#meanwhile at some point they may even do like the four way spider pointing meme
I just had the funniest idea. Kinda based off a fic I've read but imagine if instead of just SQQ and SQH being the transmigrators, LBH and MBJ are also transmigrators so you have 4 people instead fucking up the plot so much
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #221: ... New Blood!
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July, 1982
A semi-famous somewhat imitated cover!
Can you guess ahead of time which two will be joining the Avengers?
No cheating.
Actually, what’s funny is that I can imagine a Young Bendis looking at this cover, seeing Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and Wolverine all in a row like that and whispering to himself ‘one day... one day...’
Spider-Woman is even on this! This is almost the roster meme that Bendis would have selected his team out of.
Just as soon as he cleared the way by killing off Ant-Man and Hawkeye.
Anyway, I like the cute touch that there’s just a completely blank square for Sue Storm. And is she really still going by Invisible Girl at this point?
-google- Ah, Invisible Woman is still a few years off.
And at risk of spoiling, I like the cover pretending that Rom (Space Knight) could feasibly join the Avengers. Although that would have made a hilarious mess when the rights lapsed. A whole swathe of Avengers comics unavailable.
So, where are we at?
Last times on Avengers: Captain America decided that the Avengers had become too unwieldy. They’d settled into a filler rut and Cap wanted them to be lean and mean.
So the old order changeith’d! And Moondragon meddled, causing half of the old team to quit. But Cap got his lean team of himself, Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Yellowjacket, and Tigra.
And then Yellowjacket Hank Pym had an ‘attempted murder out of insecurity’ breakdown and tried to murder his friends and was a very bad husband to Wasp as well.
So Yellowjacket was out and Wasp took some personal time.
It was just Cap, Thor, Iron Man, and Tigra. And then Tigra quit.
Wasp rejoined but the trim team of six had become anemic at four and after some space mishaps, its finally time to try to do something about that.
As Iron Man declares in title-of-the-issue font they need some ... NEW BLOOD!
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And Wasp declares ‘yes we all know that already we’ve just been putting it off.’
(And they finally got the big meeting table back from the cleaners or wherever its been. Thank goodness)
But the question that Chairperson Wasp poses the team is should they re-induct some ex-members or go looking for some truly new blood?
Thor is brooding on the recent events, where Moondragon manipulated the Avengers previous roster shakeup and later when Moondragon took over a planet and got Thor to fight his friends.
So Thor’s point, by way of dwelling, is that they should be careful with who they choose.
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Thor: “Thus can no action, no thought made by any of us in the last weeks be truly, absolutely claimed as our own. Not even... mine.”
There we go. There’s that good Moondragon induced paranoia I was hoping for.
And character wise, I do like that there’s fallout from the Ba-Bani misadventure. Whether being forced to fight his friends or being made to fall in love with Moondragon or being convinced to side with her plan to bring mandatory peace to the universe. Thor has been affected by what happened.
Cap suggests that they clear the slate and just judge potential members on their current qualifications.
So what qualifications should potential Avengers have?
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Captain America: “Compatibility. Someone who can work in a team.”
Iron Man: “And technical expertise. Perhaps someone good with weaponry.”
Thor: “We’ve enough strength, methinks. But courage is important. Aye, and a noble heart.”
Wasp: “Well, I know exactly what this group needs. More girls!”
Good suggestions. All good suggestions. But very good suggestion from Wasp.
I know that two women on one team is the low bar that Avengers tends to reach but you know what’s worse? One women on one team. And you know what’s better? Three.
Think about it.
The meeting gets cut short because Jan has to go do Jan things like show off fashion at the Tavern on the Green but she tells the others to figure out who they’d like as new Avengers and then they’ll all decide at their meeting next week.
As the Avengers all head off, Captain America mentions to Iron Man that hey remember how Hawkeye used to be an Avenger all the time? Weren’t those good times? He worked well on the team, was real into being an Avenger.
