#meg continues to be the most interesting and nuanced character? wonder why that is lol
cecilyneville · 4 years
the spanish princess ep 2:
once more unto the breach, my fellow clowns
jsyk, i am skipping a lot of scenes bc i have far better things to do with my time (even under stay-at-home orders), and i cannot for the life of me watch the maggie pole/thomas more scenes. like what is the point of keeping maggie around, she is so boring. andrew buchan what were you THINKING signing up for this 
reggie pole looks like a weird cross bw ben whishaw and sam riley
ok i take back what i said about laura carmichael last week - she’s a damn sight more talented than you-know-who. maggie still boring as hell tho
i can’t wait for the catherine/lina friendship blow-up...it’s coming & lina deserves so much better
oveido’s speech about childbirth and war...you been reading the mirror & the light dude?
james iv: i have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life / me: i know this and i love you
as someone with a catherine of aragon icon i just want to say that i really cannot stand tsp’s catherine, she has no redeeming qualities. ef keeps trying to make her likeable by asking oviedo to stay and letting meg keep james’ body but none of it actually gels with her behaviour
[dramatic militaristic music] really just sums up the lameness of this soundtrack
margaret’s prophetic dreams! i wish they’d included the part about her queen’s jewels turning to widow’s pearls
god he’s not even hot what’s the POINT. angus is supposed to be a hot dumbass fool who is just like “hey margaret i know you’re mourning your husband and have just given birth to his posthumous son and are trying to rule the country but are you dtf yet”. what did i do to deserve an ugly angus
i don’t get why they don’t also have meg pregnant at flodden. given that catherine is presumably going to lash out with jealousy at lina, mary, bessie - literally anyone who has given birth to a living son - i think it would have been a good choice, as well as drawing direct parallels between the two women
meg’s costumes are my fave. the colour palette suits georgie and her red riding cap is v cute
catherine’s clown shoes slapping on the floor as she storms off to war
like...it’s supposed to be such a moving scene and i’m just like wow she is literally the biggest moron to have ever lived
oh now she’s going into the enemy tent. honestly can james just kill her on the spot and then the rest of the show can be about margaret in scotland and mary & brandon in france
“he’s fighting for gold from king louis” shock horror! has catherine never heard of the auld alliance or???
like, i know they’re not actually wearing kilts, but the tartan is still stupidly ahistorical - we get it, they’re scottish! 
love how catherine’s trying to do all this shit to rouse support, meanwhile in twp all elizabeth had to say was “do it for me” and all the lords were like yeah sure we love you lizzie
just in case the childbirth/war analogy wasn’t clear enough, we fucking get it emma
i’m not even going to comment about catherine physically fighting and actually killing people, this is the dumbest thing i have ever seen
meg saying james was her “best friend” would be lovely if there had been literally anything demonstrating that. georgie’s performance here is so good though. emotion! actual emotion!
so...catherine rode all the way back to london still covered in blood from the battle...once again i have no comment
also no comment on a very pregnant catherine looking wistfully on at a bird in a cage. i want to die
i know i’ve been going on about how good ruairi o’connor is - and he’s good - but i feel as if he’s a little miscast? idk, he’s just not rowdy enough for me to believe him as henry viii. his appearance and manner is very similar to jacob collins-levy though, which i appreciate
not nearly enough mary this episode imo
still stan the hell out of bessie blount. the strawberry-blonde hair! the rosebud mouth! the eoy vibes!!! (no i am not trying to suggest henry has an oedipal complex, that’s for d*vid st*rkey to do lol)
i hate that all these more interesting characters spend the whole time praising catherine for behaving like an absolute clod
emma frost has no idea how pregnancy and childbirth work (remember rosa’s miscarriage in s1?)
anyway, here’s hoping next ep will have some fun margaret in scotland scenes (lowering the portcullis at edinburgh castle...i can only dream) 
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