#me and gojo both have a playful and unserious way that i feel like would be a disaster for those around us
nkogneatho · 3 months
Y'all know those insecure girlfriends on tiktok when their boyfriend does their makeup accurately, they go “what bitch taught you that?” yeah, Gojo is the male version of that.
He knows he is attractive, and that everyone dotes on him. But you look out of this world. Everybody wants you. Like all of his friends have tried to hit on you a few times. They said it's just playful, but his insecurities kicked in.
One evening, you showed up to one of his totally unserious basketball games with his homies, cheering him every time he dunks.
“Suguru, my girl's watchin'. Gotta show off a bit, yeah?” he smirks, licking his lips his reflexes were so good that barely anyone else could keep up with him. It was like he had drank 10 liters of energy drink with the sudden speed boost.
You hopped in his arms when the match was over, peppering his face with kisses as he enjoyed his victory, showing a middle finger to suguru to which he rolled his eyes.
“you look so cool when you jump so high, toru!” you squealed in happiness. He really did look cool.
“hehe, you liked that, baby? Jumped a little higher just for you.” he kissed your forehead.
“hate to say it, but he is undefeated.” suguru spoke up. “feel like we need to put you on the court, y/n just to distract him so we can win.” your cheeks started burning up at that. You and satoru have been dating for a few months, but you were still not used to the way everyone talks about him as if he's a simp for you. well, he is and should be.
“i would still win though.” your eyes shifted to gojo. You were a little offended at that, even though it was just messing around. It was his habit.
“alright. Let's have a 1v1” the men did not miss the shift of your tone. Suguru knew satoru might be in trouble, while the white haired wasn't worrying about it too much. Because you're not too savvy with basketball aside from what he's taught you, and he is a pro. Sure, you would be mad later, but nothing he can't make up to you.
The boys spread in corners, as you and gojo exchanged a competitive gaze—yours was competitive and his was more of a “i love when you get riled up”—before the match began. The game was not anything serious, so all you had to do was score five points. It was a piece pf cake for gojo but you were being surprisingly competitive. You scored two points just as soon as he did. His homeboys thought that gojo was going easy on you but suguru knew he was struggling. But he lives up to his name and score two points, making him just 1 score away from his sweet victory. There's no way you can win now. If you miss this chance, it's over. But you remembered something someone had taught you and all that “i'd still win though” just pumped up enough adrenaline and oh. my. god.
Gojo's jaw dropped as you shot a three pointer, your lips widening into an evil grin, and all the boys cheered at your win. You were sure they're gonna tease him about today until eternity. Toru was impressed…well, for a few seconds before he hit you with a,
“which motherfucker taught you that? because I don't remember teaching you this yet.” you were laughing but his reaction was genuine.
“hey, c'mon now. don't call me a motherfucker.” suguru slid in, a hand resting on gojo's arm. “i'm a good teacher, aren't I?” he winked at you.
“the fuck? When the fuck did you teach her?”
“last week when we were playing at toji's party.” gojo was too busy playing beer bong at that time.
“thank you, suguru. And you…" you looked at your man, "where is allat “but I'd still win though” attitude?” you mocked him.
“ight fine. you got me. i was just messin' around and ya'know that. don't get mad at me, baby,” he snaked an arm around your waist. “we're both winners. We gotta celebrate properly, right?” he leaned closer to your ears.
“now let's see who wins in the bedroom, tonight. hmm? You know i gotta settle the score, princess.”
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lilacxquartz · 1 month
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angel satoru gojo x mortal fem!reader
part 2 of 2 • masterlist • ao3 link • << part 1
summary: after making an offering, you catch the attention of a six eyed angel who despite promising you the heavens, leads you into hell instead.
warnings: heavily implied dub/non-con, violent/disturbing imagery, body horror
Part 2: Answer
The next couple of days were met with a certain degree of reluctance and uncertainty combined as you couldn’t help but feel a crushing sense of guilt, wondering what the angel truly meant by ‘everything’.
