supranatural85 · 2 years
@cryptosns @sharecrypto @cryptocomofficial @otw_officialnft #nfts @opensea @rarible @nftnow @cryptocomnft #metaverso #metaverse #metamask🦊 @nftmentor @supranatural1985 (at Milton Keynes) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch5UzwWojiFEtGrjX7tq4PXB2oOLxz9Ud2fypY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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metamoonshots · 8 months
[ad_1] Below a brand new partnership, MetaMask confirmed its robust efforts towards dangerous actors to save lots of MetaMask customers from hacking incidents.MetaMask is a well-liked decentralized Ethereum crypto pockets that presently helps buying and selling of crypto property on Arbitrum, Optimism, Binance Good Chain, Polygon, and Avalanche networks along with Ethereum. ConsenSys is the blockchain developer behind this pockets, which was based by Ethereum co-founder Joseph Lubin. On 31 Oct 2023, MetaMask introduced a partnership with Blockaid. Below this partnership, MetaMask aimed to save lots of MetaMask customers from potential phishing assaults. In collaboration with @Blockaid_, a number one web3 safety supplier, we're happy to announce the launch of privacy-preserving safety alerts within the MetaMask extension to assist cease malicious transactions earlier than they occur.🦊🛡️https://t.co/G7tu8eeyyt— MetaMask 🦊🫰 (@MetaMask) October 31, 2023 Blockaid’s Dapp scanning device has the potential to completely simulate all doable person interactions and validate whether or not these interactions are malicious. This characteristic might be rolled out from the primary quarter of the following yr for all of the MetaMask customers as a by-default perform.Nonetheless right here this effort by the MetaMask developer agency will defend MetaMask customers from suspicious & illicit crypto transactions however will probably be attention-grabbing what efforts might be made by ConsenSys to battle towards interactions with these MetaMask wallets with interacts with Metmask customers with related sorts wanting crypto addresses. At the moment, MetaMask has 20 million lively customers and goals to save lots of billions of crypto property from phishing assaults. Blockaid is a crypto & blockchain startup that was based by two former members of the Israeli navy intelligence and just lately emerged from stealth mode with $33 million in funding.MetaMask, person knowledge, & controversy In This autumn 2022, MetaMask up to date its person knowledge coverage use and confirmed that MetaMask will accumulate the person’s person identify, IP tackle, & corresponding crypto tackle within the report for higher buyer expertise.Many MetaMask customers jumped towards ConsenSys’s new coverage and alleged that ConsenSys wished to earn cash from customers’ knowledge. Later ConsenSys CEO clarified that they are going to accumulate customers’ knowledge for a small interval and they'll by no means share/promote knowledge to third-party firms.Infura doesn't exploit this knowledge, nor does ConsenSys monetize it. Infura is pursuing technical options to attenuate knowledge assortment, together with anonymization strategies and full elimination of information collected.12/21— Joseph Lubin (@ethereumJoseph) November 25, 2022 Learn additionally: Billionaire Druckenmiller says “I don’t own Bitcoin, but I should” [ad_2]
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ailtrahq · 8 months
MetaMask will collaborate with Stripe to offer U.S. users an effortless way to transition between fiat and digital currencies, further simplifying the crypto experience. A strategic alliance between leading crypto wallet MetaMask and payment solution provider Stripe aims to make it more straightforward for U.S. users to transition between fiat and crypto. The new feature will significantly enhance MetaMask’s mobile application, browser plug-in and portfolio platform. This upgrade allows MetaMask’s U.S. customer base—largely centered on Ethereum—to more easily funnel traditional money into their digital wallets. The initiative capitalizes on Stripe’s Link technology, a one-click payment interface designed to maximize transaction approvals and simplify the process of purchasing digital assets via debit or credit cards. Available on the MetaMask mobile app, browser extension, and directly on MetaMask Portfolio; the fiat-to-crypto onramp will be powered by Link, Stripe's one-click payment solution that optimizes authorization rates and simplifies the purchase experience.— MetaMask 🦊🫰 (@MetaMask) October 11, 2023 Stripe’s far-reaching financial clout and effortless transaction interfaces are no strangers to the digital ecosystem. Boasting collaboration with millions of websites, the payment processor aims to add significant value to the MetaMask offering. Metamask emphasizes user experience Over 30 million global users currently employ MetaMask, widely recognized as the most prominent internet-connected, self-custodial wallet. These wallets allow users to personally manage the private keys essential for accessing their digital assets, as opposed to entrusting them to an external party. The integration arrives on the heels of a growing trend favoring self-custodial wallets, particularly following the downfall of centralized exchange FTX. While this category of wallets offers increased autonomy, it also presents a steeper learning curve for crypto novices. The Stripe feature aims to mitigate these challenges, potentially attracting a broader demographic to MetaMask. Last month, MetaMask broadened its transactional capabilities by enabling users to convert their digital assets into fiat currency via PayPal and traditional banking channels, facilitated by off-ramp service providers MoonPay and Transact. This latest partnership with Stripe continues to cement MetaMask’s commitment to enhancing the user experience and streamlining crypto-fiat exchanges.
