hjbender · 5 years
Ohhhh that new mermay one
Who says it’s going to be one little one? It could be a half dozen. (You know how snakes are.) 😁
I think Loki might be a little overprotective at first. “No shocks whatsoever! I won’t have you frying our offspring before they’re even born!” But maybe as his belly grows and the baby (or babies) get stronger and more active, Thor can soothe them to sleep with a gentle caress of his hands. Perhaps they take after Daddy too much and poor Loki is awake all night with a mini thunderstorm raging inside him, his hair floofed out permanently and crackling with electricity, and Thor has to settle the little ones down with a touch of his own powers. Then finally Loki is able to fall asleep, snuggled up in Thor’s arms, and the babies are at peace, knowing Daddy is close by.
I need to stop talking and get back to drawing. This is some cute stuff.
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