Iron Man agrees that sure is a Thought but flies off thinking more about Jan’s suggestion to have more women on the team, albeit probably for less than pure reasons.
Thor meanwhile doesn’t have anywhere to be so sits down in the sitting room and reads a Time magazine.
Jarvis brings Thor some mead and Thor asks who Jarvis would enlist for the Avengers if Jarvis was given the choice.
Jarvis is surprised to be asked but does his best to speak off the cuff.
Jarvis: “Why, I - I really hadn’t given it much thought! But since you ask, I feel that some of the best Avengers have started as the most unlikely candidates. For example, those with strongly individual, independent natures seem to have worked out surprisingly well.”
You’re a good guy, Jarvis.
And you’ve got a good point. Since the Avengers were pretty much everyone who wasn’t on a team jammed onto a team together, the Avengers kind of have as foundation strongly individual independent superheroes managing to do a teamwork anyway.
And Thor just so happens to be reading the Time magazine that has a picture of Spider-Man on the front (along with “Friend or Menace?”) and thinks huh individual and independent??
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Oh boy!
Spider-Man going to be offered a spot on the Avengers? Is it 2005 already?
Goofs aside, this is an interesting callback maybe.
All the way back in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3 (November, 1966) which I didn’t cover but probably should have if this was a more comprehensive Avengers blog but then I may have died under the enormity of the task.
Uh, that sentence got away from me.
Anyway, in that Spider-Man Annual, the Avengers debate whether to recruit Spider-Man for their team. Thor is the one there to find Spider-Man and bring him to the mansion. The Avengers decide to test him and (after Spider-Man tries to beat up the entire team because that’s what Spider-Man thinks proving himself is) they send him to bring the Hulk back with him.
He finds the Hulk and fights the Hulk but Hulk turns back to Bruce Banner and Spider-Man feels bad for Bruce and doesn’t want to turn him over to the Avengers (not knowing that they want to help Hulk). So he comes back and says welp couldn’t find him guess I’m not Avengers material byyyyyye.
The other Avengers go huh I guess he wasn’t Avengers material but Thor seemed to suspect what had really happened.
So my rambling point is that its appropriate that Thor again thinks to recruit Spider-Man for the Avengers because of that previous story.
Later in the day, Iron Man calls Captain America.
Although as Cap points out they know each other’s civilian name now so why be formal?
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Iron Man: “Captain America? This is Iron Man.”
Captain America: “Hey, Tony, let’s make it ‘Steve,’ okay? I’m off duty.”
So Tony “Iron Man” Stark has managed to stop thinking about more woman on the Avengers and has actually started to think about having Hawkeye back on the Avengers and has to admit, it sounds good to him!
So Captain Steve says they should go together tomorrow and see what Hawkeye thinks.
This is a nice sequence.
Its nice to see how the two learning each other’s identity plays out like this. Tony trying to stick to how they’ve known each other and Steve making a not subtle overture for them to become more familiar.
This is probably good shipping fodder, I realize!
But it is also good friendshipping fodder. It can be both.
Elsewhere and meanwhile, at the Van Dyne residence, Janet puts her own recruitment drive into... drive?
She’s invited every super-heroine in the country she can think of to brunch but she has no idea how to get a hold of She-Hulk.
Not even her state of the art computer system can find her! Granted, the state of the art computer system is for analyzing fashion forecasts and not news reports about She-Hulk sightings.
So Jan decides that if you want a She-Hulk you’ve got to spend a little green.
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She has her assistant take out a bunch of full-page ads in all of the major west coast newspapers. And heck, buy a bunch of commercial time too!
Jan is going to do some I Want You (to Join the Avengers) ads!
She is ludicrously wealthy.
I went and checked and her original inheritance was ‘only’ three million dollars but the way that she throws around money I’m pretty sure she has managed to get some lucrative investments. That or she’s just super good at being a fashionista.
Granted, blowing a bunch of money for a chance to have brunch with She-Hulk is a pretty good reason to blow a bunch of money.
