parsenoire · 2 years
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he's here to help you decorate 🦌🔔🎄
(art trade with Melak__ on twitter)
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ebonytails · 7 months
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Melak! Commission for @elkatt-art :-)
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caciqueform · 2 years
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Luam Melake - OUTPOURING,2019
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vendorrumputsintetis · 4 months
WA: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Supplier Rumput Sintetis Melak
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0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Supplier Rumput Sintetis Melak
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Supplier Rumput Sintetis Melak, Supplier Rumput Sintetis Butuh, Penjual Rumput Sintetis Wedi, Pusat Rumput Sintetis Wedung, Supplier Rumput Sintetis Welahan, Toko Rumput Sintetis Weleri, Agen Rumput Sintetis Wera, Distributor Rumput Sintetis Weru, Grosir Rumput Sintetis Widang
Kami adalah Barokah Grass (Pusat Supplier Rumput Sintetis Murah Berkualitas)
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Drainase Cell ukuran 50x50 / Alas Rumput Sintetis.
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3. Daun Dolar Sintetis untuk Dinding Ruangan ukuran 50x50.
ALAMAT: Penjaringan Jakarta Utara.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/barokahgrassindonesia/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/barokahgrass/
WEB: https://www.supplierrumputsintetis.com/
Untuk Info Order di Sini:
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
#SupplierRumputSintetisMelak, #SupplierRumputSintetisButuh, #PenjualRumputSintetisWedi, #PusatRumputSintetisWedung, #SupplierRumputSintetisWelahan, #TokoRumputSintetisWeleri, #AgenRumputSintetisWera, #DistributorRumputSintetisWeru, #GrosirRumputSintetisWidang
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah MelakLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Melak, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Melak, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Salino, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Semisir, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Sungai Pasir, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Sungup Kanan, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Batu Tunau, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Bekambit, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Bekambit AsriKami adalah Distributor Kaos Kaki Muslimah Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Kami sudah berpengalaman sejak 2008 melayani penjualan secara online, melayani pembelian dari luar pulau hingga ke luar negeri.Kami Sedang Mencari mitra bisnis yang ingin menjual kaos kaki Muslimah dari kami.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Kemitraan silahkan di Hubungi di Sini:Nomor HP Ibu Tiva : 0823-3000-6040#PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahMelak, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahMelak, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSalino, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSemisir, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSungaiPasir, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSungupKanan, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBatuTunau, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBekambit, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahBekambitAsri
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merhaba meleğim. merhaba güzel kızım. bugün senin doğum günün. on sekiz yaşına kanat seslerini bıraktın bugün, duydum. sen burada olsaydın doğum gününü kimseye söylemez, ayın yedisi olduğu an "doğum günümdü.." diye post atıp, unutanlara trip atardın. ama ben yine hatırlıyorum meleğim. burada olsaydın on altıncı yaşından, on sekizinci yaşına şahit olacaktım. birlikte büyüyüşümüze şahit olacaktık. iki sene olacaktı meleğim. iki sene. bazen bencil oluyorum, üzgünüm. ama gerçekten seviniyorum senin adına, canın yanmıyor çünkü. bu günleri görmüyorsun. artık kimse seni üzemez. mutlusun güzel kızım. en çok da buna seviniyorum. ben bilmem öyle uzun uzun yazmayı. bilmem öyle edebiyat yapmayı, upuzun satırları kelimelerle süslemeyi. bilmem işte ben sevgimi öyle şatafatlı kelimelerle, cümlelerle dillendirmeyi. biliyor musun, bazen de benden hiç gidemeyecek olmana seviniyorum. hayatımda olan herkes gitse, gitmeyeceğinden emin olduğum insanlar bile gitse hayatımdan, sen gitmeyeceksin. çünkü sen artık daha fazla gidemezsin. sen zaten çok uzaklardasın. artık bırak şehri, bırak ülkeyi, aynı dünyada bile değiliz meleğim. seni melek olarak tanıdım, melek olarak kaybettim. ama biliyorum ki, şu an hiç olmadığın kadar meleksin. bak gördün mü, görmedin belki ama yanlışlıkla melake yazdım. sen benim bir tanecik melakemsin. yerini hiç kimse dolduramaz. bunu sana beş şubatta her şeyden habersiz söylemiştim, hatırlıyor musun? sonra "görüşürüz" diyip uyumaya gitmiştin. görüşecektik hani meleğim.. neden hâlâ uyanmadın? beş şubattan bu yana yüz yirmi bir gün oldu. sen nasıl uyudun bu kadar? hiç uyanmayacaksın, kavuşana kadar. tatlı rüyalar bu dünyanın gelmiş geçmiş en temiz meleği. yeni yaş günün umarım orada ablan ve kardeşinle güzel geçiyordur. doğum günün kutlu olsun bi'tanem.. iyi ki iki sene boyunca hayatımdaydın. iyi ki vardın meleğim. iyi ki vardın.
