abtechsorg · 2 years
MetaTdex Launches Revolutionary Web3 Brokerage DAO at Global Launch Conference in Dubai
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On December 20, 2022, MetaTdex held the highly anticipated “Web3 Brokerage DAO” Global Launch Conference at the luxurious Hyatt Hotel Creek in Dubai. The event drew a large crowd of influential investors, investment institutions, and crypto experts, all eager to learn more about MetaTdex’s latest financial innovation.
 At the conference, MetaTdex unveiled its plans to combine the world of crypto with the traditional stock market through the use of stablecoin. This revolutionary approach will allow web 3 users to invest in the stock market without worrying about OTC fees, currency exchange rates, and the tedious process of opening a stock market account. This is a game-changing development that has the potential to disrupt the traditional financial system and bring more people into the world of investing. 
In addition to providing an efficient and cost-effective way for web 3 users to enter the stock market, MetaTdex’s platform will also offer a wider range of options for wealth preservation and appreciation during bearish seasons. This is especially important for investors who are looking to diversify their portfolios and protect themselves against market fluctuations. 
Those who purchase MetaTdex’s stock-token packages will receive both short-term and long-term benefits, including Tdex Tokens (TT) and stocks. The TT tokens will give holders access to exclusive discounts and perks, while the stocks will provide long-term growth potential. This unique combination of benefits is designed to appeal to a wide range of investors and provide something for everyone. 
Overall, the Web3 Brokerage DAO Global Launch Conference was a huge success, with attendees leaving excited about the potential of MetaTdex’s innovative platform and the ways in which it will revolutionize the world of finance. The conference was a testament to MetaTdex’s commitment to innovation and their desire to bring the benefits of the stock market to a wider audience. With the launch of their stablecoin platform, MetaTdex is poised to make a major impact on the financial world and change the way people invest for the better.
To watch the video click the below:
Join our Community to get the latest update on MetaTdex: Main Group: https://t.me/MetaTdex_group MetaTdex Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/MetaTdex
Start your web3.0 journey with MetaTdex. www.metatdex.com
MetaTdex :Safe| efficient | Diverse
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thejupiternews · 6 months
Da Lira Coin a WeWe Global, da TBE a Xera a Lyopay: tanti nomi, un’unica, gigantesca, truffa (ANALISI ON CHAIN)
WeWe Global è una truffa che negli anni ha più volte cambiato nome per sfuggire alla chiusura e alle autorità di controllo e per, ovviamente, attirare nuovi capitali.
Tutto è nato nel 2018 come LiraCoin, un “progetto” che combinava un sistema di finto staking con uno schema Ponzi da manuale. Il funzionamento era semplice: acquistavi la moneta della piattaforma, la bloccavi sulla stessa per poi ricevere magicamente dei rendimenti. Nel 2019 la CONSOB bloccò la piattaforma perché accusata di frode finanziaria.
Nel 2021 viene però riproposta con un nome diverso: WeWe Global. Come per LiraCoin, WeWe era solo l’ennesimo Ponzi nascosto dietro false promesse agli investitori. A giugno 2023 il progetto si espande, lanciando addirittura un exchange: LyoPay, accompagnato dal suo token.
La truffa però collassa di nuovo e viene lanciato il token LFI per raccogliere nuovi capitali. La strategia però non si rivela azzeccata e dopo soli due mesi WeWe Global collassa definitivamente.
Il gruppo di truffatori con a capo, probabilmente, il brasiliano Luis Goez si saranno arresi qua? Ovviamente no.
A settembre 2023 nasce infatti The Blockchain Era, una nuova edizione della solita truffa che però chiude dopo soli tre mesi. Per essere riproposta di nuovo sotto il nome di Xera.
Iniziamo quindi la nostra inchiesta per comprendere meglio l’enorme giro di affari che si cela dietro uno delle più popolari crypto-truffe degli ultimi anni.
Per approfondire la storia e il funzionamento di questi scam potete trovare le nostre analisi e approfondimenti a riguardo qua:
Se siete stati vittima di una truffa online con pagamenti in criptovalute vi ricordiamo che Decripto, grazie al suo team di esperti, può aiutarti a rintracciare i tuoi soldi e capire se sono recuperabili.
