#mh I'm not sure it is enough ๐Ÿ˜
dracimexidae ยท 11 months
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chenfordspiral ยท 1 year
Okay then... "everything with a 1"... sorry and you're welcom
Aaah, you came back with more, yay! Thank you ๐Ÿ˜ Ok, let's see. Already had 1 and 19 before so skipping those..
10: Enemies to Friends to Lovers and whatever variation there is. I love AUs, but will only read those that speak to me (I'm not really a fan of supernatural stuff or things like that for example). Aaaand.. mh. Um, is Fluff a trope?!
11: I honestly have no idea how to answer this one. The tropes I like or think are fine I don't think of as overrated because I love them but they might still be overrated for others. Wait, did that make sense? Whatever, I really don't have an answer for this right now.
12: I do not, but I speak more than one language. Ironically enough, the thought of writing in my mother tongue is very unsettling and honestly unfathomable to me. And it's not just fanfic, it's everything I try to write. And I'm not sure why.
13: Mh. It's not at what I'd consider could be my best, but I'd say a solid 7 maybe?
14: Um, the first thing I write for a new fic is usually not the first sentence.. most of my WIPs don't even have a first sentence yet. Let's go with one that's one of the first things I wrote for a multi chapter: She knows itโ€™s beyond unprofessional, and it can only end in heartbreak, both hers and his, but she canโ€™t stay away.
15: My first and so far only E rated fic. Although there's much more plot in there then was intended..
16: Not for me. I love one shots. And just because they're one shots doesn't mean they're not difficult to write. Some of my favorite stories are just cute little one shots.
17: I've written in both, but I think the majority is actually in present tense. Wouldn't say it's necessarily my favorite, I just start writing without thinking about tenses and then try to stick to that for the rest of the story.
18: I've only ever written in third person and prefer to read third person as well, but I've read a few in first or second that I still loved anyway.
21: Nope. Never. Have never and will never be able to. I just write and stop when it feels right. Which in the case for Little bit of Love might be never..
31: I struggle with most of them, so there's no easy answer. But probably the one I'd like to rewrite (5x22 missing scene), the one I have for a 2x20 missing/additional scene, and maybe tell me we could have it all. I had general ideas for all of them, but getting it on a page was a struggle. I'm still only really happy with one of them. And I constantly struggle with LBOL, too!
And as a bonus: the one I dodged before, 9: Because on the other side of everything was you.
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