spikemuthtoothfairy · 2 years
Inspired by Ivy’s post HERE, all of James’ Pokemon have a different relationship with Jasmine and her Pokemon.
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Altair is unquestioningly close to Jasmine - because she’s close to James! In fact the Gardevoir’s empathetic nature and incredible human-like intelligence comes in handy as he’ll often help Jasmine with whatever she needs before he’s asked to. He also has a close bond with Cario, Jasmine’s Lucario, and the duo are the mediators and ‘adults’ of the household.
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Millie loves Jasmine. She’s like a big sister (or mother-in-law now) and so Millie is always down for whatever Jasmine is doing if she needs a hand. Not to mention, Jasmine’s knowledge of Mawile makes it easy for her to handle Millie on her grumpy and petulant off-days, or avoid her ankles accidentally being Mawile’d when Millie’s having an energetic day. Millie would absolutely bite someone’s arm off for Jasmine.
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Ozzy? Oh, Ozzy looks at Jasmine like family. No question. He’s been close to her since they first met in Spikemuth when Jasmine visited Galar and that hasn’t faded - actually, its only grown! He’ll often be the first to Jasmine’s side of she needs help and views her as a little sister. He’ll also lavish her in affection which often includes back-breaking hugs and excited licks.
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Bonnie knows what Jasmine went through in Hisui, and like with James has mellowed significantly from her old ways as a Sneasel. Though she’ll still occasionally do some light ribbing or general ‘Weavileness’ when it comes to Jasmine she’ll do whatever she’s asked to the best of her ability. This has also rubbed off on Clyde, too, by dint of them being a pack.
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Clyde, as noted above, follows Bonnie’s lead. He’s young and easily led but it helps that he was never as fickle and sneaky as Bonnie was. He’s maybe not as openly affectionate or ‘close’ to Jasmine but he’s a curious sort who’ll always poke in to see what she’s doing and will follow Bonnie when it comes to helping out.
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Jesse is generally more aloof and distant in general - a species thing, rather than a Jesse thing. He’ll respond to Jasmine but (as a whole) tends to keep to himself or James. It would be wrong to call him a loner, more than his ‘signals’ are different than the other members of the household. In actuality the fact he responds and listens at all is the important part - he does care about Jasmine.
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Yao takes the approach that ‘any attention is better than no attention’ and so he can be a little shit at times. He’ll sometimes do things to get a reaction, or to cause a bit of a startle, but generally speaking he knows the difference between ‘Jasmine’s grumpy playing along voice’ and ‘Jasmine is genuinely frustrated with him’ voice - in the latter case, he stops. Otherwise, though, the Misdreavus is actually quite helpful! He’s especially fond of transporting socks, oddly.
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Shodan, given its highly protective nature, will listen to Jasmine if she requests it but is also the sort to take ‘creative action’ if it thinks it can protect her and James better by its own judgement than the letter of whatever it is asked. This doesn’t apply to battles, however! Shodan is more than willing to listen flawlessly in the midst of conflict.
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Koloss is the best mixture of his grandfather and mother - and so Jasmine has very little trouble getting the sometimes ornery and grumpy Steelix to do what she asks. Koloss cares about Jasmine immensely though, even if he can grow frustrated or mildly disobedient (that’s in general, unrelated to her). The one exception is in battle - if she asks him to use Iron Tail, for example? She’s getting the whole Iron Tail. Much like Titania, Koloss doesn’t have ‘hold back’ in his vocabulary in the context of battle.
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Mia is just happy to be included! She likes Jasmine, Jasmine is nice to her and she has no problems doing what she’s asked. She’s a gentle soul. Plus, Jasmine gives her extra trash to eat!
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starlasketch · 4 years
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A bunch of OCs I doodled out for the purpose of an RP, the Damned PMD RP ahaaa
Eleanor the Albino Roserade. Being albino she has to stay at home almost all the time, only going on on rainy days or at night, is a writer by occupation and painter by hobby.
