februaryflowers · 2 years
lab partner seonghwa please ☺️🔬🧪 hope you are well!
yes ofc :] thank you,, im just slowly making my way through uni haha,, i hope you’re doing good yourself + here you are :> (i actually got a lil too excited n couldnt pick just one excerpt so a semi-longish one + another small one 😅)
ask game: send me a wip for an excerpt :}
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The density of chondrocytes in Example One is 1370.968 cells per square millimeter. The total example sample has a viability of 70.63% but this number should be higher if this sample is to be used for medical purposes. We hypothesize that…Seonghwa is really cute. We hypothesize that he would be the sweetest boyfriend ever. We hypothesize that this low percentage could be due to the area from which the sample was taken. 
Did you delete that part? Wait, and Seonghwa is reading the document now…
“Oh my god, holy shit, no, no, no,” you cry, racing over to the bench as fast as you can (within laboratory safety precautions, of course). “Sorry, I think I messed something up, Hwa! I must’ve forgotten to check my units or—”
His cheeks are tinted as he looks up from the laptop to your eyes. “Hm?”
Did…he read that? You bite your lip, glancing between him and the document pulled up. The cursor blinks innocently next to a 1298.236 cells per square millimeter, but you don’t know if you like the way Seonghwa’s bottom lip is tucked between his teeth, the way his cheeks are puffing out the longer you stare.
“Sorry, lemme just—” You pull your device towards you, quickly scrolling up to the paragraph and deleting all mentions of your stupidly lovable lab partner.
Glancing to Seonghwa, who's now putting on the goggles and gloves you brought back for him, you sigh when you see his cheeks are still tinged a soft rose, possibly having grown even brighter than before in these few moments. 
When he finds your gaze, he gives you a small wave, a glove half on him with its empty fingers flailing as his hand moves. His eyes widen as he notices, quickly pulling the glove on properly and turning around with burning cheeks to finish with the equipment.
Just because you've gotten rid of the words on the screen, doesn't mean they were never there in the first place.
He knows…
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The warmth comes quickly, a brush of air floating past the rim of your ear. You know you should jump right now. Why on earth is there something so hot near your face? That’s not a good sign, especially considering where you are right now. But…you simply don’t. 
And the reason why comes quickly after, which makes you actually want to jump this time.
“How’re our cells looking?” Seonghwa murmurs, his lips feeding his gentle voice right into your ear, his breath blowing over your skin. "You think we're good?"
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If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 💙
awww this was very sweet thank you for thinking of me :(
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februaryflowers · 2 years
BRO I AM SOBBING 😭 your writings hit deep i love it so much please keep going
awww thank you 😭💓
im going back to uni in a bit so ill be less active again but im not planning on leaving for good any time soon 😅
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februaryflowers · 2 years
Sorry for the lack of messages! Finals week has been rough for me 😢 but its officially over! Has your finals finished? I hope you enjoy the holidays 💝
A question I have for you is what draws you to your ults? What’s that factor that they have that hits home for you?
- 🎅 🎁
no worries i get it i hope finals went well! my finals are all finished im just waiting for one final to be graded but other than that i think i passed everything else??
oh dear what draws me to my ults... um well i honestly don't know 😭 i've been told my ults + biases are usually dilf/milf like I GUESS.....i think they’re also sweet gentle nerds (they’re also tall i suppose💀) and hmmm i think for both my ults they were both people i wasn’t expecting (like i was originally a joshua bias and also ever since i became a carat i kinda stopped following/getting into other groups) so it’s hard to say what the factor was that made me ult them? but my friend did a rb bait experiment and saw a trend between biases between the groups for my ults so idk maybe there’s smthn im missing LOL but what about you!
hmm random but what’s your favorite fruit? i like peaches, strawberries + mangoes heh 
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februaryflowers · 2 years
Day 5! 🎁 It started snowing in my area so it’s feeling extra festive today 🥰
My fave film at the moment is 10 Things I Hate About You 🥺 Love a 90’s Rom-Com, I might even make a fic based on it!
To be honest the job outlook wasn’t the best 😅 so thats why I opted out in a lot of visual arts related majors even though I love visual arts. I think medicine is not a shabby job I just need to gain some motivation for it!
