continued as her little hands played with his tie. Alicia leaned up to give her husband a sweet kiss on the cheek before glancing at Maxwell, who took the hint. Saying his goodbyes and thanking Alicia for the talk. As he went, he wiggled his eyebrows at her, glancing in Liam’s direction as a hint for her to tell him before quickly scooting out the door.
“What was that all about?” Liam frowned as he took a seat beside his wife.
She hummed, “Nothing. Just Maxwell being Maxwell.”
“Ah,” he laughed, “I am familiar.”
“Out of curiosity,” she said, leaning herself against him, “How would you feel about naming our next child after one of our best friends?”
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little-writings · 7 years
Point of View (Jumin x MC)
Investigation!AU: You go into Justice Kim’s house to find the grieving family.
Word Count: 1368
My day has been, stressed, to say the least. Very, very stressed. I hope your day was much better than mine. Thank you and enjoy!
This is an ongoing storyline I highly suggest you read the other prompts before this.
Other Investigation!AU Prompts:
1 ————————————————————————————————————–
You walked inside of the house alongside Jumin, muffled wails and voices creeping within the walls and threatening to burst past the windows.
Within the living room, there was a young boy and older woman, across the room but both in similar states.
Eunji and Yoosung.
Eunji had wrinkles embedded against her features, yet had an odd warmth about her, despite the horrid memories that wretched in her mind.
She sat on the sofa, cradling herself as an officer interviewed her, the officer doing most of the speaking as Eunji stared blankly, a story racing merely in her gaze.
Yoosung seemed almost as if his hard cased mask began to crack, dark circles engraved underneath his muted eyes.
You could see that perhaps just before he had been one of the happiest people, bright blonde hair cascading over him.
You first approached the son.
“Yoosung?” You sat down across from him, reaching out for a handshake.
He lifted up his head, furrowing his brow. “W-What…?”
“I’m MC, I’m with law enforcement.”
“Oh…” He returned the handshake, his grip flimsy and weak. “Hello…”
“This is Jumin Han, he’s my partner.”
Jumin gave a respectful nod, standing beside you.
“H-Hi…” He mumbled, grimacing. “I-If you guys are here for q-questions I-I’d really rather not. I’m sorry I just- I-I don’t know who t-that guy was a-and I don’t know why he shot Mr. Choi.” 
“We were hoping we could hear the story from your perspective actually,” You remarked, attempting a comforting smile. “that’s it.” 
“C-Can’t you just read what s-some of the other cops put?” He shuddered. “W-Wouldn’t that be easier?”
You couldn’t help but feel a tinge of guilt grow inside of you, hesitancy building up as you parted your lips to speak.
But it wasn’t you that responded.
It was Jumin.
“It’s better to get the account from you yourself rather than paperwork. Things can be fictionalized or twisted into things that you may not have said. It’s better to be safe rather than sorry.” 
“D-Do you think anyone w-would really do that to me?” Yoosung shriveled back, pressing his knees to his face. “D-Did I do something wrong?”
“No you didn’t it’s okay,” You assured him, softening your tone. “Don’t worry, you’re alright.” 
“You guys…you guys are going, to tell the truth, aren’t you?” 
“Of course.” You cooed like a parent soothing a child. “Do you mind if we record this?”
“That’s fine…I guess.” 
Jumin snatched out a voice recorder, promptly switching it on.
You nodded to him, turning back to Yoosung. “So, could you tell us what happened?”
He let out a dried, slow breath, tensely. “Y-Yeah.” 
“Mr. Choi h-he was kinda a family friend for awhile since my d-dad and he were both closely affiliated government officials. S-So my dad invited him to dinner j-just you know to get to relax.” He began. “A-And we were eating j-just w-we didn’t hear anything, the doors were locked and everything b-but this g-guy must’ve picked the locks- I mean he was so quiet.” 
“Can you describe his appearance?”
“Barely, he wore this hood over his face and kinda covered up most of himself. B-But he just crept out and put the gun to Mr. Choi’s head. H-He started yelling all of this nonsense…”
“Asking if he regretted what he did if he realized who it was and if he ever even cared…t-that sort of thing.” 
“Did Mr. Choi know him?”
“H-He looked like he sort of knew…b-but didn’t really react to it. I can’t tell if he was afraid of what would happen to him, or what we would find out.”
“What did he say?”
“Mr. Choi asked him to calm down, he didn’t know what he was talking about, and that this wasn’t worth it. B-But the guy said that…this is no better than what Choi had done. A-And then he pulled the trigger.”
“Was it a direct blow to the brain?” Jumin asked, cocking his head to the side. 
“No, it was…just above the heart. It still killed him b-but not right away. The guy ran away immediately afterward, but we ran to Mr. Choi to figure it out.”
“So your father didn’t go after the intruder right away?”
“No, i-it was only when Mr. Choi began pointing in the direction he had gone, and was m-muttering something did my dad go after h-him.” 
You leaned forward, eyes widening. “What did Mr. Choi say?”