Had you known what it could have entailed, you would have never prayed—you would have never even entertained the concept of love, knowing now that it would be taken away so soon.
You didn’t want to think that ‘everything’ could have been in a more literal sense; something that would force you to have a lacking say in your own existence in exchange for a taste of power.
It left you wondering more so if it was truly a blessing or if it was more of a curse.
And moments after tucking yourself into bed, you were awoken by an all too familiar presence making itself known within the confines of your very own home.
The angel reappeared; his eyes a glowing piercing blue with snowy lashes—a gaze as cold as ice.
No longer did it have a welcoming smile.
No longer did it seem as kind.
Its voice, coming out as nothing more than a threatening low droning hum, echoed throughout your body, “Remember what you have offered to me,” he spoke, the playfulness absent from his tone, “your life is mine now too.”
Somehow, these words didn’t really register properly in your mind and you looked back at him with a gnawing sense of disbelief. Your demeanour faltering for a second. You wanted for this strange deity to provide you with answers but every interaction left you with more questions than ever before, leaving you feeling confused after each and every single exchange.
“What…?” you simply asked, blurting out your words.
The angel smiled, painting an illusion of deceptive kindness across his face. His voice softened, as though trying to comfort you despite the words holding onto a sure threat, “You said everything, did you not? That should surely include both your heart and soul.”
“B-but,” you protested, tenting your knees as you backed up in bed, holding your pillow close to your chest, “I can’t even have a normal relationship?”
“Preferably not,” the angel cooed, “but if loneliness is what you’re dealing with, then I can pay you as many visits as you’d like at night.”
You didn’t like the implication of that.
“Y-you…?” you repeated his offer, “You… visit m-me…?”
“Correct,” he nodded with a tight smile, stepping closer ever so slightly forward, “it’s my job to look over humans, so let me be your everything too.”
The more you took in the sight of the angel, the more deceptive he truly seemed. Something about him screamed arrogant and even though he wasn’t playful this time, there was something unserious about the way he spoke to you.
Again, your mind had to wonder.
(Was this truly an angel?)
(Or did you pray to something else instead?)
“T-this is my only option?” you asked.
“Yes, but I’ll visit you however many times it takes,” he nodded.
The wording threw you off however, something about the way he said it and the terminology used, didn’t sit quite right with you.
‘However many times it takes.’
Until what?
The visits did indeed come to happen, he left you feeling a mixture of both wide awake as the nights had passed yet perfectly refreshed in the mornings as though nothing had happened.
Even though your energy didn’t seemingly suffer, something else within you began to drain instead.
You weren’t quite sure what, though.
Your mind spiralled as it considered the possibilities.
You were blessed, right? Not chosen. Could there have been a difference between the two?
And lying awake in your bed yet again, you anticipated the angel but weren’t quite in the mood due to a terrible feeling brewing inside of you. Your eyes, blinded by the approaching light snapped open; feeling the weight of such unimaginable power anchor right on top of you.
“Not toda—“ you began to protest, your words coming out as barely a whisper.
“—everything,” he shushed you instead, reminding you of your place within the dynamic. He was the an angel; a being close to a god and you were a mortal blessed by his touch. Silly you. You had no right to complain.
Yet the continuation felt awfully wrong.
Like something was happening that shouldn’t have been.
Just like the many sleepless nights before this one, he started by crashing his lips against your own. His touch like pillowed stone against fresh clay—his touch bordered articulate—precise and careful, just like those many times before. Your eyes once again drifted over to his roaming hands, blurring your vision whenever you’d look at them for too long.
“I know your limit,” he whispered to you, his cold breath rippling waves of shivers through you, “I can see it.”
It was as though his words were easing you into it every time. His voice was low and his tone felt hypnotic.
Slowly, as a result, you couldn’t help but grow more accepting of it even if you were unsure why.
Something internal that faded away as you slowly gave into his presences, into his continued touch and…!
(What was this feeling…?)
