#me and majima though ... i will legit cry and claw at my walls and hit my head on the table because we’re not dating and she doesnt want to
dirt-str1der · 2 years
I got it; Kiryu is the boy next door who is super hot and everyone has a crush on because of that but hes also a bit shy and doesnt reach out much and you have to take advantage of how close he is to hang out with him and become someone he “doesn’t mind” because you help him pick his shit up when he throws his shirts and like food containers/drink cans everywhere and also make homecooked meals for him and hes like wow ... i gotta learn how to make that ... and he sometimes comes home with his hands all fucked up and hes bloody and you fuss over him a bit and he thinks its nice to have someone whos soft on him and if youre a girl he will kiss you while youre bandaging his wounds but if youre a guy you have to initiate because liking guys is for girls (untrue but its this way in his head BUT if a guy likes him first then its fine). You two will have something good going on until you have to break up because hes in jail again not because being in a long distance relationship is hard but because he will get himself killed shortly after getting out of prison
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