“It was my something…I-I couldn’t really hear I-I was too distracted b-by the-the blood.” He glanced down at his fingertips, as if the crimson was just drenched in his hands. 
“My dad told me to take care of my mom a-and Mr. Choi and went after him. M-My mom was the one to call the police. I-I tried to stop the bleeding. I-I c-couldn’t.” 
“That’s not your fault Yoosung.” You hummed. “You were very brave.” 
“I didn’t do anything…I-I just sat there l-like some scared kid.”
“You couldn’t have stopped it. No one could’ve.”
“I could’ve saved my dad.” 
“You did all that you could in the given situation. This wasn’t a scene on the television where you can stop and think of how you’d react. You had no time to think, you simply did what you thought was best in the short span of time. No one can ask you for more than that.” 
You looked towards Jumin, grinning slightly. “Exactly.”
And oddly enough, he returned the gesture.
Yoosung thought for a moment, giving a faint expression of appreciation before sighing, not speaking another word of the story.
“Is that it?” Jumin asked.
Your partner switched off the recorder, folding his arms across his chest.
You stood up, slipping out your card with your phone number, handing it to him. “Yoosung, if you need anything from Jumin or I, just let us know. Okay?”
“T-Thank you…r-really.” He mustered a tiny smirk, his eyes glossy. “I appreciate it.” 
“Anytime.” You stepped back, talking delicately. “It’ll be okay, we’ll find him.”
There was no response. 
“Do you want to ask Eunji?” 
“Yes, just in case Eunji may have seen anything else.” You shakily let out a breath folding your lips. “Then the body…and I think I’d like to get out of here.”
“The bodies aren’t bothering you are they?”
“N-No this is my job. B-But just seeing kids like him blame themselves and have to deal with that kind of trauma…it’s rough sometimes you know?” 
“Of course, this will follow him throughout his life. But we can only hope that he’ll speak with a therapist to keep from internalizing all of these emotions.”
He pressed a hand onto your shoulder, patting it gently. “If it helps, I think you were very kind and understanding to him.” 
You scrunched up your nose, thinking before a warmth budded in your chest from his encouragement.
“You know, I think you’re a lot nicer than others say.” 
“You seem to think of me a lot differently than others.” He smirked slightly, a bit of him brightening despite the rest of the world. 
It was as if you were the only bit of sunshine left.
And a bit of you knew that with his continuation. 
For it held a kindness many never would’ve expected.
“You’re one of a kind.” 
“In a good way?”
“Very much so.”
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Pretty pretty please can we have another Helena teacher?! It’s too cute and sweet. Can we maybe have their first time? Or is it too soon haha
No problem, I see no reason why not to write their first time! And thank you for your feedback, it really makes writing these all the more special! So with that being said, thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy, anon!
Teacher Helena x MC Headcanons (First Time Together)
Time flew by Helena and MC as they spent as much time as possible, relying on pockets of time they came across for stability.
Soon the end of the school year rolled around and it was time to say goodbye to her class of small hooligans, who were all crestfallen to learn that Helena wasn’t going to be their teacher forever.
MC visited the school, by the class’ request, to send them off to fourth grade with sincere hugs, high fives, and even some formal handshakes.
Helena was swamped with adoration and pride for them and she found herself tear up as she watched them all dash out of the school, eagerly ready to spend their summer break.
MC wraps Helena in a hug when the soft teacher sniffled, on the verge of sobbing for both happy and sad reasons.
Though disheartened that she had to say goodbye to her students, Helena was excited to be able to have more free time to spend with MC and the same went for MC.
The first date of the summer was one to an amusement park and they had a blast riding the rides and eating the delicious food there, and by the end of their time there, both of their wallets were looking smaller.
Not wanting to waste the rest of their money on fast food, Helena offers to cook from her home something simple for their dinner.
MC agrees and Helena takes her back to her home, their hands entwined and their voices light.
The kind teacher began to prepare a simple soup while MC set the table (with the help of Helena directing her to where she stored her silverware and bowls).
After dishing their meals out, they eat in companionable silence, sharing the occasional conversation over their day at the amusement park.
The topic of Helena’s class slips in through the cracks of their evening and MC fears that it might squander the jocose atmosphere they had built together, but instead, Helena uses it to express how proud she was
Helena spoke with a passion, her eyes alight with joy and pride, a beautiful, shimmering smile gracing her face.
Without thinking much of it, MC made the correlation that Helena would be an incredible mother one day.
MC, having been deeply touched by Helena’s raw and unfiltered show of emotion for her students, informs her of her revelation, proclaiming Helena as someone who’d make a great mother someday.
The soft-spoken teacher blushes and smiles brightly, her blue eyes twinkling with enough excitement and cheerfulness that made it seem like MC had told Helena she had a child on the way or something.
Helena confesses that she does hope to be a mom someday, just not as of now, for she wanted to find the partner for her life to start a family with.
After that, Helena collects their dirty dishes and sets them in her sink to soak while MC suggests to do some cuddling on the couch and watch some TV.