Analisi on chain
La nostra analisi on chain, sicuramente tra le più complesse della storia di Decripto, inizia dagli smart contract dei token LFI e cLFI creati sulla blockchain Polygon.
Analizzano il pattern delle transazioni e le informazioni reperibili in rete abbiamo creato un cluster (insieme di indirizzi presumibilmente riconducibili alla stessa entità) composto da 67 wallet che interagisce con diversi indirizzi di inoltro che però, come possiamo vedere dal grafico, vanno tutti a finire nella piattaforma MetatDex, una piattaforma di scambio token cross chain, utile se si vuole far perdere le tracce dei propri fondi. Su MetatDex finiscono un totale di circa 500.000$ dagli indirizzi che abbiamo censito e che sono riconducibili alle attività di LFI.
Ma non solo, i 67 address del cluster hanno in totale generato un giro di affari pari a 56 milioni di USDT inviandone il 50% verso Binance, il 25% a Gate.io e il 22% a OKX. Il restante 3% è poi diviso tra Kraken, Nexo, MEXC.com, Wirex, BitGet e CoinSpot.
I principali wallet o smart contract coinvolti sono:
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Il cluster degli indirizzi di LFI interagisce, inviando una grossa quantità di token cLFI, con una serie di indirizzi che l’azienda di intelligence on chain Chainalysis aveva già riconosciuto come appartenenti a LFI.io, questi wallet operano sia su rete Polygon che, sopratutto, sulla blockchain di Tron.
Il giro di affari sulla blockchain di Tron da parte di questi indirizzi (TM5n8DVxqFfouSfoCUYrG76komiubAaB4B, TQrizfAJNFkBmSGh65xjZsDPPgAYN3B4Gc e TWftTvemy9YtF69W29MZvgw6zLLdGV4TSU) è pari a 3,13 milioni di USDT ricevuti con più di 4.000 transazioni di deposito e prelevati con sole 29 transazioni.
Questo pattern ci fa pensare ad un indirizzo usato per raccogliere fondi dagli utenti, ma dove vanno a finire tutti questi USDT?
La maggior parte verso TJwRK4WXrfptr1Dk3os6AhXCJ1S7wWPW4n che in 11 trasferimenti riceve da LFI.io 3.085.338 USDT, mentre 50.000 USDT finiscono nell’exchange MEXC.com, noto per non richiedere KYC.
TJwRK4WXrfptr1Dk3os6AhXCJ1S7wWPW4n preleva poi circa 6 milioni di dollari su un gran numero di exchange come: Binance, OKX, Kraken, ByBit e sopratutto Cobo.com, un provider di soluzioni di custodia per digital asset.
Il cluster di indirizzi di LFI.io interagisce poi con un secondo cluster stavolta riconducibile a TBE.io, informazione confermata anche da utenti del nostro gruppo Telegram che hanno depositato fondi proprio in quei wallet.
TBE.io riceve ben 6.039 transazioni per un valore totale di 4.649.373 USDT che preleva con soli 13 spostamenti su un wallet Cobo.com e su altri 2 indirizzi: TJwRK4WXrfptr1Dk3os6AhXCJ1S7wWPW4n (già analizzato prima) e TGMM54gkfMSdFA93SEFj6UEqP5ywrw8Rva che sposta quasi tutti i fondi ricevuti a TK9rebvaa7XnSqbzB3d6ff9Uft1hp91wSW per un totale di 3.184.005 USDT.
Quest’ultimo wallet riceve la bellezza di 41.3 milioni di USDT dal sito di gambling turco 96ack.com, usato anche da terroristi islamici per ripulire fondi illeciti, come possiamo vedere al collegamento con vari indirizzi segnalati dall’intelligence israeliana.
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TK9rebvaa7XnSqbzB3d6ff9Uft1hp91wSW fa parte di un insieme di wallet che generano un giro d’affari di circa 5 miliardi di dollari e che vede coinvolto, ancora una volta, il provider di pagamenti HuionePay, usato da molti scam asiatici (come Cdiscount) per riciclare denaro.
Anche se non direttamente attribuibili a WeWe Global è chiaro come la piattaforma, in tutte le sue versioni, faccia parte di un’enorme rete di riciclaggio internazionale, come già abbiamo notato nell’analisi on chain del phishing scam Cdiscount.
