thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, MHA 256, Replies Part 2
1) “Ah- Alright okay, I accept those two instead, thank you. Midoriya came to tell how he made sure that the rampage from back then will never repeat itself, and how ashamed he was about what happened, but uraraka is having none of it, and I can`t wait for him to mention her hookshot which deeeefinitely wasn`t inspired on his quirk oh no sir ;) wink wink”-  Mina’s face may be hidden here, but her thumbs-up speaks for us all. 2) “OH MY GOD IT WASN`T EVEN HE TO MENTION IT, SHE WENT AHEAD AND TOUCHED ON THE SUBJECT OF IT- OH MY GOD YEEEESSSSSS!”-  She’s embarrassed, but part of her really wants to show off her cool new toy to the body who helped inspire her in more ways than he realises… If Izuku can ever actually realise when a girl’s crushing on him, that is. 3) “YESYESYESYEYSES I LOVE THIS YES THIS IS GOOD YES
I`M MINA ON THIS SITUATION. YES. ABSOLUTELY YESSYESYEYSES”- I’m Kaminari, with the ‘smooth moves Izuku’ face. Of course, to Izuku this is simply two good friends re-confirming how much they’ve improved as heroes to each other so… 4) “Oh Aizawa, they will, don`t worry. And so will I, I feel reinvigorated after what I`ve seen this chapter, I shall finish this liveblog and spend the rest of the night writing my sappy romance drama like a mad prophet transcribing prophecies of a mad god”- Since the romance drama is coming from the depths of your mind, does that make you the mad god?... Well, they do say love can drive a person to crazy things after all.
5) “Yeah Midoriya, that one was aimed for all of them, but specifically you in particular. You know what you need to do, and so does Bakugo. Time to work even harder, the deadline is almost upon us.”- More urgently than even they know, with the whole ‘4 months, we de’ thing, and Tomura getting himself psyched for judgement day….
6) “No wait, that`s the dormitories of justice and the kids are talking about food, so this is after the showcase of quirks we were having.”- Well, it does kind help get across how shell-shocked they both are. Pair of them can’t even think about anything right after that encounter, and they’re talking about eating like it’s something they’ve forgotten about entirely. Mic: So…what do we do now? Aizawa: I dunno…have food, I guess? Mic, oh yeah… that… Both:…..
7) “Oh what the hell I though- Alright, not the kids, it`s actually their parents, and they are back from a fairly horribly school reunion- now that I think about it, are we still doing those? Oof, I certainly don`t want to meet the people I studied with, oh thank you but no.”- The fact both are cottoning onto the fact that the Commission are intentionally training their students in preparation for some big event and that it’s likely tied to whatever’s been done to their old friend is a good indication of their intelligence, but at the same time it must be uber-frustrating for them to know something bad is coming that will likely be involving their students directly and not be able to prepare them more adequately or know when shit hits the fan and it’s crunch time. Though in fairness, the villains have also been pretty vague about the specifics of the plan on their end as well. It seems to mainly be: 1: Assemble forces
2: Enhance Tomura
3: Destroy(???) everything 4) Profit.