Later, as twilight comes, Thor is flying around Central Park because he has no idea how to find Spider-Man but hears that he’s often around “the meadow-lands called Central Park” and happens upon three goofuses who just robbed a pawnshop.
These goofuses are such goofuses that one of them is wearing groucho glasses as a disguise. Another one is wearing a clown mask.
Which, like a moth to fire, aggros Spider-Man just to mock the guy.
I’m pretty sure rather than flying around aimlessly, the best way to find Spider-Man is to create the perfect quip opportunity.
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A clown: “I’m gonna kiss every dime o’ my share -- just as soon as we get to the hideout so’s I can take off this stupid mask!”
Spider-Man, suddenly: “Aw, c’mon, Bunky, leave it on! I’ve always wanted to bust a bozo who looks like a bozo!”
Groucho: “S-s-spider-Man!”
S-s-spider-Man: “But enough of this clowning! Wanna give up?”
Dangit, Peter. Good wordplay.
But before can catch these thieves just like flies, down came the rain and washed the spider out.
A sudden, inexplicable (cough cough Thor) localized storm tosses around the thieves until they surrender.
After the police lead away the goofus thieves, Spider-Man comes dripping wet and with a bone to pick.
Spider-Man: “Do you have any idea what it’s like running around in wet tights?”
Thor is like sorry bro but I’ve come to talk so Spider-Man agrees but they’ll need to go off somewhere private because the press is honing in on him to ask him bonkers questions about whether he came in a flying saucer.
I think they’re thinking of a certain emissary of hell.
That darn press!
Spider-Man and Thor relocate to a high rooftop for their talk.
Spider-Man: “Now, Goldilocks, what’s your beef?”
Thor: “Thy protective demeanor is unneeded, my friend. I have no ‘beef’ -- only a proposal. The Avengers are seeking new members, and I wouldst offer thee such position.”
Spider-Man: “You... Thor... want me as an Avenger?
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Spider-Man is still not sure if it would work out (reflecting on Spider-Man Annual #3) but he’s also really flattered by the offer. And presumably how the offer wasn’t accompanied by “BUT FIRST YOU MUST PASS OUR TEST!”
So he can’t just accept the offer off-hand but he’s definitely going to think about it.
Even if you don’t join the team, even just being considered is an honor.
The twilight turns into night turns into day, and Cap and Iron Man show up in Hawkeye’s place of business to bug him.
Don’t know if you remember but Hawkeye has a cushy job as head of security for Cross Technological Enterprises. And he actually does take the job seriously which is why he’s a little concerned, at least for his professional pride, that Cap and Iron Man got past his guards.
Cap: “Avengers priority -- never leave home without it. In fact, we’ve come to offer it to you.”
Smooth. Smooth, Cap.
Although I do like that they can just march up to the guards of this company and go ‘hey let us in we’re avengers’ and its not even a ‘ok i’ll clear it with head of security hawkeye’ its ‘yeah sure go right in and do you want any paperclips?’
Anyway, Hawkeye has his pride so he tells Cap not to expect him to come crawling back after the Avengers booted him out (actually Gyrich because Gyrich wanted the Avengers to have some ding dang diversity. Its weirdly the least assholeish thing he’s ever done although he approached it very much in an asshole way).
Point being, they kicked Hawkeye out and he has a new super cool job now.
Iron Man takes this show of wounded pride in wounded stride, just asking that Hawkeye consider it and let them know when he makes a decision.
But Hawkeye doubts he’ll decide to come back to the Avengers because he’s got a good thing in this steady, respectable paying job which comes with job security and respect!
And then, suddenly struck by the realization that he, Hawkeye, is turning down a drama implosion like the Avengers to do the adult thing?? Hawkeye doesn’t like what he’s become.
And he stares in horror at the trappings of power and respectability. The sex and the drugs.
Or a Playboy magazine and a personalized coffee cup, at least.
And he decides to give Iron Man his answer right then and there.
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Which, of course, involves shooting arrows. This is Hawkeye we’re talking about.