Grazie a dati reperibili online siamo a conoscenza degli indirizzi appartenenti all’exchange LyoPay. Questi wallet muovono un totale di 1.063 Bitcoin, per un valore attuale di 74 milioni di dollari.
Notiamo poi come il cluster di indirizzi riconducibili a LyoPay invii 15 milioni di dollari ad un insieme di wallet che appartengono a WeWe Global, altra versione della tessa truffa.
WeWe Global ha avuto durante il suo periodo di attività, terminato il 18 dicembre 2023, un giro di affari totale di 4.465 Bitcoin, attualmente circa 312 milioni di dollari. Un parte di questi fondi, circa 70 milioni di dollari, vengono ripuliti tramite il bridge cross chain RenProject.io, già coinvolto nel riciclaggio di fondi appartenenti a gruppi di hacker russi.
Altri 100 milioni di dollari vengono invece prelevati su exchange, principalmente Binance e Pionex.
I principali indirizzi coinvolti sono:
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La nostra analisi on chain conferma WeWe Global (in tutte le sue versioni) come uno dei più grandi crypto scam degli ultimi anni, secondo i nostri esperti il totale dei fondi rubati agli utenti ammonta ad un minimo di mezzo miliardo di dollari, questo perché non ci è stato possibile recuperare i wallet di LiraCoin, la prima versione della truffa.
Il grosso giro di denaro fa capire che si trova una strutturata ed esperta organizzazione dietro lo scam, al contrario di altre analisi on chain di truffe online l’entità dietro WeWe fa largo uso di strumenti per il mixing con lo scopo di far perdere le tracce dei fondi rubati. Nonostante questo una grossa fetta del riciclaggio avviene sempre tramite exchange centralizzati che dimostrano, ancora una volta, grosse lacune nel prevenire questo tipo di reati sulle proprie piattaforme.
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newsheadlinesnow · 1 year
Ethereum Upgrade Completed, Enjoy the Highest WETH Financing Yield of up to 5% in MetaTdex Smart Pool
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conversationpoint · 1 year
Ethereum Upgrade Completed, Enjoy the Highest WETH Financing Yield of up to 5% in MetaTdex Smart Pool
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versatileer · 2 years
Daily Giveaway Roll & Freebies– October 24th 2022
Daily Giveaway Roll & Freebies– October 24th 2022
The @Versatileer Daily Giveaway Roll & Freebies October 24th Welcome to the Versatileer “Daily Giveaway Roll” A daily listing of giveaways, ending daily midnight Pacific Time. Brought to you by Versatileer: Daily Giveaway Roll – 10/24/22  Expiring 10/24 – 2 a.m. until 8 a.m. MetaTdex will list ROCKI, share 5000 TT กิจกรรมแจก Startup x Stronghold (SHX) แอร์ดรอปรวม 115,000 $SHX Kitsumon &…
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brcoinwork · 2 years
New airdrop: MetaTdex (USDT) Total Reward: 2,000 USDT Rate: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Winners: 700 Random & Top 50 Distribution: within a week after airdrop ends
Bot Airdrop Link: https://t.me/MetaTdex_Bot?start=r09910377520
🔹Complete the tasks 🔹Submit your BEP-20 wallet address 🔹Submit other details on the bot. 🔹2.5 USDT each to 700 Random participants 🔹5 USDT each to 50 top referrers
Note: Airdrop will end on 18th October and rewards will be distributed to winners BEP-20 wallet within a week after airdrop ends.
Disclaimer: Please do your own research (DYOR) before joining to any airdrops project, also airdrop is 100% free. Don't send any fee or penny for receiving airdrop tokens. Also we don't recommend you to invest in any new projects, just join airdrop for free.
