rausule · 1 year
Miurgo D'miurgo In antieke Afrikalande, 'n vrye vakman in teenstelling met 'n slaaf, diritto di insulto od indulto, Die term word deur Plato in die Timaeus gebruik met die betekenis van skepper van die heelal, beginsel van die kosmiese orde. Sy werk bestaan ​​daarin om orde en maat aan 'n voorafbestaande saak te gee, deur idees of ewige vorme as model aan te neem, wat ook onafhanklik van die demiurg is. Die D. gee dus aanleiding tot die siel van die wêreld, tot die onsterflike deel van die menslike siel en tot die ander godhede, wat laasgenoemde toevertrou met die taak om die liggame te skep .per Monate.
Dr De Beer
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lolololovescoco · 7 months
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Noriko Merugo
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shonenpunk · 7 years
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Inktober day 17: Merugo, the goddess of creation
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sorezorenonihon · 8 years
Sakura Blossoms with Merugo River by Hidehiko Sakashita Via Flickr:
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japanaugust2018 · 6 years
Arriving back to Tokyo
20th August 2018
Up early to catch the Shinkansen at 9am to Tokyo which took an hour. We arrived into Tokyo central station and walked to our hotel where we will be staying for the next 4 nights before Suzi heads back to England. We chose Ginza area to stay in this time as it is close to the fish market which we hope to visit very early in the morning one day and also there is a bit of night life, bars & restaurants around the area. We got settled in and headed to the fish market around midday, there wasn’t much happening as everywhere was closing down but great to see how massive it is! Biggest one in the world, staff riding around on electric carts and huge vans full of fish, suddenly we felt very small. We started to get an appetite so researched a tempura place to eat for lunch. This one was on the 8th floor of a shopping centre, now we are more familiar with looking up in buildings for places this one wasn’t too difficult to find. Delicious seafood and vegetables served with miso soup and rice. After lunch we went back to the hotel and got glammed up for cocktails this evening and dinner with Jack (phils friend & who he will be staying with while working at Ode). Before arriving in Japan we had on our list of a cocktail bar called ‘Land Bar’ only six seats in the room we weren’t expecting to get in. We arrived at 5pm and we were the only ones there having opened at 2pm. The barman asked us both what spirits we liked and left the rest up to him. Suzi had a gin based one and Philip had Whiskey. They were so delicious and had a lovely balance of flavours, sweet and sour. As we were the only ones there for a while we were lucky enough to get to understand the world of mixology. The whole experience was amazing! After a few and a hefty bill we headed to Merugo where Jack lives, we met his flatmates and went to get Ramen for dinner and a few beers after.
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