Question of the day is what’s your favorite childhood snack? Mine are Matcha Pocky or Hello Panda (I like all kinds of them!)
ooh do you like snow? we got some light snow a couple weeks ago here :] it didnt stick much and i think it’s pretty in small amounts but im sure ill get tired of it when i have to walk to class in it LOL
ooh that’s fun! i havent seen that but if i can get my brain into some movie watching mode ill see if i can watch it during winter break :]
mm i see good luck! admittedly another (albeit smaller) reason why i didnt go for a philosophy major was bc i thought my only viable career path would be going to law school but im a little too indecisive to be tied down to only one career option LOL
my favorite childhood snack is this like rice cracker with some kind of powder on it? i dont know what it’s called in english but my mother and i always called them like “(wang wang) binggan” i found them again at this grocery store here near my uni and i bought so many LOL also a big fan of goldfish (cheddar flavor or the rainbow ones) 💔
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februaryflowers · 2 years
It’s Day 4 of Secret Santa! 🎁 I’m a pre-med student actually so you can guess how stressful that is 😖 Good luck with your studies!
I dont know what I do on my free time to be honest I’m always so busy! I used to write and play piano but I gave up on that during college. Which explains why I’m unable to give you a fic link 💔 I haven’t read a fic in a while but when I do find one I like I’ll send it to you!
Question of the day! Whats your favorite movie that you could watch over and over again? 🎞️ (Fun fact, I wanted to be a film major at some point!)
oh yeah one of my friends is a premed and he's really going through it😭 i hope you're taking care even during busy school times 💔
honestly i've kinda forgotten what i used to do for fun as well (was at a dinner with some people i'm working on a project with the other day and they asked i was like idek 😭) but i've played piano for most of my life so that's my default + something i'm tryna practice more (ive practiced twice since coming to uni 😭)
oh honestly i'm really bad at consuming visual content and also rewatching things 😭 i don't watch a lot of tv or movies (also goes for books 😭)... my attention span is kinda hard to control and keep engaged for shows/film,, there've been so many shows i think are interesting but i for the life of me cant get into them or finish them 😭 and as for rewatching i usually find it hard since my brain is already like you know the general plot you dont have to pay attention 💔 but my favorite movies in general hmm i really liked knives out and my neighbor totoro + spirited away
do you have any favs? but ooh film major? is there a reason you went for premed instead?
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februaryflowers · 2 years
It’s Day 3 of Secret Santa! 🎅❄️ I hope today has been treating you well! Are you a student also? Finals season is approaching for me 😅 so if you are best of luck!
My biases in Red Velvet are Irene and Yeri! Love those two girls to death 🥺 As for my fav groups other than Seventeen, I like EXO! My bias is Kai ☺️
I’ll make sure to read the fics you’ve recommended! Me personally I really enjoy university au’s with lots of fluff 😊 Here’s your question of the day!
What’s your go-to boba order if you’ve ever had it? For me I like Matcha 🍵
yes i am also a student + am going through finals season rn 💔 im studying engineering so i have like math + physics exams 😭 good luck with finals too! if you're comfy with it what're you studying?
besides studying what've you been up to in your free time? i've been tryna get back into piano again but i'd like to get more off-screen hobbies LOL
oooo i do know kai (pretty gworl you're like peaches!? also i scrolled through the bratz doll kai memes when those were all over twitter LOL) and omg irene + yeri are just so 💔💔💔
ooh i do love a good uni au and fluff is like p much the only thing i write HEH do you have any fav fics? (maybe after the reveal you can gimme some of yours :3)
oh my go to boba order is usually smthn fruity 💔 strawberry or mango typically with cheese foam + some sort of fruit bubble (like popping pearls or jellies or smthn) ALTHOUGH i love me an iced matcha latte (my go to drink at starbucks/cafes is the iced matcha latte + oat milk (i am usually lack toes in taller ant 💔)) most of my on campus dollars have gone to buying matchas with oat 😭
take care + stay hydrated ❤️
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februaryflowers · 2 years
It’s day 2 of the Secret Santa event woohoo~! ❄️ My day has been pretty good too thank you for asking 💝
I’m a Mingyu bias 🥺 Look at us being the Bittersweet duo! I’ve been a Carat for a while actually, before Horanghae existed! I’ve been a long term kpop fan prior before that but something about Seventeen felt like home 🥹 I have way too many groups that I listen to and like but I like Red Velvet also!
