#meditation egocentricmind anaptspirit anewpath
anaptspirit · 5 years
A New Decade: A New Me
Recently, I have been practicing quieting my egocentric mind. I found her.  I am learning how to recognize her and tame her. I have been practicing this since August of 2019. I actively recognize her about twice a day. I have been able to turn her off when her fear makes me angry, sad, lonely, jealous, or afraid. She is cunning; that crafty little survivor. However, she interferes with my ability to enjoy the now. 
In this new decade my intention is to live presently. And to learn more about my small, still, quiet self. The self that my egocentric mind has been protecting all of these years. I want to know her better. 
This blog is a way for me to track my progress. It is for me. However, if you find that the Universe led you here, please feel free to walk beside me and we will encourage each other along the way. 
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