myeongchokrp · 4 years
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He was born on JANUARY 19TH, 1993 as DO KIYOUNG, but you might know him as HUNTER. This twenty-seven-year-old is a UNDERCOVER HACKER in HYDRUS. His allegiance lies with MYEONGCHO POLICE DEPARTMENT.
My name is Do Kiyoung, an undercover officer of the Myeongcho Police Department. I was born with an inherent desire for justice and it is my goal to protect innocent people of this city from the supposed Big Five.
Those who know me would describe my positive traits as calm, patient and courageous. People may believe that I am quiet, but in reality, I just prefer to listen because a lot of useful information slip from unzipped lips and I need to be there to catch them. I am patient in terms of waiting for opportunities - I will not strike unless I believe there is a high level of success. Once I believe the opportunity is there, however, I will take my chance and take risks as needed.
Independent to a fault, I can seem unapproachable to people, even my own teammates. I’ve not hated anyone until the death of my sister but now that hatred has lit its fire in my chest, I fear nothing would put it out except for the blood of her murderer. I hope this personal vendetta will not make me lose sight of my main objective, which is to protect and heal, not to kill. I will always be MDP’s Kiyoung, even if I must live the next years of my life as Hydrus’ Hunter.
To lower people’s guard, I try to take on a harmless persona in Hydrus. A little inexperienced with gangs but gifted at what I do and very eager to please. I push myself out of my natural cold shell so I’d be able to converse with more people and see what information I can gather for MDP.
I was born to a middle class family in Seoul. I was the type of kid that stood up to bullies, even though I was not physically imposing. This sort of personality got me into a lot of trouble and I was beaten up a lot during my earlier days by people who didn’t like being challenged. Then, I’ve joined the policing force and originally wanted to go into forensics due to my father’s career and the knowledge he’d passed onto me. However, an opportunity came and the words ‘undercover officer’ was passed to my ears.
My sister, who was an undercover cop, was murdered after her identity was exposed. Her sacrifice prevented some large scaled event that I was not given details on and while we are proud of her, her death also devastated us all. She died approximately six to seven years ago and I intend to infiltrate the same gang she was in before. It is a risk, I know, but a part of me wants more than to just destroy the gang that took her away from us from within. I guess what I want is to find her actual killer and make sure they suffer for their crime.
I’ve joined Hydrus two years ago. I’ve gotten myself a mentor in the gang to help me with my inexperience and played the part of a kid who’s really desperate for money, great as a hacker but slightly cowardly. My small statue helps me play my role and so far, I don’t think people suspect there to be strength in these hands of mine. Last year, I did a few tasks for the police department and to keep myself from getting discovered, I laid low for the reminder of it.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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He was born on APRIL 5TH, 1991 as SAMUEL SAITO, but you might know him as RYUU. This twenty-eight-year-old is a HITMAN and TRAVELLING STREET VENDOR. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.
Samuel sits down on the chair, a ruffle of his hair. His white towel is slung over his shoulder as he wears a fitted black shirt, black pants and red apron around his waist. With a warm smile, he introduces himself, “My name is Samuel Saito, and I’m 28 years old– 29, actually, because of the Korean age system. I’m a travelling street vendor, and I make noodles for a living. I do both Korean and Japanese noodles, so if you see me, feel free to stop me for a bowl!”
The question makes him blink, wondering if he just answered it with his introduction. “Do you mean how did I get to this interview or something else…? My last name’s Japanese, but my mom’s Korean, so I came to see her hometown, if that makes sense?” It’s an easy lie for him, the way it rolls out without allowing his other half to speak, but the word floats in his mind either way and he doesn’t allow it to phase him on the surface.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, HEO JISOO is a twenty-one-year-old WAITING STAFF at LADY FORTUNE CASINO. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that she’s also a RACKETEER and EXTORTIONIST that goes by the alias PYTHON. Her allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
There is a huge smile that pulls on her lips, reaching her eyes and turning them into thin crescents. There were so many ways she could answer this question, it was almost enough to make Jisoo laugh out loud. From the daughter of two of Hydrus’s top members in their fields, to just a simple waitress at Lady Luck, the possibilities were endless. However, her parents have taught her better than to say the truth. She might not say the whole truth, but she never lies. “The name is Heo Jisoo, 21 years old and working at Lady Luck!” she says and her voice is a bright as her smile is as she speaks. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Ah, well, isn’t that a bit personal?” Jisoo asks, a laugh falling past her lips as she reaches to run a hand though her hair, humming in thought. “Well, you know, just trying to get the best out of this crappy island, so I have to put it down to hard work and motivation.” she finally answers with a nod of her head, lips pressed into yet another smile. “Sometimes, you find motivation, other times, motivation finds you.” and oh, has she had a taste of those words while being in Hydrus, it’s happened more times than she could possible count.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, MIN JOOSUN is a twenty-two-year-old SERIAL PART-TIMER. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a THIEF and HITMAN that goes by the aliases SMOKES. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
notoriously known for his mood swings and bratty behaviour. its easy to see that joosun is what you would call a problem child, his childhood being robbed due to the circumstances fate had put him through. often struggling to listen to commands and having to be ‘punished’ or being reminded where he stands. he’s reckless and carefree, rarely thinking of consequences until its far to late and regretting it. he has a confidence that is frequently mistaken for being cocky and has a bad habit of pushing his weight around to everyone’s annoyance. however he is loyal to those he considers close to him or anyone who gets the rare title of being ‘family’. to be honest if you were to sum up joosun the bad would almost always outweigh the good, but thats just how he was brought up. or what he puts it down to anyway.
