#mi esposa mi vida mi amor thank you for askin! I only published TWO fics this year cryin in the club fr
yuujoh · 2 years
6, 9 and 12 please!
6: Favorite title you used: 
My favorite title I picked this year is probably Recompense, which was the title of the hug fic I wrote with Atem and Thief King Bakura! Titles give me chest pain! haha. 
9: Favorite pairing you wrote for this year 
My favorite pairing I wrote this year was Mokuba and his teen angst jk it was probably the little touch of keg that I wrote! It’s not finished, nor is it published, but it was fun exercise! 
12: How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year? 
Oh.... Let’s see... so far I have five that I’ve actually started to write. Hopefully Only Child will be finished early next year, I would like to start the keg fic early next year and have that finished before year’s end, and then I have the bones of a honkai fic that I really and truly want to finish before this year is over! 
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