#me: wynne isnt one of my fave characters
jemandthesingalongs · 11 months
oh my god you’re so right for all your wynne feelings like…. people really do think every mage should be like. dismantling the system with their bare hands and it’s like. that’s not how it works!! and calling the MAGES part of a cult?? Out of everything?? what on earth… and yknow what if she is trapped in a cult like. free her. Christ FJDJDJJDJ
I hope you don’t mind me taking this reply as a further excuse to ramble about Wynne dslkfdsf...
But yes, it’s always struck me as strange Wynne is never given the same understanding as Anders, or really any other mage character that’s been in the Circle. Anders is the one I focus on because he’s the most developed and there is Something Different that I can’t just put my finger on about him vs Wynne. A true mystery.
After skimming her page for answering purposes, and they are actually so similar.
I learned she never even had a name herself, she was also named for where she was found! Just like Anders! Both of them taken in young, no true names, and alone. They took different paths with how they coped with this, Wynne turned to the Maker and by extension took on the belief that mages need to earn their place and help humanity, and Anders tried to escape several times. Both of them even took on romantic partners, and Wynne even bore a son from it (and the heavy implication/confirmation? that, Rhys’ father was a templar SO).
Of course, this doesn’t matter in the slightest since it’s not so much similar backstories as just, hating Wynne because? She’s a woman? Not actively trying to free mages with explosions? Old? Upset you because she made you mad about your love interest? All of the above?
And I’m not against disliking her character, but Wynne, along with characters like Aveline and Cassandra never get the mountains of meta concerning their worldviews, their place in the world, and the wider implications of their writing and flaws. Wynne stood out to me more because, well, she’s a victim too. Just because she’s not “actively fighting” doesn’t mean she’s not, and in fact pretty much states in Asunder that she knows it’s either accepting your fate within the Circle or fearing a mass genocide.
And guess what happens after DA2 lol!
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