#me making a whole nother hc post in the tags w the hc post
avernusdamned · 9 months
not to be like "avernus is actually her bad ending" but... avernus is her bad ending...
even if she has wyll or even if she has the pc it still is not a good ending for her. she even tells you in the beginning when she learns that she's on a time clock she tells you that she would rather die than spend another second in the hells. if you bring her to the HoH she literally tells you repeatedly how much she hates being there and i can just imagine her skin crawling even though it's the first time she's been able to breathe and exist without feeling like every step is closer to her last.
she doesn't care!!! she does not care!!! if the choice is to die free and in her home then she is TAKING THAT CHOICE because it's her choice. it's hers and she will die in the comfort of knowing she helped save the world and she got to see the sun, the ocean, the stars, the moon, the city, one last time before she got to say goodbye.
convincing her to go back to avernus is her bad ending because she doesn't get to live for herself anymore. she doesn't want to. there's no reason to. she's living for wyll (or the pc) because she loves them. gods she loves them but this wasn't her choice. this isn't really karlach. THE FURY OF AVERNUS is exactly that. there are still moments of sunlight and joy that radiates from her but they get rarer by the day. at least she's alive. for you
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