#meaning 'Fugazi - Jawbreaker - Pixies - Quicksand'
gentleoverdrive · 1 year
[柒] Unrecognized, well-deserved
I feel like some of my friends/mutuals don't have the skill to just walk away from an online conversation/interaction with a shithead/intensely annoying person at the center of it, or worse, super worn-out arguments/discussions/discourse that are fairly common in fandom spaces, and it's understandable. ---- Social skills, like everything, are like muscle in that you need to exercise them, so of course you're not gonna be good at walking away from annoying arguments/discussion/discourse if you don't practice that shit. Fortunately, though? It's real simple. ---- The skill to pick up when encountering those nuisances is as follows: If you happen upon an annoying/shitty user or a tired piece of argument/discourse/discussion, think to yourself these 8 magic words "Who gives a shit? Shut the fuck up.", direct it to the person or discussion, and close the tab/window/channel/etc. ---- Trust me: It absolutely works. You're not a parent with a baby or a pet, you don't have to deal with that which you're not intended to. Let people be annoying on their own, it's not your responsibility if people insist on being wrong, shitty, etc. about a certain topic. ---- Let that shit roll off your shoulders and focus on taking care of yourself and those you care about as best you can, and I'll read you later, alligator!
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