faofinn · 1 year
Day 23 - Bleeding Out
Part 1 | Part 2 | ??
“Great.” Fao murmured. “Sorry Tai, this is going to suck.” He lifted him up again, doing his best not to jostle him as he did so. 
Tai barely whimpered, but Harrison could see the look in his eyes, a brief moment of agony before they rolled. It wasn't good, Harrison knew that, even Fred knew that. At least he would have the best of teams to work on him, to get him sorted. Harrison felt so out of his depth, his mind reeling with the possibilities he didn’t want. 
Fao was just as worried, knowing full well this was bad. He apologised to Tai as they moved him, and before long they were in the van. At least they’d been able to stabilise him relatively well, and could get into the basement quickly. 
He was glad to see the team down there, not just Finn and Steve but Ely too. Tai was going to be in good hands. They got him transferred into their resus bay, where things felt infinitely more in control.
“Okay, obviously this is Tai, assaulted by some cunt in the caf this morning. Took a pretty substantial sized knife to the upper left quadrant, maybe 10 inches. Wound is deep, he’s got a haemostatic dressing on and he’s had TXA but nothing else, we had nothing else in the field. Need some pain relief and fluids and bloods in please, a set of obs and we’ll go from there.” Fao quickly summarised, his voice more confident than he felt. 
He was glad to be in the basement, to be in his comfort zone. This is where he was safe, where he had ultimate control. This was his domain, and he’d worked hard to make it his. He could get everything set up the way he wanted it, flicking on the lights and pulling it down to get a better look at the wound itself, leaving a smudge of blood on the white plastic. 
Ely had quickly gotten more access, Tai too distracted to notice the needle, and was able to push painkillers, reassuring him as she did. Her hands were gentle as she soothed him, getting bloods hung and getting him set up on their monitoring. Their numbers weren’t great, but stable enough for now. 
The painkillers were enough to make him woozy, but Ely’s hands were soft and he knew she was looking after him. Harrison was still there too, his hands softly running through Tai's hair, a gentle kiss to his cheek. Everything was strangely calm, and he found himself drifting, his eyes closing against his will. 
“Tai?” Fao’s voice was soft but firm. “Gonna get you sorted, yeah?” 
There wasn’t much he could do without theatre. It was deep, and bleeding stubbornly, and every blood pressure just looked worse than the one before. 
“We’re gonna need to go to theatre.” He said to the others. 
"No." Tai grumbled, reaching for Harrison. "I'm not."
"Hey, hey. We need to. Just for a bit. You'll be out and sorted for teatime."
“I’ll look after you, yeah? I know it sucks, but you’ll sleep through it all and when you’re back it’ll be so much better.”
"'m scared."
It was Ely who spoke. “It’s okay to be scared, it’s scary. I’ll be right with you.”
"I don't wanna lose Levi."
“Don’t be daft, you’re not going to. Just a nap, and when you wake up it’ll all be over.”
Harrison leaned in, moving the mask from Tai's face for a moment. With a gentle hand on his cheek, he kissed him, slightly rough and desperate.
"You're gonna be just fine, yeah? I'll be right here the whole time, I promise." He told him, stroking through his hair. "We've got you, and you're gonna be just fine."
“Trust me, Tai, you’re not going to like me very much if I try and fix this when you’re awake.” Fao said, squeezing his shoulder. “Let Ely look after you, yeah? I’d trust her with my life.”
He managed a small grin at Fao's comment. "I'd rather not have you stabbing me while 'm awake."
“Exactly, and I want to stay your friend.” Fao said, mirroring his grin. “I’m gonna leave you in Ely and Steve’s capable hands now, alright? And I’ll see you in a minute.”
"Thanks, Fao."
He slipped out of their little resus bay to go and prep the theatre. Tai would be alright whilst he sorted it out, he had Steve and Ely, and Hars was there too. It was easy enough to set up, already prepared for situations like this. He washed his hands quickly and changed into a set of scrubs. 
Meanwhile, Ely with Tai had topped up his pain relief and sorted out her kit. With all of her drugs set out, her airway kit where she needed it, she was happy to get sorted. 
“Tai? How are we feeling? Ready?”
"No." He admitted. "'m scared."
Harrison gripped his hand. "We've got you."
He nodded. "I know. Love you."
