#men are so fucking lame for not employing this as psychological warfare against each other
snarltoothed · 2 years
keep in mind that these are the words of someone with probably multiple mental illnesses, but if i had a more “masculine” body type and could possibly pass as a transman i would at least consider transing myself solely to infiltrate male spaces and act disgusted/shocked/disappointed every time they said misogynist bullshit…
ofc this plan would rely on genuinely appearing male because male on male shame is so much more effective than shaming men as a woman… you shame a man as a woman and he gets disgusted with you and mentally pens a femicidal manifesto against you specifically but men feeling genuinely ashamed around other men is so funny they’re like naughty children who’ve been caught by a parent, even if they don’t outright lie about their transgressions they will add so many embellishments to whatever amount of truth they are telling to try and make their actions seem acceptable to other male peers & authority figures lmaoo and get so distressed when it doesnt work..
it’s probably a good thing i was blessed with a “pretty” “feminine” figure and small frame because i WOULD be sooo tempted if i could cause that cognitive dissonance that really freaks men out when they have to assess their behavior and maybe even begin to address the contradictions within their moral ideologies
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