#me watching vixx content for the first time: oh i hate these dudes where the fuck are the fruity water signs?
1eos · 3 years
omg kendra i was a vixx fan in 2013/14 and i used to loveeeeeeeeeee hongbin. but i was in middle school ya know, and like the more vixx content i watched the more i realized how mean hongbin could be esp to hakyeon. like [redacted] being mean to hakyeon was whatever bc i didnt care about him, but i felt like hongbin being mean to hakyeon and saying such negative things to him abt his appearance and skin color really hurt me. lmao during love equation era i think hongbin said smth sooo mean abt people’s looks that i couldnt even look at him. i had such visceral hatred for him. i couldnt even vibe with love equation bc i hated his ass sooo much!! bc he was just like a bully bc he’s so handsome and pretty but he says such mean spirited and harmful things. i got over it tho, and i just have a love hate relationship with him now. like lil 14/15 yo me really had her heart broken by the reality. hongbin really is just a dude, a dude with an ego. nowadays his ego has died down a lot tho, and all that bad treatment he gave hakyeon came back to bite him in the ass. he’s cool now, since we all grow and change and I’m glad he at least learned to keep his mouth shut.
anon noooooooooo 😭 why are you the second ex hongbin stan ik to say something like this. he really ruined everything once he started talking tbh it's actually insane. bc i remember that's exactly why prior to last year ive always hated his ass. he was so fucking mean nd it's like i don't expect men in their 20s to be charming at all nd hakyeon as beautiful nd talented nd iconic as he is on a daily basis he IS annoying on some level. like i would be his surrogate in a heart beat but if a cancer man was in charge of me i would just have to roast him but it was really tew much. hakyeon would be dead silent nd hongbin would call him a darkie nd i was like 'girl.... you can't sing you can't dance you're getting ate up by leo in the visual department you do not have the job security to be this cocky'. nd a LOT of ppl were turned off by that too nd if he didn't have dimples it would've been OVER. but karma really had it's kiss for him like omnsbsnsnsnnsns i said years ago biggseu better kiss hakyeon's ass if they know what's good for them nd as usual...i was right
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