Harrison stole a kiss. "Love you too. Enjoy the nap, yeah? I'll see you soon."
“Hold Harrison’s hand, yeah? That’s okay. He’ll be right with you, I promise. Can you take some deep breaths for me? I know it’s sore, do the best you can.”
Tai set his jaw, his eyes locked on Harrison's. He allowed himself a small smile as Harrison kissed his knuckles, and reluctantly followed Ely’s instructions.
“That’s it, perfect. You’re going to start getting sleepy now, I want you to keep taking those nice deep breaths, and think of something nice for me.”
He hated how quickly he felt it, and he screwed his face. 
"Of 'ars." He told the room, fighting the anaesthesia. "He's nice."
“He’s very nice.” She agreed with a gentle smile. “Well done. Nice and sleepy, and you’ll wake up and everything will be sorted.”
Harrison leaned close, his lips by Tai's ear. "Love you, yeah? You have this nap, but you better be awake for tea, okay? I love you."
Happy with her drugs, Ely adjusted things carefully, then glanced at Hars. “Are you staying ?”
He set his own jaw. "I promised him I would."
She nodded. “That’s fine, I just need a bit of space.” She said gently, taking over ventilation. 
"Thank you."
She hummed distractedly, focusing on getting Tai intubated and all set up. When she was happy with everything, triple checking her placement, it was just a waiting game until Fao was ready. His obs weren’t fantastic, his blood pressure low despite the meds. 
Harrison looked up at Ely. "Fao’s gonna be able to fix him, right?"
“Yeah. We just need to get the bleeding under control.” She said. “You know he’s good.”
"But it's Tai."
“We’ll look after him.”
They got him into theatre, quickly transferring him across to a waiting Fao. There was some chat before he started, but they soon got going. Things weren’t exactly leisurely. The wound was deep, but Fao was hoping to be able to control the bleeding without having to make it much bigger, keen to avoid any additional trauma. Ely pulled a stool up for Harrison so he could sit with her, and kept him up to date where she could with what was going on. 
Tai definitely wasn’t making their life easy. Despite numerous units of blood, his pressure just kept falling away from them, and Ely had to work hard to keep him stable, pushing drugs and everything the best she could. It was fighting an uphill battle - his pressure wouldn’t truly improve until Fao had fixed the source of the bleeding. There was certainly a lot of bleeding, and Fao grumbled to himself as he fought to fix it, Steve and Finn working with him. 
Tai’s obs were flirting the line between just worrying and fear-inducing, threatening to do something stupid. They managed to avoid it, however, and whilst the bleeding was profuse, it wasn’t a complex repair and didn’t take Fao too long once he’d gotten to the source of it. 
Soon enough, his pressure began to stabilise as the bleeding stopped, and Fao could close, though decided on putting a drain in, just to keep everything the way he wanted it. It could come out in a couple of days, once things were settled. He left Tai in the very capable hands of his girlfriend, murmured reassurance to Hars, and headed out to sort paperwork. 
Ely as always belongs to @epochandeons
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autobot2001 · 1 year
@mediwhumpmay: bleeding out @themerrywhumpofmay: creepy basement (Snippet from Hidden Killer) TW: graphic depictions of violence, mention of rape
Victoria Hunt walks down the street, hand on her gun. She has no choice but to walk down the sidewalk alone. She is not pleased her car is in the shop and the bus stop isn't right in front of her home. She knows it's foolish to think the city is large; what's the chance the Holiday Killer would find them.
Along with the Holiday Killer case, Optimus and Prowl are invested in cases that could lead to him, like missing person cases. Since it seems the Holiday Killer doesn't have a pattern for his targets. It's been a mix of people who knew him and strangers. This time the police were told the missing person knew the Holiday Killer. Adding urgency to finding them alive.
"That does sound fun, but I don't want a kid; not like I can keep any captive alive while hiding in the N.E.S.T. base." Fuck, he knows I'll be dead before anyone finds where we are. Victoria realizes. Not any better than being raped and held captive to ensure I have his baby. Austin smiles, hearing Victoria scream in pain as he cuts her abdomen. A few deep cuts with a lot of blood. He tells her he won't return for days to deal with her dead body and leaves. Smiling, hearing Victoria beg him to help her as he walks away. Victoria only thinks of writing a warning using her blood. If she's not found until after she dies, she is hopefully saving anyone who is Austin's target.
