#mendo breath
yumedoca · 2 years
The funniest and weirdest thing about UY is that the humans in the series can’t breathe underwater cuz no oxygen, but they have absolutely no problem breathing in space without any kind of oxygen supply. Like, I know the characters are super humans, but still, why is this fact so strange to me even though I’m used to UY’s weirdness?
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jdgatesblog · 2 years
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shelovesplants · 1 year
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Mendo Breath joint 💨🩷
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ethynzmind · 8 months
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Larry’s Breath - AKA Larry Bird Breath, created by crossing Gelato 33 x Mendo Breath F2 strains.
Indica Dominant Hybrid 17%
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thegraceofganja · 1 month
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Summer 2024 Mendo Breath ✨
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budmancollective · 1 year
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Unfinished Sentences
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A Ben Mendelsohn fic.
Summary: You’re a actor who’s known for your indie work, but when you get a job working for on Secret Invasion with Ben Mendelsohn as your partner in crime, things may get complicated.
Story Masterlist
Chapter 2
The next morning your head was pounding. You woke feeling greasy and sweaty and you couldn’t find the will to leave the oversized bed for any reason. The alarm went off only a few minutes later and you knew you wouldn’t have a choice.
    You dragged yourself into the shower, trying to soothe your head and figure out how quickly you could dress and head down for breakfast. You were starving. You knew the second you ate, everything would be okay and your hangover would clear up, it was just the getting there that would be a pain.
    Nothing about the previous night had faded, you could still feel Ben’s mouth gliding over yours, his hand in your hair and around your waist. You could still smell him, and you needed to take a breath to calm down.
    He was right, you couldn’t leave things on an awkward note, you needed to talk about what it meant. You needed to know how Ben felt about it and whether he meant what he said.
    You checked out and put your luggage aside to be looked after while you grabbed some food. Ben was already sitting on his phone with Sam and Kyle. A spare seat was left for you and a cup was sitting waiting to be filled.
    Sam said something which had Ben looking up and smiling. He caught your eye and put his phone away, pouring coffee into the empty cup for you while Sam continued speaking.
    ‘…so, I guess we’ll see what happens.’ He finished as you took your seat beside him and opposite Ben. ‘Morning sunshine.’ Sam chuckled, putting his arm around you in that big brotherly fashion. ‘Feeling a little sensitive, are we?’
    ‘I think it was those last two shots.’ You groaned a little. ‘I’ll be fine once I’ve eaten.’
    ‘I’m gonna go out for a smoke,’ Ben said, standing up. ‘You want your usual?’
    ‘Sure.’ You nodded, hoping neither of you were making it obvious that something had happened between you.
  You were grateful that Ben had gone out for a smoke first before grabbing you some bacon and eggs, you couldn’t stomach the smell of anything more than coffee just yet, but when you thought about it, you wondered if it was on purpose.
    You, Kyle and Sam talked a little about what was next for the three of you, Kyle was especially interested in a script you were trying to write.
    ‘Yeah, I don’t know.’ You chuckled. ‘I’m not a great writer, so I’m just trying it out.’
    ‘You gotta try everything, Y/N.’ Sam encouraged, finishing his coffee. ‘Don’t try, don’t succeed.’
    ‘Yeah, you’re right.’ I nodded. ‘I guess I’m just tired, it might be better than I think.’
    ‘Send it over if you want, I can take a look at what you got?’ Kyle said, smiling.
    ‘I second that.’ Sam cut in, making you laugh. You really had made some great friends for life.
    Ben finally returned and put a plate in front of you, before taking his own seat again.
    ‘Thank you.’ You said, picking up your fork.
    ‘You heard about this script, Mendo?’ Kyle asked.
    ‘Y/N’s script? Yeah, I remember you mentioned something about it a few weeks ago,’ Ben seemed strangely calm. ‘You finished it yet?’
    You shook your head, feeling the hunger take over as you shovelled more food into your body. ‘No, not yet.’
    Sam and Kyle could tell you needed to eat and restarted their conversation from before you’d arrived, it was about Sam’s next project and you would miss his stories. Ben, however, remained quiet, only jumping in with a comment occasionally.
    Eventually Sam and Kyle needed to leave to catch the same flight home. Ben’s would be later, but you would be sticking around in London for another week before you went to film your next project.
    You hugged them both and told them again that you would miss them. You were looking forward to the premiere, but it was just so far away.
    Finally, you and Ben were left sitting alone. It was slightly awkward for a moment before you both started giggling.
    ‘So, last night.’ Ben said.
    ‘Last night.’ You nodded, both of you still smiling.
    ‘Look, I’m sorry if I was presumptuous,’ he leaned forward on his folded arms. ‘I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable and we’d both been drinking…’ Ben suddenly laughed. ‘This sounds like I’m making an excuse.’
    ‘No, no.’ You shook your head. ‘You’re right, we were just… emotional.’
    ‘Emotional.’ He nodded in agreement. ‘Yeah…’ Again, there was no end to the sentence. ‘So, we’re good?’
    ‘Of course, we are.’ You set your coffee cup down. ‘I don’t want anything to be awkward either. Surprisingly I didn’t even feel awkward when I was thinking about it this morning.’
    Ben’s usual glint of playfulness made an appearance in the corner of his eye. ‘Oh yeah, you were thinking about it, huh?’
    You giggled. ‘Yeah, in the shower of all places.’
    You both laughed, Ben half covering his face to contain himself. After a moment, you both settled down.
    ‘I don’t want to stop this.’ You said, leaning forward on your own folded arms. Ben seemed surprised for a moment. ‘I want us to be able to joke about things again.’ Ben’s gaze flickered around the room, taking in a deep breath. Did he think you meant something else?
    ‘Me too.’ He said, quietly, giving an unconvincing smile, but you decided it was best left alone, there was no need to poke the bear.
    You sat quietly for a moment or two, both of you trying desperately not to disrupt the delicate balance.
    ‘The premiere is in six months.’ Ben said. ‘We should get a coffee or something before then.’
    ‘Yeah, definitely.’ I nodded. ‘I’m in Berlin for the next ten weeks, but I’ll give you call when I’m back in London?’
    ‘That’d be great.’
    Ben smiled, warmly.
    You left on great terms, you’d cleared the air, you both understood that it was a one time thing, a mistake, not that either of you minded, but it couldn’t happen again or be dwelled upon.
    One of those things was much harder.
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apothecaryscript · 1 month
Episode 8 : Wheat Stalks / 第8話『麦稈(Mugiwara)』
Maomao “Kaette kitanda. Nn…Aa… Betatsuku. Oyajiwa… hatake ka.”
Maomao “Oh, right, I’m home. So sticky. Dad… Must be out in the field.”
Maomao “Mo, toshimo toshi-dashi, hatake-shigotowa yamete moraitaiga… Jibunde sodateta yakusode, kusuri tsukuru-noga sukinan-dayona, oyaji.”
Maomao “I wish he’d stop working the field at his age, but he just really enjoys making medicine out of the herbs he grows.”
Maomao “Kowareru… Minai kaodana. Yosono kamuroka… Oyajinara, cho…”
Maomao “Don’t break it. I don’t know you. Are you a servant at a different brothel? My dad’s- Hey!”
Kamuro “Kite!”
Serving girl “Come with me!”
Kamuro “Neesan! Kusuriya tsurete-kita!”
Serving girl “Big Sis! I brought the apothecary!”
Gijo “Hayaku!”
Courtesan “Hurry!”
Maomao “Kono nioi…!”
Maomao “This smell…”
Gijo “A, kusuriya-san! Toriaezu, hakaseta-kedo…”
Courtesan “Apothecary! I made them throw up already, but…”
Maomao “Madada! Otokoga iki shitenai. Onnano kokyumo asai. Nodoni outo-butsuga nokotte-inaika kakunin suru. Socchio tanomu.”
Maomao “Right! The man isn’t breathing! The woman’s breathing is too weak. We’ll check if there’s any vomit left in their throats. You check her.”
Gijo “E…ee.”
Courtesan “Y-Yes!”
Maomao (Myakumo nai. Nodo-niwa tsumatte-nai. Daeki dakeka.)
Maomao (No pulse. Nothing clogging the throat. Just saliva.”
Gijo “Mizuo motte-kite!”
Courtesan “Bring water!”
Maomao “Mizuwa nomaseruna! Sumida, sumio yoi-shiro.”
Maomao “No water! Bring charcoal. Charcoal!”
Kamuro “Ha…Hai!”
Serving girl “Y-Yes!”
Maomao “Asa-kara ittai, nannan-dayo… Aaa, furo hairi-tai.”
Maomao “Great way to start the morning. Wow, I need a bath…”
Gijyo “Arigato, kusuriya-san. Futari-tomo ochi-tsuitawa.”
Courtesan “Thank you, apothecary. They’re both stable now.”
Maomao “A… Sono-mamani shite-kure.”
Maomao “Wait, leave that alone.”
Gijo “Haita monomo?”
Courtesan “Even what they threw up on?”
Maomao “Dokuga nokotteru-kamo shirenai.”
Maomao “There could still be poison in it.”
Gijo “Doku?!”
Courtesan “Poison…”
Gijo “Ochano junbi suru-wane.”
Courtesan “I’ll go make some tea.”
Maomao (Taorete-itanowa gijoto, sono kyaku… Heya-niwa saketo tabakono nioiga juman shite-ita. Saka-binga futatsu. Wareta garasuno utsuwa. Korewa…mugiwaraka? Kiseruni, tabakono ha… Mendo-kusai koto’o yarakasu monda.)
Maomao (The two who collapsed here were a courtesan and her customer. The room was filled with the scent of alcohol and tobacco. Two bottles. Broken glass cups. This is… a wheat stalk? A pipe and some tobacco leaves. They really went out of their way to cause trouble.)
Kamuro “Kore, sumi…”
Serving girl “I’ve got the charcoal…”
Maomao “Aa, ato mokkanto kaku-monomo.”
Maomao “Good. Also, get me a text plate and something to write with.”
Kamuro “E?”
Serving girl “Huh?”
Maomao “Minamino gaihekino sobano hatakeni, uchino oyajiga iru-hazu dakara, atode tsurete kite-kure.”
Maomao “My dad should be out in the fields, near the southern wall. Bring him over here later.”
Kamuro “Wakatta.”
Serving girl “Got it.”
Maomao “Osokattana, Oyaji.”
Maomao “You’re late, Dad.”
Ruomen “Kono koga ashio kizukatte kuretanda.”
Luomen “This girl was worried about my leg.”
Maomao “Sumiwa tsubushite oita.”
Maomao “I crashed the charcoal.”
Ruomen “Aa, suguni yakusoni mazete nomaseyo.”
Luomen “Yes, let’s mix it with the herbs and give it to them immediately.”
Gijo “Nomeru?”
Courtesan “Can you drink this?”
Gijyo “Ano hitowa?”
Courtesan “What about him…?”
Gijo “Bujiyo. Kusurimo nondashi.”
Courtesan “He’s safe. He had the medicine, too.”
Ruomen “Shochino shikatawa, maa-maa-kana.”
Luomen “Your treatment’s not bad.”
Maomao “Maa-maa-kai.”
Maomao “‘Not bad’, huh?”
Maomao (Oyajiwa, ichi-no joho-kara ni-mo san-mo shiru kotoga dekiru ningenda.)
Maomao (Dad’s able to deduce two or three things from a single piece of information.)
Ruomen “Korewa nanno doku-dato omotta?”
Luomen “What kind of poison do you think this was?”
Maomao (Kita! Oyajiwa tamani ko-yatte benkyo saseyoto suru.)
Maomao (Here goes! Dad sometimes tries to make me learn stuff this way.)
Maomao “Tabakono hawa modokuda. Shinju-de tsukau-nara, koredato omou.”
Maomao “Tobacco leaves are deadly poisons. That would be what they’d use in a double suicide.”
Ruomen “Mizuwa nomase-nakatta-yodane.”
Luomen “You didn’t have them drink water, right?”
Maomao “Nondara gyaku-koka daro?”
Maomao “Water would make things worse, right?”
Ruomen “Sodane, iekiga dokuno kyushuo osaeru kotomo aru-kara, sono baaiwa gyaku-koka daro. Demo, moshi korega, saisho-kara mizuna tokashita monode atta-nara?”
Luomen “Correct. Gastric juices can prevent the intake of poison in some cases, so diluting it might make things worse. However, what if this poison was already soaked in water?”
Maomao (Ha… Outo-butsuni haga majitte inai. Minogashita… Mada neboketen-nokana. Mizuni tokashita monode areba, usumeta-hoga ii baaimo aru. Yoshi…oboeta.)
Maomao (There are no leaves in the vomit. I missed that. Maybe I’m still half asleep. If the poison was soaked in water, sometimes diluting it with more water is good. Got it. Lesson learned.)
Kimaega ii Babaa “Sumanai-nee.”
Generous Madam “Sorry for the trouble.”
Maomao (Kyaku-yono chagashio furumau-towa… Naka-naka kimaega yoi. Naruhodo… Utsuwani beniga utsura-naiyoni tsukau-noka.)
