#mew sweetie im sorry to break this to you but youre the only one in this friend group who likes top djkghdf
gunsatthaphan · 10 months
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mew: I love that my bf gets along with all my friends :)
ray: sure jan.
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
Little Christmas Gratitude
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Seasons greetings, everyone! Firstly I like to apologize, if I struggle to get drafts done this week. Family matters and all that, you know? Anyway this post is basically me loving on my mutuals and although there are over a hundred of you guys, I’m gonna keep it pretty small because there are a few mutuals I want to spread specific positivity towards. However if I do not mention you on here and we’re still mutuals note that I still love and appreciate you. <3 With that said: On with the showering of positivity!
@lxngfxrgxtten​​, @frozenmemoriies​ and @chaosworthy​​ thank you guys so much for following this blog. You did not have to, but you did and I love you guys for it. Hopefully I will recover from my old computer being severely jacked up and get back to my other muse, one day. Because I love you guys and miss the relationships my other muse had with some of yours. Until then I hope your holidays will be blessed and awesome. ^v^
@writtenbykaichu​ tagging your multi muse, since you’ve got multiple blogs. But thank you for being mutuals with me and putting up with my trash/mistakes. You are a wonderful person who writes their muses fantastically. I loved that we talked about the Genesect movie, while you watched it. It’s fun having someone else be into gen 5 as well as others, with me. Plus Iris as well as your other muses are wonderful and I will get to the reply/starter soon, because rest assured I love the plots we have planned. 
@bubble-mcw​ Mentioning you cause your muse was the first Mew I interacted with and it’s fun to test Psyche’s reaction towards the pink fetal cat, since we were deprived of seeing such interactions in her featured movie. That being said I love your spin on M01 Mew, combining their Japanese and English portrayal I imagine would be difficult to balance out, but you do it fantastically well.
@telekinetiq​ GREEEYYY, HOW ARE YOU STILL FOLLOWING THIS MEME!?!? //SHOT But no seriously even though our muses haven’t interacted beyond crack yet and we’re still working on a plot, you were and still are a huge inspiration to me. I love your writing and would die for Stein and Myuutsuu even though Stein would probably be like “you will”, if I said such things to his face. I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences with duplicates in the past and I hope I don’t come off as too overwhelming or clingy by spamming your IMS or notifications at times, I just... love thinking about the shenanigans these two could get into zsfkjxjkbjdjkjfg. Anyway I hope you’re feeling better for the holidays, have good ones and I am eagerly waiting for the day where Psyche officially interacts with the Big Thicc Meanie. 
@itsraiyninmuses​ Girl your Mewtwo is SO SOFT swafhjskdg, but seriously Martyr is a sweetie and you are easy to talk to. I also love your other Pokémon muses as well, and hope to interact with them one day even if Psyche is stubborn as heck.
@legendsbehold​ BWAZE YOU ARE ONE OF THE RULERS OF MULTIMUSES/BLOG-HOPPING. Seriously, I do not know how the heck you maintain so many blogs and each muse’s relationships but you do and it’s freaking incredible. You may be cursed often, but there is no denying that you got freaking SKILLS especially when it comes to handling forth-wall breaking, feral muses like JEEZE LOUISE.
@ketzerhund​ and @littleblaze​ BLUE WTH YOU’RE KILLING ME WITH YOUR WRITING. Seriously though, if I am not laughing my butt off I am sad from 01′s as well as the other units’/ your muse’s suffering. Plus there is the fact that Flicker is BABY and kills me with diabetes despite being also cursed, and yep Psyche would totally die for her at this point.
@armxnia​ GOD I love your N! He can be so collected yet so feral at times, and despite her distance, Psyche would not hesitate to protect him if she felt that he needed it. Anyway both you and N are amazing and I hope that Psyche interacts more with the tree man in the future. ^u^
@rexangelus​ Ah yes, the one Mewtwo Psyche is suspicious of the most even though he’s just attracted to her. Seriously they may not interact much, but rest assured Angelo has a habit of ruining things for Psyche and it’s fun thinking of/writing out her reaction towards it. //SHOT Anyway you have awesome muses and I hope you have a good day.
@rvalserena​ I love your take on Y/Serena! She can be sweet yet sassy and I am laughing my head off, on how she has to deal with her oblivious as HECK boyfriend. Not only that, but I she was also one of the first trainers to entice Psyche with sweets and although she won’t admit it, the legendary does appreciate her efforts.
@spooklyboos​ GHOSTY IS SO CUTE, WTH!?!? But yeah, even if Psyche finds her annoying I love how she is lowkey/sometimes high-key trying to make friends with this stubborn as HECK clone. Like Psyche’s never met anyone so determined to pet her, and I applaud Ghosty for that as well as your writing. 
So yeah, that’s my list of mutuals I want to specifically spread positivity towards. However I promise that all of you mutuals I didn’t mention are equally as important and loved by me as well. Thank you guys for putting up with this meme queen of a Bunny. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God bless you all! <3
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