Aerilyn the Mismagius, an ex-human, died the death of a witch and got reincarnated into the world
Mellow the Mawile, a bit of a yandere, died and got reincarnated into the world, currently obsessed with an Absol who won’t ever return her feelings because he’s aromatic
The rest are legendaries, Hisahana the Shaymin, serious but kind. Lavandula the Celebi, very sleepy and wishes for universal peace. Celeste the Jirachi, very childish and mischievious.
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omegawizardposting · 5 years
I have another Pokémon oc who’s a soft bulky dad type! He’s a grass type gym leader and he loves tending to his flower garden. He’s very kind and gentle and often invited troubled people for tea to talk to em!
Oh, oh, I have a breeder who favors Fairy-types I think he’d like!
Mellow isn’t one for battles, but he’s been obsessed with Pokémon all his life. His father was a gym leader (before his mysterious disappearance), and Mellow intended to follow in his footsteps, since the two of them were thick as thieves. When he saw how intense battles could get, though, he realized it wasn’t for him; even knowing that Pokémon love to train and fight, he just couldn’t stand seeing them hurt.
So he swung over to his mom’s side and started learning how to breed. Now he breeds for profit; if you want a pedigree Pokémon who’s guaranteed to come from happy, healthy parents, you go to Mellow. He loves caring for eggs, and always has at least one on his person when he’s out and about.
His team is all Fairy-types, because, well, when you don’t battle, you don’t need to have a balanced team. His first Pokémon was a Sylveon his mother bred for him; then he also has Clefable, Mawile, Alolan Ninetales, Azumarill, and a shiny Ribombee!
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dixbolik-lovers · 7 years
Do you think the diaboys would possibly befriend the sacrificial bride instead of falling in love with her? If so, may I request some headcanons for the boys seeing her as a best friend? I also really really wanted to say that I FREAKING LOVE this blog, whenever I don't have anything to do I like to go back and reread everything you guys have written because the the portrayals are so accurate and the AUs are super sweet too. (sorry non native speaker) I hope you have a great morning/evening :)
Admin Mawile: (。・∀・)ノ Ooooh, yes! I love platonic relationship stuff with the boys! While the concept of “friend” may be a little hard to figure out for most of them, I can definitely make some headcanons for if it happened!
-Even when seeing you as a friend, he doesn’t do a whole lot. The idea of letting someone close is still very, very hard for him, and he’s much more likely to keep you at a distance. However, when he’s a in a good mood, he’ll be okay with hanging out with you in silence. You have to let him sleep. 
-”Friend” to him is more like “unwilling assistant”, and you’ll find yourself stuck helping him with his work more often than not. Even though you’re not a partner, he holds you to high standards, and probably falls into the same kind of manipulative behaviors he would with a partner. 
-You will be roped into every bit of mischief he gets up to, whether you like it or not. He sees you as his personal sidekick, and drags you into every ill-advised plan he has. You’ll probably get into as much trouble as he does, and wind up playing mother half as often as you actually manage to be a friend. 
-His definition of a friend is closer to a personal servant and sweets maker. You’ll spend a ridiculous amount of time cooking for him, and even more humoring the whims of him and Teddy. He’s entirely selfish, and insists that the two of you do whatever he wants to at all times.
-It’s very, very hard for him to make a distinction between a friend and someone he can make advances on, and you’ll probably receive nearly as much lewd behavior as a partner. Outside of that, he’s surprisingly fun to be around, and does a fairly good job of actually treating you like a friend. 
-He’s honestly sort of horrible at social interaction, and between yelling at you and breaking things constantly, he even thinks he’s terrible at it. A lot of your time together consists of you coaxing him out of his coffin after his latest episode, and reassuring him that you still want to be around him. 
-He’s a picky, strict friend who tries to dictate your behavior most of the time. He’s clearly not used to having anyone who’s really a friend, and you’ll have to put up with a lot of being ordered around to stay friends with him. He’s always helpful, though, and can be surprisingly considerate. 