Maomao (Serving us snacks reserved for customers? That’s quite generous of her. I see, it prevents lipstick from getting on the cup.)
Babaa “Hontoni tasukattayo. Korewa kokoro-bakari-daga…”
Madam “You really saved us. This is just a small token of our gratitude.”
Ruomen “Iya, sonnani…”
Luomen “Oh no, that’s too much―”
Maomao “Oyaji. Kongetsu, Yarite-Babaani yachin haraeru-noka?”
Maomao “Dad, can you afford rent this month?”
Ruomen “Dewa…”
Luomen “Ah, in that case…”
Maomao (Mattaku kono oyajiwa… Konkai-nowa hana-machi-dewa mezurashikumo nai shinju daro. Miuke dekinai otokoto, nenkino akenai onnaga soroeba, sonna koto bakari omoi-tsuku-noda. Shikashi ano otoko, minariwa zuibun joto datta. Kao-dachimo amaku, kane-nimo onna-nimo komarisoni nai. Henkende kangaeruto okorare-sodaga… Gijo-tono miraio ureite dokuo nomu-yoniwa miena-katta…)
Maomao (Jeez, you old man… Must have been a double suicide. Not exactly rare in the pleasure district, A man who can’t afford to buy out a courtesan, and a courtesan with time left on her term. People like that often reach this same conclusion. Still, that man was very well-dressed. He had a handsome face, too. Didn’t seem like someone who’d be short on money or women. Dad wouldn’t approve of me judging through stereotypes, but… He didn’t seem like someone who’d drink poison with a courtesan out of despair for their future.)
Maomao “Chotto, yosuo mite-kuru.”
Maomao “I’m going to go check on them.”
Maomao (Otokono hoga yodaiga omokattana…)
Maomao (The man seemed to be in worse condition…)
Maomao “Nani yatteru!”
Maomao “What are you doing?!”
Kamuro “Jama shinaide! Konna yatsu, shinda-hoga iinda!”
Serving girl “Don’t stop me! This guy deserves to die!”
Gijo “A, Anta-tachi, nani shiteruno!”
Courtesan “Wh-What are you doing?!”
Gijo “Kusuriya-san, chotto ohanashi iikashira?”
Courtesan “Apothecary, may I speak with you?”
Gijo “Karewa moto-moto, mondaino ooi kyaku dattano. Gijoni amai kotobao kakete miukeo honomekashi-tewa, akitara suteruo kurikaesu. Urami bakari katte, gyakujo-shita onnani sasare-soni nattari, dokuo morareta kotomo attawa. Kedo, goshono chichi-oyani amayaka-sarete, koto-aru-gotoni kanede kaiketsu shiteta. Saikin-dewa, oyani tanonde, shokan-made goeio tsukete kite-itawa. Kono kono anemo, ano otokoni suteraretano. Korekarawa isshoni kuraserutte, yorokonde-itanoni… Miukeno tojitsuni, kyuni hakushini sarete… Dakara, yuruse-nakattan-dato omou. Konkai isshoni dokuo nonda ko-nimo natsuite itakara.”
Courtesan “That man was always a problem customer. He’d sweet-talk a courtesan and insinuate that he would buy her out. When he got tired of her, he’d just dump her. He was widely hated. Some woman tried to stab him, even. He’d been poisoned in the past, too. But his rich merchant father pampers him. He settles everything with money. Recently, he asked his father to hire guards for him to travel to the brothels with. This girl’s older sister got dumped by him, too. She was so happy she could live with him, but on the day of the buy-out, he suddenly canceled on her. That’s why, I think, she couldn’t forgive him. The courtesan who drank the poison today was close to her, as well.”
Maomao “Dakara, meo tsumureto? Sonna kyaku-nara, deiri kinshini sureba iimono’o.”
Maomao “So, you want me to pretend I didn’t see anything? If he’s such a problem, why not just ban him?”
Gijo “Irekonda-nowa, ano kono ho-nano.”
Courtesan “It’s the courtesan who fell for him."
Maomao “Sorede shinju-sawagito nareba, shokanto shitewa atamaga itai hanashi desune.”
Maomao “In that case, I suppose word of a double suicide would make matters worse for the brothel.”
Maomao (Yakeni teatsukatta-nowa, goshono musuko’o jibunno misede shinasezuni sunda-karaka… Soshite sorega gyakuni rifujinni kanji-raretano-daro.)
Maomao (So, they served us the good snacks because we prevented a rich merchant’s son from dying on the premises. And… That must have felt unfair to her.)
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “I understand.”
Maomao (Kyowa tama-tama watashiga ieni kaette-itaga, itsumo kaimono’o shite-iru konara, oyajino inai jikan kurai shitte-itakamo shirenai. Futsu-nara ishao yobu jokyode, waza-waza fuzaino kusuriyao yobini kitato sureba… Ano kamuro, chiisai warini osoroshii…)
Maomao (I just happened to be home today, but if the girl shops with us often, perhaps she knew when my dad is usually away. Normally you’d call for a doctor at a time like that, but she went out of her way to find a missing apothecary. That servant girl is scarier than she looks.”
Ruomen “Sekkaku kaette kitato iunoni, nandatta-nee.
Luomen “It’s too bad your homecoming turned out this way.”
Maomao “Oyaji, sakkino misete.”
Maomao “Dad, show me that money from earlier.”
Maomao (Un, chanto haitteru. Annojo, kuchidome-ryo made… Demo nandaka hikkakaru. Hanashi-kara shite, otokowa kanari shitatakada. Sonna otokoga, horeta-haretade shinju-nado okosu mono-daroka.)
Maomao (Yep, all there. As expected, including hush money. Something bothers me, though. Judging from the stories, the man is pretty clever. Would someone like him join a double suicide over romance?)
Maomao “Naraba muri-shinju ka? Iya, dokuo morareta kotono aru otokoga so kantanni…”
Maomao “Was it a forced suicide? No, a man who’d been poisoned before wouldn’t easily-“
Ruomen “Maomao, okusokude mono’o iccha ikenaiyo.”
Luomen “Maomao, you shouldn’t speak based on conjecture.”
Maomao “Oyajiwa mo, shinsoni kizuite irundaro?”
Maomao “Dad, you already figured out what really happened, right?”
Maomao (Omoidaso. Genbani naniga attaka… Minogashita monowa naika.)
Maomao (Let’s try to recall what was at the scene and what I might have missed.)
Maomao “Tabakono hawa modokuda. Shinjude tsukau-nara, koredato omou.”
Maomao “Tobacco leaves are deadly poisons. This would be what they would use in a double suicide.”
Ruomen “Moshi korega, saisho-kara mizuna tokashita monode atta-nara?”
Luomen “However, what if this poison was already mixed in water?”
Gijo “Irekonda-nowa, ano kono ho-nano.”
Courtesan “It’s the courtesan who fell for him.”
Kamuro “Konna yatsu, shinda-hoga iinda!”
Serving girl “This guy deserves to die!”
Gijo “Konkai, isshoni dokuo nonda konimo natsuite itakara…”
Courtesan “The courtesan who drank the poison today was close to her as well.”
Maomao “Naruhodo. Utsuwani beniga utsura-naiyoni tsukau-noka.”
Maomao “I see, it prevents the lipstick from getting on the cup.”
Maomao (Korewa shinjuja nai. Satsujinda. Mizuni tokashita mono… Mugiwara… Shuruino chigau ni-shokuno sake…)
Maomao (This wasn’t a double suicide. It was murder. Poisoned water, wheat stalks, two separate drinks with different colors…)
Ruomen “Mo owatta koto dayo.”
Luomen “It’s already over.”
Maomao “Wakatteru.”
Maomao “I know.”
Maomao (Shinjuja naku satsujin. Shikamo, korosoto shita-nowa gijono hoda. Hankoni tsukawareta-nowa, tabako’o tsuketa dokuno sake. Shikashi, goeio tsukeru-hodo yojin-bukaku natte-iru otokoni, do-yatte dokushu’o nomaseta-noka. Kantanda. Dokumio shite misereba ii. Gijoga buji-nara, otokowa sakeo kuchini suru. Shikashi, jissaini dokuno sakeo nomeba, onnamo buji-dewa sumanai. Sokode doguo tsukatta. Sakewa ni-shurui, utsuwawa hitotsu. Sakewa, nakamiga chigaeba, kosaya omosaga chigau. Omoi sakeno ueni, karui sakeo yukkuri sosogeba, soga dekite mitamega yoi. Kyakuo yoroko-baseru konetato shite tsukaeba… ayashima-reru-koto naku gijowa shitano sodakeo mugiwarade nonde miseta. Gijomo uwazumino sakeo nonda. Shinanai-yoni, sukoshino ryo’o. Jibunmo shinde shimaeba, motomo komo nai. Otokoga shini, jibunga ikinokoru keisan’o kangaeta uede, asagatani koto’o okoshitano-daro. Soshite tsugo-yoku, soreo hakken-suru ningenga ita. Hakanage-daga, sorede-ite shitatakada.)
Maomao (Murder, not a double suicide. And it’s the courtesan who tried to kill the man, using drinks laced with tobacco poison. But the man was cautious enough to have guards around. How did she get him to drink the poison? Simple. She took a sip as well. If the courtesan was safe, the man would drink, too. But if she drank the poison, she’d be in danger herself. That’s why she used a trick. Two drinks, one cup. Different drinks have varying thicknesses and weights. By pouring a lighter drink slowly over a heavy drink, you can create a pretty-looking, layered drink. She used that as a small parlor trick to impress her guest. Then, she used the wheat stalk to drink just the lower layer, without raising suspicion. Afterwards, she drank from the upper layer as well. Just a little bit, so it wouldn’t kill her. She didn’t want to end up dead herself. She did the act in the morning to increase the odds that he would die, and she would survive. And conveniently, someone came to witness it. She appeared fragile, but she’s actually quite clever.”
Kamuro “Neesan, nani yatteruno? Netenakya dame!”
Serving girl “What are you doing, Big Sis? You should stay in bed!”
Maomao (Kamurono kodowa, dokoka okashi-katta. Otoko’o teokureni suru-tameni, waza-waza isha-dewa naku kusuriyao tazune, oyajio yobuno-nimo jikan’o kaketa. Sokoni, neechan’eno shinpaiwa nakattano-daroka. Jitsuno aneto onaji-yoni, mata shitashii monoga shinu-towa kangae-nakattano-daroka. Marude, shinanaito wakatte kodo shite-iru yo-datta… nante, kangae-sugi daroka. Soshite, kamuroni yatara dojo-tekina gijo. Kane-baraino ii, yarite-babaa. Ayashiito omottara, ikura-demo ayashiito omoete shimau. Moshiya, minna… Haa, okusokude mono’o iccha ikenaika…)
Maomao (The servant girl did behave a bit strangely. In order to make sure the man didn’t survive, she went to an apothecary, not a doctor. She even took her time bringing my dad over. Wasn’t she worried that her ‘Big Sis’ would die? Wasn’t she worried that someone close to her would die again, like her real sister? It’s almost as if she knew the courtesan would survive. Or am I over-thinking this? In addition, the other courtesan was sympathetic to the servant girl. Plus, the very generous madam… Once I start doubting, there’s no stopping. Could they all have been… I shouldn’t speak based on conjecture.)
Maomao (Zutto kaeri-takatta hana-machimo, honshitsuwa kokyuto kawaranai. Hanazonode ari, torikagoda. Minna, tojikomotta kukini dokusarete-iku. Gijomo mawarino dokuo kurau-kotode, amai dokueto kawatte-iku. Ano gijoga do naruno-kawa wakaranai. Dora-musukoga dokuo nomasaretato uttaeru-kamo shirenaishi, gyakuni shokan-gawaga shohin’o dainashini saretato odosu-kamo shirenai. …Dochira-demo ii. Sonna koto’o ichi-ichi kangaete-itewa, kono machide ikite ikenai.)
Maomao (I really missed this pleasure district, but in essence, it’s no different from the rear palace. It’s both a garden and a cage. The stale, trapped air poisons everyone. The courtesans also eat the poison around them to become a sweet poison themselves. I don’t know what’ll happen to that courtesan. Maybe the annoying customer will assert that she tried to poison him. Maybe the brothel will accuse him of ruining their merchandise instead. Well, whatever. You can’t live life in this neighborhood worrying about every little thing.)
Meimei “Maomao.”
Meimei “Maomao.”
Maomao “Meimei neechan.”
Maomao “Meimei.”
Meimei “Mo kokyuni modoruno?”
Meimei “You’re going back to the rear palace already?”
Maomao “Nenkiga mada ichi-nen nokotterushi, shigoto’o hoki shitara meiwakuga kakaru.”
Maomao “I have a year left on my term. I also have work to do that I can’t force on others.”
Meimei “So… Sekkaku kaette-korareta-noni. Maomaoga kyuni yukue-fumeini natte, minna shinpai shiteta-noyo. Pairinmo Jokamo, Obabamo.”
Meimei “That’s too bad. You just got back. Everyone was worried when you suddenly went missing. Pairin, Joka, and even the old lady.”
