#meanies don't clown on this post
I don't know who needs to hear this, but Jonathan would support you.
He would support your schooling, your gender journey, you getting therapy (hopefully not with him /j)
He would give you your t shot if you were nervous
He would bring you your favorite book and read to you during an anxiety attack
He would help you study for the big exam
He would treat you right.
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hi just saying this bc im starting to see a few posts in the tag talking about it, but if you are thinking about or telling people to pirate pizza tower because of what mcpig said five fucking years ago and the two ~problematique~ enemies in the game, you're a scumbag, full stop. like mcpig isn't the only one getting money from this game, you guys know that right? the other devs and the composers (one of which is apparently black and non-binary!) also get part of the profit. this isn't like pirating old games that companies no longer support and aren't making money off of anymore, you're taking money away from a game that's barely a year old made by people who most CERTAINLY deserve to get paid for their efforts over the course of half a decade. i don't care if you think mcpig is an awful meanie raycist or whatever, just don't let some stupid moral crusade screw over people who don't deserve it.
if you wanna play the game, then just buy it; and if you're really that against the idea of giving mcpig money, then don't buy the game and play sugary spire or something. the answer to this kind of video game discourse isn't always piracy, believe it or not.
Try to start some clown-ass debate in the replies or reblogs and I will block you on fucking sight.
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crimeronan · 9 months
okay apparently this has confused some people (read: one unrelentingly obnoxious person) so let me explain.
if i turn the reblogs off of a post, it's because having that post reblogged is making me lose my temper.
there are many things online that make me lose my temper, many of which are nitpicky and stupid. i have a quick temper and i prefer not to be constantly angry about niche online bullshit when most of the involved people are perfectly harmless. so i nip it in the bud when it starts to happen.
i prefer to lock reblogs rather than delete posts because this prevents more people from clowning directly on words that i have said. it bothers me to have my posts circulating beyond my control with no way to see where they go or how people respond to them.
if you demand that i unlock reblogs on a post and then tell me that i'm mean for saying no, i am going to lose my temper.
you are welcome to screenshot my post, crop my name out, and make an original post of your own captioned "OP was a meany poopooface who hates fun so i'm stealing this." do whatever the fuck you want. it's your post now. i do not Fucking Care.
But Do Not. Come Into My Notifications. Repeatedly. To Demand That I Do Shit For You. That I Do Not Want To Do. When I Do Not Know You. And You Do Not Know Me. And You Do Not Know Why I Don't Want A Particular Post Reblogged In The First Place.
And Once Again. I Repeat:
I Do Not Fucking Know You.
good GOD. i know this is common sense to everyone except for one obnoxious person who i'm addressing & i've already deleted said person's replies and blocked them, so no telling if they'll even see this post. this is an incredibly passive-aggressive essay to write and it does not accomplish anything bc this is commonly understood internet etiquette. and i know that because this is the first time this has happened to me.
but OHHHH. MY GOD. MY PATIENCE. IS BEING FUCKING TESTED ON THIS WEBSITE THESE PAST FEW DAYS. can you guys please just tell me that i am not crazy to be losing my temper about this. i'm starting to feel like i'm crazy. why is everybody so irritating all the time i am losing my MMIND
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 year
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About these screenshots
1. AAC users. People who use mobility aids because their NEURODIVERGENCE causes physical issues that cause them to fall. Also as if there aren't a billion invisible physical disabilities.
2. Yes good job comparing neurodivergent people to cishets and physically disabled people to queer people. You said the quiet part out loud, you think other disabled people are your oppressors. A better example would be wlw and mlm. And just like there are multigender bi or straight gay people, there are ND physically disabled people.
Not to mention, the "you don't need to make this about you" sentiment ALWAYS gets applied to physically disabled people who find similarities between their neurodivergence and physical disabilities and talk about it on the posts that are like "NDs/able-bodieds don't clown".
Most of you think ND people are all abled or at worst have "mild difficulties" that can be written off as quirks. You ignore severely disabled ND people like me.