8) “…
Alright, the translation was a little weird so far and I let it slide, but this right here- this is where I drawn the line, this one is far too weird for me to ignore, what the hell was that? Unless that`s some new euphemism for killing and maiming and destroying and obliterating everyone involved in those experiments that I wasn`t aware of.”- The official translation isn’t exactly much better, but as I understand it, similar to Ectoplasm, Mic’s powers being based around his voice means that his quirks gets stronger and more destructive the more his vocal cords are warmed up, so having a karaoke contest actually means he’s ready and amped to do something crazy with his powers. The rest of the sentence seems to be trying to say ‘then I’d take my boiling anger and make something outta it’ with probably a pun or two in there, but yeah, Mic is basically saying he’d go get warmed up, find the guys and then yell up close and personal with them until their heads exploded
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9) “oh my god- Okay it seems like her horn is so charged up that it`s starting to physically hurt. Okay, well, oh boy this might be a bit troublesome… Can we bring her to Kurogiri and let her unleash all that power to turn him back? Would that work? God I hope so.”-Eri’s power being a guaranteed cure-all/reset button means that we now have a prime Chekhov’s gun loaded and ready for use, meaning we’re eventually gonna be in a situation where we need her power…the only issue is ‘what kind of situation would require such a risky gamble with an ability that might erase us?’…. 10) “Yeah don`t worry kiddo, your pa is here, and he`ll make sure you stay safe. He`ll find a way to deal with this thing, rest assured.”- I love the little hair rise as he activates his quirk to suppress hers, and immediately gives her a headpat to reassure her that physical contact isn’t something she needs to fear with others even if her quirk is ready for use again. Aizawa good dad. 11) “Alright, okay, so All Might called them to talk about their amazing progress so far. That`s the stuff All Might, don`t let Aizawa hog the spotlight of best dad, you make sure he has to work for that tittle, don`t let him go without a fight”- For once, All Might is the guy struggling to apply a skillset that he’s not naturally used to, and Aizawa is the one pulling ahead effortlessly by dint of his natural aptitude and existing skillset. All Might’s got a tough competition ahead of him. 12) “OH WAIT
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oh my god- Oh, of course that`s exactly when we`ll start going back and forth between the main series and Vigilantes. Great. Absolutely great. Terriiiiiiific I say.”- Oh well, time to get back to the other best boy and his simple acts of vigilantism!... @thelreads​
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, MHA 256, Replies Part 1
1) “It`s time boyos! Last time we had some truly fucked up hours thanks to our friend Hori, now let`s see what darkness he shall unleash upon us, on Chapter 256: The Sky, High and blue.
Oh lord that tittle… it worries me.”-  For a second there I read that as ‘Sky High, Blue’ and I was like ‘man, It feels like years of days ago that people were calling this Sky High, Japan version’, instead of becoming its own thing with an impact of the world culture.
2) “Ah, the regular machine uprising? Seems like everything was going fine back at school then, and here was I starting to get worried.”- It seems like you’re reading a fan-translation for this chapter, but even the official one went for the full-on shout out here.
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3) “Aoyama please can you put that thing away? I don`t like the way its looking-“- Since Aoyama can’t exactly lengthen or change the blade’s shape without Hagakure’s help, I’m taking this as proof Aoyama has mad belly-dancing skills – not surprising considering the intestinal control he needs to have with his powers’ side-effects.
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From her phrasing in the official translation it seems this is something she can only do recently thanks to her training, so it’s likely that her ability to control light was uncontrollably manifesting as her filtering it through herself to become invisible rather than her intentionally doing so, and having gained better control over her powers, she could now theoretically become visible if she wanted to, amongst other things. That said, whilst she can manipulate light, she can’t ‘create’ or ‘store’ it for big attacks, so she needs a powerful intense light source like Aoyama’s laser nearby to make full use of her quirk’s offensive capabilities. 5) “Oh damn, that was cool! Mina almost made a goddamn mecha suit out of acid to stop that robot, holy shit did she went far beyond what I  would expect for her quirk.