Now it’s question time for you Mei! Do you have any fics (can be your own or someone elses) that you find yourself rereading on occasion? We can call it a comfort fic!
omg do you have an rv bias :3 mine's joy but also im weak in the knees for seulgi 24/7 💔 whos your fav group besides seventeen though!
but my fav fics to reread would be anything under "mei's favorite stories" probably and def a lot of @seokmingiggles' fics 💔
but hmmm tbh i dont reread my own fics a lot unless like it's to judge myself or reread + correct 😭 if i had to pick... i do like through the night + wonwoo and sweetest thing + seokmin... i think that a lot of my seok fics i'm happier with and maybe some wonwoo ones too at least style and concept-wise but how about you :3
how's your day been btw! it's getting cold here so if it's getting chilly for you too i hope you're keeping warm ❤️
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februaryflowers · 2 years
Hello~! This is your Secret Santa anon speaking 💝 How are you doing today? I hope your day has been swell! I’ll be checking in daily and hopefully we can become close! 🎅❄️🎁
hi there!
ah my day's been okay! i'm just finishing up dinner in my room (instant ramen + fish tofu + grapes LOL (i didnt feel like going out 🤪)) how about you?
but i hope we can become close too ❤️ do you wanna tell me a lil about yourself like your bias + how you get into svt?
i know it's on the secret santa thing LOL but i'm a wonwoo ult but seokmin/cheol/vernon/hao are big wreckers for me 💔 as for how i got into svt, in like 2020 i think??? i saw these interviews they did and i just loved joshua sm watching them and thought he was so sweet and funny so i started watching more of their own content. it was around/between fallin flower + left and right time?? so then the comeback and i was like oh i love them now :( and eventually wonwoo just snuck up on me until i ulted him LOL
are there any groups you like besides seventeen? for me i recently became an atiny and im so down bad for seonghwa 😭 but i also like red velvet + loona :]
oh and would you like a special tag :3
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februaryflowers · 2 years
hi yumei :3 i hope your day is going amazing !! let’s see ,, may i req a fluffy pining!bestfriends to lovers with jihoon? perhaps smth where they’re hopelessly in love,,,, and everyone else can see they’re in love w the other,,,,,, but them 😭 i eat that crap up so bad wkskwk
thank u sm!! sending good vibes for the days and nights ahead <3 and keep on writing!! your style is so so so pretty, you’re truly one of the writers i’ve always admired when i got into svt :) you got this!
hi juni!! i hope you're having a great day too :3
but yes i will add it to my list :3
i hope you have a wonderful week ahead and WAA im gonna cry ;-; you're so sweet * wet face *
oh and do you want a tag emote :3
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februaryflowers · 2 years
HI MEI! so "expand" is for long posts that could possibly clog up the dashboard. that's a tumblr implemented thing. the "read more" has to be inserted by the poster - tumblr can't insert that. so when you click expand and it shows everything, that's because the poster (unfortunately) didn't include a read more. this is me on my knees, begging writers to use read mores on long posts - aeris @ravixen
hello aeris :]
ty for the info,, my problem is using the read more and having the expand button :[ when i look at, for example, "you in the same time" in my blog i see the read more and only the read more, but when i go to the tumblr tags and look at the post, i see the expand button. after i click on the expand button it shows/opens the whole post rather than showing just to the read more :[ idk if that's my fault or a tumblr thing?? i don't remember having this problem before but idk maybe it's my bad memory or tumblr changed </3
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februaryflowers · 2 years
hi mei 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️ do you know what this means 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️
hi yeye 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️
yes 👁👅👁
be afraid @networkluvs <3
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februaryflowers · 3 years
moots with seventeen members?
OOH OKAY i'm gonna do moots i've spoken to recently and know well but here we goooo my apologies if i forget someone just dm me 😭
@seokmingiggles with seokmin ofc :3 i think lannie is so so sweet and gentle and caring and deserves the world i think they'd go well together?? and you deserve someone just as wonderful to make you happy :( also the talent levels of this pairing are off the charts whew 😮‍💨
@networkluvs and cheolcheol perhaps controversial but i think bunny has a thing for dilfs no LOL i think they deserve someone very sweet and nurturing? but they both know how to have a good time :seokdrop:
@starlightjoong with chan :bweep: i think chan has the maturity to match sol’s but they both know like how to have fun and are such genuine, sincere people. and hey it’s her birthday next week happy early birthday sollie
@joshuas with joshua. enough said.