What’s amazing is that we’ll learn later this issue that he’s going to keep his security job and do Avengers on top of that (and in fairness most of the Avengers don’t have Avengers as their only thing). But he just shot an arrow through a glass door in his place of employment.
But you don’t hire Hawkeye if you don’t expect that kind of thing so I can see why it wouldn’t impact his job.
So that’s Hawkeye as a YES and Spider-Man as a ‘I’ll get back to you.’ And as the weekend arrives, it’s time for Janet van Dyne’s superheroine brunch.
And on the hill above the van Dyne house, its our old pal Fabian Stankowicz.
Remember? The Mechano-Marauder? Built a robot suit to beat up the Avengers, none of them took him that seriously? Iron Man beat him up solo without trying very hard and then got angry about Hank Pym?
Anyway, he’s back, somehow, and he’s salty about the less than dignified experience he had in issue 217. But this time, he has a new plan!
Fabian Stankowicz: “They laughed at me! Mocked me! But I’ll show the Avengers that the Mechano-Marauder is not to be toyed with! I’ll attack their weakest member when the others aren’t around! She’ll be helpless! *Heh-heh-heh*”
Well. Good luck with that, my dude.
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Sue Storm-Richards, the Invisible Girl, arrives and Jan introduces her to the other prospective Avengers: Dazzler, Spider-Woman, and Black Widow.
All good candidates, really.
Especially Dazzler.
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Well, Beast left and Tigra left so somebody needs to be the new funny person.
Apparently, Spider-Woman doesn’t like puns because she immediately starts getting catty with Dazzler.
Spider-Woman: “Nice going, Blaire! You’re showing all the polish and poise of a real pro!”
Dazzler: “Oh? And I suppose crawling on walls like some yucky insect is ‘professional’?”
Spider-Woman: “I sting, too”
I guess, they have some history in Dazzler’s own book that didn’t go over well. Black Widow has to lean over and tell them to cut the shit out for Jan’s sake.
But then the last invited guest shows up.
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She saw the ads and she’s come for the free food!
Outside, Jan’s chauffeur Mr. Carrothers sits on the limo taking a smoke break and reflecting how good he has it working for the Wasp. Good pay, casual hours. The most he can complain about is that it gets a little boring sometimes.
That’s probably tempting fate because the All-New All-Different Mechano-Marauder stomps up to the house. Remember how Fabian threw the limo last time? Mr. Carrothers remembers.
He panics and runs into the house and tries to warn the assembled heroes.
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And yet.
They didn’t really leap to action, huh? I mean, I get it. Brunch.
Even after the robot fist has punched through Wasp’s frankly ludicrous window and kidnapped Dazzler, Wasp is more annoyed than anything.
Wasp: “Fabian Stankowicz, you get that thing out of my living room!”
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And then has to explain to her guests that Fabian is some chump that Iron Man beat up and that he wants to make a name for himself by defeating the Avengers. And Sue is like ah yes I understand completely.
But chump or not, Black Widow decides that they should rescue Dazzler.
Dazzler: “I don’t think I need saving, folks! This guy’s just holding, not squeezing!”
And so much for the brunch bunch taking this any amount of serious.
Sue just puts up a quick invisible dome to keep Fabian from getting to the rest of them which the Mechano-Marauder instantly bonks into and bangs on impotently demanding that they let him in.
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Careful, Fabian.
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You’re memeing yourself.
Dazzler saves herself when she gets tired of being carried around. She does her Dazzler thing with the bright pulse of light, blinding Fabian.
He drops Dazzler but she’s caught by She-Hulk.
The blinded Mechano-Marauder drives around blindly, thinking “These women aren’t even Avengers! They can’t beat me!”
Alas, Dazzler decides the same decision she decided in #211, that she’s a singer, not a fighter.
And Sue also decides to head off, saying that she’s too busy with the Fantastic Four anyway.
But can we talk about the sheer audacity that Jan had of trying to poach Sue from the Fantastic Four to the Avengers? The nerve! The verve!