Maomao “E? Sonna koto, hitokotomo…”
Maomao “Really? She never said…”
Meimei “Itsumo-doori datta-desho? Antaga kaette kita-karayo.”
Meimei “She acted like usual, right? It’s because you came back.”
Maomao “Sokka… Oooo”
Maomao “I see.”
Meimei “Yaaada, samishiku nacchatta? Yoshi-yoshiii.”
Meimei “Oh no, did I make you all sentimental? There, there!”
Maomao “Cho… Meimei neechan!”
Maomao “Come on, Meimei!”
Meimei “Maomao, hanare-niwa ittano?”
Meimei “Maomao, did you visit the annex?”
Maomao “N… Atode iku.”
Maomao “I’ll go later.”
Ruomen “Kio tsukerun-dayo.”
Luomen “Take care of yourself.”
Maomao “Oyajimo. Itte-kimasu.”
Maomao “You, too. I’m off.”
Maomao (Mikka-kanno sato-gaeriwa, atto iumani owatta.)
Maomao (My three-day homecoming was over before I knew it.)
Pairin “Mo kaecchau-nante, zan’nen-dawaaa. Nee? Rihaku-sama?”
Pairin “I’m so sad to see you go so soon! Right? Master Lihaku?”
Rihaku “Yahaaa, jitsuni zan’nenda.”
Lihaku “Yes! I’m so sad, too!”
Maomao (Ii yume mireta mitai-dana… Ichido tenjono kanro’o shireba, chijo-niwa modorenai. Kitto, ikasazu korosazu, shibori-torareru kotodaro… Towa-ie, mae-baraide tarinakatta gin’o oginau-nowa watashida.)
Maomao (Looks like he had a good dream. Once you have a taste of the heavenly dews, there’s no turning back to reality. I’m sure they’ll squeeze him dry, gently but thoroughly. That said, I’m the one that has to cover for the amount that I couldn’t pay up front.)
Yarite-Babaa “Kaette kuru-tokiwa renraku shina.”
Madam “Let me know when you’re coming home next.”
Maomao (Okagede tsugino miuri-sakiga ketteide aru.)
Maomao (And thus, my next buyer has been determined.”
Jinshi “Muuuu…”
Maomao (Naze-daro? Yatara, kocchio nirande-iru… Hayameni taisan shiyo.)
Maomao (What’s with the intense stare? I’d better make my escape.)
Maomao “Dewa, kigaete mairimasu-node.”
Maomao “I’ll go get changed.”
Infa “Atode.”
Yinghua “Tell us…”
Airan “Iro-iro.”
Ailan “Everything…”
Guien “Kikasetene.”
Guiyuan “Later!”
Jinshi “Osetsu-shitsude matte-iruzo. Fun.”
Jinshi “I’ll be waiting for you in the parlor.”
Maomao “Shitsurei itashi-masu.”
Maomao “Excuse me.”
Maomao (Nandaka taidoga warui kiga suru… Kino sei daroka? Kino seini shitai. Kino seini shiyo. Ni shitemo… Naze futari-kiri nanda.)
Maomao (For some reason, he seems really upset. Am I over-thinking it? I hope I’m over-thinking it. Let’s go with that! Why are we alone, anyway?”
Jinshi “Sato-gaeri, itte-kita-yodana.”
Jinshi “So, you went home, huh?”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Yes.”
Jinshi “Do datta?”
Jinshi “How was it?”
Maomao “Minna genki-sode nani-yori deshita.”
Maomao “Everyone’s doing well, so I was glad for that.”
Jinshi “Soka.”
Jinshi “I see.”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Yes.”
Jinshi “Rihakutte iunowa, do-iu otoko nanda?”
Jinshi “What is this Lihaku fellow like?”
Maomao “N? Mimoto hikiuke-nin desu.”
Maomao “He was my guarantor.”
Maomao (Nazeni namaeo shitte-iru?)
Maomao (How does he know that name?)
Jinshi “Imiga wakatte itte-irunoka? Sono imiga.”
Jinshi “Do you even know what that means?”
Maomao “Ee. Mimotono shikkari-shita kokande naito, hikiuke-nin-niwa narenaito.”
Maomao “Yes. Only a higher-ranking official with a good record can serve as a guarantor."
Jinshi “Kanzashio moratta-noka?”
Jinshi “Did he give you a hairpin?”
Maomao “Nanbonmo kubatte imashita-node, giride itadaki-mashita.”
Maomao “He was passing out several, so I took one as a consolation prize.”
Jinshi “Tsumari, giride moratta-mononi, orewa maketan-dana?”
Jinshi “So, I lost to a consolation prize, huh?”
Maomao (Un?)
Jinshi “Oremo ageta hazu-nandaga, mattaku hanashiwa konakattana.”
Jinshi “I thought I gave you one too, but I never heard from you.”
Maomao (Ore? Nanda, yo-suruni jibunni hanashiga konakatta-noga kini kuwanai-noka. Fushigina monoda… Mendo-goto-niwa kakawara-nai-hoga rakuni kimatte-iru-noni. Hima-jin dakara yakkai-goto-demo kamatte morai-tai-noka?)
Maomao (Huh? In other words, he’s just unhappy because I didn’t rely on him instead? Weird. It’s obviously way better to not get involved in any trouble. Is he so bored that he wants attention even if it’ll cause problems?)
Maomao “Moshi-wake arimasen. Jinshi-samani gomanzoku itadakeru taika-nado omoi-tsukana-katta-monode.”
Maomao “I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of a repayment that you’d enjoy.”
Jinshi “Taikatte nanda? Omae, soreo Rihakutte yatsuni haratta-noka?”
Jinshi “What repayment? Did you give something to this Lihaku guy?”
Maomao “Ee. Ichiyano yumeni yorokonde orimashita.”
Maomao “Yes, I granted him a night of blissful dreams.”
Jinshi “Na…! Ichiya…”
Jinshi “A night…”
Maomao “Fun, taihen gomanzoku itadaketa-yode, kochirato shitemo, ganbatta kaiga arimashita.”
Maomao “He seemed very happy. I worked hard, so I’m pleased with myself.”
Maomao “Nani shiterun-desuka? Shimini naru maeni, korede… Shitsurei shimasuyo? Suguni sentakuni dashita-hoga iikato. Chawanmo sugu katazuke-masu-kara, sawara-naide-kudasaiyo. Haa… Shitsurei shimasu. Suuuu”
Maomao “What are you doing? Let’s wipe you off before it stains. Excuse me. You should get this washed right away. I’ll clean up the cup right away, too. Don’t touch it. Excuse me. Whoosh.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Fufu, Ahahahahaha!”
Maomao “N? Ugi!”
Maomao “Ow!”
Gyokuyo-hi “Ahahahahaha, Fufufufu, fufu.”
(Continue to episode 9)
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sxs-a2 · 2 years
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Slayer!AU Nezuko Kamado from Demon Slayer. Penned by Jasmine.
Age: 15 (Main verse), 23 (Timeskip)
Gender: Cis girl (she/her)
Birthdate: Dec. 28th
Height: 5'1 - 5'3
Nationality: Japanese
Skills: Sun Breathing powers (Fire and Water), martial arts, swordsmanship.
The second-born child of the Kamado family, Nezuko love ones were targeted by the ancient demon named Kibutsuji Muzan. Including her older brother Tanjirou who is turned into a demon. To cure her brother and avenge her family, Nezuko joined the Demon Slayer Corp and seek to destroy Muzan and his guild The Upper Moon.
Warnings: This version of Nezuko is the opposite of canon!Nezuko or Tanjirou! She swears, does suggestive flirting/jokes, and breaks the rules. If this offends you, please do not interact.
Not spoiler-free! Manga spoilers provided. Violence, or suggestive content will be tags. They will all be tagged.
Multishipping: OTPs are Zenitsu x Nezuko and Genya x Nezuko. Teen muses only! Adult/child or incest ships are not allowed! Muse is underage, so no smut. Also open to platonic relationships.
🌸 Mun is a 33-year-old freelance graphic designer with anxiety. So please be patient with me. My other RP blogs are @irxnlegacy @aranaboricua and @seafoamseashells. My Discord is Eniygma#3081 have if you wish to RP privately.🌸
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Demon Slayer: Zenitsu or Genya (ship), Tanjuro, Kie, Tanjirou or other Kamado siblings, Giyuu, Urokodaki, Kanao, Aoi, Uzui Wives/kunoichi, and Sanemi
My Hero Academia: Class A and Class B, Shinso, Midnight, Todoroki family, Camie and Inasa.
Dragon Ball: Post Superhero!Goten (to ship, HIGH DEMAND), Videl, Bulma, Bulla, Pan, Chichi, 18, Piccolo, Krillin, Rulah, Skale, Kompas
Urusei Yatsura: Mendo and Rei (to ship)
Naruto / Boruto: Tsunade, Hinata, Ino, Menma or Charasuke/RtN Sasuke (to ship) Chou-Cho, Sarada, Kawaki, InoJin and Boruto (ship).
Tokyo Revengers: Angry (to ship), Drakken, Baji, Emma, Hina, Mitsuya. (I have adult verse for timeskip)
Haikyuu: Karasuno, Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, Fukurodani, Shirotorizawa, Inarizaki, Nohebi, and Johzenji. (Open to ship male teen characters; I have adult verse for timeskip).
Yu Yu Hakuso: Kubawara, Hiei, Kurama, Genkai, Keiko, Yukina, Atsuko, Shizuru, Jin, Chu
InuYasha: Kouga, Sango, Miroku, Sesshomaru, all the Yashahime next gen kids, Hisui (to ship)
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Mendo Breath Seeds: A Relaxing Indica for Deep Relaxation and Relief
Mendo Breath seeds are the key to growing one of the most soothing indica strains available. Known for its potent body-high and sweet, earthy flavors, Mendo Breath is a popular choice for those looking to unwind after a long day or alleviate chronic pain and stress.
Origins of Mendo Breath
Mendo Breath is a cross between two powerful strains: OG Kush Breath and Mendo Montage. This genetic lineage gives it the heavy indica effects that users have come to love, along with a delightful, sugary flavor profile. The strain is often regarded as one of the best options for relaxation and sedation.
Growing Mendo Breath Seeds
Mendo Breath is a relatively easy strain to grow, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced cultivators. The plants typically grow to a medium height and thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments.
Climate: Mendo Breath prefers a warm, sunny climate but can handle cooler temperatures as well. Indoors, maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels is essential for optimal growth.
Flowering Time: The strain typically flowers within 8 to 9 weeks, producing dense, resinous buds.
Yields: Mendo Breath delivers medium to high yields. Indoor growers can expect around 12 to 16 ounces per square meter, while outdoor growers can harvest up to 16 ounces per plant.
Effects and Benefits
Mendo Breath is renowned for its powerful, full-body effects. With its strong indica genetics, this strain is best enjoyed during the evening or before bed.
Relaxation: Mendo Breath delivers a deep sense of relaxation, making it perfect for unwinding after a stressful day.
Pain Relief: Many users report significant relief from chronic pain, headaches, and muscle tension.
Sleep Aid: This strain’s sedative effects make it ideal for those struggling with insomnia or restless nights.
Flavor and Aroma
Mendo Breath is cherished for its rich, sweet flavor profile. The strain offers a blend of caramel, vanilla, and earthy notes, with a subtle hint of mint. The aroma is equally pleasant, with a sugary, earthy scent that fills the room when the buds are broken apart.
Medicinal Uses
Mendo Breath is a favorite among medical cannabis patients due to its strong indica effects. It’s often used to alleviate:
Chronic Pain
Muscle Spasms
Stress and Anxiety
Its ability to relax both the mind and body makes it a versatile strain for those seeking relief from a range of conditions.
Final Thoughts
Mendo Breath seeds are an excellent choice for growers looking to cultivate a potent indica strain with high medicinal value. With its deep relaxation effects, sweet flavors, and easy-to-grow nature, Mendo Breath is a strain that continues to attract attention from cannabis connoisseurs and medical users alike. Whether you’re looking for a way to relax or need relief from chronic conditions, Mendo Breath is sure to deliver.
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yumedoca · 7 months
Non-Urusei Yatsura fans, which of these IS NOT an actual character? (Answers)
The poll is over and thanks to all who voted since it's pretty fun to see how UY characters may seem from an outsider's POV! And since many were curious, here are the answers for the poll. The characters are listed in no particular order, except for the last who will be the fake one so if you just want the actual answer, just scroll down to the end; and since the poll was aimed at non-UY fans, I'll provide context for the real characters' descriptions so there will be character spoilers ahead!!
A cow monster, who is also the most handsome character in the series.
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This is Rei, the female lead (Lum)'s ex-fiancee. The description I gave may sound kinda weird but it probably wouldn't sound as weird if I had stated that he has two forms: one being a mostly humanoid form and the other which is the cow monster one. He swaps between forms at random, mostly depending on his mood and comedic timing.
A princess who wants to lose her virginity.
