gerardpilled · 2 years
mcr hottake: nurserard was the coolest looking outfit simply bc of the golden caduceus pin like what a cool accessory to add! idk it made the outfit that much better for me
I loved how they looked that night I was in near tears over every photo that was coming out in the early moments of that show… the HAT the HAIR god I was instantly obsessed… I loved how his hair looked with the hat I’m not sure if he did any kind of hair styling but it all just achieved the retro look so well without going overboard. The details for all the tailored costumes really just made them all.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Obviously there’s a case for being respectful of real life people or whatver but I always think about that post that’s like “Pete wentz can just look at his bank account if it upsets him” when it comes to rpf
LMFAO yeah for sure. I think the bank account post also kinda has the unspoken point that not only are these people so rich they shouldn’t care, but also they’re so far removed from us as fans that it shouldn’t even reach them if it’s handled correctly by fans (aka not replying to tweets talking about fic). I think rpf is way better of a creative outlet for a lot of thoughts and desires (both sexually and not) I see expressed on tumblr. At least when someone posts a fic on ao3 it has that barrier of the website being fiction based. Anyone who is capable of separating reality from fiction should be able to click on a fic and know it’s not real. I don’t think there’s that same separation of fiction & reality when it comes to tumblr posts.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
take: it’s strange that interpretations of songs are taken as fact. like the demolition lovers representing womanhood / manhood in the same person therefore alluding to gerard’s relationship with gender. or frank / gerard representing difficult relationships and therefore describing their relationships with their wives or each other or affairs ???? (ive seen posts like “omg how do they explain these songs to their children 😳” or “theyre still friends after all that?”) songs aren’t taken as stories but memoir puzzles to be solved. tbf this isn’t restricted to mcr. im not saying these interpretations are invalid, but they shouldnt be treated as artists’ intentions
I agree!! I think in general this is an issue across most modern music discussions. People don't like ambiguity and want to have a concrete concept of what a song is about. I also think this is mainly an issue with how interpretations are relayed online. People like to firmly state that this is what the song is about no questions asked, but I think clarifying that it's a personal reading is important sometimes. Others as readers should also be less impressionable and think critically about readings. I love reading other people's readings of songs because it really does help to open doors into another person's mindset.
I think it's interesting especially with mcr because there is a lot of emphasis on the fact that Gerard inhabits different personas, perspectives, and mindsets when writing songs, but then I feel like there's a need to reflect it completely back on Gerard personally. I agree that Gerard wouldn't write something that wasn't at least a little relatable to his own experiences, but that doesn't mean it's a 1 to 1 comparison. I also hate that so much of Frank and Gerard's solo stuff has this shipping mindset that goes into it. I've definitely seen people say Frank's songs about struggling in a relationship is proof when it completely ignores that sometimes people just have mental strain in relationships they're completely happy in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
I always try to have the mindset of whatever a song means to me is the meaning I care about. I could have a completely opposite take than the artist intended, but who cares as long as I get something positive out of it :)
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gerardpilled · 2 years
hot take thing, i think sosososo much of mcrblr needs to listen to other music, just as a way to get some distance/touch grass. not prompted by anything specific going on round here
I think you could have worded it nicer but I agree I think a lot of fans could benefit from seeking out music that inspired mcr and putting more value in other music in general. To be fair though I have no doubt most people on here do listen to other music, but they’re just not posting about it because there’s no posting culture for some music! Like personally I listen to other music way more than I listen to mcr but why should I post about that when I’m running a mcr blog, you know!