His touch continued to explore you; his hands brushed over your breasts underneath your clothes. Stony fingers that slipped in between your legs, guiding his digits towards your sex. A soft gasp escaping your lips as he ran tauntingly slow circles around your clit.
Next, he moved himself to hover you. His hardened length feeling just as rigid as the rest of him, if not even somehow more, hovered at your entrance. Slowly, he pushed the tip of his cock into your awaiting cunt, his length enveloped by your heat.
Slipping himself out and then plunging forth again and again—it felt like he was bruising you from the inside. His gradually quickening pace left you breathless yet somehow craving more despite the creeping exhaustion.
“My everything,” he’d mutter, his lips ghosting icy air against your own, his tongue wrestling yours. The experience felt almost jarring with how much attention you took in from a higher power, perhaps in a way that you shouldn’t. The angel continued to stalk his release regardless—appearing almost human—almost vulnerable as he pounded into you with want and need.
He grunted, though softly, as he worked his hips into yours. Despite this, your home only echoed back the sounds of your strained whining and almost relentless, breathless moaning. Your fingers clawing against the sheets—against his flesh—grabbing, almost as if desperately trying to hold onto your plummeting sanity as it somehow slipped away during your shared nights.
His rutting pursuit was by now deeper, his speed unforgiving. Your core felt as though it was going to be split apart by his plunging length. You felt exhaustion seep and settle while your insides soon felt pummelled and even sore as the angel reached an almost frenzied pace, seeking a violent release.
It was sudden as he finally met his end; his body finally spent. You felt as his cock twitched within your sex, emptying himself fully within your bruised core, leaving you a state of uncomfortable full of him and him alone.
As he relaxed and you recovered, the angel soothed you in your repeated panicked submission. His flesh that had since then merged with yours, rubbed raw against what felt like almost worn skin. His comforting touch smoothed goosebumps over you, leaving you once again feeling not quite chosen, but blessed with the essence of something else.
(Something worse?)
Whether or not it was power that he was giving you, it wasn’t something you could tell.
He soon left you in that now familiar dazed and almost high state—your hands drifting and slurring as you moved around in bed—phasing you in and out of your own fleeting consciousness.
And although the sensation faded and the skies lightened outside, for once, you were left feeling exhausted.
As though you couldn’t quite drop what the angel left behind this time.
You’d hands glowed a faint yet noticeable blue, trailing an aura behind as you moved them around in the air. Like seeping water that evaporated the second it lingered a little too long.
Whatever this was; a power, a blessing or something else.
You didn’t want it.
It hurt.
“Thou shall not lay in bed with the gods who masquerade as angels; lest you ascend.” — Ancient scriptures.
As if on clockwork, the angel would show up again and again as per the usual times. It was nighttime whenever it arrived with its heavy footsteps splintering the floorboards, icy fingertips that willed you awake, refusing to let you rest.
You couldn’t help but shudder whenever you jolted back into the conscious realm. The touch now feeling familiar, yet somehow so freshly invasive every time.
Something felt different this time though.
“Would you like to be more than just blessed?” he asked you, although the way he delivered his words felt more like a statement than an offering. The way he spoke reminding you more of how the demons spoke; so elusive and almost deceitful.
You couldn’t form a proper response this time either. Your words stifled by a pressuring change in the atmosphere. Something about his words felt once again less like a prompt.
(Maybe more like a threat?)
‘More than just blessed.’
Your mind locked onto the way he said that and he seemed to notice. His icy blue eyes settled into your own gaze in a way that felt looming, as though he was attempting to get a read on your soul rather than to catch onto your interpretation.
“Will it stop the pain?” you finally managed to ask.
Ever since the first time the pain had began to linger, was when you started to feel like something was clearly wrong. The aura that trailed in your hands never subsided, instead slowly enveloping the rest of your skin. The burning sensation that developed in your skin when the pain manifested had only gotten worse since then. It was as though your flesh was overcome with an invisible fire that crackled and whipped away at your skin.
It surely must have been in your head, though.
Yet, despite feeling the blistering pops and the flickers of bursting skin, of charring bone that crisped deep into the core of your very being.