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This is Princess Kurama. She's the princess of the alien race, the Karasutengu (Crow Goblins). Since her royal line was fading away because there were no more humanoid men on her planet, Kurama decided to find a suitable man to mate with, but has no luck when it comes to that since her standards are way too high for the any of the males in the series.
A fire breathing bumblebee.
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This is Ten. Like his cousin Lum, he is an oni alien and his abilities are to fly and breathe fire. Ten ended up getting a good number of votes in the poll and I'm guessing it's because people thought I meant a literal bumblebee. I gave that description to poke fun at his character design and I'm pretty sure most UY fans were able to recognize him from the description, and his resemblance to bees has been stated in canon too. But if you did vote Ten because you thought he was an actual bee, I am so sorry, please don't kill me, I should have added the word 'alien' or 'kid' to the description.
A school nurse who regularly beats up her male students.
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This is Sakura. She is a shrine maiden and a school nurse at the main high school in the series. I don't think I need to give much of an explanation for her description; she's hot and all the male students are horny so it shouldn't be a surprise that she beats them all up.
A woman hater whose diet consists of baseballs.
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This is Tobimaro Mizunokoji. He hates women, which is most likely a result of spending time with his rival's sister who treated him horribly when they were children (and she still does, by the way; we'll talk about her next). Oh, and as the description says, he can eats baseballs whole.. and is able to spit them out entirely too.
A teenage girl who kills boredom by plotting and attempting murder.
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This is Ryoko Mendo. She is a rich, well mannered young lady and her favorite hobby is torturing her big brother and his rival (aka baseball boy from above) in many different ways for fun. I wanted to add a bit more to explain exactly how sadistic she is but the wiki does it better, so have that instead:
She will throw grenades and bombs at people while acting calm and composed, and yet will cry over them when they return to her charred to a crisp. She often acts in total secrecy without telling anyone of her plans, such as setting bombs in a giant Christmas Cake, turning a giant Christmas Tree into a firework, and retaliating to people by setting off bombs near them. She also shows an interest in black magic, having used hypnosis and voodoo dolls to torment her brother.
So yeah, she's fucking insane and I love her for it. Have my favorite Ryoko image ever as a bonus:
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A sheltered girl who ends up falling in love with her brother.
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This is Asuka Mizunokoji, younger sister of baseball boy from above. I feel like her she needs the most context since I think this might be the most questionable description of them all.
As per tradition, the women in the Mizunokoji family are not allowed to meet a single male until they are 15, this includes their father and brother; which is the case for Asuka. Because she has never seen a man, she doesn't know what they are (or anything that falls under 'men', like father, brother, etc.) and was raised in isolation by her mother and her family's all female guards. But her first, unfortunate encounter with a man, which happened before the arranged day ends up terrifying her and as a result, she gets a phobia of men, no matter who they are... unless they are a 'big brother'. You see, when her female guards' explained to her what men are, they unintentionally had them sound.. scary; but they also tell her about 'big brothers' (since she'll have to meet hers) who are a special type of man who look like her and are very nice. Eventually, she finally meets her big brother, Tobimaro (who didn't even know she existed till then by the way), but since the description on what a 'big brother' given to her was incredibly vague and because she has no knowledge of how siblings work, she ends up falling for him unaware of how big of a taboo it is. Naturally, it is a one-sided crush since Tobimaro knows better but that won't change the fact that it causes a lot of trouble for him.
Ok, I'll stop here because that took forever to write. Also, I took some help to write the above part from Asuka's page on furinkan.com, I needed a reference for the entire paragraph because Asuka and her shtick needs one hell of an explanation.
A TV addict with zero social skills.
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This is Shingo. He is a boy who went missing during an experiment when he was small and because of that, he grew up by himself (asides from some animals) in a jungle. His only source of entertainment there was a TV, which only has historical dramas. As a result, he became very attached to TVs (he used to think the TV was his grandfather, and no I will not explain), even after he was found and brought back to society. He is also terrible at socializing since he grew up on Japanese historical dramas which are incredibly outdated. He is already weak when it comes to interacting with men, but he is the worst when it comes to interacting with woman since he has no respect towards them (again, because historical dramas). I find it funny he got a lot of votes and according to tags, it's because his description sounded more normal than the others, which makes it even funnier because he's like the only character who actually watches TV (asides from watching TV during lunchtime and stuff).
A cowardly kid who aims for a life of crime.
And here it is, the fake one! With how many characters there are, it was hard to come up with someone (for some reason, I can't be creative when I really want to be) but after I posted the poll I realized that there is a minor character who fits half of the description: He is a kid who aims for a life of crime, but he is pretty strong willed and isn't exactly what you would call cowardly or timid (His name is Kintaro, in case you are wondering- he is only in the manga and 80's adaptation).
And that is all! Thanks for joining me here and I hope you have a great day ahead!!
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demonslayerscript · 18 days
Episode 16 : Letting Someone Else Go First / 第十六話『自分ではない誰かを前へ(Jibun-dewa-nai Dareka’o Mae’e)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “ani-ori(anime-original)".
Hashibira Inosuke “Kemonono Kokyu, Shichino Kata. Kukan-Shiki-kaku!!!”
Inosuke Hashibira “Beast breathing Seventh Form, Spatial Awareness!”
Kamado Tanjiro “Mitsuketa?”
Tanjiro Kamado “Found it?”
Inosuke “Ou, acchida! Tsuyoi kehai’o bin-bin kanjiruze!”
Inosuke “Yeah! That way! I’m picking up a powerful vibe from over there!”
Tanjiro “Soka! Sugoizo, Inosuke!”
Tanjiro “You are? Way to go, Inosuke!”
伊之助「ほわ~… うわっ!だあ!クソッ!こいつらを何とかしねえと先へ進めねえ!」
Inosuke “Howaaa…  Uwa! Daa! Kuso! Koitsurao nantoka shineeto sakie susume-nee!”
Inosuke “We gotta take care of these guys or we’ll never get anywhere!”
Tanjiro “Kuso, nanika…nanika hohowa nai-noka…!”
Tanjiro “Damn. Isn’t there…Isn’t there any way at all?”
Agatsuma Zen’itsu “Ne…Ne…Nezu…Ne…Do…Do…Do…Do…Doko?”
Zenitsu “Ne…Ne…Nezu…Ne…Whe…Whe…Wh-Whe…Whe…Where are you?”
Inosuke “Daa! Kuso! Mendo-kusee, koitsura matomete buttobasu!”
Inosuke “Dammit! What a pain in the ass! I’m just gonna demolish them all at once!”
Tanjiro “Dameda, yamero! Nanika hohowa aru-hazuda. Dakara kono hito-tachio kizutsukeru-nowa…Ha!”
Tanjiro “You can’t do that! Back off! There has to be a way! So, let’s try not to hurt these―”
Tanjiro “Murata-san!”
Tanjiro “Murata?”
Murata “Kokowa oreni makasete sakini ike!!”
Murata “Leave these guys to me and go on ahead!”
Inosuke “Shonben-morashiga nani ittenda!”
Inosuke “What kind of talk is that, Mr.Pissed-My-Pants?”
Murata “Darega morashita, kono kuso-Inoshishi!”
Murata “I never pissed my pants, you stupid boar!”
Inosuke “Aa!?”
Murata “Temeeni hanashi-kakete-neewa, Damattoke!!”
Murata “I wasn’t talking to you, so you can just shut up!”
村田「うっ…ぐっ…情けない所を見せたが俺も鬼殺隊の剣士だ!! ここは何とかする!!」
Murata “U…Gu…Nasake-nai tokoro’o misetaga oremo Kisatsu-Taino kenshida!! Kokowa nantoka suru!!”
Murata “I know that wasn’t my finest moment back there, but I’m a Demon Slayer, too! I’ll find a way to hold them off!”
Murata “Ito’o kireba iito iu-noga wakattashi, kokode ayatsura-rete-iru mono-tachiwa ugokimo tanjunda! Kumo-nimo kio tsukeru! Onino chikaku-niwa, motto tsuyoi chikarani ayatsura-rete-iru monoga iru-hazu! Futaride itte-kure!!”
Murata “Now I know I just need to slash the threads, and that these guys can only make the most elementary movements! I’ll watch out for the spiders, too! There has to be people under even more control closer to the demon! So, you two go on!”
炭治郎「わかりました!! 感謝します!! 行くぞ伊之助!」
Tanjiro “Wakari-mashita!! Kansha shimasu!! Ikuzo, Inosuke!”
Tanjiro “Understood! We appreciate this! Let’s go, Inosuke!”
伊之助「お…おい!だあっ、放せコラ!まずあいつを一発殴ってからだ!! 誰がクソ猪だ!!」
Inosuke “O…Oi! Daa, hanase kora! Mazu aitsuo ippatsu nagutte-karada!! Darega kuso-Inoshishida!!”
Inosuke “Hey, let go of me, dammit! I wanna pound that guy’s face first! Who’s he calling ‘a stupid boar’”?
Murata “Uruseena! Iikara sassato ike!”
Murata “Would you shut up? Just drop it and get out of here!”
Inosuke “Modotte kitara zettai naguru-karana! Kuso! Aitsu zettai bun-nagutte-yaru!”
Inosuke “I’m so gonna punch you when I get back! Dammit! I’m gonna punch that guy if it’s the last thing I do!”
Tanjiro “So-iu koto iuno yamero!!”
Tanjiro “Stop talking like that!”
Inosuke “Kuso-Inoshishi-toka iwaretan-daze, Monjiro!”
Inosuke “He called me ‘a stupid boar,’ okay, Monjiro?”
Tanjiro “Tanjiro da!!”
Tanjiro “It’s ‘Tanjiro’!”
Tanjiro “Sorede, iin-dana? Kocchide.”
Tanjiro “So, anyway, we’re heading the right way, right?”
Inosuke “Oreno kankakuni kuruiwa nee! Kedo…Nanja! Kono uttoshii itowa!”
Inosuke “My sense never lie! But… what the hell are these annoying threads?”
Tanjiro “Sore-dake onini chikazuite-irunda!”
Tanjiro “That’s how close we’re getting to the demon!”
Inosuke “A? Mata deyagattaze.”
Inosuke “Here’s another bunch.”
女隊士「駄目……こっちに来ないで…誰か…階級が上の人を連れて来て!! そうじゃないと、みんな殺してしまう!! お願い……お願い!!」
Onna-Taishi “Dame……Kocchini konaide…Dareka…kaikyuga ueno hito’o tsurete-kite!! So-ja naito, minna koroshite shimau!! Onegai……Onegai!!”
Female slayer “No. Don’t come any closer. Please summon someone of higher rank! Otherwise, everyone will get killed! Please. Please!”
Haha-gumo “Fufufufu…Anata-tachini taoseru kashira? Watashini chikazukeba chikazuku-hodo, itowa futoku tsuyoku-nari, oningyomo tsuyoku naru-noyo.”
Mother Spider Demon “I wonder if you can defeat them. The closer you get to me, the thicker and stronger these threads are, and the more powerful my dolls become.”
Rui “Kaasan.”
Rui “Mother…”
Haha-gumo “A…Ha!”
Rui “Kateru-yone?”
Rui “You can win, right?”
Haha-gumo “Rui.”
Mother Spider Demon “Rui…”
Rui “Chotto jikanga kakari-sugija nai?”
Rui “Don’t you think this is taking too much time?”
Haha-gumo “Aa…”
Rui “Hayaku shinaito, tosanni iitsukeru-kara.”
Rui “You’d better hurry up or I’m gonna tell Father.”
母蜘蛛「だっ大丈夫よ!! 母さんはやれるわ!! 必ず貴方を守るから!! だから父さんは…父さんはやめて!! 父さんは――…!!」
Haha-gumo “Da, Daijobuyo!! Kaasanwa yareruwa!! Kanarazu anatao Mamoru-kara!! Dakara tosanwa… Tosanwa yamete!! Tosanwa――…!!”
Mother Spider Demon “I can do it! I can do it, all right? I promise to protect you! So, please! Not your father! Don’t tell your father! Just not him!”
Rui “Dattara hayaku shite.”
Rui “Then, hurry it up.”
母蜘蛛「うううう…死ね!! 死ね!! さっさと死ね!! でないと私が酷いめにあう……!!」
Haha-gumo “Uuuu… Shine!! Shine!! Sassato shine!! De-naito watashiga hidoi meni au…!!”
Mother Spider Demon “Die! Die! Just die already! Or else there’ll be hell for me to pay!”
Onna-Taishi “Nigetee!!”
Female Slayer “Run!”
Tanjiro (Hayai!!)
Tanjiro (So fast!)
女隊士「操られているから、動きが全然…違うのよ!! 私たちこんなに…強くなかった!! あっ!あっ、ぐっ、ううっ」
Onna-Taishi “Ayatsura-rete-iru-kara, ugokiga zen-zen…chigau-noyo!! Watashi-tachi konnani…tsuyoku nakatta!! A! A, gu, uu.”
Female Slayer “I’m being controlled, so my movements aren’t my own at all! I was never this strong!”