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gerardpilled · 2 years
all of the b-sides deserved a spot on the black parade more than teenagers did. love teenagers to death, was the first song i ever learned to play, but the world would be a better place if people were more familiar with kill all your friends. or not that kind of girl but that's wishful thinking
My hot take is I don’t really like not that kind of girl! I just don’t think it’s well written lyrically and the melody is odd and clunky. That’s just musical opinion though I don’t care if people like it I wish I liked it more lol. Someone else also said they don’t care for teenagers and I get it to some extent but idk I just don’t really think it’s as disruptive to the album as others seem to! I’m a known Kill All Your Friends enjoyer and I’ve always seen it as a better option as a corrupted romance song than I Don’t Love You
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gerardpilled · 2 years
i think gun is a really underrated song.. we could get somebody else but we want someone like you! :)
I’ve always thought it was fun!! Which I guess is ironic considering the subject matter. I didn’t realize people didn’t really like it until recently. I also think it’s probably their most political song which I never picked up on as a teen mainly because I didn’t understand what he was saying 😭 it’s actually super refreshing to see them overtly make a political stance in a song
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gerardpilled · 2 years
MCR hot take: People are too damn obsessive and presumptuous about Gerard's gender and sexuality, especially since he's publicly said he doesn't like labels or want them applied to him. I'm pretty sure that most of the serious speculation/theories people come out with are projection, and I'm not sure that some people get that an actual human being can't be put into whatever specific representation mold they want. Gerard doesn't exist for that purpose; he's not a blank slate to project onto (and get in fights over) just bc he's private about it. His own personal gender and sexuality, whatever they may be, are his business, and imo (speaking as a person who's more or less rejected gender for myself but doesn't like talking about it either) there's something kind of uncomfortable about the determination some folks have to specifically categorize him, especially when they're trying to justify it with some random out of context quote or the like. It's one thing when the person is being unserious, but there's definitely people who are very serious about it and I don't like that.
I agree with what you're saying, but I also think this approach to the topic has calmed down a considerable amount where complaining about it is almost beating a dead horse at this point in time. Though, I do think that the normalization of very invasive think-peice type posting about Gerard has kind of had lasting effects in terms of what people are comfortable explicitly implying about him. I definitely agree with what you're saying about viewing him as a blank slate. I can't say I am completely immune to this myself lol sometimes I really have to think to myself about why I care so much about ensuring Gerard fits exactly into the mold I have mentally created for him that also just so happens to be extremely relatable to myself.
I think a lot of initial conversation around their gender started because general ignorance, meaning lack of knowledge, of what Gerard has said in the past regarding being gender non conforming was mistaken as lack of acceptance? Also there was a period of time where you could not tag a photo of Gerard in a dress as "gerard way" without the risk of actual transphobes calling him a pedo in the replies. Which I do think affected the insistence in the trans label by fans to an understandable extent. I think the issue came in when there was more in-fighting where general concern over invasive posting was misinterpreted as transphobes being transphobic.
As for what you said about how it personally affected you - I kinda get it, I do, but I also feel like I saw a lot of people posting similar mindsets with the argument "stop calling Gerard a milf, I'm gnc and I hate that" which kinda assumes everyone of the same gender completely agrees on acceptable terms. It just never made sense to me, personally. Like, I personally relate to Gerard's approach at gender expression a lot but I am able to recognize we are different people. Gerard has referred to himself as "girl" multiple times before so I don't think using the gay she & her in the appropriate context is the end of the world.
Ultimately, yes I agree seeking out precise labels when none of this is our business is probably not the best thing to do.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
hot take: the mcr cover of all i want for christmas is you sucks. it just isn’t good. it’s dissonant and abrasive but not in a good way.
I’m sorry I disagree I love it lol
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Hot take: treating the rest of franks stuff as mcr adjacent is kinda minimizing the importance of it. Like this guy is talented he’s literally so cool. (I am buzzed and not articulate)
Idk if importance is the right word, but I think going into any of his other work with the mindset of it being mcr adjacent immediately does it a disservice. I often wonder if he resents his fame in mcr a little when he does these other projects that are completely unrelated but are flooded my people who only like him because he’s Frank From MCR. Like he seems okay with it and he probably likes that he immediately has an audience for whatever he’s doing, but I wonder if when he’s doing stuff like leathermouth and ls dunes if he wishes he could have a “normal” hardcore crowd who doesn’t care about him
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Idk if this is a hot take but i need to say it for my own peace of mind- Grank needs to be pronounced "drank", with a hard g (like geranium) instead of a soft g (like good) bc gerard is a hard g and such
Like technically you’re right but also this cannot be done it takes away all the humor in saying grank
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gerardpilled · 2 years
mcr hot take is that i’m not convinced there’s a brand new album coming… a live album seems more sure to me but idk a whole new album seems unlikely. we just have to wait and see tho ig….