I blocked selfdxpositivity for this cpunk gatekeeping bullshit (this was on their post saying "it does need to be about you, we have separate needs".
There were people once again ignoring the history of the term "mental cripples" in the post. EVERYONE was ignoring people who are visibly disabled from neurodivergence.
And the post itself?
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You only think they are exclusive to physically disabled people because you refuse to listen to neurodivergent people, especially people whose experience of neurodivergence is different or more disabling than yours
People are telling you they have the same experience and you're assuming it's not the same because they have a different diagnosis
I am telling you I experience identical symptoms from physical conditions and neurodivergence and you are stuffing your fingers in your ears and going "lalala I can't hear you"
Centering your struggles does not mean perpetuating erasure of other groups that have similar or the exact same struggles. It is so much more common than you will ever believe to have massive overlap between the two! It's like when I see transandrophobia deniers saying "no you didn't experience violent oppression and even if you did it wasn't aimed at you so you're not as hurt by it".
(Oh and btw one of the tags was like "this was why I left the transandrophobia community because they're all label collectors and cpunk discourse made me realize that. Uh-huh. Let me get this straight, you left the community based on fighting the oppression of a marginalized community because... they use multiple labels for the marginalized identities they have? Labels that you personally have decided they don't have a right to claim despite them being a stranger on the internet? And you don't see that you're a shit person for that?)
Anyway, if your exclusion (and yes it is exclusion, by definition. not allowing people in is exclusion. sometimes exclusion can even be good, like with fascists and bigots. that's a neutral word, the point here is that this is not a neutral case and is harmful exclusion), if it is inspiring massively ableist takes such as "you have never been called this slur" to people literally saying they have and "if you have it's so rare you still don't have the right to reclaim it" and ignoring the existence of visibly disabled ND people and anyone who is ND and isn't high-masking low support needs and comparing other disabled people to your oppressors and ignoring that neurodivergence can be physically disabling and vice versa...
Maybe, just maybe, you should do some introspection before your lateral ableism destroys any disabled unity better than the fucking CIA could do.
Anyway, I'm gonna go volunteer to fight for SSI to get raised while you're whining about the big meanie mental cripples invading your spaces and stealing your words
I've seen posts of this nature that are word for word te/rf arguments, hence the phrasing above. Seriously, do BETTER.
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witchguyblogs · 3 months
The responsibility of tarot readers and magickal practitioners
hello and welcome to the seventh issue of the witch guy blogs,
I am Lustrousrose! But you can call me Rose,
Today we are talking about a term I thought of but don't know if I was the first It is tarot drunk we've all had those people who come in and ask what kind of shoes they should have on their feet to a job interview so their wanna be boss will be impressed,
but when does tarot turn into something bad is when someone abuses the people's trust, Am I gonna be like those people and say you should do it for free no But should you overcharge and be crazy about it and feed into a person's addiction no
But that is why I lustrous rose will be your bare tender to the wonderful drinks that are readings that is why I will be the witch that tells you no love this crystal won't cure your cancer but it will help you find the right doctor, but also know when those wonderful vices need to be cut off to you when you start asking me tarot question after tarot question my readings are totally free btw I just require a follow on twitch, and I don't think that is too much and plus you get atlest 1 free reading a stream for right now so is this really that bad No its a exchange and I feel a lot of people think in a universal grand plane mindset for me i think of it like this I could be the thing that keeps a person sane I could be the thing that keeps someone from going over the edge, I've spent a meany night up trying to protect a friend from them selfs and i wont stop I cant stop, I want to help people and I know social media is the best thing for me and sadly spirituality is the only thing I am good at besides loving people the confiextion I have in my spells are like breaht flowing from my lungs into poetry song and dance that maybe only ever done once but they get their job done and my spells are in motion and all i want out of this life is to protect the ones I love and love them buy them things and make a life for my family because they deserve it is that so much to ask for no and its why i am making it happen and yes i know this post got derailed but you know what I said fuck it, yep i did I want this i need this in my life so you know what I am gonna do it, I am gonna be the witch i know I am the man i know I am the practitioner of the divining arts i am and No one can stop me like anna from over watch I decide to inject my own self with my nano boost and I am taking down the rhainheart that is depression, see you on twitch!!!! and I will also say this i wont ever sell my soul of who i am I am me i am something magical i am me and i will have my boyfriend by my side i will have enough money to adopt our children eventually and when they ask where they came from i am gonna tell them I dono one day a bird dropped you and we decided to take you it was ether that or sell you to the local carnival but we thought you wouldn't be very good rodeo clowns https://www.twitch.tv/lustrousrose whats your favorite pie?