Tanjiro (Oniga itode muri-yari karadao ugokashite-iru-kara, honega oretemo okamai-nashida…)
Tanjiro (The demon’s forcing her to move her body with the threads, so it doesn’t care if her bones get broken!)
Onna-Taishi “Aaa…”
Tanjiro (Hidoi!!)
Tanjiro (So cruel!)
Haha-gumo “Shibutoi-wane… Kore-nara…!”
Mother Spider Demon “So stubborn! How about this?”
Tanjiro (Kono oto!)
Tanjiro (This sound!)
Otoko-Taishi “Ko…Koroshite kure… Teashimo…hone…honega…naizoni sasatte…runda…ugokasa-reruto…gekitsude…taerare-nai…dono-michi…mo…shinu… Tasukete-kure… Todomeo…sashite-kure…!!”
Male Slayer “P-Please kill me! My arms and legs… The bones are piercing my inner organs! Every time I’m forced to move, the pain’s intense! I can’t take it anymore! Either way, I’ll die. So, please help me! Please deliver the finishing blow!”
Inosuke “Yoshi wakattaa!!”
Inosuke “Sure, you got it!”
炭治郎「まっ…待ってくれ!! 何か助ける方法を……」
Tanjiro “Ma…Matte-kure!! Nanika tasukeru hoho’o…”
Tanjiro “Hold up― Hold up, will you? We gotta find a way to help him!”
伊之助「うるせぇえぇえ!! お前うるせぇえええ!!」
Inosuke “Uruseeeee!! Omae uruseeeee!!”
Inosuke “Oh, shut up! You really need to shut up!”
Tanjiro “Dakedo!”
Tanjiro “But…”
伊之助「本人が殺せって言ってんだろうが…よ!! こいつらも速エから、もたもたしてたらこっちがやられるぞ!」
Inosuke “Hon’ninga korosette itten-daroga…yo!! Koitsu-ramo haee-kara, mota-mota shite-tara kocchiga yarareruzo!”
Inosuke “He’s asking us to kill him, all right? These guys are speedy, too. If we get caught napping, we’re gonna go down!”
Tanjiro “Wakatteru! Kangaeru-kara mattete kure!!”
Tanjiro “I know that! Let me think! Just hold up a second!”
炭治郎(技は使いたくない!! でも糸を斬っても、またすぐ繋がる!動きを止めるには…そうだ!!)
Tanjiro (Wazawa tsukai-taku-nai!! Demo ito’o kittemo, mata sugu tsunagaru! Ugokio tomeru-niwa…Soda!!)
Tanjiro (I don’t want to use any attacks. But even if we slash the threads, they’ll only get reattached! To stop them from moving… I know!)
Inosuke “A, oi!”
Inosuke “Hey! Hey!”
Onna-Taishi “Au!”
Tanjiro (Yoshi, tsuite-kuru!!)
Tanjiro (Good! She’s following me!)
伊之助「てめえ…なーにをグルグルと逃げ回ってんだア!! ふざけんじゃねえぞ!」
Inosuke “Temee… Naanio guru-guruto nige-mawatten-daa!! Fuzakenja neezo!”
Inosuke “Hey, why are you running around in circles like that? Quit fooling around!”
Tanjiro “Gu…”
Onna-Taishi “U!”
Tanjiro (Zen-Shuchu…)
Tanjiro (Total Concentration…)
Inosuke “A.”
女隊士(あっ…なんて力…!! ああ…)
Onna-Taishi (A…Nante chikara…!! Aa…)
Female Slayer (Unbelievable strength!)
炭治郎(よし!! うまく絡まった!!)
Tanjiro (Yoshi!! Umaku karamatta!!)
Tanjiro (All right! You’re all tangled up like I planned!)
伊之助「な…なんじゃああそれぇぇ!! 俺もやりてぇぇ!! おらあ~!ワハハハ…ウホホ…で、押す!おらあ!イヤ――ッハハ~、ハハハハ!見たかよ!! お前にできることは俺にもできるんだぜ!!」
Inosuke “Na…Nanjaaa soreee!! Oremo yariteee!! Oraaaa! Wahahaha… Uhoho… De, osu! Oraa! Iyaaaaahhahaaa, hahahaha! Mitakayo!! Omaeni dekiru kotowa ore-nimo dekirun-daze!!”
Inosuke “Wha…What’s up with that? I wanna do that, too! Take this! You see that? I can do whatever you can do!”
炭治郎「すまない!! ちょっと見てなかった!」
Tanjiro “Sumanai!! Chotto mite-nakatta!”
Tanjiro “My bad! I kind of missed it!”
Inosuke “Naaniiiiii!!”
Inosuke “What?”
Tanjiro “Jokyoga jokyo dakara!”
Tanjiro “I mean, you can’t really blame me!”
Haha-gumo “Kuso, yakuni tatanai ningyo bakari… Ano ningyo’o dasu-shika nai-wane…!!”
Mother Spider Demon “Damn! They’re all such useless dolls! I have no choice but to unleash that doll, then.”
Zen’itsu “Neeezuko-chaaan! Neeezuko-chaaan, dokooo? Uuu… Nezuko-chan… Tanjiro… Inoshishi… Chuntaro… Doko ittan-dayooo, orega warukattayooo, uuu…”
Zenitsu “Nezuko! Nezuko! Where are you? Nezuko… Tanjiro… Wild Boar… Chuntaro! Where did you all go? I’m sorry for everything, okay?”
Chuntaro “Chun!”
Zen’itsu “Ha! Chuntaro!”
Zenitsu “Chuntaro?”
Chuntaro “Chun.”
Zen’itsu “Oreo oikakete kite kureta-noka! Kawaii yatsu-dana! Nezuko-channo tsugi dakedonaaa!”
Zenitsu “You mean you came after me? You’re so adorable! Second only to Nezuko, but still!”
Chuntaro “Chuuun!”
Zen’itsu “Orega warukattayooo! Saa, isshoni Nezuko-chan’o sagashini iko!”
Zenitsu “I’m sorry for everything! All right, let’s go look for Nezuko together!”
伊之助「ワハハハハハ… ほら見ろ!ほらほら!俺の方が飛ばしてるぜ!」
Inosuke “Wahahahahaha… Hora miro! Hora-hora! Oreno-hoga tobashi-teruze!”
Inosuke “Just look at that! Check it out! I’ve tossed up more than you!”
Tanjiro “Aa, ato hitorida!”
Tanjiro “Right! One more to go!”
Inosuke “Yoshi, mo-ikkai yaru-kara, chanto mitoke!!”
Inosuke “Okay. I’m gonna do it one more time, so make sure you watch!”
Tanjiro “Wakatta. Sorede ii. Tonikaku ranboni suruna!”
Tanjiro “You got it! That’s okay! Just try not to be violent!”
母蜘蛛「もう必要ないわ、脆(もろ)い人間の人形は!! 役立たず!! 役立たずっ……!!」
Haha-gumo “Mo hitsuyo naiwa, moroi ningenno ningyowa!! Yaku-tatazu!! Yaku-tatazu…!!”
Mother Spider Demon “I don’t need those fragile human dolls anymore! They’re useless! They’re useless!”
Tanjiro “A!”
伊之助「あ―――っ、畜生!! みんな殺(や)られたじゃねーかよ!」
Inosuke “Aaaaaaaaa, chikusho!! Minna yararetaja neekayo!”
Inosuke “Dammit! Now they’re all dead!”
Tanjiro “Iko.”
Tanjiro “Let’s go.”
Inosuke “…Sodana.”
Inosuke “Yeah, good idea.”
Inosuke “Kocchida. Kanari chika-zuiteruzee!!”
Inosuke “This way! I’m gonna catch up to ‘em soon!”
Tanjiro (Kaza-mukiga kawatte, hanamo kiku-yoni natte-kitazo. Kore-nara onino ichiga wakaru… Nioiwa ato futatsu……iru!!)
Tanjiro (Now that the wind’s changed direction, my sense of smell is starting to come back! So, I’ll be able to pinpoint the demon’s location! There are two more scents! There!)
Tanjiro “Inosuke!!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke!”
伊之助「俺の方が先に気づいてた!! その頸ぶった斬ってやるぜ!おらあ~!」
Inosuke “Oreno-hoga sakini kizuiteta!! Sono kubi butta-gitte-yaruze! Oraaaa!”
Inosuke “I detected that thing before you did! I’m gonna hack its head right off!”
Inosuke “Haa? Uwa! Ku…Koitsu… Kubiga neeeee!!”
Inosuke “That thing…has no head!”
Zen’itsu “Nezuko-chaaan, dokooo?”
Zenitsu “Nezuko! Where are you?”
Chuntaro “Chun chuchuuun!”
Zen’itsu “Aa…Haa…Doko ittan-dayo? Tanjiro, Inosukeee, Konna kowai moride itsu-mademo hitorini saserunayooo, uu…Gyaaaaa!!”
Zenitsu “Where the hell are you, Tanjiro, Inosuke? Don’t just leave me here all by myself in this terrifying forest!”
Zen’itsu “Nan-nano? Nanka, dan-dan hara tatte-kita. Hayaku Nezuko-chan mitsukete, konna okkanai mori-kara osaraba shiyo! Neeezuko-chaaan!”
Zenitsu “What was that? You know what? This is starting to make me really mad! I’ll find Nezuko as soon as possible, and then it’s so long, scary forest! Nezuko!”
伊之助「うおっ!うう… アイツ急所が無ェぞ!無いものは斬れねぇ!! どっ…… はァ!?」
Inosuke “Uo! Uu… Aitsu kyushoga neezo! Nai-monowa kirenee!! Do……Haa!?”
Inosuke “That thing got no weak spots! I can’t slash something that’s not there!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke!”
Inosuke “Iya, do-sunda! Do-sunda!”
Inosuke “What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?”
炭治郎「落ち着け!! 袈裟斬(けさぎ)りにするんだ!! 右の頸の付け根から左脇下まで斬ってみよう!広範囲だし、かなり硬いと思うが多分…!」
Tanjiro “Ochi-tsuke!! Kesa-girini surunda!! Migino kubino tsukene-kara hidari-waki shita-made kitte-miyo! Ko-han’I dashi, kanari kataito omouga, tabun…!”
Tanjiro “Calm down! We’ll inflict a monk’s robe cut on it! Let’s try slashing from the base of its neck on the right side to his left waist! It’s a lot to cover, and I’m sure it’s really tough, but I bet…”
Inosuke “Iyahhaaaaa!”
炭治郎「待て!! 一緒に…っ」
Tanjiro “Mate!! Isshoni…”
Tanjiro “Hold up! In unison…”
伊之助(速い!! が、避(よ)けきれないほどじゃねえ!しまった、蜘蛛がいた!!)
Inosuke (Hayai!! Ga, yoke-kirenai-hodoja nee! Shimatta, kumoga ita!!)
Inosuke (It’s fast! But not so fast I can’t dodge it! Crap! I forgot about the spiders!)
Inosuke “Uwawa…A…”
伊之助(動けねェ!! やられる!!)
Inosuke (Ugokenee!! Yarareru!!)
Inosuke (I can’t move! I’m a dead man!)
Tanjiro “U!”
Inosuke (Howa-howa…)
炭治郎「伊之助!! 一緒に戦おう!一緒に考えよう!この鬼を倒すために、力を合わせよう!」
Tanjiro “Inosuke!! Isshoni tatakao! Isshoni kangaeyo! Kono onio taosu-tameni, chikarao awaseyo!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke, let’s fight together! Let’s think together! Let’s work together so we can bring down this demon!”
伊之助「てめェェ!! これ以上俺をホワホワさすんじゃねぇぇ!!」
Inosuke “Temeee!! Kore-ijo oreo howa-howa sasunja nee!!”
Inosuke “Damn you! Don’t make me any giddier than I already am!”
Inosuke “Jamada soko!”
Inosuke “You’re in my way!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke! Oreo fume!!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke, launch yourself off me!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke, tobe!!”
Tanjiro “Inosuke, jump!”
Tanjiro (Zen-Shuchu, Mizuno Kokyu, Shino Kata. Uchi-Shio!!)
Tanjiro (Total Concentration… Water Breathing! Fourth Form…Striking Tide!)
Tanjiro “Kesa-girida!”
Tanjiro “Now for the monk’s robe cut!”
Inosuke (Chikusho, nanda kore haraga tatsuze… Zenbu aitsuno omoi-doorika. Ko-naru-noga hitsuzenno-yoda. Marude Kawano mizuga nagarete yuku-koto-hodo, Atari-maeni…koitsuwa jibunga maeni deru-koto-dewa naku, tatakaino…zentaino nagareo mite-irunda.)
Inosuke (Dammit, what the hell? This is annoying! It’s all going his way, huh? It’s like this was preordained or something. Flowing as naturally as the water from a river… It’s not about going first for this guy. It’s the battle! It’s the overall flow that he’s watching!)
Haha-gumo “Hi!”
炭治郎(よし!! うまく斬った!!)
Tanjiro (Yoshi!! Umaku kitta!!)
Tanjiro (Great! He cut it just right!)