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iampjr · 2 years
RT @OlimpioCrypto: Today, @MetaMask launched MM Bridge 🦊 Also, a Google Form to be a testnet validator in the zk-EVM solution from ConsenSys just opened 4hs ago. Fill it now! A reminder that this year Lubin already confirmed a MM token. Here is what you can do to try and get all airdrops: 🧵🪂 https://t.co/ssqobcsY0e
RT @OlimpioCrypto: Today, @MetaMask launched MM Bridge 🦊 Also, a Google Form to be a testnet validator in the zk-EVM solution from ConsenSys just opened 4hs ago. Fill it now! A reminder that this year Lubin already confirmed a MM token. Here is what you can do to try and get all airdrops: 🧵🪂 https://t.co/ssqobcsY0e — Patrick Rooney (@patrickrooney) Nov 10,…
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thuviencoin · 2 years
MetaMask ra mắt nền tảng bắc cầu liên chuỗi Bridge Aggregator
MetaMask ra mắt nền tảng bắc cầu liên chuỗi Bridge Aggregator
MetaMask Bridges (beta) aggregator mang đến trải nghiệm bắc cầu tài sản tối ưu về mặt thời gian và chi phí.  MetaMask ra mắt nền tảng bắc cầu liên chuỗi Bridge Aggregator Sau phát hành Portfolio Dapp vào tháng 9, MetaMask vừa cho ra mắt tính năng mới nhất mang tên MetaMask Bridges, là một giải pháp cầu nối tiện lợi.  A savvy 🦊 knows which bridge will get it where it needs to go. Introducing…
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kryptomunze · 2 years
Krypto Newsletter, 17 Oktober 2022
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👺Krypto Newsletter, 17 Oktober 2022 – Der schlimmste Monat in der Geschichte
Hallo zusammen 👋 Diese Woche sei wie: 4 riesige DeFi-Hacks an einem Tag 🤝 vielversprechende Partnerschaften. Alles aufgepeppt durch einige wichtige und alarmierende Ankündigungen: Der Kern-VPI (ohne Lebensmittel- und Energiepreise) ist um 6,6 % gestiegen. Das ist der höchste Wert seit den 1980er Jahren :‘) Kann dieses Jahr schon zu Ende gehen, bitte? Nebenbei bemerkt bringen wir Ihnen in dieser Ausgabe des Newsletters ein großartiges Beispiel dafür, wie die Blockchain-Technologie für weitere Zwecke genutzt werden könnte: Lesen Sie die Geschichte der indischen Polizei, sie ist irgendwie inspirierend. Schnallt euch auf jeden Fall an, Jungs. Die Straße ist holprig. Aber zuerst werfen wir einen Blick auf die Top 5 Geschichten der letzten Woche, die unser Radar erfasst haben 👇 Top 5 Geschichten der Woche | 10. Okt. - 16. Okt - 🔶 Google erlaubt Kryptozahlungen mit neuem Coinbase-Deal - 👺 Hacker stehlen nur im Oktober 718 Millionen Dollar über 11 Protokolle - 🇮🇳 Polygon Powers India Police Beschwerdeportal, Kampf gegen Korruption - 🧐 Yuga Labs sieht sich einer SEC-Untersuchung wegen nicht registrierter Angebote gegenüber - 🦊 Wallet MetaMask fügt sofortige Bank-zu-Krypto-Überweisungen hinzu 🤝 Google erlaubt Kryptozahlungen mit neuem Coinbase-Deal Google kündigte einen neuen Vertrag mit Coinbase an, der es einer ausgewählten Gruppe von Kunden ermöglicht, seine Cloud-Dienste mit Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ether zu bezahlen. Sie tritt Anfang nächsten Jahres in Kraft. Zahlungen erfolgen über Coinbase Commerce; ein Krypto-Zahlungsdienst für Händler von Coinbase. Google wird Coinbase Prime auch für institutionelle Kryptodienste wie sichere Verwahrung und Berichterstattung verwenden. Was haben beide Unternehmen davon? Für Google ermöglicht es ihnen, ein Angebot anzubieten, für das sie derzeit nicht in der Lage sind, was ihre Nutzerbasis erweitern und den Umsatz steigern wird. Für Coinbase berechnen sie einen Prozentsatz der Gebühren, die über ihre Plattform gehen, und diversifizieren ihre eigene Einnahmequelle weg von den Einzelhandelsgebühren. 