#meiko: its ok yshtola i am cringe all the time
vierandancer · 10 months
@oathofpromises continued from here
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"Aye, 'twas a childish spell...'cause you were a wee child when you wrote it," Meiko laughed, although she was at least a bit cautious in her choice of words. "As if the others haven' done similar in their youth. 'Stinien likely coddled sheep or whatnot on th'farm he grew up on. I ate rotten fruit thinkin' it'd turn into booze if left in th'sun. Hiko got in trouble stealin' milk off our neighbors' doorsteps. Wains don't have any sense o'pride."
She gave a dismissive wave.
"Th'contrast was just surprisin', that's all. S'why everyone reacted so strong. But nothin' t'make you be seen as any less than you are. If that was th'way it worked, Krile would've worn Alphy down long ago. An' Thancred would've never made it out o'Ul'Dah." She shook her head. "Adjust th'spell as needd, o'course. S'your spell and I agree such a display could be a distraction if other shite's goin' on. But you should be proud o'it either way -- Twelve knows I wasn' summonin' sprites at that age. Few have. As for Matoya, s'not my place t'share anythin'."
Although she was certain Matoya already knew. The two had that kind of bond.
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