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cryptosnewss · 2 years
Cardano’s Big Day Arrives, Whales Grab ADA in Last-Minute Rush
Cardano’s Big Day Arrives, Whales Grab ADA in Last-Minute Rush
Cardano’s big day is coming as the long-awaited Vasil hard fork is set to go live today. The whales also take notice as they are seen accumulating ADA in a last minute rush. According WhalesStats data, ADA is back in the top 10 assets bought for the top 100 BSC whales, hours after Vasil upgraded. JUSTINE: $TT @MetaTdex is back in the top 10 tokens bought in the top 100 #BSC whales in the last 24…
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abtechsorg · 2 years
MetaTdex Obtains Groundbreaking License from DMCC: A Step Forward for the Mainstream Adoption and Legitimacy of Cryptocurrency
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MetaTdex, a decentralized exchange based in Dubai, has made history by becoming the first decentralized exchange to obtain a license from the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC). This achievement marks a significant milestone for the company, as it now has legal and regulatory backing to provide all encrypted digital asset exchange services in Dubai, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), USDT token and more.
The license (No. DMCC-870791) means that MetaTdex has obtained the authority to provide these services in a compliant and secure manner, ensuring that users can participate in Web 3.0 finance with confidence. This is a major step forward for the industry, as it promotes the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
MetaTdex established an operation center in Dubai in August 2022, and in just four months since moving into their new office, the company has already secured both a US MSB (Money Services Business) and Dubai DMCC license. This rapid progress is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the MetaTdex team, as well as the favorable regulatory environment in Dubai for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
Furthermore, MetaTdex is not content to rest on their laurels, and they are actively working on obtaining more licenses such as Dubai MTL (Metals and Minerals trading License), VARA (Virtual Asset Service Provider), DIFC (Dubai International Financial Centre), ADGM (Abu Dhabi Global Market). This indicates their goal to open up the connection between cryptocurrency and traditional stock markets, allowing users to gain more benefits in a compliant and secure Web 3.0 finance environment.
The development of the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem in Dubai is something that is worth paying attention to. The DMCC license granted to MetaTdex is an indication that the government is committed to creating an environment that is favorable for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. With a rapidly advancing regulatory environment, we can expect to see more companies following in MetaTdex’s footsteps and obtaining licenses to operate in Dubai.
In conclusion, the success of MetaTdex in obtaining a license from the DMCC is a significant achievement not only for the company but also for the entire blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. It is a clear signal that Dubai is open to innovative technologies and is working to create a favorable environment for their development. This is an encouraging development and it will be interesting to see how the ecosystem in Dubai continues to evolve in the coming years.
Join our Community to get the latest update on MetaTdex: Main Group: https://t.me/MetaTdex_group MetaTdex Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/MetaTdex
Start your web3.0 journey with MetaTdex. www.metatdex.com
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abtechsorg · 2 years
Earn Cryptocurrency rewards with Trade Mining at MetaTdex
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Trade mining is a new way for individuals to earn rewards for participating in cryptocurrency trading. The public beta for trade mining is now open, and we encourage you to come and join in on the fun.
With trade mining, transactions and pending orders are evenly rewarded. This means that no matter how big or small your trade is, you will still be eligible to earn rewards. It’s a great way to get involved in the cryptocurrency market and start earning some passive income.
If you want to participate in trade mining, there are a few steps you need to follow. First, you’ll need to download the MetaTdex wallet. This can be done by visiting the website and clicking on the download link ( https://www.metatdex.com/#/download?channel=3).
Once you have the wallet installed, you’ll need to create or import your Polygon wallet address. This is the address that will be used to hold your cryptocurrency and participate in trade mining.
Next, you’ll need to recharge your wallet with Matic as gas fees and USDT as transaction mining participation funds. Matic is a cryptocurrency that is used to pay for transactions on the Polygon blockchain, while USDT is a stablecoin that is used to participate in trade mining.
Finally, you can start participating in trade mining by placing orders or trading TT/MATIC on the Polygon chain. It’s as simple as that!
There are a few rules to be aware of when it comes to trade mining, and we recommend that you refer to the transaction mining announcement for all the details. You can find this announcement by clicking on the link provided (https://urlzs.com/i2ywv).
Overall, trade mining is a great way to get involved in the cryptocurrency market and start earning some passive income. So why not give it a try? Download the MetaTdex wallet and start participating in trade mining today.