You couldn’t help but feel that this was all too real.
As if something within you was changing and not in a good way.
Not at all.
All the angel did was continue to smile at you. His many eyes once again fluttering around his body, as though blinking in desperation in attempted warning. Yet, the two eyes on his face remained still and almost dormant.
Sitting you upright and allowed for you to lean into his frame, his lips forged a smile to help you ease into his offering.
“It will stop the pain,” he promised, “you’ll never feel anything again, my pretty mortal thing.”
“Then—“ you coughed out, your voice hostage in your throat under a chokehold.
“—it’ll stop the pain,” he continued to comfort you, his hand brushing down your back in a soothing manner, whispering out his final words so that you just about couldn’t fully hear, “and everything else.”
Just as he said that, the pain built up within your body, the blue aura almost barely contained the longer it festered within you.
“I’ll do it,” you replied, finally giving in.
He smiled once more, however as soon as you finalised his non-offer, all remaining warmth that he held onto had since swept away, almost instantly. The once thought to be imagined sensation of hellfire burning over your skin was now visible, with roaring, crackling flames that continued to eat away at your body.
His words of promised mercy hung in the air as you focused on him out of desperation, the eyes scattered on his body weeping along with yours as you surrendered towards deceitful ascension. Your body feeling as though it was almost crumbling against his rigid touch, all the while he stared at your succumbing form.
Slowly, the blue fire closed in on you fully; encasing you in a flaming cocoon that wrapped tight around your body, constricting you.
As the fire finally burned away at your last remaining shred of pain, you longed for it to finally be over, to finally be free.
Yet, when you next awoke in a surge of jolting panic, you found that despite trying to tear your body forward, despite trying to thrash and and sway around—that you couldn’t move a single inch. Even though the sensation of peace washed over your soul, you found yourself encased in the body of someone else, watching through a fleshy tomb as they walked around with your frightened gaze guiding their way.
“There, there,” you heard a familiar voice hush you, his voice vibrating against your very being, “allow me to introduce myself to you. I don’t believe I ever have. I am the six eyed god of the open sky. You may have heard of me as the fallen angel, the one who dared to mingle with the demons and with the humans alike. Turns out I have an appetite for an uncorrupted soul and you’re lucky enough to be a part of me forever.”
You wanted to reply to him, but you couldn’t.
“Now, why wouldn’t I grant this opportunity… as some would call it, to the followers of my own temple, you ask?” he laughed, “because to worship is already giving into corruption and I only respond to untainted desperation.”
You fluttered your eyes as much as you could, the sensation feeling nauseating as you couldn’t scream while entombed within his own flesh.
“You’re crying, aren’t you?” he mocked, “I saved you. A life free from pain, free from suffering. We’ll be together as one, forever united within your dreams… but only when you’re ready once more, only when you’ve finally given in.”
You attempted to scream over and over again.
Yet no sound could be heard as you were forced to watch from his appointed gaze as his adorned seventh and eighth eyes, decorating his body as a purposeful stare, condemned to experience a life that wasn’t yours together with a deity who lied to you.
Yet the six eyed god of the sky didn’t see it that way.
For at last, he finally caught onto something human.
So pure and uncorrupted.
To finally challenge the system with what defined the balance of existence; to finally redefine both pain and peace within this corrupted world.
Together, you’d see the truth.
Even if you’d suffer for eternity as a result instead.
part 1 of lilac’s bite sized yandere jjk nightmares
a/n: the idea i was going for was that you got tricked by not an angel, not even a god, but by something worse. it was a play on gojo’s technique rendering him into nothing more than a tool and the societal weight on his shoulders. the six eyes being a burden (with some creepy yan!angel elements).