So that’s two of her candidates declining but that still leaves Spider-Woman, Black Widow, and She-Hulk.
And unfortunately for Mechano-Marauder, the first two are the two that have decided to kick his ass a little for entertainment reasons.
Spider-Woman’s venom blast damages one of the giant robot fists and Black Widow swings around Hoth-style and trips the Mechano-Marauder into the ornamental pond.
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Alas, after literally dunking a giant robot into a pond, both Spider-Woman and Black Widow turn down the offer to join the Avengers.
Black Widow has private business that are keeping her busy. And Spider-Woman doesn’t even offer an excuse.
In fairness, she has her own solo book over in California and that’s a heck of a commute. I’m actually impressed that she came all this way for brunch.
Fabian is fed up with being treated as an after-thought in his own fight scene and bursts out of the pond, yelling how he’s going to destroy them all!
All.... uh, two that’s left at this point. Yup, he sure is going to destroy all two of them.
She-Hulk has been fairly low-key this whole story, especially for She-Hulk. I’m pretty sure she came to the brunch just for the food and she hasn’t reacted much to Fabian, even when the others were. She caught Dazzler but she hasn’t had much to say since arriving. She’s mostly been standing with her hands on her hips, watching things play out.
But I guess she’s gotten tired of Fabian. Or maybe it falls to her as the last guest.
She tells him to shut up and breaks his robot suit with one punch.
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Fabian has one last trick up his Mechano-Marauder sleeve but its a dumb one.
His ejector seat is actually a backup robot suit. Annnd, its so heavy that it sinks into the ground. Trapping him.
Good job, Fabian.
She-Hulk goes to give him one more punch but Wasp stops her. Because she wants a shot at him.
And wow! What a shot!
At full not small size she crosses the streams to focus her bio-power stings into one concentrated beam and blows a hole in Fabian’s escape suit.
I’ve talked before about how Wasp’s pew pew stings have seemingly gotten souped up under Shooter and I think this is another good example. I mean, she’s not blowing up a house but combining the blasts to do precision boring is another cool application we haven’t seen before.
Anyway, now Wasp goes teeny and flies into the hole she made and up into the helmet to blast Fabian in the face. So hard his helmet flies off.
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Wasp: “That’ll teach ‘im for ruining my party!”
And that’s that for brunch.
Days later, Jarvis calls the State Department to request official clearance for two new members.
And we see part of the process of that. Interesting if you’re interested in the logistics of an officially recognized superhero team.
I guess what’s interesting is that Henry Peter Gyrich is still part of the process.
You’d think he’d have been replaced or something after the Avengers very publicly embarrassed him and got emancipated from him. I guess he keeps doing the necessary liaison stuff without ever talking to them.
The requests for the two new members cross Gyrich’s desk and he takes it to the White House where the request gets signed by Ronald Reagan.
(The two new members are Hawkeye and She-Hulk by the by. We see it on the paperwork. Guess Spider-Man is still thinking it over.)
Anyway, I guess its interesting that new Avengers are a matter that goes all the way up to the president.
God, I’m glad that for the modern team, Cap told the US government to fuck off because I don’t want to even think about that still being a thing.
The next day after the paperwork is signed, Hawkeye is on his way to Avengers Mansion in a cab. He’s reading a Time magazine about the change in the Avengers’ roster and reflecting that it’ll be hard to hold down two jobs but worth it because he’s missed the adventure.
Check out the Time magazine though.
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The cover of this comic book issue is in-universe the cover of Time magazine! That’s neat.
But Hawkeye’s cab is suddenly cut off by a pink Cadillac.
And Hawkeye being Hawkeye doesn’t just grumble and go about his day. He commits assault. Because this is Hawkeye.
The guy that Cap and Iron Man wanted back for being a good team-player.
So he gets out of the cab and shoots the pink Cadillac with an EMP arrow that fries the car’s electrical system.
Really abusing that Avengers Priority Status already, huh, Hawkeye?
