#me @ crowley: let me ask u a very fair question; what do u successfully? quickly??
llondonfog · 1 year
i hope you don't mind this being dumped here. my enemies-to-lovers anon on piratealt has gotten crowley stuck in my head for better or worse, and one particular thought annoys me more than any other.
he is, in my eyes, a grackle. not a crow. my neighborhood is absolutely overrun with them and always has been, so perhaps that is why this thought is so persistent, but he resembles one so clearly to me. they're blackbirds who tend to be shiny and blue, the males have long legs, and are frequently mistaken for crows. the tails also resemble his coat or cape.
they're an annoyance more than anything. they strut around and bully all the smaller birds until the mourning doves come along and scare them off. they also like to make a mess of the birdseed if only to spite everyone else.
...on a more story-related note, the thought of him being a red herring of sorts as a bird easily mistaken for a crow is certainly something.
but i digress. he's a grackle to me. and grackles ruin my bird feeders and terrorize the littler birds, so my annoyance only grows.
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the way I am nodding my head and fervently agreeing with you!!!
ok but i love the concept that crowley is a grackle because i fully share your sentiments— growing up, our home would always be plagued by both grackles and starlings to a horrendous degree and drive away any of the other native birds that my mom would try to feed to the point she'd bang on the windows to try to frighten them off, only for them to blink at her with the most baleful apathy in existence lol they are opportunistic little beggars and the comparison to crowley? 1000% accurate.
also crows are so incredibly intelligent with amazing communication skills, and they're cooperative breeders which means they defend each other's young— does this sound like our esteemed and ever so kindly headmaster.
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