atheevasanthosh · 4 years
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In the rapid boom of technology, people resort to the most convenient and time saving mediums for shopping products from cloths to groceries through online shopping websites and services. Pharmacy is an essential service that is always in demand. At present there is plenty of e-pharmacy or online pharmacies in India that has taken a popular place in the e-commerce. But before every new venture, one has to take care of many things related to the sales. In case of pharmacies, there is always the question of authenticity and reliability of the company as well as the quality of the medicines that looms over the growth of the e-pharmacies. But many have found its place through patience and constant improvements making the public know better about the e-pharmacies.
When it comes to the area of sales, there are certain factors which every online pharmacy or e-pharmacy must take care to make the sale of medicines a successful process.
In case of any sales business, whether its pharmacy or any other service, conducting a good research about the online market is imperative. e-pharmacies should do a analysis of the competition they will face in the online pharmacy market. As e-pharmacy gets the more open and widely online platform, they have to find out their own marketing strategy or their own trade mark which keeps them stand out from others. A stand out factor is a must for sustenance.
In an online platform, the best way to grab the attention of the consumers or the public is to be active in social media networking websites. The more your online pharmacy is open to the public, the better they feel the need to take a look. Build connections and get along with other franchise to build up yourself. Present yourself the way you want your consumers to remember you. Give valid catchy points on why to choose your online pharmacy.
It is not as easy as that of a brick and motor pharmacy in case of advertising. When you have developed an e-pharmacy you cannot continue to publish flyers and put hoardings to make people know about your pharmacy. The online platforms won’t give you the advantages of having a physical presence. But it will provide with more exposure. Smart and creative advertising strategies should be taken up to attract the customers. Advertising in direct and indirect ways are to be carried out.
In case of e-pharmacies, sale of medicines takes a spike when more people get to know about your company and also when more people find it genuine. Always the best promotion for your pharmacy could be done by your core customer or consumer. Therefore stay connected with your consumers, appreciate their reviews and feedbacks. Be loyal and provide the best services possible. A good start resulting in a good first impression may bring you more customers through recommendations from the previous ones.
For building the trust among the consumers, your legal approvals and licensing has to be revealed to the public so that they can find out the reality of your company and also could help to stay away from other fraudulent companies. Your e-pharmacy must follow the rules and regulations mentioned in the Information Technology Act 2000, Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940, Drugs and Cosmetic Rules 1945 and also Pharmacy Act 1948.
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Learn about the status of the prices of the medicines sold by other e-pharmacies and also have an idea about the prices of medicines in physical pharmacy stores. This will provide you an idea about how much discounts or offers you can provide on the purchases from your company. Good discounts or offers as well as extra rewards for constant consumers are an appealing way to bring the crowd over to your pharmacy app or web portal. For example, the online medicine order app in Delhi provides 23% discount on all their medicines.
The basic and the most primary concern for any e-pharmacy owner should be to ensure quality and reliable medicines for the consumers. For this purpose they have to make sure they are producing or collecting the medicines from licensed vendors. A proper check on the prescriptions uploaded as well the medicine expiry should be done. In addition to that, providing well recorded and furnished details about each medicine before ordering will help to keep the consumers aware.
Summing up
Advancement of e-commerce in India has opened a new arena to market different products. Among them e-pharmacies or online pharmacies seems to have a huge demand in the coming days. The online market place could be “a big dream come true” for many retail pharmacies.
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