@hao-are-xu and minghao :3 they both carry themselves in such a way? idk how to describe it but anyway theyre both so mature except when you delete my messages yet sweet :( but they also have these playful and endearing sides :bonjour besties:
@soonshuas and mr. yoon :baldhan: they’re both so teasing and fun?? but they know when to be caring and sweet and absolutely deliver and will make you feel the love :(
@seungcy with vernon i think they’re both some of the funniest people but they can also buckle down and are so dedicated ya know? 
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februaryflowers · 2 years
Hello! Matcha oat milk tapioca bubble tea Anon here. I just wanted to add one thing to my request: could you please not to have the reader blush in this drabble? As myself and many other readers with deeper skin tones tend not to visibly blush, it’s always a bit of a bummer to read an x reader and immediately not be able to relate at all the moment she’s written as blushing. You don’t have to respond to this or anything, I just wanted to ask for this.
Thanks! 🍃🧋
so idk how much you know about my writing but i do try to not include blushing and physical descriptions of it for my reader characters and make their physical appearances as vague as possible in all of my writing. i instead try to describe the feeling/internal description if that makes sense (like warmth referring to the physical feeling of heat and blood rush)? i also try to make sure all the fic recs i put on this blog are also inclusive in this way. of course, i'm just a human who makes mistakes, so i may miss some things, and i'm totally okay with readers (gently, please, i am sensitive and also a person) sending me asks to let me know.
on another note for inclusivity, i do only write readers with they/them pronouns here and i try my best to make my reader characters gender neutral. once again, i'm simply a person who makes mistakes. i'm not perfect and i don't know everything, so i may slip up in fic recs or my writing, and am totally good with readers letting me know
i don't believe i've accepted any requests involving specific appearances/traits for readers, and i don't plan on doing this in the future period.
in any case, i can only apologize and promise to try to do my best to do better and be more careful for if i've done this in the past and if/when i may miss something in the future.
thank you!
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februaryflowers · 2 years
MEME HI :bweep: i’m so proud of you for starting fresh and i hope you know we all love you lots and lots ☹️💗💗💗 if it’s okie, could i request a fluffy neighbours au with c-c-c-chan? 🫣 please don’t rush and whatever you write i’m sure i’ll love it with all my heart [cat kith gif] <33333
HI MY SOLLIE :EUWAH: you're so sweet :chickcry: i love you lots and lots :EUWAH: and yes of course thats okay EHUEHUEUHEHUHUEUHE
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februaryflowers · 3 years
hi I just wanted to share a small tidbit with you, that being how lovely and loved your writings are - I’ve had my heart broken and I’ve been trying to heal it for the past year+, not entirely easy when all I knew in my early adult life was this person lmao
I’ve been re-reading many of your seventeen stories and the emotions of unadulterated love from them to the reader/oc truly makes me feel better and that I’ll be okay. The way you paint your stories and the way they invoke such warm and loving emotions from inside a person is truly amazing
Your writings just bring me such a big comfort especially during a time of year where people are suppose to spend it with their loved ones
I don’t know if you hear it enough but I want to thank you for continuously putting out your works and that I hope you find your words & writings to be just as much as of a comfort to yourself as it has been to me <3
oh my god hi anon :(
first my apologies for taking so long to get to this. i read it first thing when i woke up yesterday but had to rush out for class and then wasn’t feeling well (repeat cycle today) and i wanted to give your ask the proper attention.
with that, thank you for telling me. i can’t imagine how you must’ve been and are feeling and how difficult this must’ve been to tell me :( i hope you can heal and find closure. you're so sweet and deserve wonderful things, and i hope you have an amazing season filled with love and joy 💕
i'm so glad you like my stories and they've been able to help you :( thank you so much for your kind words; they mean so much to me 💓
if i'm honest, i write a lot to help myself how do i put this i guess to restore my faith in love and the future? i haven't talked about myself much on this blog specifically lol but tbh my childhood was and its aftermath is, to put it briefly and bluntly, kinda rough. i’ve come to the conclusion quite a few times that i write a lot of fluff and just deep, sincere love to help myself heal and believe that love is real and that the future and continuing is worth it. so yes i think you could say that they have been a comfort to me, a little world away from here to inspire me. 
regardless, i’m so honored that you like them and happy that they’ve been a source of comfort for you. i’m wishing you all the best anon and i’m cheering you on!! 
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