Join our Community to get the latest update on MetaTdex: Main Group: https://t.me/MetaTdex_group MetaTdex Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/MetaTdex
Start your web3.0 journey with MetaTdex. www.metatdex.com
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abtechsorg · 2 years
13 Reasons Why Investing in MetaTdex is a Smart Choice: An In-Depth Analysis
MetaTdex is a decentralized exchange platform that aims to offer a secure and reliable trading environment for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors. With the launch of Trade Mining Beta 2.0, MetaTdex is poised to become one of the leading decentralized exchanges in the industry. In this article, we will look at why users should consider investing in MetaTdex.
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LICENSED: The key reason why users should consider investing in MetaTdex is due to the company's licensed operations in multiple countries. Having a license from regulators such as the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) and China gives MetaTdex a level of legitimacy and recognition that many other decentralized exchanges may not have. This also indicates that MetaTdex is adhering to strict compliance measures and regulations, which can provide users with added security and peace of mind when it comes to their investments. Additionally, the company's ability to operate legally in multiple countries increases the potential market size and user base, which can be beneficial for growth and long-term success.
GROWTH POTENTIAL: MetaTdex is among the top 10 decentralized exchanges in the industry, and the platform has ambitious plans to become one of the top 3 decentralized exchanges by the end of 2023. This growth potential is attractive to investors who are looking for a platform that has a strong future ahead of it.
USER-FRIENDLY INTERFACE: MetaTdex has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to trade and manage their assets. The platform is intuitive and easy to use, which makes it a great choice for users who are new to the cryptocurrency space.
STRONG SECURITY MEASURES: Security is of utmost importance when it comes to cryptocurrency trading. MetaTdex takes security seriously and has implemented strong measures to ensure that user assets are safe and secure. With Trade Mining Beta 2.0, the platform will be able to offer even more robust security features, further protecting user assets.
EXPERIENCED TEAM: MetaTdex is built and managed by a team of experienced professionals who are well-versed in the crypto industry. This level of experience ensures that MetaTdex stays ahead of the curve and continues to provide its users with the best possible services and features.
ATTRACTIVE TOKENOMICS: MetaTdex places a high level of emphasis on the value and support of the native token, the TT token. This is evident in the implementation of trade mining 2.0, which provides users with an opportunity to earn the TT token through their trading activities. With the high level of attention given to the TT token, it is expected to soar in value, providing users with a good return on their investment.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: MetaTdex is a community-driven platform and values the input of its users. The platform periodically holds AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions to ensure that no community member or investor is left behind. This helps to keep everyone informed about the development process and any new features being rolled out.
MULTIPLE TRADING PAIRS: MetaTdex has plans to add more trading pairs in the future, allowing users to choose from a wider range of cryptocurrencies to trade. This will increase the number of available trading opportunities, making the platform even more attractive to users.
INTEGRATION OF MULTIPLE BLOCKCHAINS: MetaTdex aims to integrate more than 15 different blockchains into its ecosystem, making it a onestop-shop for all cryptocurrency-trading needs. This will further increase the platform's appeal to users, as they will be able to trade a wider range of cryptocurrencies from a single platform.
AVAILABLE OF LIQUIDITY: Decentralized exchanges have faced liquidity issues in the past, which can lead to slow transaction times and decreased trading volumes. Trade Mining Beta 2.0 solves this problem by incentivizing users to participate in the platform's trading activities. With increased liquidity, users can expect faster and smoother trading experiences.
NFT INTEGRATION: MetaTdex has plans to integrate NFTs into its platform in the near future, enabling users to hold NFTs in their wallets. This will further increase the platform's appeal to users and is expected to drive the value of the platform up over time.
REGULAR UPDATES AND IMPROVEMENTS: MetaTdex is constantly working on improving the platform and adding new features. Regular updates and improvements help to keep the platform relevant and provide users with a continuously improving user experience. This level of attention to detail and dedication to improvement is what sets MetaTdex apart from other decentralized exchanges.
ROADMAP FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: MetaTdex has a clear roadmap for future development, and they are dedicated to achieving their goals. This roadmap includes plans for the integration of NFTs, the addition of new trading pairs, and the continued development of new features and improvements. The roadmap provides users with a clear understanding of what to expect from MetaTdex in the future, which is important for making informed investment decisions.