life for joosun had never been simple. never been easy. his family had been poor, corrupt. a scoundrel for a father who had bolted as soon as the chance has presented itself. leaving joosun and his poor mother to fend for themselves (as well as a hefty debt that he had yet to even begin to pay off). little did joosun know just how dark and twisted things had gotten for his father to, well, fake his own death and slip into the shadows. and when he thinks about it now, now that he’s old enough to actually understand, it all makes sense really.
joosun, naive as he was, had remained positive despite how grim the situation had become. as he grew older he offered to help his mother, picking up the odd job here and there, where he could. he was a newspaper boy to begin with before growing on to be a busboy at just fourteen years old, working as hard as he could. the owners paying him bare minimum because they could get away with not putting him through the books.
meanwhile his mother would go out and get pissed. coming home bladdered and waking her son up with her endless crying and babbling words of how things could never get any better. but joosin still refused to believe that all hope had been lost. and for a brief moment he was right to believe it. the min’s gaining hope in the form of (what seemed to be) a wealthy man who had fallen in love with his mother.
at the start, he was kind. showering his mother with gifts. flowers, jewellery, perfume anything and everything that she had dreamt off and could have ever wanted. he was loving, affectionate. helpful. sitting down to show joosun how to do the math problem he just couldn’t quite seem to understand on his own. but things soon started to go south and fast. his kind words had become bitter. laced with poison that only made joosun sick to his stomach. he could see straight through the act and soon the new man that had swept his mother off his feet had become aggressive and violent. threatening the two of them whenever they acted out of place.
it wasnt till joosun’s sixteenth birthday that he’d finally had enough. taking matters into his own hands. it was also that night that things had escalated far beyond anyone could have imagined. his new step-father was drunk, waving a knife around and hurling all sorts of abuse at his mother. moving closer towards the crying woman. soojun had only just managed to get there in time, pulling a gun out and shooting the man down dead.
the situation was never brought up again after that. brushed into the closest and becoming the first of many skeletons to reside there. soojun continuing on the dark father his father had ventured down before him. eventually soojun had turned to one of the many gangs that had corrupted the town he called home, he’d gone there for protection at first. making sure that he and his mother would be safe from anyone that had associated with his step-father. before completely and utterly giving himself to the gang and becoming a thief and hitman whenever they needed him. training him to be one of the best thieves they could posses.
finally joosun understood, why his father had done what he did. because after a while the darkness becomes too strong and after all who wants to be someone’s dog. commanded to do their worst bidding and not being able to say no.d
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, WOO DOHWAN is a twenty-six-year-old EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a HITMAN and SOLDIER that goes by the alias GRIM. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
Heavy breathing echoed throughout the foggy night, when a man run through deserted back alleys that were sparely illuminated. In panic he threw his head around to have a look at the area behind him. He seemed to have shaken off his pursurer, so he let out a sigh of relief and slowed down his pace. One more glance back gave him the feeling of safety. As he turned his head back to the front, a man dressed in black had appeared from the shadows. The fugitive stumbled back, shaking in fear upon meeting the piercing gaze. The tall, broad build was menacing, and he gave off a cold, unpleasant vibe. “Who are y-you?” The man on the ground stammered in fear, eyes widened, when the hands grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up into the air with ease. “They call me GRIM. And I am here to destroy you.”
Dohwan took off the gloves, as he looked at the squirming man underneath him. He put a cigarette between his lips and lit it. Taking a deep breath, he blew the smoke into his victim’s face. “Congratulations, you were my first job here.” After taking over some businesses in Seoul for his parents, they had sent him to Myeongcho Island in the end, with the intention to strengthen Hydrus with his manpower. From now on he would stay here, serving under The Tormentors.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, LEE MINHYUK is a twenty-six-year-old WINE AND SPIRIT SHOP OWNER. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a HITMAN and SALESMAN that goes by the alias LUCK. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
“Who are you?,” her voice is soft, lacking the sort of incredulous tone that Minhyuk was accustomed to hearing on days where there was more than just venom laced on his tongue. Pool blue reflects off her dark brown eyes, her lashes inky and water heavy but he’s distracted by the way she tucks a section of her hair behind her ear.  “Minhyuk,” a smile paints itself on his lips, gentle and infallible as he tucks his arms further across her son’s chest and with a plop, plucks him out of the water, earning him a feathery light giggle from the two year old. “You’re Hideki’s mother?” he stifled his own laugh, it settles down, bubbling quickly in his chest, a soft, breathy chuckle and a question rhetorical in nature. “It’s a first,- you drop him off usually, did you finally get a Friday to yourself?"the toddler climbs his charcoal grey singlet to play in Minhyuk’s damp hair, yanking it into a long sprout to match his own, his feet pooled in the collar of it for more purchase Minhyuk’s own hands don’t offer. 
