#me? i'm a... heh... ''essential employee'... xD so u know... still having to work in a pandemic
ranposama · 4 years
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hello~ this account isn’t dead! surprise, surprise! sorry for anyone worrying! i have been occupied with irl matters and therefore lost time to focus on this piece in favor of having to take care of my obligations as an adult now. i wanted to inform you all that the continuation of the translation of the gaiden novel will once again be put in motion, as i have gained a friend who also owns a jp copy of gaiden so i don’t have to do this alone anymore!! which is a lot of weight lifted off my shoulders, and will ease the translation process. i apologize for the lack of activity, and if any of you guys have any questions, i am often on twitter (@/rchimedesu) nowadays in between work and other works i am helping with translating. 
i hope you’re all doing alright, and staying safe during the stressful situation our world is currently in.
-- Silver.
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