Helena joins her and engulfs MC in her arms, cradling her intimately as she switched on the television.
They sit comfortably like that for a while, with Helena stroking MC’s hair soothingly as MC snuggled closer, before the show that was on became too boring and repetitive to watch.
Their innocent cuddling session became much more in the quick span of just minutes, what with the two of them kissing each other on the couch passionately.
Soon that passion built, morphing and evolving into desire as Helena urged MC down on her back, their bodies mingling and pulling together as the heat rose between them.
Before continuing further Helena withdraws for a second, assuring that this is what MC wanted.
MC smiles, filled with affection for the kindhearted woman, and reassures her as she tugs her into another deep kiss.
They undressed each other slowly and explored each other thoroughly, taking their sweet time getting to know just how their bodies worked together.
Helena soon began to kiss down MC’s body, her hair frivolously ruffled by the hands that guide her lower.
She uses her mouth to bring MC her edge, not ceasing until the Chicagoan was trembling from the sensations flooding where she was most sensitive.
MC pulls Helena back up to her lips and kisses her desperately, using all of her strength to flip her girlfriend onto her back and give her equal treatment.
Helena was much the same as MC when it came to receiving immense pleasure--a writhing mess, noises of all sorts tumbling through her mouth, her hands used to usher MC as close as possible as she tasted her.
Once Helena had found her glow of pleasure and had calmed, she collapsed and pulled MC close, wrapping her in her arms.
They talked briefly, reminiscing about their first time together, before their fatigue gets the better of them.
The two drift off, both happy and content in each other’s arms.
Thank you for requesting, anon! I really enjoyed writing teacher Helena HCs for you!
If you want to request something, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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S23 and R16 for Xenia? Could make a cute combo :3c
You’re right, that could make a cute combo, anon! Thanks for your request, I sincerely hope you enjoy :3
S23: “Make love to me tonight.”
R16: “I might’ve caught baby-fever… and I might be daydreaming about starting a big family with you one day… if you wouldn’t mind that of course…”
Xenia was a sight for sore eyes. Her eyes were brighter this night, her lips constantly curled in a smile of delight. MC was happy to the Mistress of Spies so at ease and not stressed, with bags under her eyes and her hair a series of grey tangles atop her head. MC had her mind elsewhere though, trapped in a parallel of reality where Xenia and her were parents. Her thoughts conjured darling images of Xenia cradling a newborn with all four of her arms, just to ensure the child wouldn’t drop from her hold. Her eyes were atwinkle with love so strong that MC could feel it kiss her heart, wrapping it in an adoring warmth like a blanket. She wondered how many children Xenia would be content with. One? Two? Four? Ten? Who knows? MC reigns in the thoughts of a domestic life with the spymaster, her thoughts a spool of platonic desire being wound around in her head. But then again, her spiders are like her children... would she really want to have human children? 
“Make love to me tonight.” Out of the blue, Xenia chimes into MC’s space, her mouth staged into a coy smirk. One slender arm swirls around MC’s waist with sheer purpose, sensually and devoid of the thoughtful gentleness her touches almost always possessed. She tugs the redhead to her side hard, a plume of dark glittering lust spiraling within her eyes. MC unintentionally gulps. “P-pardon?” Her question is stilted as it wisps past her lips. Xenia’s breath is a sweet puff of a high she never imagined possible, her dark lips tempting like freshly sliced fruit. “There seems to be something on your mind that’s separating your brain from your ears. What’re you thinking, MC?” A second hand presses against the small of MC’s back and she sucks in a breath. How many times have you been touched by Xenia already? Come to terms with that fact before you lose your mind! Distracted by Xenia’s hands on her body, MC blurts the first sentence that comes to mind... even if it is the utter, embarrassing truth.
“I might’ve caught baby-fever... and I might be daydreaming about starting a big family with you one day... only if you want to of course...!”
MC wants to slap a hand over my mouth, maybe a couple times across her face too. Way to go, MC. But Xenia doesn’t laugh. She doesn’t say much of anything at all except turn rosy-cheeked, her eyes averting the redheads bashfully. Xenia’s... embarrassed? No, it’s not that, she’s... shy? “You are such a crazy, crazy girl to think of me as a-!” Xenia cuts off mid-sentence, her features settling back into the calm MC was used to. She didn’t sound mad or irritated or disappointed, just... shy. Perhaps the very idea of being a mom was something that spooked Xenia. Maybe she had a secret desire to be one day. Perhaps I should stop hoping for such ludicrous futures. Instead of continuing on the subject any more than she already has, Xenia pulls MC into her, her spark of wanton desire hurtling back. 
“I gave you an order, did I not? I want you to make love to me tonight, MC.” And MC did, assuring to please the Mistress of Spies in every aspect imaginable, exploring the sinuous depths of her body and the voluptuous curves that lined her path.
In terms of thinking about Xenia as a mom... MC’s mind was taken off the idea by an ecstasy Xenia gifts her over and over again, well into the crisp night.
Thanks for the request! I loved writing this for you!
If you want to request something, here’s the Prompt List, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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