-If you don’t get mistaken for his partner by his fans, you’ll be lucky. He’s not a bad friend, though, once you get used to his permanent system of give and take, and as long as you understand how he expects things to go and cooperate, you’ll be able to have a fairly decent friendship with him. 
-Even though there’s no reason why you should have to help, you wind up helping out in his garden way more often than you’d really want. Other than the forced labor, he’s a pretty okay friend, and actually knows how to keep a person as a friend. . . unlike most of the others. 
-He’s still going to insist that you hurt him. It’s really the only way he understand affection from anyone but his family. Even as just a friend, he winds up horribly dependent on you, every bit as clingy and pushy as he would be with a partner. Get used to having a brand new shadow.  
-Surprisingly, he’s a pretty good friend. He mellows out quite a bit once he trusts you, and while he’s still stern and unapproachable, since you’re not a partner, he doesn’t have the same strain of making a proper partner to continue his race. He’s not exactly nice, but can be at least decent to you. 
-He’s a totally selfish and demanding friend who really doesn’t know how to not treat people like his personal servants. You’ll get dragged into all kinds of trouble if you hang out with him, and will be subjected to all kinds of mocking and teasing from him. He’s really kind of a terrible friend. 
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 2 - Grave News in Pearldom
[PoV: Snakewulf] [Location: Pearldom]
Firstly, I’ve learned that the name ‘Pearldom’ is not because this town has plenty of pearls, but instead it was founded by a family whose last name is ‘Pearldom’. Not quite as interesting as I’d hoped, but I’m more than happy to possess this knowledge since it answers one of the many questions that’s been bothering me.
Alright, with THAT out of the way...
I can say confidently that this town definitely doesn’t have the energy like that in Floralstrom. The place is more mellow, containing a certain uneasiness that’s easy to notice.
The whole town immediately showed suspicion when I entered, giving me looks of uneasiness and watching me with the eyes of a Talonflame. It took me a while to find someone who’ll explain if anything happened to the town ‘Bennington’, and eventually I did find someone.
And...it wasn’t good.
“The...roads are blocked off?” I repeat slowly.
The Mawile nods her head quickly only to pause, then shake her head. “It’s not only blocked off, but everything is covered in spiderwebs.” She glances at one of the roads nervously. “No one can get through, it’s so thick. There’s no way to get to Bennington since it’s like a massive wall that encircles the entire forest where the town is located inside.” Just thinking about it makes her shudder. “And...I’m very worried, we all are. We haven’t heard anything from the people inside, and I’ve got friends there and I’m not sure if they’re okay or not.”
Despite how bleak the situation seemed, I give her a reassuring smile. “You have no need to worry, miss. I’m with the Guardians of Twilight, I’ve been sent here to investigate this very issue.”
Her eyes widen with hope. “The Guardians of Twilight? You mean the monster hunting guild?”
Sure I’m kinda breaking the whole Night Watcher ‘code’ of me informing her that I’m with the Guardians of Twilight, but I’m not really worried. I stand out enough already and I’m also very capable of fighting off people, that and this girl really looks like she needs some hope to cling onto.
So I laugh. “Yeah, that one.” I turn myself slightly and reach over with my tail, making sure to keep my movements slow in order to not startle her, I give her a reassuring pat on her tiny shoulder with one of its claws. “We knew that something was up over here, so hearing this...we’ll be sure to find out whatever’s causing this and get rid of it.”
She didn’t seem put-off by me patting her, in fact she seemed to appreciate it. “Thank you!” She has a relieved smile on her face now, looking far better than that uneasiness she had earlier. “We’ve all been so worried! But hearing that the Guardians of Twilight are going to take care of this, it makes me so happy!” Unable to contain herself she’s now hopping on her feet. “I need to tell everyone about this!”