👺 Hacker stehlen nur im Oktober 718 Millionen Dollar über 11 Protokolle Allein in den ersten beiden Oktoberwochen haben DeFi-Protokolle 718 Millionen Dollar verloren. Laut Chainalysis-Daten ist dies ein neuer Monatsrekord mit mehr als 15 verbleibenden Tagen. Chainalysis stellte fest, dass Cross-Chain-Bridges zu Hotspots für Hacker wurden. Hacker griffen drei Brücken an und stahlen etwa 600 Millionen US-Dollar, was 82 % aller Verluste im Oktober und 64 % aller Verluste im Jahr 2022 ausmacht. Nur am Dienstag sahen wir 4 große Hacks: Etwa 122 Millionen US-Dollar gingen nach vier Hacks in Mango Markets verloren , Temple DAO, Rabby Wallet und die QAN-Plattform. Mango Market und TempleDAO wollen Kopfgelder für die Ausbeuter anbieten, um die gestohlenen Gelder zurückzugeben. Nie ein langweiliger Tag in Krypto. Nie ein langweiliger Tag. 🇮🇳 Polygon Powers India Police Beschwerdeportal, Kampf gegen Korruption Die indische Polizei in Firozabad hat ein Webportal zur Meldung von Verbrechen mithilfe der modularen Blockchain von Polygon entwickelt. Die 2,8 Millionen Bürgerinnen und Bürger des Landkreises können Beschwerden unveränderlich und transparent einreichen. Das bedeutet, dass registrierte Beschwerden nicht gelöscht oder bearbeitet werden können. Polygons Mitbegründer Sandeep Nailwal, ein indischer Staatsbürger, zeigte sich begeistert über den Umzug. Ihm zufolge wird der Schritt dazu beitragen, die Korruption im indischen Strafjustizsystem einzudämmen und den Opfern zu helfen, Gerechtigkeit zu erlangen. Er hat die ursprüngliche Ankündigung retweetet und hinzugefügt: https://twitter.com/sandeepnailwal/status/1580124653300826113?s=20&t=ZCXXgAE22Bu0vAuE4HyR5w 🧐 Yuga Labs sieht sich einer SEC-Untersuchung wegen nicht registrierter Angebote gegenüber Laut einem Bloomberg-Bericht sieht sich Yuga Labs einer Untersuchung der SEC zur Rechtmäßigkeit des Verkaufs seiner hochwertigen NFT-Angebote gegenüber. Die SEC prüft, ob bestimmte NFTs von Yuga Labs eher Aktien ähneln und dieselben Offenlegungsregeln einhalten sollten; Auch die Verteilung des ApeCoin-Tokens warf einige Fragen auf. 62 % des festen 1-Billionen-Angebots an ApeCoins wurden der ApeCoin-Community zugeteilt, einschließlich 15 %, die an bestehende NFT-Inhaber aus der Luft abgeworfen wurden. Zusätzliche Prozentsätze der Token wurden Yuga Labs und der Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation neben Mitwirkenden und den vier Gründern von BAYC zugeteilt. Derzeit hat Yuga eine große Bereitschaft gezeigt, mit der SEC zusammenzuarbeiten, während sie ihre Untersuchung durchführt, und hofft, dass andere bemerkenswerte Projekte im NFT-Bereich ihrem Beispiel folgen können, um Transparenz zu fördern. 🦊 Wallet MetaMask fügt sofortige Bank-zu-Krypto-Überweisungen hinzu MetaMask-Benutzer können ihre Krypto-Geldbörsen jetzt sofort per Banküberweisung aufladen, anstatt auf die Verrechnung herkömmlicher Geldüberweisungen warten zu müssen. Die Muttergesellschaft von MetaMask, ConsenSys, erklärte in einem Blogbeitrag, dass dies mit Hilfe des ACH-Unternehmens Sardine möglich sein wird: „Mit der neuen sofortigen ACH-Integration von Sardine können Sie Krypto sofort und ohne Verzögerungen bei der Abwicklung kaufen.“ Durch die neue MetaMask-Integration können Benutzer ihr hart verdientes Geld in mehr als 30 Token umwandeln, bis zu Sardines täglichem Transaktionsmaximum von 3.000 $. Wir sind am Ende dieses wöchentlichen Krypto Bulletins angelangt, bis zum nächsten Newsletter. Danke fürs Lesen und Folgen auf YouTube ✌️ Was ist Kryptowährung? – YOUTUBE – Twitter – Facebook Read the full article
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nftcenter · 2 years
