#me: what kind of advice do you give teenagers that they'd actually care to hear
lululeighsworld · 4 months
11 and 15 for both Lorelei and Sorcha!!!!!
;www; thank you for letting me talk about my boos!!
(how did the themes of the questions end up being SO similar between the asks)
☕ Wholesome OC Ask Meme 🍂
11. What is an item of clothing/an accessory that completes them/makes them feel safe?
They will never be seen anywhere without wearing some kind of hiking boot, including when the family goes on summer holiday to the warmer coasts. One time while they were climbing a tree during one of their explorations of the woods behind their home, Lorelei got a dreadful wood splinter lodged in their foot, and has been known to wear boots since then. They enjoy being in nature and climbing trees, and wasn’t going to let the injury + scare discourage them from doing so again, so it was a lesson learned and now makes them feel safe.
SHE LIKES POCKETS!!!!! Never leaves home without some article of clothing that has a pocket (and deep ones too). It’s a must have feature for every outfit Sorcha wears. If she really wants to wear something that doesn’t have any pockets, she’ll bring her hip satchel along. Obviously, she needs pockets so she can store all the cool rocks, leaves in an array of shapes and colours, and other trinkets she finds in her travels (and eyerolls the vulnerary she needs in case she has an allergic reaction).
15. Now you give them some life advice.
Music theory, though helpful, can also be quite difficult. Don’t allow your struggles with it to dissuade you away from your love of making music.
Never lose sight of your love for the world, nor your persistence to do right by all that dwells upon it (but try not to use your fists so much).
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dross-the-fish · 9 months
I saw your LO post and something stuck out to me. Most people focus on Hades as a love interest but you made the case that Persephone isn't wife material and I wondered if you could elaborate on that.
I presume you're talking about this post.
I stand by what I said.
This pink teenager isn't wife material, no adult over the age of 25 should look twice at her. This is because this character is functionally a child.
She's technically the physical equivalent of 19 but feels alarmingly younger than that because of her background and upbringing. Hades is supposedly in his 40's and has a full time job and his own assets. At my age and current life stage I'm actually a lot closer to where he's at than I am where she is and I cannot fathom what her appeal would be to anyone outside of her age group.
What is the allure? Is it the way adding her as a household driver would skyrocket someone's car insurance? Is it the way they'd pretty much be guaranteed to have to finish raising her? Instead of coming home after busting your ass at work and having another grown-up to talk to, you'd have to go through the emotional labor of having to play parent/teacher to this child who probably doesn't know how to write a resume and has never had to experience the mental, physical and financial burden of running a household. If you were to date someone like Persephone you'd have to be ok with never getting any kind of mental, emotional, or financial reciprocity because she's not equipped to function in an adult relationship as an equal partner.
That's a HUGE thing and when you get to be my age you will care about these things a lot more than you care about the frivolous "dating" elements that tend to be the focus of younger people's relationships.
Persephone would be incapable of relating to a character like Hades in any meaningful way and while it's cute, I guess, that she's "nice", nice isn't enough of a foundation to build a long term relationship. Due to her lack of age and experience she's not capable of giving advice or even actual comfort if someone had to come to her with typical adult concerns. At best she'd maybe be able to give empty sympathy and, I'll tell you right now, empty sympathy gets old fast.
A very long time ago I dated someone who was my age but at a totally different phase of life and it was a huge mistake. I'd try to talk to her about my job or an apartment I was considering renting and she'd just give me this glazed look like I was speaking another language. The only things I could talk to her about were media or college so when I needed to talk to another grown-up about the very real things I was going through (feelings of inadequacy at my job, concern over financial stability, finding affordable housing) I had NO ONE, because she had never had to worry about any of those things and couldn't comprehend how serious these concerns were. I think the last straw was when I wanted to go do something and she had to ask her parents for money and permission first.
We were both 22 and I had already had a job and my own car for 3 years and the idea of asking my parents for money or permission to do anything seemed ludicrous.
To be clear I don't blame her for that, everyone grows at a different rate and some people get to certain stages later than others, but it did really highlight that this wasn't a person I should continue to date and not someone I could ever feel like I was on equal footing with because she still lived and behaved like a teenager. We were the same age, but sometimes I felt like I was taking on a role that should have been filled by her parents and nothing kills a romantic mood like feeling like the only adult in the room is you.
So yeah, someone like Persephone shouldn't even be trying to start serious relationships, she should be learning how to navigate through life with her peers, people who are also still learning crucial life lessons. But that's not what's going to happen. There's something incredibly gross about the fact that the one who's going to have to teach her how to be a functional adult is the 40 year old man who's eventually going to marry her.
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