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MetaTdex is a promising platform with a lot of potential for growth. With its welldesigned tokenomics, strong security measures, and community involvement, MetaTdex is an investment option that users should consider today, tomorrow, and in the Future.
Join our Community to get the latest update on MetaTdex:
Main Group: https://t.me/MetaTdex_group
MetaTdex Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/MetaTdex
Start your web3.0 journey with MetaTdex. www.metatdex.com
MetaTdex :Safe| Efficient | Diverse
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abtechsorg · 2 years
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MetaTdex, one of the leading decentralized exchanges in the world, has recently announced plans to share a sum of $500,000 with users who participate in the trade mining beta 2.0. This represents a significant opportunity for users to earn money while also upgrading the trade mining system. The decision to upgrade the trade mining system is also aimed at solving the liquidity issues that decentralized exchanges often face.
Decentralized exchanges, unlike centralized exchanges, do not operate from a single server, which can lead to issues with liquidity. Decentralized exchanges are built on blockchain technology, which means that transactions are processed on a peer-to-peer basis, rather than through a central authority. This is what makes decentralized exchanges so appealing to many users, as it eliminates the need for a middleman and provides a greater degree of security and privacy. However, the decentralized nature of these exchanges also means that there is no central authority to ensure that transactions are processed quickly and efficiently. This can lead to issues with liquidity, as users may struggle to find buyers or sellers for the assets they wish to trade.
The implementation of trade mining 2.0 is expected to help solve this issue without compromising on the security of users' assets. Trade mining is a process where users are rewarded for trading on the platform, with the rewards being paid out in the exchange's native token. By incentivizing users to trade, trade mining can help to increase liquidity on the platform, as more users are likely to participate in trading activities.
In addition to this, MetaTdex plans to add more trading pairs this year, with a target of 15 trading pairs. This will involve the incorporation and integration of approximately 15 blockchains into the MetaTdex ecosystem, which is a significant push for the exchange and is expected to yield better participation from users in the trade mining process. With more trading pairs to choose from, users will have more options and a better overall experience. The addition of more trading pairs will also allow MetaTdex to attract more users from different blockchain, which will enhance the liquidity of the exchange.
The decision to add more trading pairs also aligns with MetaTdex's goal of becoming one of the top 3 decentralized exchanges in the world by the end of 2023. This ambitious goal can only be achieved by introducing new features and improvements to the platform, which is exactly what MetaTdex is doing. Throughout the year, users can expect to see new features and improvements that will enhance the overall experience and make the platform more user-friendly.
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One of the most exciting features that MetaTdex plans to introduce is the integration of NFTs. In the first quarter of 2024, the exchange plans to enable users to hold NFTs in their wallets, which will open up a whole new world of possibilities for the exchange and its users. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets that are unique and cannot be replicated, which makes them perfect for use cases such as digital art, gaming, and more. The integration of NFTs will also help MetaTdex to attract more users from different blockchain, which will enhance the liquidity of the exchange.
MetaTdex's commitment to its community and investors goes beyond just introducing new features and improvements to the platform. The exchange also regularly organizes AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions to ensure that no community member or investor is left behind in any way. These sessions provide an opportunity for users to ask questions and get answers directly from the MetaTdex team, which helps to keep everyone informed and up-to-date on the development process.
AMA sessions are also an excellent opportunity for community members and investors to provide feedback and suggestions to the MetaTdex team. This feedback is crucial for the exchange to continue to improve and provide the best possible experience for its users. The MetaTdex team is always open to hearing feedback and suggestions, and they take them into consideration when making decisions about new features and improvements to the platform.
Finally, MetaTdex's trade mining beta 2.0 represents a significant opportunity for users to earn money, and the exchange's plans to solve liquidity issues and add more trading pairs is expected to improve the overall experience for users. With ambitious plans to become one of the top 3 decentralized exchanges in the world and the introduction of new features, including NFTs, MetaTdex is a promising platform for anyone looking to participate in the world of decentralized trading. The exchange's commitment to providing a secure, user-friendly platform and its focus on innovation makes it an attractive choice for traders of all levels.
Join our Community to get the latest update on MetaTdex: Main Group: https://t.me/MetaTdex_group MetaTdex Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/MetaTdex
Start your web3.0 journey with MetaTdex. www.metatdex.com
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