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Meta Mask version 10.18.0 is officially released 🦊 Make sure you do the update!! . . . • Join our Discord server: Link in Bio • Tag us to be part of the community: #nftcenter • Let’s talk NFTs! DM us for collaboration #nftcommunity #metamask #web3 #blockchain #crypto #scammers #scammers #update #nft #nfts https://www.instagram.com/p/CgiDzdgMVVk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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malzik678 · 2 years
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investefachini · 2 years
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UNIFI subiu mais de 1300% mais já devolveu quase tudo! Veja a minha análise par saber se faz sentido ou não investir nela! Link do vídeo na Bio e nos stories! #bitcoinbrasil #criptomoedas #metamask🦊 #trustwallet #binance #investimentos https://www.instagram.com/p/CejkkmpONZA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rpatools · 2 years
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Here we go! 🚀 @apple enables @metamask.i0 for Apple Pay to accept crypto for payment…frictionless. Big. Deal. Wow. 🔥 #apple #applepay #bitcoin #bitcoins #blockchaintechnology #btc #crypto #cryptocurrency #ethereum #eth #metamask #metamask🦊 #payment #web3 https://www.instagram.com/p/CcF5EsFrDAW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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metamoonshots · 8 months
The group behind the favored Ethereum-native pockets warned earlier at this time that its utility was faraway from Apple’s app retailer. Nonetheless, the problems appear to be resolved now, and MetaMask can now be downloaded by Apple customers as soon as once more. A number of customers took it to X to complain on October 14 that they had been unable to find and obtain the MetaMask app from Apple’s App Retailer. Hours later, the group behind the pockets confirmed the hypothesis however mentioned it “will not be associated to something malicious, and our group is working arduous to resolve it ASAP.” This got here amid the rising risks of pretend MetaMask purposes circling the Web that resulted in quite a few exploited accounts. One of the latest victims included the billionaire proprietor of the Dallas Mavericks – Mark Cuban. MetaMask’s group warned customers to not belief suspicious purposes in its tweet as effectively. When you come throughout any pretend MetaMask apps on the App Retailer, please report them instantly. 🔍 Our high precedence is to get this sorted out rapidly and defend customers from any pretend apps. — MetaMask 🦊🫰 (@MetaMask) October 14, 2023 Lower than an hour after the unique tweet, the group posted an update suggesting that the MetaMask app has been restored to the App Retailer. CryptoPotato managed to confirm this, because the app does seem and may be downloaded as of writing this text. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Supply: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
With its new platform, MetaMask wallet can be used seamlessly for operations with Assets issued on non-EVM blockchains. The team stresses that this release is one more step toward making MetaMask fully premissionless and decentralized.bitcoin (BTC) on MetaMask, third-party Apps, more decentralization: MetaMask Snaps launched in betaMetaMask Snaps, a platform for features and functionalities that allow third-party developers to customize MetaMask wallet, goes live in open beta version today, Sept. 12, 2023. Through the platform, any team can create and deploy its own add-on to MetaMask, even if it works with Assets on blockchains that do not use Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).Today marks a major milestone for MetaMask: we're launching MetaMask Snaps Open Beta, the first step towards our journey to create a fully permissionless ecosystem with MetaMask. 