#mhrise kagami
Voice lines from the Kagami voicepack that speak to me: (For ref: the English version is voiced by Arin Hansen)
"Whatever's in here- it's going in my mouth" [looting]
"LET'S GO FOR WALKIES" [mounting a monster]
"ooOOOOoohh JUNK" [looting]
"I'M THE HUNTING BOY! I'M THE ONE WHO WINS!" [finishing hunt]
"There's a good weapon~" [sharpening]
"Ugh, I gotta sharpen this thing AGAIN?!" [sharpening]
"Aw, look, it thinks it can escaaape" [monster fleeing]
"OoohhNONONONONO" [impeding monster to the face]
"I am NOT willing to put up with this today" [after fainting]
"aaand oF COURSE" [dropping a transport item]
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