#me and the bad anonz I pull by being an intriguing and silly little scrub
Your tags stay making me smile lol. Idk if this is weird but i love the way you talk about things, your interests are really dope and unique too :)
UGGHHH ANON SHUT UPPPPP, this is like the biggest compliment for me. I fucking adore that you like the way I talk, I love the way I talk too. Too bad y'all can't hear my tone or see my gestures, lmao. Just knowing that the things I like aren't just cool to me makes me freaking GIDDY. Makes me feel special, ehehe. I hope that I don't just melt into the sea of fandom blogs and that my personality (insanity) and variety (inconsistency) make me stand out in the crowd. I could talk about the shit I love all damn day, although I've found that I become a little more talkative and enthusiastic when I've been drinking a bit, lmao, but you didn't hear that shit from me!!!
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