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elkatt-art · 10 months
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hey hi this is my oc his name is melak thanks for looking at him
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enayinil · 1 month
görüyomusunuz ne kadar temiz kalpli melake gibi bir insansam hemen istedigim oldu
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bbellium · 9 months
normalde sinirlendiğimde ilahi dinlerdim beni pamuk gibi yapıyo çünkü bayadır yapmıyordum bugün sabah işe gelirken arabada hasbi rabbi açtım biraz var ya bebek gibiyim müşterilere gülüyorum devamlı mutfaktaki karıya çay kahve götürüyorum o bile gözüme melake gibi gözüküyor bütün insanları seviyorum resmen keşke hemen akşam olsa da eve giderken de bi tur dinlesem kocamı da dövmicem bu gece
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carbondated · 9 months
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❝ Boredom can be a problem, but I’ve taken it as an opportunity rather than a drawback, and thrown myself into archaeological research. Long distance, of course, but with even with the obsolete holographic technology they have at Stormcage (so archaic it almost counts as an archaeological project in its own right) it’s honestly almost like being on site watching the work being done. ❞ ( PROSE: River of Time )
While Mels Zucker had had a deep appreciation for History ( though not for her history teacher ) it wasn´t until her third regeneration into River Song that she considered a career in Archaeology. It appealed to her for many reasons, she had a natural instinct to investigate, but in a more symbolic way she also felt that in her heart that she was lacking roots, history of her own.
Once she left the sister´s of the infinite schism ( TV: LKH ) River sought out the prestigious Luna University and despite not meeting the entry requirements she managed to impress the head of the Classics & Antiquities Department into allowing her to study. Though initially very fond of her, Professor Artrem Candy would soon come to regret taking her under his wing. Candy, who had previously worked alongside Professor Bernice Summerfield, harboured a very negative attitude towards the Doctor, something that came up frequently in his lectures. As a result he & River frequently clashed over this. She also had a very well balanced social and academic life at Luna, something that irked her fellow student Jemima Still. ( AUDIO: Time in a Bottle ) Jemima was incredibly jealous of River´s popularity amongst peers and lecturers alike and often quarrelled with her. Despite these obstacles, River excelled at her studies in all other aspects.
By the time she had completed her undergraduate she had developed an interest in a relatively new branch of study, Primordial Archaeology, the study of societies that began before time, or just after the big bang. To her annoyance, her rival, Jemima Still also chose to pursue higher studies in the same subject. Both River and Jemima got along fairly well with their Professor Kuyili Acharya, who would pass away while on an expedition approximately 8 years after they both graduated.
