kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots done!
No painting in the hotel achieved! (I hope) But maybe some extra gluing and fine tuning still needs to be done, lol.
I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots: Painting
Moved my gardening stuff to have a spot for spray painting. Some things got a coat of mod podge while others got plasti dip. So many store around me didn't have white plasti dip in stock, which is why I used the mod podge. I kinda like the seal I got from the mod podge better then the plasti dip, it just takes so much longer to do. Most things have gotten their coats of spray paint and I am mainly doing hand painting stuff now.
I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots: Hands! I think the hands are so cute, they add so much character to the builds. When looking thru my photos, I guess I didn’t take progress pics of Metabee or Cyandog’s hand build. The curve/ half dome parts of Sumilidon’s hands are just the head form again, but just half of it for each hand. I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots Metabee So the horn bit I kinda did what ever, lol. Trying to keep close to the shape as possible. It has been many years since I worked with EVA foam, so I was getting semi frustrated with getting certain angles the way I wanted them. So I was like good enough, time to move on. I also made the bits in white before I made the connecting bit, so they ended up a tad to small. If I had the time and extra foam I would of remade them a bit bigger. With the horn cannons glued on I had the issue of it being to front heavy. So I bought some metal washers to use as a counter weight. It turned out great, no longer have the unbalance issue. Once I add some foam in the inside, it will be a perfect fit. I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots: Legs
So I didn't put as much thought into making the legs/ feet this year. Like in past years I would try really hard to make it so we can walk ok. This year nope, no time for that. Maybe after everything is done and I have time to fix the insides... time... I also tried covering up my seams on the helmets. I don't really like how I did it. Even after sanding (not pictured) it still looks really messy. So I guess I will do something different for next time. Also by the time of this post, I have a good chunk of the parts spray painted. Working on the hand painting part. However, I still have a decent amount of Cyandog left to make.
I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots: Chest build update Chest build part 1 Took a picture of the velcro bits. They are glued down and then stapled in. Haven’t made Cyandog’s chest piece yet... Also I didn’t take any picture of making the shoulders... but they are pretty simple, Metabee and Rokusho’s are just rectangles with a bit cut out and then things glued on it. Sumilidon’s was more helmet building, but just half of it and then detailed glued on. I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots All the helmet bases started out the same: here They do look pretty big on just a human body, but with the robot body I am hopeful the proportions with look fine. I started on April 8th, finished the helmets on May 13th. Not bad for mainly having the weekends to work on them.  Pink eva foam was used just because I had it around and it was the right thickness. Oh I don’t have a picture wearing Cyandog because that one is bigger to match the height of my brother. It just looks goofy on me. My crafting schedule is not on track, lol. but when is it ever. I wanted to be finished with basically all the crafting bits by June, but I know that is not going to happen... I keep going to Round One on my “free” days, whoops. A little bit more then a month left. I guess my goal is to not have to paint in the hotel room on day 0! I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots! This year I decided to upgrade to EVA foam. Cardboard is great, but I feel like we have to be so careful. Like we can fall apart at any minute. I don’t want to instantly walk into the cosplay repair area every time we walk from the hotel to the con, lol. I started construction April 8th. But I think Meatbots was picked back in February. The helmet pattern is from PunishedProps. Then I just made/ added to it what I needed.   At this point of posting all the helmet construction is done, minus the visors/eyes. May is to finish the majority of the body parts. June is for painting and fine tuning. I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots: A shoe
Cyandog is the only one I made a shoe cover for. So my brother will be the only one that can walk "normal". Also with this done (made 6/25/23) I am done with construction! I did make the toe spikes way smaller, but that was for walking purposes. So now just painting... My goal of no painting in the hotel room might actually happen this time. :D
I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots: Chest build I used the same build from FF7. 1, 2, 3 Which made it easy, but I forgot to calculate the foam thickness compared to cardboard, so they are on the extra tight side. It is held closed with some velcro, which is not pictures. Since that part was not done when I took these pictures. I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots Rokusho So I used that same helmet base. I ended up cutting a good chunk of it out. To make more space for the human face, lol. Also to help with the weight.
Sorry there are no progress pics of the weird shapes put on the helmet. By the time I started making the horns is when I started taking more progress pictures. A lot of the seams on this one are showing, I should of thought thru more angles for a smoother finish... but I will attempt to smooth things out when I add filler to everything. I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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kujiga · 1 year
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Medabots Sumilidon So I used that same helmet base. Then I kinda made some shapes and glued them on, lol. I kinda took liberty on some of the shapes and bits to make it easier. Like the white part that hangs down, I made it shorter and not as thick/ 3D, so when wearing the helmet you can move your head down and not stab yourself. Lesson I learned from making Aries. Her hair spikes made it so you couldn’t look down or move much. The one main thing I wish I would have changed was the “ear” like bits, would of made them standing more upright then off at an angle. I also realized I didn’t take any progress pictures of Cyandog’s build. Whoops, but that was also the helmet base and then like a flat thing glued to the front, some round ear bits, and a pointy chin. I am going to be Metabee @ayankun as Rokusho @du-chefpanda as Cyandog @piningfor-thefjords as Sumilidon Tool: here
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