#meaning you get to see your whole desktop image Yeehaw
gender-euphowrya · 6 months
refreshed, healed, content, thriving, ready to take on the world <- just reorganized his desktop icons
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babyfacekillamusic · 5 years
Did you ever want to know exactly where to go to get Nukashine ingredients? Or how about where to find plants for disease cures?Well, with my project which I'm calling 'Mappalachia' I've got you covered!Mappalachia is a custom-built tool that can automatically build maps of ingredients or resources in the Fallout76 world. It is the product of hours of work, inspiration from other maps online and a little help from my fellow Redditors. If you don't care about how or why and just want to see the maps,All the current maps are herePlease feel free to share them around- although I would ask that you link people to this Reddit post and not the maps, so that I may include updates, new maps, refresh the mapping data following any significant game updates, and correct errors.So, how does it all work?The maps that come out of Mappalachia are a 3-step process.The entire list of objects in the game world is extracted via xEdit, through a custom script courtesy of /u/wully616. This takes approximately 14 hours and produces 4GB of data (down from the 61GB game)The smaller set of data exported into JSON from xEdit is then ran through a custom tool which I wrote, which extrapolates only the useful things and takes just their names and X and Y coordinates. This takes about 15 minutes, and our data set is now a skinny 2.7MBWe now have a nice ordered file which the main Mappalachia program can ingest. I enter a list (16 max, currently) of game-world objects, and it spits out a handy little map.What this means is that with the heavy computational work done and out the way, by repeating step 3 it takes mere minutes to custom-build any map of any assortment of ingredients or natural resources you may require.What's the point?I feel that in MMOs, knowledge is power. And put simply - I wanted to know where stuff was! So, naturally I began searching online for maps of resources. However I was actually quite disappointed. I found one map that had been kindly made that listed resource nodes (for your CAMP). This was a great start! However they had stopped there and not posted anything more, and I found the map was up to 50m inaccurate in places. I then found some web-based interactive maps. The issue with these is that they were clunky, complicated, not mobile-friendly and only one was actually based off real game data - all the rest just used observations from players - which never contained all the data and was wildly open to inaccuracies.So, I decided to build my own and here we are!I have a suggestion for a custom mapPlease suggest away in the comments! The beauty of Mappalachia is that it can generate map reports in minutes. If you can think of a map of certain ingredients or items which you think would be really handy, let me know and I'll see if I can't put it on here for everyone.NotesLegend colours? - I am aware that some of the more complicated maps may be a bit shitty for colourblind players. I can only apologise currently - if I see enough demand for it I may be able to modify Mappalachia to use shapes as well as colour. Alternatively, you can request a map with less items meaning less colors to differentiate.Open source? - Currently Mappalachia is not in any state to be shared around unfortunately. To be used properly I would have to share the 4GB data set, or you'd have to extract the whole game data out yourself. Not to mention steps 2 and 3 of the process above are nothing but two seperate C# .net command line applications with absolutely no error handling, documentation or guides. Maybe one day I can get it in a usable state to share - for now though I'm completely happy to have the program spit out maps for you, if you would like a custom map.More Junk? - Mapping items for their junk contents is a fair bit trickier than just simple items. Especially because there can be overlap. There is significant work required to map all junk items. For now, I've just mapped Screws and Ballistic Fiber, since I reckoned they were the most desirable and couldn't really be found elsewhere. However if there is strong demand for more junk items, it's something I can certainly look into.Interiors cells (inside buildings) are not mapped - we have no maps of them anyway so there's no reference points. Additionally height is not a factor - for example it may look like there's lots of loot at the Garrahan Estates - this is because the data points are top down and represent all floors at once.Image quality: I have been made aware that on some mobile devices the maps are coming out absolute puke quality. I can assure you they should not be doing that and that's not what I uploaded to imgur. It may be several reasons such as low system memory, downloading over mobile network or just your reddit/imgur/browser client putting caps on image resolutions. It's also possible that your mobile may be taking years to download the image, and you're getting that while it waits. I can suggest primarily using these on desktop. Failing that, try to load only one image and not the entire album. Some users have noted that "requesting desktop site" will resolve this. I can attest that 'Reddit Is Fun' for Android doesn't seem to have this issue.Credits & Thanks/u/wully616 and his original web-based map which mine are heavily inspired from. Furthermore, his Xedit scripts which he so kindly shared - to extract the raw data from the game. This guy has been key to helping me get Mappalachia off the ground and it wouldn't have happened without sharing his scripts and xEdit knowledge. Thanks again dude!/u/Zapwizard for providing an HD copy of the game's map without IGN's watermark plastered all over. This forms the background images for my maps (Which I downscaled to 4k for Imgur)/u/FloorBelow and the first map which I saw built from actual game data, which showed me that building these maps is even possible and provided the original inspiration./u/Vissannavess and their awesome manually built map of flora in the forest. Which showed me that there is desire in the community for maps of all sorts. I thought if someone would go to such lengths to make maps by hand, then it would be great if I could automate that.FO76Edit (aka xEdit) and all the guys and girls who contributed to its development over the years. You can support xEdit here.Font is Futura Condensed BoldThe Complete List of Mappalachia MapsPlease come back here for updates, new maps and error correction.FloraAbundant FloraCommon FloraUncommon FloraRare FloraWater FloraResource nodesAll resource nodesMost desirable onlyRecipes & plansRecipes & PlansOreAll ore veinsMost desirable onlyJust Iron & LeadChemsCommon ChemsRare ChemsCookingCooking SeasoningsPre-War foods Small sample - if you want any specific, let me knowRoyal JellySugar BombsMisc. Crafting / ConsumablesMiscAlcoholJunkScrews & Ballistic FiberWood (logs)Crafting - Specific Ingredient ListsNukashineDisease Cure / Healing Salve ForestDisease Cure / Healing Salve Toxic ValleyDisease Cure / Healing Salve Savage DivideDisease Cure / Healing Salve Ash HeapDisease Cure / Healing Salve MireDisease Cure / Healing Salve Cranberry BogS'Mores (Concrete unfortunately not mappable, yet)Phantom DeviceContainersHigh ValueChemsAmmoExplosivesTrapsAll trapsWorkbenchesAll workbenchesLootCaps Stashes, Bobbleheads and MagazinesAmmoFusion CoresJust for fun - A map of all the Teddy Bears!Also, here are some points of interest that I never would have known until the data were mappedThanks so much for reading and I hope these maps are of great help! - /u/AHeroicLlamaI have been generously awarded for this post. Thank you kindly to everyone who did so. If you want to help in another way, all I can ask is that you share this post around and keep coming back to it for updates or if you ever think of a handy map you'd like making - let me know!ChangelogAdded WorkbenchesAdded prewar foods & dog food (upon request)Removed an accidental double entry on the legend for Workbenches mapAdded a map for flora which are exclusive to water. To help find bodies of water.Added a map of logs (You know, just in case you couldn't find some)Added map of Fusion cores (under Ammo)Updated alcohol map to include missing moonshines (yeehaw)Added Royal Jelly mapAdded map for S'Mores ingredientsAdded map for trapsAdded map for Phantom Device ingredientsAdded disease cure / Healing Salve ingredient maps for all other regions. They are now all mapped!Added Sugar Bombs mapTODO: I'm currently working on enabling the tool to map several more cooking ingredients. Stay tuned! via /r/fo76
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