Tanjiro “Yatta! Taosetazo Inosuke! …N? Inosuke? E?”
Tanjiro “All right! You defeated it, Inosuke! Inosuke?”
伊之助「お前にできることは俺にもできるわボケェエエ!! ぬアア゛アア゛アアア!!」
Inosuke “Omaeni dekiru kotowa ore-nimo dekiruwa bokeee!! Nuaaaaaaa!!”
Inosuke “Anything you can do, I can do, too, dumbass!”
Tanjiro “A…” (Kono nioi… So-iu Kotoka, Inosuke!)
Tanjiro (This scent… So, that’s what this is about, huh, Inosuke?)
母蜘蛛(やられた!! やられた!! あの人形が一番速くて強いのに……!! そもそも累が脅しに来たのが悪いのよ!! それで焦って……焦って……焦って……ハッ!上!)
Haha-gumo (Yarareta!! Yarareta!! Ano ningyoga ichiban hayakute tsuyoi-noni…!! Somo-somo Ruiga odoshini kita-noga warui-noyo!! Sorede asette…asette…asette… Ha! Ue!)
Mother Spider Demon (They got me! They got me! Even though that doll was my fastest and strongest! It’s Rui’s fault for coming to me with his threats! That’s why I panicked! I panicked! Panicked! From above?)
Tanjiro (Mizuno Kokyu, Ichino Kata!)
Tanjiro (Water Breathing, First Form!)
母蜘蛛(殺される……!! 頸を斬られる!! 考えて……考えるのよ!! ああ……でも……死ねば解放される…楽になれる…)
Haha-gumo (Korosareru…!! Kubio kirareru!! Kangaete…Kangaeru-noyo!! Aa…Demo…Shineba kaiho sareru…rakuni nareru…)
Mother Spider Demon (He’ll kill me! He’ll chop off my head! Think! You have to think! But…if I die, I’ll be released. And then, I’ll know piece.)
Tanjiro (Ha! Gono Kata, Kantenno Jiu.)
Tanjiro (Fifth Form… Blessed Rain After the Drought!)
Haha-gumo (…Korewa…Yasashii ameni utarete-iru-yona Kankaku. Sukoshimo itaku-nai, kurushikumo nai. Tada atatakai… Konna-nimo odayakana shiga kuru-nante… Korede…kaiho sareru…)
Mother Spider Demon (This is… It feels like I’m being showered by a gentle rain. It doesn’t hurt at all. It’s not agonizing. I just feel warm. I never dreamed that my end would be this tranquil. And now, I’ll be released.)
母蜘蛛「ギャアアッ!うっ、うう… 悪かったわ…謝るから、もう許してよ。何に怒ったの?何が気に食わなかったの?」
Haha-gumo “Gyaaa! U, uu… Warukattawa… Ayamaru-kara, mo yurushiteyo. Nanni okottano? Naniga kini kuwa-nakattano?”
Mother Spider Demon “I’m so sorry! I apologize, so please forgive me! What made you angry? What caused you such displeasure?”
Rui “Nanni okottaka wakara-nai-noga waruin-dayo.”
Rui “It’s your own fault for not realizing what made him mad.”
Haha-gumo “Sonna…Datte…”
Mother Spider Demon “But how could I?”
Ani-gumo “Kufu. Mata kaasanga tosanni okorare-teru… Kufu, kufufufu…”
Big Brother Spider Demon “Mom’s in trouble with Dad again!”
Haha-gumo “Kyaa! Yamete! Iya…Iyaaa! Uu…”
Mother Spider Demon “Stop it! No! No!”
Haha-gumo (Ano…me…yasashii me……Ningen datta koro, darekani yasashii manazashio muke-rarete-ita kiga suru… Arewa…dare datta? Omoi-dasenai… Itsumo watashio taisetsuni shite kurete-ita hito… Ano hitowa ima, doshite-iruno-kashira……)
Mother Spider Demon (Those eyes… Such kind eyes… Back when I was human, I think someone used to look at me with kind eyes. I wonder who that was. I can’t remember. It was someone who always treasured me. I wonder how that person is doing now.)
Haha-gumo “Juni-Kizukiga iruwa…”
Mother Spider Demon “There’s a member of the Twelve Kizuki here.”
Tanjiro “Ha! E? Matte!”
Tanjiro “Wait!”
Haha-gumo “Kio tsukete…!!”
Mother Spider Demon “Be careful.”
Tanjiro (Juni-Kizukiga iru… Honmonono Juni-Kizukiga kono yamani…!)
Tanjiro (A member of Twelve Kizuki is here… A genuine member of the Twelve Kizuki…here on this mountain!)
大正コソコソ噂話 ―Taisho Secret―
Inosuke “Omaeni dekiru kotowa ore-nimo dekirun-daze!”
Inosuke “Anything you can do, I can do, too!”
Tanjiro “Demo orewa, Inosukeni dekinai koto’o shitteruzo.”
Tanjiro “But I know something that you can’t do, Inosuke.”
Inosuke “Nandato!”
Inosuke “What?!”
Tanjiro “Itsu-made dattemo oreno namaeo oboe-rare-naija naika.”
Tanjiro “You’re never able to remember my name, Inosuke.”
Inosuke “Haa? Omaeno namae kurai oboeteruwa! Kamaboko Gonpachiro.”
Inosuke “Huh? I remember your name! Gonpachiro Kamaboko.”
Tanjiro “Chigauyo.”
Tanjiro “No.”
Inosuke “Na…Shakariki Gengoro.”
Inosuke “Wh…Gengoro Shakariki.”
Tanjiro “Chigau.”
Tanjiro “No.”
Inosuke “Itadaki Tontaro.”
Inosuke “Tontaro Itadaki.”
Tanjiro “Zen-zen chigau! Kedo, kokode Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashi. Inosukewa nana-kaini ikkai kurai hitono namaeo tadashiku yoberu rashii desuyo. Mo san-kai machigae-teru-kedo, hontoni ieruno-kana?”
Tanjiro “No, totally different! But now, it’s time for a Taisho secret! I hear that Inosuke can call someone by their correct name about once every seven times. He’s already made mistakes three times, and I wonder if he can really say my correct name.”
Inosuke “Anago Kanjiro.”
Inosuke “Kanjiro Anago.”
Tanjiro “Chikaku natte kitazo.”
Tanjiro “Now he’s approaching.”
Inosuke “Hamado Tangoro.”
Inosuke “Tangoro Hamado.”
Tanjiro “Oshii!”
Tanjiro “Close!”
Inosuke “Amado Janjiro.”
Inosuke “Janjiro Amado.”
Tanjiro “Hobo seikaida!”
Tanjiro “Almost correct!”
Inosuke “Kamado”
Inosuke “Kamado”
Tanjiro “Oo.”
Tanjiro “Oh!”
Inosuke “Tte namae nante mo iija neekayo.”
Inosuke “Whatever! I don’t care anymore.”
Tanjiro “Mo sukoshide kikeso-datta-noni…”
Tanjiro “I thought I’d be able to hear it soon…”
Inosuke “Jikai, dai junana-wa, ‘Hitotsuno Koto’o Kiwame-nuke’. Omaewa omaede, orewa oreda. Wakattana, Tanjiro.”
Inosuke “Next, Episode 17, ‘You Must Master a Single Thing”. You’re you, and I’m me. Understood? Tanjiro.”
Tanjiro “Oooooo!”
Tanjiro “Wow!”
*Orange-colored sentences are my translation, since I couldn’t find real ones in You Tube.
(Continue to episode 17)
0 notes
frierenscript · 2 months
Episode 15 : Scents Like Trouble / 第15話『厄介事の匂い(Yakkaigotono Nioi)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them "ani-ori(anime-original)".
〈Yusha Hinmeruno shikara niju-kyu-nengo. Kitagawa-shokoku, Raobu Kyuryo〉
〈29 years after the death of Himmel the Hero, in the Laub Hills, located in the northern lands.〉
Zain “Furīren-tachiwa, tabio shite dono-kuraini narunda?”
Sein “How long have you been traveling together?”
Furīren “N? Ūnto…”
Frieren “Um…”
Ferun “Watashiga Furīren-samato tabini detekara-desuto, yo-nen-hodoni narimasu.”
Fern “I first embarked on my journey with Ms.Frieren about four years ago.”
Shutaruku “Orewa ichi-nen-kurai dana.”
Stark “It’s been about a year for me.”
Zain “Soka.”
Sein “I see.”
Zain “Naa. Kono pātī-niwa tarinai monoga aru. Nandato omou?”
Sein “There’s something this party lacks. What do you think that is?”
Zain “Ūn. Zen’eiwa irushi, mahotsukaimo soryomo sorotte-irushi…”
Sein “We’ve got a front-liner, mages, and a priest.”
Ferun “Shīfu deshoka? Furīren-samaga mimikkuni hikkakaru-node.”
Fern “A thief, perhaps? Since Ms.Frieren is always falling for mimics.”
Furīren “Uhyooo!”
Frieren “Ah, yeah.”
Ferun “A…Mō…”
Fern “Oh, come on.”
Furīren “Takara-bako niwa mugenno kanoseiga arundayo.”  
Frieren “Treasure chests contain unlimited potential.”
Zain “Chigau. Tarinai-nowa, motto juyona monoda. Toshiueno oneesan dayo!! Futsuwa pātīni hitori kuraiwa irudaro!! Iroppoi otonano oneesangasaa!!”
Sein “No. What we lack is something even more important. An older lady! Most parties have at least one sexy older lady!”
Furīren “Sokanaa…”
Frieren “Do they?”
Shutaruku “Furīrenga iru-deshoga.”
Stark “But we’ve got Frieren.”
ザイン「嫌だ… お姉さんじゃないもん…」
Zain “Iyada… Oneesanja naimon…”
Sein “No. She’s not an older lady.”
Ferun (Sugoku tsuraso…)
Fern (He looks so distraught.)
Furīren “Warukattane.”
Frieren “Sorry about that.”
Shutaruku “Tsu, Tsugino muraga miete-kitaze.”
Stark “H-Hey, the next village is coming into view.”
Ferun “Ikiwa arimasune.”
Fern “They’re breathing.”
Zain “Aa, kocchimoda.”
Sein “Same over here.”
Shutaruku “Doiu-kotoda? Minna nemutteru…”
Stark “What’s going on here? Everyone’s asleep.”
Furīren “Yakkai-gotono nioiga surushi tsugino murani ikoka.”
Frieren “This smells like trouble. Let’s head to the next village.”
Ferun “Frīren-sama, okori-masuyo.”
Fern “Don’t make me angry, Ms.Frieren.”
Furīren “Jodan dayo…”
Frieren “I’m just kidding.”
Zain “‘Noroi’ dana.”
Sein “It’s a curse.”
Furīren “Yapparika. Mendo dane.”
Frieren “I thought so. What a hassle.”
Shutaruku “Naa Furīren. Noroitte nannanda.”
Stark “Hey, Frieren. What are curses?”
Furīren “Mamonoya mazokuga tsukau mahono nakaniwa, hitoo nemurase-tari, ishini shitari-surumonoga attene. Sono nakademo jinruiga imadani kaimei dekite-inai maho’o ‘noroi’to yonde-irunda.”
Frieren “Among the spells cast by monsters and demons are those that put people to sleep or turn them to stone. Those which humankind has yet to unravel are known as curses.”
Furīren “Jinruino maho-gijutsuja genrimo kaijo-hohomo wakaranai.”
Frieren “Humanity’s magic can’t explain the principles behind them or how to remove them.
Shutaruku “Jaa kono murawa mo teokure nanoka?”
Stark “Does that mean it’s too late for this village?”
Furīren “Akumade jinruino mahodewa no hanashi dayo. Soryoga tsukau Megami-samano maho nara, hanashiwa betsuda. Noroieno taishowa mukashi-kara, soryono nariwai dakarane. Do, Zain? Nantoka nariso?”
Frieren “I’m only talking about humanity’s magic. The magic of the Goddess, which priest use, is a different story. Tackling curses has long been the business of the clergy. Well, Sein? Think you can help them?”
Zain “Sekasuna. Imawa noroino shuruito hasshin-gen’o shirabete-iru.”
Sein “Don’t rush me. I’m currently determining the type and source of the curse.”
Shutaruku “Megami-samano mahotte, hokano mahoto do chigaunda?”
Stark “How is the magic of the Goddess different from other magic?”
Furīren “Megami-samano mahowa seitenni shirusarete-ite, seitenno shojisha-shika tsukaenai. Sono hotondowa, mazokuno mahoto onajide genriga wakatte-inainda. Dakara amari omoshiromiga naindayone.”
Frieren “The magic of the Goddess is recorded in holy scriptures and can only be used by the owners of said scriptures. Like the demons’ magic, we don’t understand the principles behind most of it, so it’s not very interesting.”
Furīren “Soreni, umare-nagarano ‘shishitsu’ga naito, atsukau-nowa muzukashii. Sarani, kono ‘shishitsu’wa, noroio kiki-nikuku-suru kokamo attene. Tashika, Megamino kagotte yobareterun-dakke. Dakara kihon-tekini soryowa noroi-nimo tsuyoinda.”