Now, please someone bring her a towel, and Aoyama a pair of clean underwear, he`s going to need it.”- Interesting. Since it’s implied that Mina is using her body fluids or some other capacity to create her acid attacks, I wonder if she has to ‘suck’ the acid armour back inside herself to avoid dehydrating, or for repeat use, or if it’s a one-use-per-fight deal. In any case, this is another example of how difficult it’s gonna be for her to non-lethally subdue her enemies without removing their body parts in the process. 6) “Now those two also made a pretty solid choice. Jiro`s a no-brainier in this situation, but Shoji, he is focusing more in reconnaissance and support than fighting, despite his strength. Gang Orca, being, well, an orca, would perfect  for him, he would learn all about focusing in different frequencies and how to isolate audio clues in real time.”- It also allowed Orca to keep his Yeeting arm in fine practice. 7) “Now okay, I can see why they would pick Kamui woods, but Mt. Lady and Edgy shot don`t particularly enhance much their abilities here. From the three, Kamui is the only one that has crowd control, abilities that all of them need to learn to direct and focus, especially in heavily populated areas.”- Well Kaminari’s electro-attacks have some commonality with Mt lady’s destructive gigantification – as a reminder, she can only grow to that giant size and a normal size with no in-between sizes or partial body expansion for attacks, making her unwieldy in urban areas -  Sero would gain great advice from Kamuri about his particular take on web-swinging and entanglement, and Mineta’s balls need forethought and preparation to be most effective, especially if they’re positioned right where the enemy doesn’t notice them until they’re stuck to them, making him a useful learner from the Ninja-themed Edgeshot, who doubtless has several ninja-esque tools for use in the field besides his quirk. Plus, since all three are in a team together, it’s useful learning for how to use different abilities together in an effective team without tripping each other up and maximising your different advantages whilst covering the other’s weaknesses. 8) “fucking wash”- Well, if he can get people to follow his instructions and relay complex orders all whilst saying only ‘wash’ then he’s one hell of an effective communicator. 9) “Yeah, well, Tokoyami isn`t exactly training with Hawks, but even so his agency is full of competent heroes that might synergize and probably can teach him as much as Hawks would.
Well, that implies that Hawks would even teach him something, besides being a cryptic mentor figure that is actually just using him for info.”-  Eh, I dunno, he did teach him how to use his ‘Black fallen Wings’ move after Tokoyami figured out a way to improve himself first, showing he had the spark of creativity and self-reflection that Hawks is specifically seeking out and nurturing in the younger generations, both to make heroes who work together well to cover the absence of All Might and overall makes more effective heroes than his generation are, so I think if Hawks didn’t have to deal with the whole ‘Twilight espionage’ spy deal, he’d be happy to tutor Tokoyami a bit more in-depth. 10) “OH SHE`S USING THAT HOOK SHE SHOWED LAST TIME! SHE`S USING IT TO MOVE AROUND WHILE AT LOW GRAVITY!
Oh look, another couple of aspiring hero students whose implied attraction to each other has led to improvements/homages to the other in their fighting styles…
11) “Alright, now that is something that Momo would greatly benefit from. Not that she`s bad at it mind you, she showed that she`s really quick to come up with a plan and execute it, but even so, there`s a lot of room for improvement, and she`ll be truly unstoppable once she polishes it.”- Also, the fact that her mentor is apparently a stage magician-type hero, and Momo can ‘literally’ create something from nothing up her sleeves, would have been an additional benefit. Who needs to prepare tricks when you can make tricks in the heat of the moment?
12) “Oh yeah, no surprises here. We know those boys are pretty much walking wrecking balls, we can barely see the difference from their showcase, but by lord do we know that they are far beyond what they were when they got in this school… “- Well, if there’s one difference, it’s that Bakugou can’t create the big-massive destructive explosions easily, and has to individually blow up each target one-by-one in a speed blitz, whilst Shoto just creates one big attack in an instant and indiscriminately wipes out a whole platoon in a single go without worrying about precision. Each improved the speed at which they can use their powers, but apply it in different ways
13) “Oh yeah All might, you see that? Those kids far surpassed your expectations, haven`t they? Well, just you wait, because now it`s time for an even better one, we saved the best for last, time for the Broccoli to shine”-Whilst All Might’s flashback is meant to be referring to how he said Izuku has earned the right to wield OFA by his own merit, I actually kinda like this translation more, because by now, the Quirk really has become a power that Izuku was able to unlock and master himself, achieving feats with it All Might never could due to his lack of spirituality or whatever it is that the quirk uses to tap into the vestiges/powers of the prior wielders. @thelreads​
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