The demure expression she makes, perhaps embarrassed by her workload shows also in the way she fiddles with the shoulder of her one piece bathing suit and bobs further into the chlorine stained waters. ”I wanted to make time with him, he’s always trouble without his mother,“ Attractively so, he catches glimpse of a pair of beauty marks,– diagonal from each-other above the swell of her chest, rippling water distorting their edge. The Yeongi Community Center however, is bustling with noise and he barely hears her over the sound of the other children, some of which he glances over his shoulder to look out for, their adventurous habits too much for even their own parents, but not for an energetic Minhyuk. He speaks louder, his voice is only slightly lower in intonation when he slips into fading familiarity of Japanese, slightly out of practice from his more youthful years.   ”I volunteer, two days a week — the sessions are only an hour long, but it’s long enough to learn Hideki? He loves water more than snack time!“ she seems impressed, pressing her palms together in anticipation for more of that casual, social intimacy that she can relate.
”How did you get here?“ she looks worried despite her acknowledgement of her son, her gaze aimless as she reaches out for him when Minhyuk winces from a particularly hard yank to his choppy bangs. ”A-aah, –“ he squints, water trickling down through his lashes, burning his left eye. ”Born n raised, you haven’t been here long huh?“ Minhyuk snorts, his brows furrowed and his forehead wrinkling as he dips under the water fully. Hideki’s soft plump belly smacking the water lightly above him and he slaps his tiny palms down on Minhyuk’s head in retaliation, excitement of the water reaching him once again. Hideki laps forward, and this time Minhyuk earns a well endowed kick to the chin when he resurfaces. He laughs, wiping the water from his face with an open palm. The toddler makes his way back into his mother’s arms, and floating does he cutely gurgle and blow spit bubbles at them both.
Minhyuk supports Hideki gently with his free hand before reaching to tighten the tiny loose sprout on top of his head, and the boy propels forward once again unprompted, his orange and yellow arm floaties squeaking as he kicks water up again this time into their faces. They laugh together this time, the sound of Minhyuk’s own laughter filling the busy pool with its resonance. His eyes are creasing, creating half moons in his face, her nose wrinkles softly, her cheeks reddening from sudden cold of the spray.  ”But, Hey, don’t be so afraid of the island, especially the center. “ she’s probably heard the news, listened to the broadcast on the radio during her commutes around town, Minhyuk reassures her. ”My father used to make me practice Taekwondo right outside here in the mud as a kid even though we had a private facility. Said, ’the earth, the wind, and the rain, the strongest of man it does create,’ but we planted lavender and baby’s breath in place of all the muck, Its probably grown up crazy since then–“ they’re being circled by both the laughter and energy of the slightly older children now, a bigger more enthusiastic splash Minhyuk has to shoulder catches them this time. ”Yah, careful, he’s still learning to keep up,“ he sputters, chin dripping, ears chilled. The child in line of fire, giggled coyly, yet moves on rather quickly to splash a older friend of his. Minhyuk, he knew the ambition of that kid. ”It was the community that yanked me up by my bootstraps, and told me things can grow too, just like how Hide enjoys swimming,“  and Hideki would also become a pro, with the same ambitions that seemed to fill the noisy community center on Friday mornings during the sweltering summers.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, KIM JUNGWOO is an UNEMPLOYED twenty-one-year-old. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a HITMAN that goes by the alias JOKER. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
“I’m just a young guy, that wants to get the most of life. Taking a gap year from University. Trying to get the most out of life. Some might say I’m being lazy. But I am. A little. You know what I mean,” Jungwoo laughed, as he looked back to his phone, playing one of those stupid phone games that sucked as much out of a soul as it did out of a wallet. “Honestly though, I should get a part-time job or something. This game can get expensive. Can’t choose between food or fun, y’know.”
“I’ve always been here. But maybe I wasn’t someone that people saw before.” Jungwoo paused for dramatic effect, before looking back. Truth be told, he was only recently graduated from a soldier to these ranks. But they didn’t need to know. “I mean, it’s not that important to me, being noticed. I’ll be apart of the party if I want to be, and nobody else can decide it for me, other than myself.”
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, SONG HANSOL is a twenty-one-year-old STUDENT at MYEONGCHO UNIVERSITY. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a STREET RACER that goes by the alias NYX. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
- it’s a change of scenery, it’s the broad of day as the university student/driver is currently in one of the empty labs testing new experiments. it’s the silence that blankets over the massive room, the look of concentration that paints his features. one may be confused by the sight, but it’s the only time you see nyx in this specturm – otherwise, he’s rampaging and gallivanting the streets during the night.
“ chemistry, it’s a fine subject. it’s structure, composition, and properties of matter mixed in one. it’s chemical reactions, what works well with others and what doesn’t. it’s something that needs to be taken into consideration. it’s a subject where there’s little room for error. did you know too much of something could cause disruption? that’s what they said about me. ” he laughs, and one drop drips into the vial – a ring of smoke floating its way to the top and disappearing in the air.
it’s a simple question that most fear not to even ask, if grown up with him. who was he? he was a lot mixed in one, but he loved when someone wanted to get to know him.
“ if your curiosity about me is that piqued i could tell you that i didn’t grow up here. new york is considered one of those top destinations on people’s bucket list, right? living there gives you a different insight to things. ” he grows silent, looking back at the liquid he sees how the colors change, oh how he always loved chemistry. shameful his love is over clouded by the winner of his heart – racing.