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xxrainstormxx · 8 months
How About a Dance (Satoru Gojo/Oc)
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(This is an example of my Writing for the sake of commissions) Warnings; None I can think of
This story is about my own OC Runa Sugahara. A fluffy story Words: 1,709
Runa swept the floor up carefully, swaying around to a song in their head, the silence of the room inviting daydreams. They easily got lost in their head in moments like this, a comfort to them entirely. A moment away from the curses, and the voices in their head, any anxiety was easily ignored in places like this. Normally it was easy to let their mind wander during quiet but something about the classroom around them felt safe. They smiled to themself as they worked, enjoying pleasant memories, and dancing around the kitchen. Haruka always laughed, hardly entertaining them, but occasionally giving it. She had a playful attitude sometimes if Runa had been lucky enough to catch it. It was little things that reminded Runa of her. She wasn't always happy, and Runa knew they broke up for good reason. But the little things were worth holding onto. "Well well, what are you still doing here sugar?" A familiar, yet somewhat annoying voice chimed. "Sugahara, not sugar. We've had this conversation before, Gojo." Runa reminded, not even turning to face him "But sugar makes you sound so sweet." Satoru snorted "To counteract all that bitterness." he teased "Haha. Funny." Runa rolled their eyes with a soft snort "You compensating for something acting like a massive dick?" They hummed "Don't have anything I need to compensate for." Runa fake gagged and looked at him with an unamused look. "Hey, don't do that, you started it."
"You're bringing in dirt, so I assume you're here for an important reason?" "Bothering you, sugar." He grinned "That and I came looking for Aikawa, we might need him for an upcoming mission tomorrow. We leave first thing tomorrow and I need him to know." he looked down at them with a snort. Runa noticed the absence of his usual blindfold in favor of his sunglasses and a more casual outfit. "You could have led with that, Gojo." They couldn't help but laugh, "Were you headed somewhere?" "Just came back from a date, actually" he laughed, shaking his head. "People want to date you?" They teased humming softly to themself "Why would that be so shocking?" He rose a brow "Because you're kind of a dick." They laughed "Coming from someone who managed to punch me the first time we met, is rich." Runa snorted again as they worked their way around the classroom. "Hey, what were you humming when I came in here?" "I was humming?" Runa rose a brow "Hardly noticed." They snorted "Yeah right, how do you not realize you're making noise?" He teased
Runa snorted again looking up at him "Okay, okay you got me." they held their hands up in defeat "But I'm not telling you what it was" they grinned. "You couldn't waterboard that information out of me" they joked. "Why not?" He seemed to pout although Runa could tell he was also just messing around with them. "Because., it's a special song and I don't want you laughing, because you think it's dumb or something." "What if I pinkie swear?" Satoru smiled holding out his hand, his pinkie raised into the air. Runa rolled their eyes but linked their pinkie with his and smiled "Can't break a pinkie swear, sugar. It's a sacred oath." "You're a dumbass." They tried to force their smile away, trying to force a glare. As they both stared at each other, the facade of this very serious pact couldn't be upheld as when Satoru met Runa's eyes, they both burst into laughter. It was nice to have such an unserious moment with the other teacher, they hardly had any time to really have fun like this. It had felt so tense, especially with Satoru. They were relieved there weren't any hard feelings between the two. "Okay, enough joking around, tell me. I promise I won't laugh, sugar." He grinned looking down at them again. "Right, when I was with my ex we used to listen to some old songs while baking. It was some calming background noise. We never felt the need to talk, but every time the song We'll Meet Again, came on…" they began looking down to the floor "…we always just stopped. whatever we were doing. And just slow danced in the kitchen. We sang along and it was just… it was our thing." they took a deep breath. "I guess I just miss being able to do that."