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stay-corner · 2 years
lunar's coffee shop - list of orders
haha, a list of my works in progress!! i'll be updating it here and there, in order to show you guys how it's all going! it helps me to see all of them in a tidy list, and i think it's nice to keep everyone updated as well! i posted something similar a while ago, but i decided to actually get a wip list with a proper format so here we are! the order in which they are merely reflects how many words i have written, it's not the order in which i'll post them!
also don't ask me why i keep starting things before i finish the others ok i do not control my hands, i simply let them do however they please. just trust the process orz
first time with chan (virgin!chan x experienced!reader) - 2k-ish words
seungmin wants to try something new in the bedroom ;3 (shower sex but like... not really. u'll understand once u see it) - less than 1k
[requested] f2l with felix where reader and felix are completely clueless abt relationships but they're willing to give it a try (sub x sub and it's all cute nd stuff) - less than 1k
sleepy sex with minho and he's an annoyingly handsome meanie even half asleep - less than 1k
[requested] first time with jisung!! (softdom!jisung x inexperienced!reader) - planning stage
[requested] a taste of you!jisung x reader (y'know... they're clowns nothing new here) - planning stage
dom!reader punishes brat!minho for misbehaving (i literally just got this idea out of nowhere and immediately jot it down it's insane) - planning stage
[requested] angry and possessive foursome with chan, changbin and hyunjin (ur bf is trash but u won't leave him so they're frustrated >:[ ) - planning stage
- lunar
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corpsemo · 4 years
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corpsemo is a scemo-goth that loves to blog, she/her {+ 18}
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♡ corpsemo doesn't profit from posts. if you repost anything from this blog keep credits that you can find under the posts or check the Tumblr post source. don't delete captions while reblogging! ask for content removal and/or source change
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Hello, please read this welcome card before visiting or interacting! This blog is EMO and sometimes it gets SAD here, maybe a little bit odd at times but not so much gory (tagged #blood just in case). corpsemo doesn't post anything harmful on their knowledge and is truly sorry if any of the posts have made you anxious and uncomfortable. but you have to be in charge of your own comfort and safety. this is the internet and corpsemo can't acknowledge everyone and their needs. so if you find this blog not suitable for you, leave and it is more than okay to use the BLOCK button. safe blogging! <3
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♡ This blog may contain dark themed art, a little bit of blood, spiders and possibly a few other bugs, clowns, funeral things such as caskets, hearses and graves, horror related characters and some emo(tional) song lyrics and texts.
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bunch of cool stuff such as clothes and bands
playlists of corpsemo favorite songs {requests for mixtapes are taken}
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playlists of corpsemo favorite songs and other cool music
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{currently corpsemo doesn't tweet but uses the account to keep up with personal interests / you can check out likes}
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Being "woke", you guys, is not only knowing facts but also the ability to communicate. Respect corpsemo and corpsemo will respect you. corpsemo doesn't respond to anonymous hate or any other form of aggression in the mail! Keep that shit to yourself! if corpsemo finds you disrespectful or harmful you will be blocked
♡ If you have any questions or something nice to say contact corpsemo through the ask box. The response will be public. DMs are open only for mutuals! If I don't answer immediately, I might do it later or simply never simply because I don't want to and most likely it is nothing personal
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♡ If you need help with boosting your GoFundMe PayPal or else please notice that for safety reasons corpsemo won't be opening any links that come in the ask box or direct messages without any information about the content behind those links.
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And if you think that corpsemo is cringy or whatever then...
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