“ oh, foolish of me i got distracted. i go by nyx. i could tell you more, but it’d be more fitting for you to dig up the pieces about me yourself, if you’re that interested. ” he speaks, a grin fitting enough for him graces his lips almost questionably.
- it’s a question that makes him laugh. it’s a question that can be implied in many ways, but he starts with an asshole-like remark; “ how did i get to university? that’s simple. i drove here, duh! ” he chuckles as he shakes his head. the vial breaks after the final drop of liquid and the contents spread over the table and seemed to be burning a hole through the table. “ silly me, i should’ve turned the heat a bit lower. speaking of heat, let me tell you a story. would you believe me if i told you i never gotten to finish high school? ” he snorts, continuing.
“ it’s quite hilarious, you see. it was this subject that caused me to get expelled. do you know how to make hydrochloric bombs? i can teach you! oh- i still have a story to tell. it’s the hydrochloric bomb that caused me to get expelled and my family to be sued. it wasn’t as if it was a big bomb, just a little one. ” he uses his fingers to emphasis the gesture of how little his ‘ experiment ’ was at the time before laughing again. “ the sounds of the students screams, the feared expressions in their eyes. what a sight to see if only i could witness it again. ah, so that leads me back to how i got to university. somehow the good people i found upon coming here to myeongcho allowed me a second chance to finish high school. voilà, i’m here at university. oh- ”
he cuts off, a bit stumped. he told an amazing story and that’s not even what was wanted to be heard. no fun, those kids suffered how could one not enjoy that pleasure with him. “ ah, how i got here. that’s another story for a different time. ” the enthusiasm in his tone died down completely. his story was questionable to how he gotten here, but also one that he doesn’t think is worthy enough for him to ramble on about. even if he was the cause of such a violent event. “ just know there was a lot of … blood involved in my journey here. ” a grin forms at his lips once again.
“ do you like cars? i have this knack for collecting them. not the collectible toys, the real ones. i like to think of it as a reward for each one i win. something about your foot pressing down to the floor. a magical moment. ” he sighs almost dreamingly at the thought of racing.
it isn’t before long that he finally decides to clean his mess that he created and begins his testings again.  
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, JONG RINA is a twenty-seven-year-old REGISTERED NURSE. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that she’s also a MEDIC that goes by the alias KARMA. Her allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
“Uhhh…Jong Rina? Raised in Seoul before coming to Myeongcho recently.” She huffed having to repeat her name as arms crossed over her chest in annoyance. She really hated these kinds of things since she really wasn’t a people person, her attitude hiding the growing nervousness.  But then again every little thing brought to her attention was seen as some form of hindrance. “Look before you start asking deep ass questions, let me tell you what’s up.” There was now a crooked grin on her lips as one hand moved to rest under her chin and a leg over her lap to slightly move in a swing motion. “Only child. Parents were hardly around or even took care of me. Kinda the usual parent neglect, having to grow up really young, that sort of thing.” Sure her childhood was a little sad but hey no point in complaining about it now since she was alive and kicking ass as a strong, independent woman.
“I am a nurse at a local hospital and I live on my own too. It’s a small place but I like it. Lots of plants to liven up the place.” She really didn’t know what to say after that, kinda just picking her brain what would even be alright to talk about, “Wanted to be a doctor, was really close too but an incident with a professor resulted in me getting kicked out of the medical program when I gouged his eye out after he tried to force himself on me.” Reliving that moment was a little scary but also in a way thrilling at the fact she was able to leave a permanent mark on the bastard. “For now I’m really just trying to take care of myself, make sure my needs are met. My parents died years ago so it’s just been me for the last few years.”
Rina kept thinking of any other important points in her life that would be useful to this interview or whatever the hell it was. But really, there wasn’t much. “My life has always been very plain save for what happened in my early twenties and high school. Oh that’s right! I was part of some dumb girl street gang for a bit because I thought they were cool. I thank them for showing me how to kill someone or excuse me, ‘defend’ myself.” It was hard not to laugh thinking back about the group of violent teenagers roaming the streets and thinking they were hot shit.
All her small life experiences really helped shape her into the person she was today, if only it shaped her personality on a more positive note. “There are so many souls that come to the hospital asking for the impossible and I think to myself, maybe I should put them out of their misery?  However, I’m content being a neutral, cynical person.”
“Well first I took a bus to the local port and from there I actually took a boat. Good thing to find out I don’t get seasick.” Her cheeky grin plastered on her face because she found herself so funny in the moment. “Okay for real though, I can only assume my medical experience and raw talent is the reason why I’m here.” Rina wasn’t afraid to be a little cocky in the presence of future employers. Sure she is no surgeon but she knows how to close wounds, handle broken bones, and locate infections. Not even some top doctors know things that nurses do.
It was quiet for a moment because Rina knew there was more to this question than certain employment, there is always more to things in this world. “Okay, so I haven’t been totally truthful in my occupation but I can’t help that I’m a lose-canon and if anyone tries to harass me, they’re gonna lose something… Unfortunately my boss had to lose a finger.” Her demeanor got a little more serious when she leaned back in her chair and just stared forward. “Whether you need me or not I’m not unfamiliar with working under the table. I knew where the real money is and my main loyalty will always be with myself. Though I have a feeling I would have a lot more fun under your care than my last employer.”