I’m not getting my hopes up for any kind of consistent work from them but I think the fact it’s rumored they booked studio time in 2023 is promising! I’m not sure how the recording process for live albums work so maybe that studio time is just consisting of tuning up the production of live performances. I do think if we’re gonna get anything soon it would be a live album or at least a series of live performances. Anything else I think is just a waste of time to theorize on and get your hopes up for because it’s not based on anything except vibes
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gerardpilled · 2 years
hot take: hawaiian shirt gerard is so underrated….. like yeah it isn’t as world shattering as cheerleader but it was so cute!! my girl looks so good in a button up and they just can’t resist adding blood to a costume huh…. it blew my dick clean off
Listen i love the return of the Hawaiian shirt it was a huge win for me personally but I think the look was just kinda missing something… I think it was the fact we had the direct comparison to the 2010 comic con look that makes it feel wrong like where’s my blonde bimbo… still great though
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Hot take: Mikey is important we need more Mikey appreciation he’s so super important
I find scaling the level of appreciation a guy gets to be hard when it comes to mcr because whenever I see someone say a band member needs appreciation it feels like they’re just saying they don’t see enough people posting about him. Which is just not how a normal band operates. Tumblr posts definitely help to elevate the interest in people but remember that we are a very small subsection of a very large community of fans, so our overall impact is very little on the grand scale of things.
I’m not saying you’re wrong for thinking this or for wanting to see more posts about him but also remember posting pics of him on tumblr doesn’t equal appreciation for his work. Mikey always did a bunch of interviews for the band back in the day and still gets way more press than any other rock bassist I’ve seen. If you think there should be more posts about him, be the change you wish to see in the world.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
My mcr hot take is that sometimes it feels like if they do anything it will immediately be oversexualized. Like i get finding them attractive but people can go way to far. Like pics of them doing the most mundane shit will get people saying some randomly intense sexual stuff. Im not saying nobody can be attracted/express attraction towards them, but ppl could calm down a little.
I honestly think that just comes with the territory of mcr fandom being so young. I’m not saying people can’t act like this when they’re older (because I’ve definitely see it myself) but I do think that’s just general immaturity that is natural to younger fans and is apart of being that age. I think being a questioning lesbian kinda saved me from most of that but I was definitely not the most mature person on here when I was 16 😭 if it bothers you just unfollow the user or wait a few years for them to look back in embarrassment like most of us do
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Conventional weapons is the best set of songs
Strongly disagree with this one. I’m not a hater of conventional weapons by any means but I do think a lot of the overwhelming love for it kinda comes from the fact it sounds pretty different from other stuff they’ve made. I think some of the songs really show they’re unfinished and underdeveloped. I think particularly the lyrics of some of them are easily Gerard’s worst out of anything they’ve done and they really don’t have the literary styling they’ve become so known for. I really like ambulance and burn bright. I dislike Kiss the Ring and light behind your eyes. World is ugly is also not my favorite by any means. Again just my opinion I’m not saying you’re wrong
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gerardpilled · 2 years
Mcr hot take: I get why people joke about the drummer curse and don't want to talk about Jarrod Alexander a lot but I feel like it gets to a point where he's ignored despite being long time friends with the whole band, a long time collaborator with them, an incredible drummer and basically the fifth member of mcr at this point. I understand that ppl don't have that parasocial relationship with him that they do with others but I think he still deserves appreciation <3
In general I think it’s very interesting how fans view people involved in the band! A lot of people seem to have a weird view of how things behind the scenes work. I’m not saying I have an inside scoop or even know much about touring and the music industry in general, but it feels like people kinda think Gerard, Ray, Frank, and Mikey run everything and make every decision alone. I get it that those are the guys people care about so that’s who they’re gonna focus on and I don’t think it’s like a troubling issue we as fans need to fix within our communities because it does not matter. It’s just funny sometimes to see people say something that suggests there’s no one backstage with the 4 guys or that they only interact with people we’re aware of
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