Satoru hummed "That's not funny, so why would I laugh?" he snorted "Well, it's a fairly old song. Most people think that it's a touch ridiculous" They admitted with a shrug, and raised their eyes from the floor to him. They watched him stand there for a while as if contemplating something. He finally smiled and went to another room "Wait here, sugar. I'll be right back." He called as he rushed out "It's Sugahara!" They rolled their eyes with a smile. They sighed and started cleaning up once more. Maybe 5 minutes later, Satoru returned holding a small object Runa couldn't make out right away. "Sugar, that song you said, it's a song in English right?" He asked smiling "Um, yeah. Why?" they furrowed their brows as he set the object on the first desk. Runa finally saw it clearly, it was a speaker of sorts. He smiled and let the song play through the speaker. Runa visibly tensed up hearing the opening to the song. They knew the lyrics perfectly, and it was almost like they could smell the cinnamon from the items they'd often bake with Haruka. "Look, I know I'm not exactly your favorite person. But, you said you wanna dance to this song again. I'd be more than happy to stand in." He smiled at them, holding his hand out for them. Runa's eyes tracked down his arm, and as their eyes finally met his outstretched palm they thought about how Haruka had never been the first to offer her hand. How Runa had always reached out first. They wondered what it would be like… for just a moment, what would life have been like if Haruka had reached to them first. If they hadn't reached out, would they have ever danced? Would they ever have done anything? Or would they still be strangers in a cafe? What if Runa hadn't been following her rhythm. Despite never reaching out Haruka had always led. The memories of the dance they'd always been so happy to just do, was always… hard. Everything had been hard. Haruka never wanted to dance but danced anyway. Now someone wanted to… someone was reaching out.
Runa had so many things flashing through their head, when they finally look his hand they seemed to be shaking. "I'd really like that." They said, although it sounded more like a whisper. Satoru just smiled, leading them to a more open part of the classroom. "Do you want to lead?" He asked as he pulled them closer. The fact he had asked was a bit shocking to begin with, but they slowly shook their head. He just nodded placing his hand on the small of their back. Runa snorted at the gesture, trying to ignore how intimate it felt. They smiled, trying not to giggle about how bad he was at this. it was the gesture that mattered. But every time they slightly stumbled they couldn't help but crack a smile. The memory of Haruka slowly fading into the back of their brain, and the stumbling idiot in front of them, staring at his feet muttered apologies. "A self proclaimed ladies man, and you can't even dance." They teased. "Hey I try." He laughed "Don't look at the ground. If you think about your feet too much you'll end up tripping around again." "Whatever you say, Sugar." He let them slowly take the lead. "You're better at this than me." "Slow dancing isn't even as hard as most dancing." They couldn't help but laugh, his attempts were endearing if not still silly "Part of me thinks you're dancing bad on purpose." they confessed "I mean, maybe you like being bossed around." They grinned "You've seen through me!" he dramatically gasped, releasing his hand from the small of their back but still held their hand as they slowly spun them slowly, once their back was to him he pulled them close again still swaying with them. He leaned down to their ear, his breath making goosebumps prick up along Runa's skin. "I just can't help acting helpless around you~" he teased, holding Runa's hand to their stomach, his other hand resting on their waist. They forced down a blush, and held the side of his face as best they could from their angle "Your charms don't work on me, Satoru Gojo." They smirked turning their head to meet his eyes. "I bet they could, Runa Sugahara." He smirked, leaning in just a little. Runa glanced to his lips for just a moment, before listening to the song slowly fading out, bring on another old classic.
"La Vie en Rose. I haven't heard this song in ages." They smiled and pulled back slightly. Satoru looked a bit surprised at first but chuckled softly. "Yeah, it's a pretty song. Don't understand a word of it." He smiled, which made Runa laugh. They hummed, not entirely pulling away from Satoru, just from the kiss. As if teasing him with the possibility of it still happening. That was until the door to the classroom opened "Hey have you-" Itadori began as he opened the door, pausing as he saw the scene in front of him. "OH SHIT! MY BAD" he squawked quickly turning to leave. Runa laughed pulling away from Satoru slowly. "I should go after him." They hummed "This was fun." they smiled turning to leave. "Runa," Satoru said softly "Satoru." They smiled turning to look at him. At that moment Runa was gonna kiss them, but he put a hand on their head ruffling their hair "I'll see you tomorrow" He smiled and started walking past, Runa grinned, the silent dare for them to actually "resist his charms" was clear as day. A new dance was beginning and it was only a matter of time till they came together.
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