There we go, there’s that adorable smile. “There’s nothing stopping you!” I chuckle. “But before you go, I’d like to thank you for telling me about this. That and the fact that you approached me first out of everyone shows that you’re a very brave girl, since I know I look intimidating.” I turn my head and give her a wink. “But I’ve got to make a call to my boss to tell her what I’ve learned, so we should expect some people to arrive soon once we’ve discussed the details.”
She blushes at my compliment, averting her gaze. “I don’t think that I’m brave, but...” She looks back at me, her smile widening even further. “Thank you! And you’re welcome!” She cups her hands on her cheeks, letting out a giddy squeal. “Oooooh I need to go, I need to tell everyone that help is coming!”
The Mawile gives me an excited wave before running off, leaving me alone in the middle of the town road. I watch her run with a smile on my face, but when she vanished...that smile vanished as well.
My tail snatches the ‘phone’ from its strap and presses the button on the side, the second I see the beeping light I bring it to my head.
After a few seconds of waiting...I hear the sound of Penumbra answering.
“Hey Penumbra.” I start, my voice not containing the normal playfulness that she’s accustomed to. “I’ve got something, although I’m not certain if it may have anything to do with the Hybrid we’re looking for...I have a suspicion that it may be involved.” My voice grows low. “And it’s real bad...”
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doc-broken · 7 years
OC questions part 2
Continuations and stuff
How many serious relationships have they been in?
Broken: “About 2”
Mawly: “nothing at all”
Gal: “I have been in quite a few. Unfortunately.”
Colors: “two, one during my gay college phase, and then one after that, she left me after the arm thing happened.”
Lightning: “One, but it ended terribly.”
B.: *sits there in silence*
Sonya: *deep breath* “If you ask me another question involving sexual relations, I WILL RIP YOUR SPINE OUT OF YOUR BACK AND IMPALE YOUR SEVERED STILL BEATING HEART!!!”
Gears: “I had one but then he tried to dismantle me.”
What is their nationality?
Broken: “I am American.”
Mawly: “I was raised in Japan, but I look like I am American, so I don’t really know.
Gal: “I come from a small British village.”
Colors: “I have Australian roots but I was born and raised in America.”
Lightning: “I genuinely have no idea.”
B.: “I’m British I think.”
Sonya: “I am an insane mind demon with a physical form who is more powerful than that danm triangle himself. But if I had to choose I would be Japanese.”
Gears: “I do not have a nationality”
What languages do they speak?
Broken: “I speak English, a bit of Spanish, and I’m learning some French.”
Mawly: “Lets me think.” *pulls out oversized list* “English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, French, Arabic,” *continues to list languages*
Gal: “I speak English, and I tried to learn Spanish to teach B., but that failed.
Colors: “I speak English, and I took a mandarin course in school.”
Lightning: “I can speak English, Spanish, and reptile.”
B.: “こんにちは私はB.私は英語スペイン語を話すことができ、日本のガールは私を教えようとしたが、彼女はそれをひどくやったが、私は彼女を幸せにしたいので、とにかくそれを学んだ”
Sonya: “I speak about 23,000 different languages including English, dorsanidash, and several demon tounges.”
Gears: “I primarily speak binary and English but I have a universal translator”
What is their profession/Education?
Broken: “wait... do I have a job?”
Mawly: “I am second in command in the Japanese-American mafia, and you don’t want to know what that job entails.”
Gal: “I am the guardian of the innocent people of my village, and will smite those who try to harm those innocent... that and I take care of B.
Colors: “I am an artist/animator, and I slay demons on the side.”
Lightning: “I am an electritian for a beach resort.”
B.: “there are no jobs in the forest. Other than Gal hanging out with me.”
Sonya: “I take a mind demon class in the mindscape.”
Gears: “I do not have a profession”
Their favourite comfort food?
Broken: “ice cream.”
Mawly: *takes a long sip from a smoothie* “just about anything from smoothie king.”
Gal: “I tend to enjoy cheesecake and chicken when I am down.”
Colors: “When I’m sad I drink beer.”