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, LEE MINJU is an UNEMPLOYED thirty-year-old. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a MEDIC that goes by the alias BACKMASK. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
Minju, half-dressed in surgery garbs, stared at his new assistant dully. “Ya, they didn’t tell you?” he growled, feigning frustration, and then he broke out in a grin. “I’m the one; the only; the greatest back alley surgeon on this side of the planet – Daddy Master Cool! Great name, right?” he puffed out his chest, proud of himself, but the act quickly deflated. “Actually, I wanted to be called that but no would accept it. Funny, I don’t see anything wrong with it” clearly upset he crossed his arms, a pensive look on his face. “But seriously, I don’t give my real name out to commoners, you know?” he said it like a joke, but he flippantly dismissed the newbie all the same. It’s important to protect one’s identity, and he doesn’t trust the constant stream of passersby’s. “Then…” Minju spoke up again, holding his chin as he considered himself, “call me Backmask. That’s good for now.”
“Oh, a little bit of stuff there, some things along the way” he shrugged all while pulling at the tongue of their current patient. The truth is much more complicated, but he wouldn’t waste time retelling his mundane beginnings or his first experience with immorality. His rise in academics was brought on by more than ambition; his feelings are closer to obsession, and because of this he was driven into this dark place. Unfortunately, society doesn’t take too kindly to the so-called ‘free spirits’ like himself, so he had to turn away from it.
“Don’t misunderstand me! I studied hard to do this!” Minju rejoined, almost manic in his confidence. For a moment he appeared thoughtful, let go of who was better described as a victim, and gripped the edge of the surgery table as if to express his excitement. “You know when you ask people who want to become doctors, why they want to become doctors?” he waggled his index finger madly in the air for a moment, punctuating his explanation. “They say they want to help people! Right? I’m like that, but I like to help guys like these” he gestured to the patient, a beast of a man who existed somewhere in the middle of Hydrus’ hierarchy. He was unconscious, stable, and about to go under the second round of surgery to remove the shrapnel stuck in his abdomen.
Minju wasn’t the type capable using his hands to murder somebody, however, he long carried a flame for serial killers and similar subjects. The fascination came from a blend of admiration and morbid curiosity, the latter which motivated him to seek out the surgeon’s path in the first place. “In other words, I’d rather heal evil. I don’t know, I guess I’m – just – so – weird like that!” he finished with a cheerful whoop and punched the air, thoroughly fired up. “Alright, enough talking now! Let’s see what’s inside Mister Gangster, okay?”
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, HEO HYUNJOON is a nineteen-year-old UNIVERSITY STUDENT. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a SOLDIER that goes by the alias COBRA. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
The second best. The youngest. The disappointment.
A boy who was raised all his life to be someone he didn’t want to be. To his parents he was simply clay to be moved and shifted around into anything they wanted, changing him and making him into their art to put on display for all to see. But he never was, there was always something wrong with him no matter how much they tried to change him. He was always in the shadow of his older sibling, and honestly, that was where he had always preferred to be.
The boy always felt as though he would never live up to his parents highly held expectations of him. It never felt right to follow what they wanted from him. Ever since he was a baby they had his whole future planned out and it was a path he was always hesitant to travel. Regardless of what his parents wanted, what they constantly told him he needed to do, he tried to change his future. Behind their backs he would rebel, fearful of what would happen if he were to be found out. What punishment might befall him and what shame he might bring.
Still now he is scared of what might happen. He might have grown from his childhood, grown a tough outer shell which he needed to survive in this environment, but on the inside the scared child still lingers. The fear of disappointing his parents, the gang he was forced into. Scared of what would happen to his future if he was found by the MPD, if he screwed up one more time and they simply decided that he was better off dead than alive. But he keeps his mouth shut, his head down, losing himself in his textbooks and simply trying to forget the background from whence he came. It was where he has always felt comfort, in all those letters and numbers, burying himself in his textbooks in the solace of his own room, not having to think about what he might have to do once the sun set.
Maybe someday he will grow the balls to tell his parents what he really feels. Tell them that he didn’t want the blood on his hands, wanted to build a proper future. He didn’t want to be a mindless soldier for a gang he didn’t care about. But, for now, he remains quiet about his feelings, keeping his head down and trying to pretend that when he wakes up every morning he is just a normal teenager from a normal family, using the years and years of training to keep emotionless and uncaring.
But deep down he knows that will never be true.
A boy born in the shadow of another and set on a path before he was ever old enough to realize what that meant. He never had his own future in his hands, even before he could walk everything was decided for him. What he would do and where he would end up. And Lord forbid if he had any ideas of going out on his own. With other boys his age were being taught how to ride a bike or catch a ball, he was being taught how to assemble and fire a gun. But it was never good enough, no matter what he did or how hard he tried, something always went wrong.
At first he was let off, he was only a young boy, he was still learning and he would get it. But he never did, constantly getting something wrong no matter what he did or how hard he tried. His parents never accepted him, calling him a failure, a tarnish on the family name, that he should be more like his sibling. That he was going to get this drilled into his head or there would be trouble.