Frieren “And it’s difficult to use unless you’re born with the specific knack for it, which also bestows an increased resistance to curses. I believe they call it ‘the blessing of the Goddess.’ Anyway, that’s why priests are strong against curses.”
Shutaruku “Jaa noroiwa Furīren-demo umaku fusegenai-noka.”
Stark “So not even you can effectively defend against curses?”
Furīren “Mahotsukai-dewa, noroiwa Kanchi dekinai-karane. Nantonaku kogeki-sarete-iru-kanjiga surukara, kono muraga mada noroino han’i-naitte kotodakewa wakarukana.”
Frieren “Mages can’t detect curses. I can sense I’m being attacked in some way, so I know this village is still under the effects of the curse.”
Ferun “Muzu-muzu shimasu.”
Fern “I feel anxious.”
Shutaruku “Orera genzai-shinko-keide noroware-terutte-koto?! Kowai!!”
Stark “Does that mean we’re actively being cursed? I’m scared!”
Zain “Kanari tokushuna noroidato iukotoga wakatta.”
Sein “I’ve determined that it’s a rather unusual curse.”
Furīren “Kaijo dekinaino?”
Frieren “You can’t remove it?”
Zain “Gishikiga hitsuyoda. Dogumo iru. Korenara noroio kaketa hasshin-gen’o tataita-hoga hayai. Hasshin-genwa mamonoda. Ichimo waridashita. Ikuzo.”
Sein “I’d need tools to conduct a specialized ritual. It’d be faster to defeat the source of the curse. It’s coming from a monster. I’ve determined its location. Let’s go.”
Frīren “Hanashiga hayakute iine.”
Frieren “That’ll save time.”
Ferun “Furīren-sama. Shutaruku-samaga…”
Fern “Ms.Frieren. It’s Mr.Stark.”
Furīren “…Nete-irune. Ichiji-tekini-demo mezame-saserare-nai?”
Frieren “He’s asleep. Can you wake him temporarily?”
Zain “Ima tsukaeru maho-dakeja, go-byokan mezame-saseru-noga genkaida.”
Sein “With my current abilities, five seconds is the longest I can keep him awake.”
Ferun “Nai-noto onaji desune…”
Fern “That’s practically nothing.”
Zain “Tonikaku isoida-hoga yosaso-dana.”
Sein “In any case, it looks like we should hurry.”
Furīren “Ferunga okinai. Shokyushi datte itta-noni…”
Frieren “Fern won’t wake up. She said she was just taking a little break.”
Zain “Ferunmo nemucchi-mattaka…”
Sein “So Fern has fallen asleep, too.”
Furīren “Korewa iyo-iyo mazuine.”
Frieren “This is starting to look bad.”
Furīren “Kekkaio hatta. Futariwa kokoni kakushite-oko.”
Frieren “I put up a barrier. We’ll hide them in here.”
Zain “Mo sukoshida. Hannoga chikai.”
Sein “We’re almost there. I can tell it’s close.”
フリーレン「…そう。じゃあザイン、魔物が出たら起こしてね。一人で戦っちゃダメだよ… …私が必ず倒すから…」
Furīren “…So. Jaa Zain, mamonoga detara okoshitene. Hitoride tatakaccha dame-dayo… …Watashiga kanarazu taosu-kara…”
Frieren “I see. Sein, wake me when the monster shows up. Don’t fight it alone. I promise I’ll defeat it.”
ザイン「あのなあ、俺の魔法じゃ5秒しか… ……フリーレン。5秒じゃどうしようもねぇだろ。」
Zain “Anonaa, oreno mahoja go-byo-shika… ……Furīren. Go-byoja do-shiyomo needaro.”
Sein “I told you, five seconds is the longest I can… Frieren? We can’t do anything with five seconds.”
Zain “Maa ii. Orenimo sento-yono mahowa aru.”
Sein “Fine. I have battle magic, too.”
Zain (Kontonkano ashu. Nemutta murabitowa, koitsuno hiryotte wakeka. Jiwa-jiwato maryokuo suitorare korosareru.)
Sein (It’s a subspecies of chaos flower. It must be feeding off the sleeping villagers. It’ll sap away their mana until it eventually kills them.)
Zain (Kontonkawa, sono tochino gensei-shokubutsuto majiwaru-kotode ashuo umidasu.)
Sein (Chaos flowers merge with the local flora to create subspecies.)
Zain (Marude kyomen-mitaida. Daga, donnani zokeiga kawaroto, jakutenga koade aru-kotowa kyotsu-shiteiru.)
Sein (It’s like a mirror. But no matter what they look like, their weakness is always their core.)
Zain “Megamino Sanso!”
Sein “Three Spears of the Goddess!”
ザイン(何が起こった… こいつ俺の魔法を反射させたのか…)
Zain (Naniga okotta… Koitsu oreno maho’o hansha-saseta-noka…)
Sein (What happened? Did it reflect my magic?)
ザイン(正確にコアを撃ち抜かねぇと、葉同士の乱反射で、どこに魔法が跳ぶかわからねぇ… 下手すれば、フリーレンに…)
Zain (Seikakuni koao uchi-nukaneeto, ha-doshino ran-hanshade, dokoni mahoga tobuka wakaranee… Heta-sureba, Furīrenni…)
Sein (Unless I score a direct hit on the core, the leaves could deflect my spells in any direction. If I’m not careful, it could hit Frieren.)
ザイン(クソ… このままじゃ、ジリ貧だ… いっそのこと、フリーレンを起こすか…?でもあいつは勇者一行の魔法使いだ。強力な魔法が反射したら、この森どころか村が消し飛ぶかもしれねぇ…)
Zain (Kuso… Kono-mamaja, jiri-hinda… Issono koto, Furīren’o okosuka…? Demo aitsuwa yusha-ikkono mahotsukaida. Kyoryokuna mahoga hansha-shitara, kono mori-dokoroka muraga keshitobu-kamo-shirenee…)
Sein (Damn it. This can only get worse. Should I wake Frieren? But she’s the mage from the party of heroes. If a powerful spell were deflected, it could destroy not just the forest, but the village, too.)
Zain (Tatta go-byoda. Setsumeino jikan-nante neezo. Soreni orewa mada Furīrento ishi-sotsu dekiru-hodono jikanmo, shinrai-kankeimo kizukete-inai. Somo-somo Furīrenga nanio kangaete-irunokamo wakaranee.)
Sein (It’s just five seconds. That’s not enough time to explain. And Frieren and I haven’t had the time to establish a mutual understanding or learn to trust each other. I don’t even know what Frieren’s thinking.)
Haitā “So. Nanio kangaete-irunoka wakaranain-desuyo. Watashiwa bokensha-niwa, ishi-sotsumo shinrai-kankeimo hitsuyo-naito omotte-imasu. Tokuni watashino nakamade-atta Furīrenwa, son otenga tsutanakatta. Dakara watashiwa, kanojono kotobao shinjiru kotoni shimashita.”
Heiter “That’s right. I never know what she’s thinking. I don’t believe adventurers require mutual understanding or trust. My companion Frieren was especially terrible at both. So I decided to trust her words.”
Haitā “Kanojowa, ‘Mao’o kanarazu taosu’to iimashita. Watashiwa sono kotobao shinjitan-desuyo.”
Heiter “She swore she would defeat the Demon King, and I chose to believe her.”
Zain “…Kotobao shinjiru ka…”
Sein “Trust her words, huh?”
Furīren “Hitoride tatakaccha dame-dayo. Watashiga kanarazu taosukara…”
Frieren “Don’t fight it alone. I promise I’ll defeat it.”
Zain “…Darashinai kao dattana. Do-nattemo shiraneezo…”
Sein “She looked like a mess. Don’t blame me for whatever happens!”
Zain “Mezameno Kaiju!”
Sein “Awakening spell!”
Zain “Furīren!! Koa dakeo―――”
Sein ”Frieren, only the core―”
Furīren “Un. Wakatta.”
Frieren “Got it.”
Shutaruku “N… A? Nani kono jokyo…?”
Stark “What’s going on here?”
Ryoshu “Arigato gozai-mashita. Kono go’on wa wasure-masen.”
Chief “Thank you. I won’t forget this.”
Zain “Iya. Sokomadeno koto’o shita wakeja…”
Sein “We didn’t do much.”
Ryoshu “Iie, okagede saikono mezame deshita.”
Chief “No. I’ve never been happier to be awakened, thanks to you.”
Furīren “Okita shunkanni pinto kitan-dayone. Kore maho hansha-suru yatsu datte.”
Frieren “The moment I woke up, I knew that it was the kind that reflects magic.”
Zain “Omaette hontoni sugoi mahotsukai dattan-dana.”
Sein “You really are an incredible mage.”
Furīren “Demo konkai ikite kaereta-nowa Zainno okage dayo. Arigatone.”
Frieren “But we made it out alive because of you, Sein. Thanks.”
Furīren “Eraizo.”
Frieren “Good boy.”
Zain “Ano Murano oneesan, kirei-dattana…”
Sein “That lady from the village sure was pretty.”
Shutaruku “Mada itteru…”
Stark “You’re still saying that?”
〈Yusha Hinmeruno shikara niju-kyu-nengo. Kitagawa-shokoku, yosai-toshi Fōrihi〉
〈29 years after the death of Himmel the Hero, at the fortress city of Vorig, located in the northern lands〉
Shutaruku “Arega Fōrihi ka.”
Stark “That’s Vorig?”
Furīren “Maho-toshi Oisāsuto madeno chukei-chiten dane.”
Frieren “It’s the relay point to Äußerst.”
Ferun “Yatto hanbun desuka. Hontoni nagai michinori desune.”
Fern “We’re finally halfway there? This really is a long journey.”
Furīren “Tonikaku Fōrihide busshio hoju shite…”
Frieren “We’ll resupply in Vorig, and―”
Ferun “Ano Furīren-sama. Iinikuino-desuga, mo roginga…”
Fern “Ms.Frieren, this is awkward, but we’re nearly out of funds.”
Oruden “Oi, sokono omae.”
Orden “Hey, you.”
Zain “Nanda?”
Sein “What is it?”
Shutaruku “Kizokuno basha dana. …E? Nani? Nannano?”
Stark “That’s a noble’s carriage. Huh? What? What’s going on?”
Oruden “Ii karadada. Yoshimo warukunai. Omae, watashino yashikini koi.”
Orden “You’ve got a nice body. Your appearance isn’t too bad either. Come to my mansion.”
Shutaruku “Nannanō?!”
Stark “What’s going on?!”
Oruden “Nawa nanto iu?”
Orden “What’s your name?”
Shutaruku “Shutaruku…”
Stark “Stark.”
Furīren “Oruden kyo, ko-iunowa komarimasu.”
Frieren “Lord Orden, you can’t do this.”
Oruden “Watashio shitte-irunoka?”
Orden “You know who I am?”
Furīren “Kokowa Kitagawa-shokokuno sandai-kishi, Oruden-keno yashiki desho. Anatano sofumo goinna hito-datta.”
Frieren “This is the mansion of the Orden family, one of the Three Great Families of the northern lands. Your grandfather was a high-handed man, too.”
Oruden “Nanio wakeno wakaranai koto’o itte-iru. Dochirani-seyo watashiwa ima, Shutarukuto hanashite-iru.”
Orden “What is this nonsense? Either way, I’m having a conversation with Stark right now.”
Furīren “Watashino pātīno zen’ei desu.”
Frieren “He’s my party’s front-liner.”
Oruden “Shutaruku, omaeto hanasu-niwa mamano kyokaga hitsuyo-nanoka?”
Orden “Stark, do you need your mommy’s permission to have a conversation?”
Shutaruku “Kenka shinaide…”
Stark “Please don’t fight.”
Oruden “Iraiga aru. Kane-nara dasu.”
Orden “I have a request. I’ll pay you.”
Furīren “Baka-baka-shii. Ikuyo Shutaruku.”
Frieren “This is ridiculous. We’re leaving, Stark.”
Ferun “Furīren-sama.”
Fern “Ms.Frieren…”
Furīren “Nani sono doka?”
Frieren “What are those copper coins?”
Zain “Temochino rogin dattesa.”
Sein “They’re all the funds we have left.”
Furīren “Hanashi kurai-nara kiite-agetemo iikana.”
Frieren “I guess we can at least hear you out.”
Shutaruku “Furīren…”
Stark “Frieren…”
Oruden “Shutaruku. Shusshinwa dokoda?”
Orden “Stark, where are you from?”
Shutaruku “…Chuo-shokoku Kure-chihono shenshino murada.”
Stark “A warrior village in the Klee region of the central lands.”
Oruden “Soka. Watashino kakeimo motowa sono murano ichizokuda.”
Orden “I see. My family line is originally from that village, too.”
Oruden “Chonanno Viruto. Watashino atotsugini-shite, kono machino eiyuda.”
Orden “My eldest son, Wirt. My heir and hero of this city.”
Ferun “Shutaruku-samani nite-imasune.”