During this time, River had been kidnapped once more by the silence, ´murdered´ the Doctor and been incarcerated in the StormCage Containment Facility after a very quick, very private trial. She published several hundred papers during this time and a handful of books, and though Storm Cage would later deny it, attended several digs and headed expeditions during this time. In a career where some took their entire life to accomplish what she had, River was the natural choice to succeed her old Professor and had in fact given several guest lectures at Luna through the years. But Artrem Candy remained the head of the department, and his opinions of her had not swayed over. To River´s utter disappointment, her old rival Jemima Still was offered the position instead, though upon meeting up with Jemima again later, she would feign indifference to the appointment.
All was not lost, she would soon have tenure at the Sorbonne in the 31st Century instead, where she stayed for many years in many different timelines. ( AUDIO: The Sonomancer. ) Her tenure here is one marked with controversy, while her work on the ruins of Razbahan ( TV: TOA ) was largely applauded, citing the rapid expansion of Razbahan from several small chieftains to a vast city state in under 20 years and it´s subsequent brutal fall, as the work of the weeping Angels, her theories on the Liperian system and the involvement of the Discordia ( AUDIO: TDORS VOL 4 ) was met with immense scrutiny. Particularly so because both her old rival Jemima and Jemima´s husband Melak mysteriously vanished during an expedition that she was known to be part of. Whispers followed her, questioning her mysterious murder trial. Some were convinced she´d murdered the Stills as well. Despite this, she was finally offered Jemima´s old position at Luna, though she would later find out the appointment had been ´gently suggested´ by the college board as her presence generated unusually high interest for the department. Unbeknown to many, the adventure with the Discordia had left her deeply scarred, she refused to take on research assistants that weren´t robots for a very long time afterwards.
The faculty on the other hand, she took less than no time to befriend and work closely alongside. she was particularly fond of Maritime Archaeology expert Dr Michael Themba and Paleoethnobotanist Annie-Lee Belrose with whom she worked closely with on a shared expedition into the sunken remains of a primordial alien spacecraft that had crashed in Kilwa, Earth in the 9th Century.
Occasionally she was known to branch out of her own discipline, if the circumstances called for it ( the Ruby´s Curse, Anteria XVI Cordobane, ect )
After a time the rumours that had plagued her before died down. When Artrem Candy ( or his clone? there were rumours ) passed away, she was thoroughly surprised to find that she had been his choice to succeed him as the head of the department.
Under her direction the Department of Classics & Antiquities flourished, at least up until Manhattan happened. The loss of her parents took more or a toll on her than she let and her grief began to effect her work, she became increasingly erratic, frequently didn´t turn up to her own lectures, clashed with the board and other lecturers on campus. Eventually, she realised she needed time away and left on sabbatical, roaming the universe for a time aimlessly before settling in early 20th Century Earth to write.
Unfortunately, she ended up entangled with the self proclaimed rulers of the universe ( AUDIO: TDORS VOL 1. ) She emerged, shaken further by the events of that adventure, but her published work on the Sporeships would be all anyone could talk about. Always one to bounce back from an ordeal, River quickly took advantage of her fame, she would head a large number of expeditions in the following years. Unfortunately, the last one to the Library would cost her her life.