🦊Read the 🧵for everything you need to know 👇https://t.co/DuHrwxQvi8— MetaMask 🦊💙 (@MetaMask) September 12, 2023 The first iteration of MetaMask Snaps kicks off in Extension v11.0+, which is already available for Google Chrome users. The release for Mozilla Firefox is on its way to users, the MetaMask team added.The MetaMask team highlights that by releasing Snaps, the wallet reaffirms its commitment to building a  peer-to-peer ecosystem of Decentralized Applications with zero possibilities of censorship:You may wonder: why would you want just any dev to build a feature for MetaMask? The answer is simple: we believe a decentralized internet that is accessible to all and owned by the people who use it, will give rise to human flourishing on an exponential scale. While our roots are in Ethereum, and our expertise is grounded in building the leading self-custodial wallet, we appreciate that innovation occurs in many domains across the web3 ecosystem.As of press time, over 30 "Snaps," third-party Apps for MetaMask, are available on the wallet's portal. The first generation of extensions can connect MetaMask to bitcoin (BTC), Cosmos (ATOM), Solana (SOL), Starknet, Algorand (ALGO), SUI (SUI) and Aptos (APT), i.e., the most popular non-EVM blockchains in the world.Besides new blockchains, Snaps platform offers MetaMask users secret chat functionality, integration with XMTP protocol and other eccentric features.MetaMask airdrop one step closer?The developers of MetaMask stressed that switching to more decentralized mechanisms is ahead for its team and community:Today, MetaMask Snaps is not at the final destination of our vision of being a fully permissionless ecosystem just yet. This is a journey that requires time, iterations, and improvements to accomplish.That said, the hotly anticipated airdrop of hypothetical MetaMask's token might be one step closer, as it is the only way to establish fully decentralized governance.As covered by U.Today previously, in March 2023, the MetaMask team released a Software development kit (SDK) that is necessary to streamline the integration of the wallet into Web3 games.
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spamreports · 4 years
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Spear Phishing and MetaMask🦊 hack
On December 14, 2020 this twitter post by Nexus Mutual who via Twitter a personal wallet address of the project’s founder - Hugh Karp. In a twitter post he also confirmed that he was attacked by a platform user most likely via a modified metamask code.
Stealing 370,000 NXM (the native token of the Nexus Mutual project), worth ~8.4 million US dollars and offering a 300K bounty.
ERC-20 has emerged as the technical standard used for all smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for token implementation.
Ironically Nexus Mutual is a insurance smart contract built upon the Ethereum network.
Affected wallet  ⚠Ξ 0x87b2a7559d85f4653f13e6546a14189cd5455d45 Lost 370,000 NXM
Ξ 0x03e89f2e1ebcea5d94c1b530f638cea3950c2e2b ⏬ Ξ 0x09923e35f19687a524bbca7d42b92b6748534f25
Hacker addresses are here (most relevant ones only):
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nftmaker · 2 years
#nft #nfts #nftcommunity #nftartist #nftcollector #cryptoart #digitalart #digital #fashion #ethereum #3d #3dart #3dartwork #3dblender #3dartist #hypebeast #conceptart #drake #bitcoin #streetstyle #digitalartwork #space #arte #ape #luxury #digitalartist #animeart #artistsoninstagram #hiphop
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thecryptogeek · 2 years
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🦊 Metamask shares a warning on Twitter for Apple iCloud users after the report of one NFT collector who lost $650K over a phishing attack! Be careful!
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