Fern “He looks like you, Mr.Sterk.”
Oruden “Uri-futatsuda. Minario totonoe-reba, ieno monodemo nai-kagiri miwakewa tsukan.”
Orden “You’re practically identical. If we got you cleaned up, only someone from within the family would be able to tell the difference.”
Furīren “Sorega iraito nanika kankeiga arun-desuka?”
Frieren “What does that have to do with your request?”
Oruden “Hitotsuki-maeni mazokutono ookina tatakaiga attena. Sono-tokini Virutoga senshi shita. Tekino shogunto ai-uchi dattayo. Fukochuno saiwai-dattanowa, daikibona ransen datta-kotoda. Virutono shio shitte-irunowa, sokoni iru Gāberuto ichibuno fukushin dakeda.”
Orden “A month ago, we fought a large battle against demons. Wirt died in action. He and the enemy commander killed each other. The silver lining was that it was a large-scale melee. The only ones who know of Wirt’s death are Gabel over there and a few of my most trusted men.”
Furīren “Shutarukuni nanio saseru-tsumori desuka?”
Frieren “What are you planning to make Stark do?”
Oruden “Koko yosai-toshi Fōrihiwa, kono chihono mamorino kanameda. Shomo-shita heiryokuwo tatenaosu-made, shikio sageru wakeniwa ikan.”
Orden “The fortress city of Vorig is key to this region’s defense. We can’t allow morale to fall while we’re rebuilding the forces we lost.”
Zain “Soremade musukono shio kakusutte Kotoka…”
Sein “So you want to cover up your son’s death until then.”
Oruden “San-kagetsu-goni kono chihono yuryoku-shaga atsumaru shakokaiga hirakareru. Sokode Virutono kenzaio shimesu.”
Orden “Three months from now, this region’s influential figures will meet at a soirée. We’ll show them that Wirt is alive and well.”
Furīren “Hoshuwa?”
Frieren “How much will you pay us?”
Oruden “Shutorāru-kinka ju-mai.”
Orden “Ten Strahl gold coins.”
Ferun “Ichi-nenwa san-shoku-oyatsu-tsukide seikatsu dekimasuyo.”
Fern “That’s three meals a day plus snacks for a year.”
Furīren “Madoshomo tsukete.”
Frieren “Throw in a grimoire.”
Oruden “Shokokara issatsu, sukina mono’o motte-ike.”
Orden “You can take one of your choosing from the library.”
Shutaruku “Matte-kureyo. Muri datte. Dai-ichi, hitaino kizuwa do-surundayo.”
Stark “Hold on. I can’t do this. What am I gonna do about this scar on my forehead?”
Oruden “Moto-moto minshu-niwa, Virutowa ryoyochudato tsutaete-aru. Soitsuwa meiyono fushoda.”
Orden “The people already believe Wirt is recuperating. That’s an honorable battle scar.”
Ferun “Shutaruku-sama. Roginno tame desu.”
Fern “Mr.Stark, we need the money.”
Shutaruku “Kanashii…”
Stark “This is sad.”
Oruden “Gāberu, Shutarukuni saho’o tataki-kome.”
Orden “Gabel, teach Stark proper etiquette.”
Ferun “Shutaruku-sama. Sahono renshuwa dodesuka?”
Fern “Mr.Stark, how is your etiquette training coming along?”
Shutaruku “Jigoku daze.”
Stark “It’s hell.”
Shutaruku “Dokana?”
Stark “What do you think?”
Ferun “…Niatte-nai.”
Fern “It doesn’t suit you.”
Shutaruku “Hidoi…”
Stark “That’s not nice.”
Shutaruku “Chotto sotono kuki suttee-kuru.”
Stark “I’m gonna get some fresh air.”
Shutaruku “…Oruden-kyo.”
Stark “Lord Orden.”
Oruden “Chichiueto yobeto itsumo itte-irudaro. Dokoni hitono mega aruka wakaran.”
Orden “Aren’t I always telling you to call me ‘Father’? You never know when someone might be watching.”
Shutaruku “…Tsumeta-sugirunja naika. Musukoga shinde-kara, mada ni-kagetsumo tatteinain-daro.”
Stark “Aren’t you being too cold? It’s been less than two months since your son died.”
Oruden “Watashiwa musukono yuigonni shitagatte-iru-dakeda. Sonotameno kagemushamo ita. Omae-hodo nitewa inakattagana.”
Orden “I’m simply following my son’s final wishes. I even had a double prepared. He didn’t look as much like him as you do, though.”
Oruden “…Tashikani amari kibunno ii-mono-dewa naina. Daga koremo musukono Ishida. Tsukiatte-morauzo.”
Orden “I can’t say I enjoy this. But it’s what my son wanted. I’ll need your cooperation.”
Shutaruku “Bukiyo-sugiruze, anta…”
Stark “You’re so awkward.”
Oruden “Mūto. Motto sesujio nobase.”
Orden “Mut, stand up taller.”
Mūto “Hai, Chichiue.”
Mut “Yes, Father.”
Oruden “…Jinanno Mūtoda. Atotsugini Naruto iunoni, naka-naka jotatsu-sen.”
Orden “My second son, Mut. He’s to be my heir, but he shows little improvement.”
Shutarukuno chichi “Soreni kurabete Shutaruku. Aitsuwa shippai-sakuda.”
Stark’s father “But by contrast, Stark is a failure.”
Oruden “Kengino udewa shiseini deru-karana. Omaeni Orudenkeno kengio oshiete-yaru.”
Orden “Skill with a sword affects one’s posture. I’ll teach you the Orden family technique.”
Oruden “…Doshita? Daijobuda. Shin-kokyu-shiro. Kokowa omaeno kokyono muraja nai.”
Orden “What’s wrong? It’s all right. Take deep breaths. This isn’t your village.”
Shutaruku “Oruden-kyowa Mūtono koto do omotte-irunda?”
Stark “Lord Orden, what do you think of Mut?”
Oruden “Ani-hodono saiwa naina. Daga doryokukada. Tsumiagete-kita monowa kesshite uragiran. Aitsuwa itsuka watashi-yorimo tsuyoi kishini naru.”
Orden “He doesn’t have his brother’s talent. But he’s a hard worker. What he’s worked to build up won’t let him down. Someday he’ll become a stronger knight than me.”
Shutaruku “…Soka. Sore Mūtoni itte-yatta-hoga iize.”
Stark “I see. You should tell that to Mut.”
Oruden “Itsumo itte-iru. Dakara choshini notte naka-naka jotatsu-sen.”
Orden “I do. But it’s gone to his head, so he doesn’t improve.”
Shutaruku “Sorewa dai-mondai da.”
Stark “Now that’s a problem.”
Ferun “E? Watashimo sahono renshuo surundesuka?”
Fern “What? I have to learn etiquette, too?”
Oruden “Shakokai dazo. Toshigorono danshiga hitoride iku-koto-nado arieruto omounoka? Soretomo, mamaga tsuretette kurerunoka?”
Orden “It’s a soirée. You expect a young man to attend it alone? Or will his mommy escort him instead?”
Furīren “Ganbattene.”
Frieren “Good luck.”
Ferun “Koko ikkagetsu, jigoku deshita…”
Fern “This past month has been hell.”
Shutaruku “Roginno tame daro.”
Stark “We need the money, right?”
Ferun “Sumimasen-deshita.”
Fern “I’m sorry.”
Shutaruku “Sekkaku renshu-shitan-dashisa. Odoroze.”
Stark “We practiced. We might as well dance.”
Ferun “Hontoni niatte-imasenne.”
Fern “That really doesn’t suit you.”
Zain “Ore-tachimo odoruka?”
Sein “Shall we dance as well?”
Furīren “Kēki taberu.”
Frieren “I’m going to eat cake.”
Zain “…So.”
Sein “I see.”
Oruden “Kono kegasae nakereba zensenni tatte-itanowa watashi datta. Virutomo shinazuni sundano-kamona.”
Orden “If not for this injury, I would’ve been in the vanguard. Perhaps then, Wirt wouldn’t have died.”
Gāberu “Danna-sama…”
Gabel “Milord…”
Oruden “Shakokaiga owatta-yodana. Iraiwa shuryoda. Gāberu, Furīrenni hoshuo watashite-kitekure.”
Orden “Looks like the soirée is over. You’ve completed the job. Gabel, give Frieren her reward.”
Oruden “Shutaruku, omaeno senshito shiteno rikiryowa subarashii monoda. Omaesae yokereba――”
Orden “Stark, you’re an incredibly powerful warrior. If you’d like―”
Shutaruku “Orewa antano musukono kawarija naize.”
Stark “I can’t replace your son.”
Oruden “Sodana. Watashimo omaeno chichioyano kawari-dewa nai. Daga, kaeru basho-nante nainodaro. Kure-chihono senshino murawa mazokuni horobosareta. Sore-kuraiwa shitteiru.”
Orden “You’re right. And I can’t replace your father. But you don’t have a home to return to. The warrior village of the Klee region was destroyed by demons. I know that much.”
Oruden “Musuko-towa kenka-wakare datta. Sasaina kotodeno iiarasoida. ‘Omaeno kaonante nidoto mitaku-nai” to, so itte-shimatta. Kokoro-nimo nai kotoba datta.”
Orden “My son and I parted in anger. We got into an argument over something trivial. I told him I never wanted to see his face again. I didn’t mean it.”
Oruden “Omaeo mitsuketa-tokiwa kisekidato omottanda.”
Orden “When I found you, I thought it was a miracle.”
Shutaruku “Nara naosara kokoniwa nokore-neena. Oremo kokoro-nimo nai kotobao icchimattanda. Sodateno oyanisa. Dakara tabino miyage-banashio tappurito motte-kaeraneeto dame-nanda.”
Stark “All the more reason I can’t stay here. I said something I didn’t mean, too, to the man who raised me. So I have to bring him back stories of my travels.”
Oruden “…Soka.”
Orden “I see.”
Furīren “Ūn… Hoshuno madosho doreni shiyo…”
Frieren “Which grimoire should I choose for my reward?”
Ferun “Furīren-sama. Mo han-nichini narimasuyo. Gāberu-samamo komatte-masu.”
Fern “Ms.Frieren, it’s been half a day. You’re distressing Mr.Gabel.”
Gāberu (…Hayaku shite…)
Gabel (Please hurry up.)
Ferun “Hora seikiga mattaku arimasen’yo.”
Fern “Look. All the life has left him.”
Zain “Heiryokuno tate-naoshi-niwa mada-mada kakari-sodatteyo.”
Sein “It’ll be some time until they rebuild their forces.”
Zain “Doshita?”
Sein “What is it?”
Shutaruku “Iiya. Sukunaku-tomo atotsugi-niwa komarana-soda.”
Stark “Nothing. At the very least, he won’t have to worry about his heir.”
(Continue to Episode 16)
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obtainhigh · 3 months
Peanut Butter Breath Diamond Infused Pre-Rolls by Pacific Stone
Pacific Stone introduces the Peanut Butter Breath Diamond Infused Pre-Rolls, a premium offering for cannabis connoisseurs seeking both high potency and exceptional flavor. Crafted from the beloved Peanut Butter Breath strain, known for its nutty, earthy, and woody flavors, these pre-rolls are infused with THCa diamonds extracted directly from greenhouse-grown flowers, elevating the intensity and purity of your smoking experience. Each pack contains 7 diamond-infused pre-rolls, perfect for sharing with friends at any time of day. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or energize a social gathering, these pre-rolls provide a versatile solution. The strong initial buzz enhances your ability to relax or engage, while the ensuing full-body high deeply soothes and satisfies. Pacific Stone, founded in 2015 by a passionate group of friends and family from the 805, is dedicated to growing clean, consistent, and affordable cannabis. As a family-owned operation with sixth-generation Dutch greenhouse growers at the helm, Pacific Stone stands for quality, consistency, and value, offering farm-direct cannabis that meets rigorous standards. Peanut Butter Breath, a hybrid strain developed by ThugPug Genetics, crosses DoSiDos with Gage Green Genetics’ Mendo Breath F2. It's renowned for its woodsy, herbaceous flavor and striking buds that are typically frosted with trichomes and highlighted with fiery red stigma hairs, occasionally showing purple hues. The strain's growth profile and exceptional characteristics make it a favorite among both growers and users. Experience the best of farm-direct California cannabis with Pacific Stone's Peanut Butter Breath Diamond Infused Pre-Rolls. Shop now to enjoy a top-tier cannabis product that combines heritage, innovation, and a commitment to accessibility, all wrapped in the potent and aromatic embrace of one of the finest strains available. Read the full article
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greatgastby23 · 9 months
Pure Michigan Weed Strain Information | Leafly
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cannabis-blog-uk · 10 months
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Welcome to the world of culinary cannabis strains, where Mendo Breath reigns as a truly unique and inspirational choice. With its captivating flavors and calming effects, Mendo Breath has become a so... https://cannabisblog.uk/what-makes-mendo-breath-a-unique-culinary-cannabis-strain/?feed_id=22540&_unique_id=65735c11ae9f2
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