#meanwhile Orpheus is just like. cool shit. I got a brother now
chaosclimber · 10 months
Last line tag game
post the last line you wrote or drew and tag other folks to do the same. Tagged by @ml-nolan
“Oh, it’s you.” Robyn didn’t bother hiding his disappointment. He had clearly been expecting his father, not Dream. “I c’n get to sleep without a story. Just turn the nightlight on, please?”  Dream did as he was asked, but instead of leaving after turning all the lights except the star projector night light, he took a breath then perched at the edge of the bed. “...Are you upset with me, Robyn?” “....No…” The answer was quiet and sullen, and Robyn turned over in bed to face the wall, burrowing under the covers.  “...I think you might be. Can we talk about it? I can’t fix it unless I know what’s wrong…”  “I don’t need you to fix anything! Dad and I were ok before you!” The anger seemed sudden and explosive, Robyn sitting up and glaring and Dream, hands balled into fists.  Dream was silent, letting the boy calm down from the outburst. He knew that while Robyn was quick to anger, he also tended to let it go quickly as well. This time, though, he didn’t seem to. Dream was about to speak when he broke the silence again.   “You’re not gonna replace my mom. I don’t care if dad kisses you, I don’t care that we moved in. You’re not her.” Robyn drew his knees up to his chest as he spoke, a protective gesture, and Dream’s heart broke a little. This boy had already lost so much–did he really think that moving forward meant having to lose the right to miss his mother? “No. I’m not your mother. I couldn’t replace her even if I wanted to try.” Dream sighed just a bit. He ached to pull the boy into his arms, but he wasn’t certain that would be welcome at the moment. “I know I can never fill that void–not for you, and not for your father. Eleanor was very special.”
tagging: @chaosheadspace, @beholdme, and anyone else who wants to share.
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