The one mistake he made is that the pink Cadillac belongs to She-Hulk. She in fact earned it by doing a car commercial for Wacky Willie’s Wheels-And-Deals so you might imagine she’s fond of it.
So she picks up the cab with Hawkeye in it and leans it against a lightpole.
And then she picks up the Cadillac on her shoulder and walks off with it.
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She-Hulk knows how to make a lasting impression, I’ll say that.
But soon after he gets down from the taxi and stops in at an ER to make sure he’s not concussed, Hawkeye arrives at Avengers Mansion to rejoin the team.
Hawkeye: “Okay, folks, life can go on -- Hawkeye’s here!”
Iron Man: “And it’s about time! We were starting to get worried. What happened?”
Hawkeye: “Oh, nothin’ much -- not ‘til some freaky Amazon tried to play dominoes with my taxi!”
She-Hulk, lurking silhouetted by the window: “‘Amazon’, eh? I don’t suppose it could have been -- a green Amazon?”
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That is a powerful energy you have there, She-Hulk. Powerful energy and a power move in a power suit.
And that’s how Hawkeye’s day was ruined. Also how the two new additions to the team start with bad blood.
Conflict! We gotta have it!
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Wasp: “Hawkeye, She-Hulk. I’d like to officially welcome you both. From now on -- you’re one of us. We’re one of you. And we’re all -- THE AVENGERS!”
Jan’s trying a new thing where she kisses every new member. And they both have to bend down a little for her.
Also, another new Wasp costume! Wasp gonna Wasp!
This is another good, light-hearted decompression issue. The Moondragon two-parter had some yuks but also mind-control sex and Drax’s brain melting. So this time Wasp throws a brunch and Cap and Iron Man help Hawkeye escape the drudgery of an adult job.
There’s a lot of what could have been with Wasp’s guest list. What if she could convince Sue Storm to take a break from the Fantastic Four to try being on the Avengers.
She’ll join later, in the Worst Roster but she’ll join with Reed. I’m thinking more of a thing where Sue gets some time away from the family. I don’t think it could last long and it would need the Avengers and FF writer to be on the same page but I think it could be interesting - Sue getting to be on a team where she doesn’t have to be the adult in the room and doesn’t have to work alongside the family.
It’s a similar reason to why I’d like to see adult Cyclops join the Avengers. He’s so tied in with X-stuff and being the leader of X-stuff that I want to take him out of that context and see a new side of him.
Spider-Woman and Black Widow also could have been interesting. They’ll both become Avengers later. I don’t know that Dazzler ever did and she presents interesting opportunities.
The Avengers have had Wonder Man who was also trying to break into acting while being an Avenger. So Dazzler trying to pursue her singing career might just be a retread of that but what if she were more successful and was a celebrity on the team.
The Avengers kind of are celebrities but I think it’d be a different feel if they had a famous (disco) singer on the team.
Interesting stuff (for me) to think about, anyway.
Something else to talk about is the creative credits. Jim Shooter is credited for plotting but Dave Michelinie as writer. And looking ahead, Shooter is not going to be the solo writer again in the near future.
I think we’re getting to the point where Shooter’s going to be too busy with EIC duties to keep up writing the Avengers. He’s going to get plotting credits for a few more issues, probably loose threads he’s handing to other writers.
So the second Shooter run is going to end soon. Shame. Very much a shame. It wasn’t a very long run but he put a lot of energy and humor into the book.
Next time: Egghead’s back and he’s bringing a new Masters of Evil. Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve had them and they’re supposed to be the Avengers’ evil opposite team.
And Egghead is the not very impressive criminal mastermind who couldn’t beat Hank Pym so instead framed him for crime. Hopefully the new Masters rise above that level of menace.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I’m bringing you the She-Hulk content you crave. I assume. I took a poll and one out of one person said ‘this is the She-Hulk content I crave’ and I extrapolated from that. Also you should like and reblog because She-Hulk would want you to.
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