School seemed to be the only thing he was good at. He thrived in the classroom, eagerly leaning everything he could and pulling in all sorts of information. At first, he thought it would make up for things, he was making good headway and had his sights on the top schools in the country. But it wasn’t to be, his parents didn’t want a smart son, they wanted a son who could be turned into the perfect killing machine. Just like they were.
They started trying to train him harder, almost making him work to the bone until he was perfect. But the boy knew he would never be good enough for them, and he didn’t want to anymore. When the day was over and the moon was high in the sky, he would retreat into his room and study, pouring himself over his school books and eagerly absorbing everything he could from them. Most days he was tired, barely getting to sleep until the early hours of the morning. But he didn’t mind, it kept his brain alive and he still had hope that maybe one day, when he was older, he would be able to get away from this place. Carve his own path and do what he wanted for a change.
The boy was only fourteen when he officially made his first kill. The memory still haunts him to this day, the shaking fingers around the trigger, the heartbeat roaring in his ears under his father’s watchful gaze just to make sure he didn’t mess up, the tears spilling from his eyes as he tried to get out it. He didn’t want to kill another, but he was left with no choice, his own father threatening to shoot him instead if he didn’t.
From that moment on he knew he would never be what his parents wanted him to be.
So, he made a start of trying to get away from it all. He buckled down harder in school, paid less attention to the aggressive teaching methods his parents were putting him through and just focusing on his chance of getting away from it all. And he almost managed it. When it came to picking a university he applied to SNU, even managed to get himself an interview and took himself there in secret. When the acceptance letter came in the mail, he was overjoyed. This was really it, his chance to get away from his awful parents and Hydrus and even his better sibling. But it was just not to be, his parents found out he was trying to escape and quickly put a stop to everything. They beat their own son within an inch of his life, cursing him to hell and back for trying to run away.
He was sure they almost killed him that night, but he was kept alive. But his dreams of going to SNU were well and truly over, the letter was ripped to shreds and the very next day, he was fully inducted into Hydrus. He was to be a solider whether he wanted to be or not. This was to be his home and he was never going to escape. They would find him if he even tried
Since then nothing has gone right for him. He’s stumbled at every hurdle, bringing shame with every step and causing trouble for those who had to go and fix the messes he makes. His degree study is all he has to stop himself from going completely insane. While it does not please his parents, they allowed him to enrol in the local University, is only because they could continue to keep an eye on him and they knew he couldn’t get away from them.
This is the position he still finds himself in. By day, Hyunjoon, nineteen years old, younger brother and a diligent student studying Bioengineering. By night he’s Cobra, one of the worst soldiers Hydrus has ever seen. A soldier on the very end of his rope who knows it’s just a matter of time before it snaps.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, SONG HYERIN is a twenty-one-year-old UNIVERSITY STUDENT and PART-TIME COFFEE SHOP EMPLOYEE. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that she’s also a STREET RACER and GETAWAY DRIVER that goes by the alias PHANTOM. Her allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
many say she’s an enigma, she dares not correct them. she is a mystery, in the simplest of senses; she is a girl with too much fire for the kind of kindling that burns within her, the kind that only pyromaniacs can handle, as she’ll singe their fingers with not a hint of remorse. and yet, she is cold. cold, cold, cold to the bone, with ice lacing her marrow, tongue barbed with icicles that spreads the kind of terror that keeps the children in their beds. 
and yet, she is but a child.
bitter and jaded, she has the kind of temperament that is exhausting to be around, but rewarding to break through. the simple shell she keeps encased around herself is but a farce to keep the superficial at the surface, and those who bother to break through, heroes. despite this, stupidity is what she is not; no, she will take her throne with high keen and intelligence. student by day, street racer by night, song hyerin is hydrus’ shining star under the guise of phantom, the street racer whose identity is but a well-placed mask and the whispers amongst others. 
her life starts off at the fast tracks; she’s born into the world under a golden umbrella that keeps the acid rain from curling into the wrong veins, from tainting the angel of a child who’s supposed to be one of the greatest heirs to the largest vehicle import company in korea. song hyerin, the third and gilded child, is a princess to say the least, flanked by equally royal siblings and the pristine parents to match. it’s all picture-perfect - she finalizes the stability of the family line snapped and distributed in tabloids and gossip magazines of their time, with stars in her eyes and heady in her smile.  
she stays cherished even as she’s growing up, practically spoon-fed into being the spoiled child who knows to tilt and grin when there are cameras shoved into her face, who is dubbed as ‘far too intelligent’ with such a face as hers; yes, hyerin is loved, adored, and everything in between. 
( and it stays so for a while. ) 
things start to pick up in her life pace-wise when she’s in the middle of high school, where public school is an actual conformity she must mold herself into after years of private tutors and personal lessons. there are more talks of including her in the politics of family business, though both her parents and siblings know all too well that hyerin has no interest in the economic factors at all - no, she’s always been more interested in what their company trades, which are all the luxury cars distributed around the country at their expenses. and so her first one is hand-picked by her father on her sixteenth birthday, and thus begins the initial callings of a lifetime. 
a heart left on the same tracks she was practically born on; the feeling of the gas resting on her feet - hyerin easily learns of her passion for racing and the thrill that comes with it at a young age. 
eighteen years young, the princess of the song line is ever-beautiful in her prime as she graduates - with highest honors, what else! - along with a successful career fastened under her belt in her parents’ company. of course, it isn’t the job they’d initially planned for her, but a test driver is necessary in a company such as theirs, and who better to put their absolute trust in than their own daughter? 
yes, hyerin’s life is perfect, an absolute dream come true. 
