#me shipping my oc with a canon characyer
crlsmmr · 3 years
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ship. isabella santiago (oc) x kenny mccormick
warnings. none other than my bad writing and like one sex joke/implication
note. ofc my first fic on tumblr is an oc x canon
word count. 960
started. february 1st
published. march 1st.
finished. N/A
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Isabella couldn't sleep. She was tired but couldn't seem to get some good shut eye. Maybe it was all the stress getting to her, or the caffeine also getting to her. Maybe both! They're helping each other get her  sleep deprived.
So, here she was. Texting Kenny at 10pm. She was sending him random shit she thought of in the middle of the night. For example,
" coffee is just drugs liquidized "
.. I think that text alone speaks for itself.
She quickly went back to writing her essay and listened to music in silence before receiving a message from Kenny thirty minutes later.
my soulmate<3
' isa, why are you still awake? '
' how'd you know? '
my soulmate<3
' im psychic 🙄 '
' nah, im kidding. i can see on spotify that you've been listening to your playlist for hours now. '
' i cant sleep again '
my soulmate<3
' ill be there soon '
' why? '
read 10:30pm
The girl sighed, not noticing the small smile that rose to her face reading his text. He was probably gonna get in trouble for sneaking out at 10pm just to see his girlfriend, but it made her smile that he cared for her so much.
In that short time it took for him to get to her house, she'd put on eyeliner (because obviously she would), tied her hair in a ponytail and wore a shirt and some jeans. (with her red converse.)
She was continuing to write her essay when she heard something being thrown at her window. She immediately rushed to her window to open it so that her parents wouldn't wake up.
" Are you cra— " She got cut off by dodging a rock that was aimed her way. " Sorry!   " He whisper-yelled, putting down the rocks before holding his hands out like he was gonna catch her.
She rolled her eyes playfully before looking down at how far the fall is from her bedroom window. It wasn't really far but she just didn't want to die. " Are you gonna catch me? '' she asked.
When he nodded she decided to risk it all and jump out the window. On one hand, she trusted Kenny! Why would he not catch her? It's not like he's Andrew Garfield when he was in Spiderman!
But, on the other hand, Kenny had weak noodle arms, and was extremely underweight for his age. Oh God, she's gonna kill him. Or he's gonna kill her. They're gonna kill each other D:
Too late. She's already jumped out the window.
To her surprise (in a good surprised way), Kenny didn't die and he also successfully caught her! Yay! But now she's now basically on his lap while he lays down on the grass.. probably unconscious if his eyes weren't open. I guess he fell over when he caught her! '9pm-and-tired-as-fuck' version of Sammie doesn't know shit about gravity and physics.
" Jesus.. that scared the living shit out of me. " Isa laughed nervously, planting a kiss on her boyfriend's forehead. " You okay? " she asked.
" Yeep. You might've broken my spine though. " He joked, getting a light and playful smack on the chest from his lover. " Ow-! "
" I'm not heavy! I'm only 87 pounds! " she said, getting off his lap and dusting herself off. Maybe they were both a little underweight.
" I wasn't saying you were heavy! I was just joking because of the impact! " he replied, sitting up and fixing his already messy hair.
Isabella playfully rolled her eyes, helping the other up. " So.. What did you come over for? " she asked.
Kenny stood there for a second, glancing behind him at her dad's garage. " We're gonna need your car. "
Now, look. He may have been able to afford a phone (he can't, Isabella got it for him.) And he may have a driver's license, but he can't afford a car! He wants to be romantic and shit, obviously. But does he have the money for it? No!
Isabella blinked in confusion, sighing. " Are you gonna destroy it? '' she asked. She didn't want to get in trouble. The car was expensive and she doesn't want her dad hating Kenny! He already slightly disapproves of him.
Kenny knew she would let him borrow the car whatever answer he gave. But he shook his head 'no' because he wouldn't do that! He wants her father to like him! Not hate him for destroying his daughter's car!
After a moment of silence, she agreed and took his hand in hers, going to the garage and grabbing her car keys.
" I don't want you making a mess like last time. I had to explain to my dad why the car door had a scratch. It was hard explaining! Plus, I got grounded. '' she said, unlocking the car and opening the driver's seat door.
" Wait, wait, wait. Can I drive? " he asked, watching as Isabella stood there thinking about.. whatever she was thinking about. " Fine.. Dont crash though! " she told him, walking to the passenger's seat and getting in.
Kenny smiled, raising his hands in the air for a brief second. Did I know how to explain that? Fuck no.
He quickly ran to the driver's seat and got in, starting the car. " You didn't answer my question, Kenny. Where are you taking me? '' she asked as he drove out of the garage and wherever he was taking her.
" It's a secret! " he said, not taking his eyes off the road. " .. are you gonna drive me to a forest and then ask me to have sex with you? " she jokingly asked, eyeing him up and down.
" What?! No! Not now at least.. " he said, joking about the last part. She playfully smacked his shoulder lightly, before going back to what she was doing.
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note. wwwooo!! that was part one!! ill publish part two probably in like a month or something if it gets good feedback
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newt-benjamin · 2 years
Hi, this is a post talking about oc x canon and self ships. If you are here to hate, be rude, and not respect boundaries or my opinion please dont interact thank you /gen.
So ive seen a lot of discourse on the topic of oc's x canon ships and self insert or self ships. Lots of people argue both are bad. Lots of people argue both are fine, and not bad. I think if you, or your oc are within the age range of the character, or its the opposite and the characyer is near your age range, Ex: you being 14 and the character being 15, and theres no gross stuff like nsfw especially involving kids or noncon, then its fine.
If your a adult like me who self ships or has ocs x canons where i myself am a adult and is the character- then i think its fine. For me its a form of coping and comfort, i take this fictional character and morph it into my own version of the character to ship with, like modifying how they look, giving headcanons etc. The best part is, i dont have shame in showing it because it brings me comfort and happyiness and promotes to other self shippers or oc havers to be happy about their own to.
"But what if the oc ship or slef insert is problematic?"
then thats not ok, like a adult x child ship, or weird gross f3ti1sh stuff. Thats when i understand the hate and genuine discomfort. If you ship yourself with a fictional child as a adult? digusting, please get therapy.
But not all self shippers or oc x canon people are like that thankfully. But all in all, if your not hurting anyone or yourself with your ships, its fine. If people dont like your oc or your self ship they can simply block you and leave, because theres no need to argue about that stuff. Im not gonna give you reasons why i should be allowed to post stuff on a PUBLIC platform where you can easily avoid it.
so yeah, as long as it aint gross, and its all good. Its ok, we need to stop bashing people for this type of stuff. especially if someone dosent like it. If you dont like it its fine, if it makes you uncomfy its fine! Please just block me and find art you enjoy! Ok thats all rant over sorry ajdnwndns
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