"They found her," Prowl tells Prime, not hiding his disappointment, "slow death by bleeding out. Interestingly, she was told something, and she wrote a warning with her blood; N.E.S.T." "The Holiday Killer told her a target is in this base?" Optimus questions. "But not a name, so this isn't much help." Both hope to figure out who's the target within the base quickly.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
Painful Death
@mediwhumpmay: alt 3 poisoning @themerrywhumpofmay item 2 hydrochloric acid (snippet from Hidden Killer) TW; death, murder
Austin is given a tour of Que and Wheeljack's science lab. He is interested in science, but he is currently hoping to find something to use for his next kill. Austin knows he needs to be careful about what he takes, and he finds a hidden bottle behind a larger one. Taking the chance, he takes the bottle, a syringe, and a box of needles.
Once back in his room, Austen researches the chemical and its effects on the human body. This information aids in figuring out a plan. The only challenge is figuring out when to cross paths with his target, and social media and his target posting where they go make this easier. Dumbness posting where they go to work out. Austin smiles. Reviewing the map of the area. He's able to figure out where his target lives.
Austin leaves the base at four in the morning. Liking his target is someone who likes early morning workouts. He finds his target's car and can jumpstart it. He prepares what he needs to get the target to the designated location. He covers himself as he does when approaching his targets.
".... I'll be there at nine," Austin hears his victim. "You'll be a no-show," Austin tells them. "You don't want to challenge me," his target warns. The two start fighting. "Sh, I see you've been preparing for this day," Austin smiles. "I don't even know you." Ystin continues to fight his target until they're by the car. He can tie up his target, gag, and put him in the trunk. "Whoever taught you self-defense sucks." Austin finds his victim's keys, closes the trunk, and speeds off to the location.
Once at his victim's house, he drags his victim into the house after unlocking the door. He drags the victim upstairs to a bedroom.
Austin puts his target on the bed and removes the gag. "Untie me bitch!" Tsk tsk, I thought you'd remember me, Donald." Austin removes his hood and face covering. "You! I was hoping you would have been one of the deceased in the fire." "Who do you think set the fire?! "You're not the only one to underestimate me. In fact, I'm surprised the police didn't warn you, Donald. I've killed the judge who sentenced me, the fucker who runs the asylum, and your torture partner," Austin loves seeing the fear on Donald's face, "now it's your turn." Austin injects the chemical, eager to hear Donald scream, and he thought he'd be waiting a few minutes to hear Donald scream. "What did you inject?! Fuck, it burns!" Austin stays for a few minutes, hearing his victim scream.
"911, what's your emergency?" I hear screaming from my next-door neighbor. Like in pain screaming." The caller tells dispatch who lives at the house the screaming is coming from. They watch from in their home, hoping to see someone run out of the house to help the police with their investigation, but it seems no one leaves the home from when they've called 911 to when emergency services arrive.
Prowl, Jolt, and Ratchet chose to be part of the team who rushes to the home. They are concerned about how much pain the human in the bedroom is in. "The killer is...," the victim tries to say but struggles with the pain. The medics hoped to help with pain to find out what the victim was saying, but he soon goes I ri respiratory failure. They're concerned about how rapidly their patient is declining and worried he won't survive the trip to the hospital.
By the time they get to the hospital, the patient cannot breathe on their own, and their heart rate is above one-hundred beats per minute. The medical team and medics who responded to me the call quickly realize how serious the case was. All believe they'll need a miracle for this patient to survive as they see signs of internal bleeding. Worried surgery isn't an option; the alternative is letting the patient die.
They try all they can in the operating room, but the patient dies within twenty minutes. The surgical team discovers part of the cause of death. "What the hell caused his organs to be corroded?" One of the surgeons asks. They thought they'd have to wait until an autopsy happens, but blood tests showed hydrochloric acid in the blood. "Suicide?" "No, they were trying to say something," Ratchet argues, "perhaps the name of the one who injected this chemical." They know they'll never find out and can't assume it was the Holiday Killer. Worried others are in danger of dying this way, and hating there's nothing they can do to prevent more people from dying this way.
Austin knows he can't reuse the same weapon to kill as much as he loved hearing his victim scream.
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