( alas, the poor, poor princess never knew when to glance outside her tower. ) 
a bucket of cold water - reality at its finest, hits her as soon as she turns twenty - her birthday into the family company doing what she loves and understands most. 
they call it assassination, she dubs it murder, and the day her mother is stripped from her is the day her heart simply stops feeling. 
her funeral is simple - too simple - and hyerin can’t possibly be bothered to listen to the false testimonies too many unknown people bear as they stroke her hair to croon that everything will be okay on the dawn of new years’, a fresh start to reopen the aching reminder that she’s unable to achieve her mother’s warmth ever again. 
( a sad flame flickers in her mind, and yet she extinguishes it with nothing more than a blink. ) 
unlike the rest of her family, hyerin has always been a lousy pretender, and in the face of the media a few weeks after the funeral, she breaks. a mere prod of tender wounds had her snapping and turning on the reporter immediately, a fist raised and poised to strike. 
she never actually hit him anyways, but the deed is done. headlines reek of her name and the picture that had circulated quicker than wildfire, and she is the pile of ashes left at the end of it.  
at the end of the month, her father pastes a plane ticket and a credit card in her hand and tells her to leave, how her mother wouldn’t want her to act like this; her mother truly must believe she is a disgrace! 
if only she could tell him the same. 
myeongcho is where she lands, the island full of misfits should be right where she fits at home, right? it’s a new life, one she welcomes, and the princess buys herself out of loneliness. new cars, new school, a new home — all are at her disposal, since her father hardly ever recognized the money being drained out of her account at every hefty buy, she wonders if he still cares about her at all. 
her newest alliance is the best decision she’s made thus far however; hydrus welcomes the girl with open arms when she edges out the “stupid feminists” with a drift that her mother had taught her, and she has power back on her side; satisfaction is all she’s missing. 
she learns quickly — she’s always learned quickly — and though this place isn’t where she spent most of her life already, she’s willing to accept and learn, and it’s not difficult to make a name for yourself when one is already a prodigy in and of itself - myeongcho has the same track as the mainland, and phantom simply learns to gas it once more. 
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, GAO YIXIANG is an UNEMPLOYED thirty-four-year-old. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a RACKETEER and DRUG DEALER that goes by the alias THEON. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
“Who am I?” He echoed back, his words accompanied by jovial laughter. “You can call me Theon, Yixiang, Mr. Gao or honestly, whatever makes you feel comfortable.” He handed the interviewers each a glass of water and took a seat on the leather couch, gesturing for them to do the same.
Standing at an imposing 6'3" with a jawline so chiseled that it could practically cut, Yixiang knew he may seem physically intimidating to some. That was one of the reasons he was rarely ever seen without his signature smile - confident, warm and very inviting.
“I am not that special, really.” A fluffy cat pounced onto his lap, its sharp claws ripping a line down smooth tailored Armani as it kneaded. Yixiang reached out and grabbed those naughty paws, smile unwavering as he gave them a gentle squeeze. The feline meowed, promptly retracting its claws and leaving only soft pink padding for the interviewers’ viewing pleasure. “My father was a wealthy man and he taught me a lot about ambition.” He picked up the cat and gave it a good nuzzle, his stubbly chin rubbing against the creature’s floppy ears. “Now, I am a business man like him, just with a little extra luck in my pocket.”
(零) Born to a wealthy Taiwanese casino owner and his favourite mistress, Violet. Mr. Gao Lang was associated with all of the local Taiwanese gangs and acted as a middle man for messages.
(壹) Yixiang, as a child, was the type to charm money out of old ladies’ pockets. As he grew up, he began his collection of young women’s tears and broken hearts. He was the type of sweet talker who’d convince people to surrender their most prized possession to him without regrets and put a bullet in their heads after if he needed.
(貳) He was a hitman for a few years and while he was good at the job, it never felt right. Yixiang hated getting his hands dirty and eventually, pulled back and became a business owner. He worked with chemicals, supplied pharmaceutical companies and developed his own drugs on the side, trying to create something that gave the best highs without the worst lows.
(參) One of the higher ups in Hydrus was his mentor and he followed that person to Myeongcho Island. As a more experienced member of the gang, he was known for his patience and kindness to the younger members and new recruits. He offered counseling sessions for those in a tight spot, advice for those heading on dangerous missions and candies plus a warm lap for those needing love. He wasn’t on the island all the time and spent a good portion of his year travelling around different countries to secure business connections.
(肆) Currently a racketeer for Hydrus and oversees some of the gang’s drug related transactions. The serpents’ finances are in good hands, at least on their dear Theon’s part.