Lightning: “I like Oreos when I’m sad.”
B.: “I don’t get sad.”
Sonya: “the souls of the innocent”-“a bagel” “WHAT NO” “Two bagels” “ AAAAAAAAARGH”
Gears: “I can’t eat”
What’s a food they hate?
Broken: “I don’t eat most food due to being a possessed toy.”
Mawly: “I hate fish, come to think of it I hate most seafood.”
Gal: “I tend to stray away from most vegetables unless I am getting them for B.”
Colors: “I hate most meat. I’m not a vegetarian mind you but I just don’t like meat.”
Lightning: “I hate fruits and vegetables. They just aren’t part of my natural food needs, you know.”
B.: *looks over and sees a lobster* “I despise you”
Sonya: “Anything not sweet.”
Gears: “I am still unable to eat”
Their music taste?
Broken: “Mostly just dumb remixes and other trash from the internet.”
Mawly: “I like jazz.”
Gal: “I don’t usually listen to music.”
Colors: “I just listen to radio talk shows instead of music.”
Lightning: “I like electric music.”
B.: “I like the flute.”
Gears: “I enjoy jazz and techno”
Is there a story behind their name/meaning?
(These explanations and backstories are being said through these characters, but not as if these characters are saying this in character.)
Broken: (Broken Banette) “I am literally a banette like the pokemon with a bunch of stitches in me seems pretty self explanatory to me.”
Mawly: (Mawly “Mafia Mawile” Dardow.” “Mawly is a pun on the “Maw” in mawile (because I am a mawile) and the name “Molly”. The Title “Mafia Mawile” is pretty self explanatory I am a Mawile in the mafia. And Dardow was the last name of the mafia family I was adopted into, being a pun on dark and shadow mostly cuz my family is a bunch of dark types.”
Gal: (Gal) “Gal is a shortened version of the origional name “Gallant Gardevoir” that and it helps the running gag of me being mistaken for a Gallade.”
Colors: (Jonathan“Colors” Scarbushl) “My real name is a reference to the Garfield character “Jon Arbuckle” because we are both animators and have a retarded amount of bad luck. The “Colors name is because of a demon’s curse giving me an arm of ink, I ended up making deals with and slaying demons and now I have a strange amass of multicolored magical demonic ink for a right arm.”
Lightning: (Lightning Snake) “Not much to it I am a cobra with stormcloud arms and electrokenises...so yeah”
B.: (Buneary “B.”) “I am actually a loppuny but my entire gimmick is that I never grew up mentally so the B. is for buneary, the child form of loppuny seeing as I never truly grew up.”
Sonya: (Sonya Encryptch) “My concept was origionally as a more-or-less were-butterfly with sonic abilities where the “Sonya” came from. The Encryptch was because later I ended up being slightly based around the concept and character of gravity falls’ Bill Cypher such as an encryption and a cipher”
Gears: (General Engineering and Attacking Robot Six) “The name gears is baisically a reference to the steampunk genre”
Something they do that seems childish to others?
Broken: “I am told I can be a bit overly-affectionate”
Mawly: “Apparently I am impulsive”
Gal: “I tend to be a bit to confident and involved in things I believe in or am attached to.
Colors: “I am more adult than the rest of these people.
Lightning: “people say I’m too mellow, but I don’t think so.”
B.: “I am a big kid”
Sonya: “I take the form of a child to make excuses for my childish behavior and sugar addiction.”
Gears: “I don’t act childish”
What is their all-time favourite TV show?
Broken: “Boku no Hero Academia. It’s a really good anime”
Mawly: “Rick and Morty.”
Gal: “I tend to not watch television unless with B. And from what she has shown me I enjoy that little show with the talking sponge.”
Colors: “I don’t watch TV”
Lightning: “I just watch whatever is on.”
B.: “I love Steven Universe.”
Sonya: “I prefer reality TV. Lots of chaos. Hehehehe.”
Gears “I do not watch television”
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