But not everything ends. Not always.As River Allegro, she only further cemented her place as one of the greatest Archaeological minds the universe had seen, her reign as the Head of department saw the development of new surveying and dig technology using nanobots, which she introduced into the early 25th century. Her book on the interconnections between Primordial Civilisations also proved to be a hit, though controversial amongst some of older colleagues who were loathe to such a fresh take. She stayed at Luna for some time, but sadly that too started to take it´s toll, her colleagues did not have the same augmented lifespan as she and one by one they passed away around her. She would eventually give up her place and leave Luna, working as a guest lecturer in between digs instead.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
triberg - Ravenna - jazztronica EPs from 2011-2013, collected for reissue by Bathurst
Originally released between 2011-2013 on several EPs and only available for a limited time, Ravenna now sees Triberg's early output compiled into this (late) debut album. Triberg (pronounced Tree-berg) is the alias of multi-instrumentalist and producer Michael Hoppe. Triberg is also the name of the city in the south of Germany and this album emerged from the wonderful Black Forest landscape of Triberg, deep in the woods where gnomes and dwarves rule the underground and fairy tales and mystic brews have been born over the centuries. This is the home of Triberg, from which he has produced a unique sound of analogue Jazz and Kraut. The music will take you back in time, on a journey through a wonderful mind, inspired by the world around: The Black Forest with its mysterious landscapes is the main inspiration for the unmistakable Triberg sound. Titles like Hohloh derive from a mountain in the north of the Black Forest, while other track titles are borrowed from city names or refer to various spots found in this magical area. Sophisticated production skills and his influences from Jazz, the instrumental Kraut-Rock of the 1970s, and the contemporary Electronic sound are woven into a mystical brew of his very own sound. A sometimes dark and enigmatic sound like misty mornings, with a red glowing sun hovering above the treetops. Little sneaky sounds cut through the woods like gentle giants walking through the trees, where sunlight twinkles through the branches and foxes and hedgehogs feel at home. Ravenna is a simply beautiful collection of Hoppe's works around this time. Tracks like the quirky Shangri, the mystical sounding Melak, and the happy jamming Hohloh are all elevated by the distinctive Triberg touch with his vivid drum play, clear basslines, and a rich and detailed collection of mysterious sounding bits and pieces woven into every song, making Ravenna a wonderful start-to-finish listening experience.  All tracks written, performed, recorded, produced and mixed by Michael Hoppe Mastered by Andreas Bingel Artwork by Triberg Text by David Hanke
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shuxiii · 10 months
Any thoughts sa AAA ngayon bukod sa nilaro ni melai si wonyoung HAHAHAHHA
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sehabisterang · 11 months
Tadi, kurang lebih jam 08.00 ada kejadian yang bikin aku gemetaran sampai sekarang.
Kadang, kalau ada orang masuk halaman rumah aku, suara deru knalpotnya suka kedengaran ke dalem, nah kebetulan aku posisinya lagi di ruang tengah dan cuma ada aku doang yang ada di rumah.
Aku liat ke jendela, siapa yang dateng (tapi nggak keliatan). Tiba-tiba ada yang langsung buka pintu dan bilang
Otomatis kaget dong, soalnya yang bukain pintu itu bapak Polisi, jangkung, gede (bukan gendut), kepalanya agak plontos, dan pakai masker. Tapi untungnya aku masih kerudungan sama rok-an.
Di Sana, aku bukannya jawab salam atau apa, aku malah bengong dan agak tremor dikit, maklumlah kaget wooey.. baru kali ini didatengin bapak polisi langsung ke rumah, langsung bukain pintu pula.
Aku cuma bengong dan malah mikir, 'aku ada salah apa ya Allah.. emangnya aku punya riwayat kriminal kah? Aku nggak mau di penjara ya Allah.. aku masih muda' aku langsung nginget-nginget hal yang aku lakuin kemaren-kemaren, takutnya ada hal kriminal atau apa gitu.
Terus si bapaknya bilang, "Neng, hoyong ukeun buah binahong ungu kanggo melak di bumi.. sareng ukeun plastik, neng." Kata si bapak dengan chill out tapi sebelum itu sangat chilling bagi aku.. duh gessss.
Pas ngambil plastik, terus aku kasih ke beliau, "Keresek neng sanes plastik," aku cuma bisa ber-hmm lalu berkata "Eh, tapi saur bapak tadi plastik cenah." Aku deg-degan sebenernya ngomong kayak gitu.. wkwkwk.
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dipten · 2 years
sanki bir melake uzun uzun bakamam gözüne
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@melaks​ pretty close!! Treecko is going to be rock -> Rock/Poison! Torchic starts as ice and will evolve to ice -> ice/fire. Mudkip is spot on with elec/ground!
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Torchic’s colors got a little tweaked to hint at not staying pure ice-type
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neilfrancephoto · 1 year
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Melake & Yehuwdah
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