(伍) Oh, just one more thing. Theon’s known as a lucky business man because those who become his enemies have a way of…dying mysteriously. He always shows up to their funerals with white lilies, whispered condolences and perfect alibis.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, LEE HYERI is a twenty-six-year-old FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST at MYEONGCHO HOSPITAL. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that she’s also a MEDIC that goes by the alias DARLING. Her allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
“good afternoon. i’m dr lee. i’m the second and youngest child of dr lee myunghwan and dr jung soomin. i have an older brother – but that’s a story i’d rather not touch on. the focus here is me, is it not? i graduated from a university overseas. i have a degree in medicine, hence why i’m a qualified forensic pathologist at myeongcho hospital – trained, of course. i get called a lot of things, but i do prefer the death detective. is that all?”
“by plane? sorry, thought that was gonna be funny. anyway i used to practise in australia a few years back. i guess family matters brought me back, y’know the usually passing. my mother – she was diagnosed with dementia a couple of years ago, and i thought maybe i should help her around with things. she used to run a clinic with my father, but she shut it down after he passed away in 2010.”
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, SEBASTIAN PARK is a nineteen-year-old STUDENT and CAM BOY. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a HITMAN that goes by the alias MAMBA. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
Sebastian is the second child and only son of the Park family. And god, does the title of second weigh down on him like a ball and chain. It’s not that he’s mediocre. It’s just impossible to live up to the standards that his older sister sets. She’s perfect in every single way, almost inhumanly so. Their father is the Don of one of the largest Korean gangs in America. They live in a large Brownstone in Manhattan, far away from the chaos their father’s criminal create in the streets. But there father never tried to hide his business from them. He wanted to groom them into the perfect little successors. His older sister was the perfect Don. Intelligent, confident, good with a knife and a gun and whatever weapon you put in her hand. She was top of their class in their elite private school and a professional-level chess player. Sebastian was good too, but not Godlike. A gun has always felt heavy in his hands, but he could wield a knife like it was an extension of himself. He wasn’t a leader, but he was a liar- charismatic and charming until his knife was buried in your back. He was one of the top students in his class, but never the top. He was a skilled piano player, but never competition-worthy.
It spawns an insecurity that buries deep within his bones. His parents love him, he knows it, but he can also see the gleam in their eyes when they look at his older sister. She will always be the center of their world, and he’s the lone moon that orbits around her. But he could never resent his sister for how he’s treated compared to him. Because he may be a lowly moon, but he is her moon, and she cares for him fiercely. Maybe it’s because she can’t objectively see the miles that span between their skills, so she treats him like her precious only brother. She looks after him in a way that not even their parents do. So he loves his sister, and can never lash out at her with the darkness that grows within. So he turns to other means. When he’s eighteen he finds himself setting up his webcam and streaming on a camming website. He doesn’t need the money, of course not. But he loves the validation that comes with it. He’s the only one on the screen, the center of attention, the object of affection. It makes him feel powerful and seen in a way he’s never felt before.
Like most things, it starts by following his sister. She moves to Seoul for university, so he moves to Seoul for university. He studies finance, because it’s what his father wants. He needs to be the perfect back-up if anything ever happens to his sister and she can’t lead anymore. So he goes, and his sister finishes college and moves to a tiny island to join some girl gang he’s never heard of. So he follows again, transferring to the university at Myeongcho and getting his own little apartment. The camming money means he has more to splurge, an income no one else but his sister knows about in the family. It’s a comfortable life. Until he’s approached by one of the higher up’s from Hydrus. They know about their family of course, a big name in America. They couldn’t get to his older sister before she moved here, but Sebastian’s used to being a second choice. But in Hydrus he couldn’t constantly be compared to his sister, because she’d be the enemy. So he joins.
With the training he’s done throughout his childhood, Sebastian slips into the role of hitman easily. But being a hitman means he gets to plan his hits, take them out in the way he wants. So his weapon of choice becomes poison. It’s an effective tool. Less clean up afterwards, plenty of ways to inflict it on the victim, a high guarantee of success depending on how strong the substance is. It becomes his signature, fitting of a snake. Deadly and fast-striking but also hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike. If Sebastian does decide to take someone out with weapons, he likes the flare of dramatics too. His blades are usually coated in a toxic substance, so that even if the blow itself doesn’t kill them, the toxins in their bloodstream surely will.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, XIAO WEIJUN is a twenty-six-year-old OWNER of THE GROTTO. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a PIMP that goes by the alias SULI. His allegiance lies with HYDRUS.”
“xiao jiyu, at your service.” the man smiles like a cat, like something sweet and soft with hidden fangs and claws ready to tear apart. but his bow of greeting is respectful almost to the point of submissive. “how can i help you?” when he straightens his back, he holds himself like a young king. in a matter of seconds he’s established himself as a mess of contradictions, a confusing anomaly of power. the way he meets one’s eyes is that of a challenger, though mild manners suggest a more demure nature. “oh, would you like to get to know me better?” his laugh is something delicate and playful, a hand pressed against a stranger’s chest in unearned familiarity. his eyes get dark, suggesting something wicked or downright evil. “we have back rooms for that sort of thing, darling.”
“if you hear the whole tragic story, you’ll want to whisk me out of this place like a white knight. you wouldn’t be the first to mistake lust for love, darling.” the man chuckles to himself again, as if telling a joke that only he understands. “but this is a success story, the underdog’s comeback, rags to riches. and we’re only going higher, baby.” the man seems to keep his story to himself, his words purposely cryptic though his expression remains as open as ever.
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